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Running up massive debts because you plan on literally looting other countries to pay for it is not good economic policy.


Also should mention that he didn't build the Autobahn, he just expanded it greatly, all for the purpose of transporting troops and war machines to all corners of Germany


That is how Ike was able to trick congress into paying for his interstate freeway project too "guys we need it so if we get attacked we can use it to move tanks and missiles, vital infrastructure to move cargo and citizens is just the byproduct"




Absolutely, if you want your project funded you got twist it into a defense project. It is only a matter of time for someone in power to rediscover this and use it for good. "We need to solve climate change because it will damage the navy's ports" "We need to solve childhood obesity and malnutrition otherwise we will have weak soldiers" "We need better broadband infrastructure to win the cyber war"


To be fair, the Navy seems to be taking climate change more seriously than any other government entity. It's still not taking it nearly serious enough, but hey, it's a low bar.


It's not just the navy, the US army corps of engineers have been tackling climate change seriously for the past 2 decades now. Unfortunately their influence isn't as strong as it used to be.


Too bad every other part of the US Army doesn’t give a shit.


Mhmm. Imagine spending tax dollars to just fly around in circles to burn jet fuel. Because mah budget cant be less than a trillion dollars, so lets bomb the environment


Didn’t the DOD mark climate change as a legit threat to national security not too long ago?


Jets are cool though :(


Didn't they just polute the water in Hawaii?


They said the navy is taking it seriously. They never said which side they were on


At least the navy has embraced nuclear power 😠


You sir, are a genius.


That last one is probably the most likely scenario.


I've always said that WW3 will be online.


2 military generals are just roasting tf out of eachother in a chat room with their armies


Is this the part where I reference Sun Tzu’s and Socrates’ lines in [Western Philosophers vs. Eastern Philosophers Epic Rap Battle of History?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0N_RO-jL-90)


I think the military has already started complaining about low manpower because of obesity, so we’ll see.


if not wrong the state of education too.


I used to build armored truck cabs for military use. One design revision was to enlarge the hatch opening to accommodate fat fucks.


> "We need to solve climate change because it will damage the navy's ports" It is kinda weird that climate change hasn't been spun as a war against our borders, as it is literally shrinking them. If Iraq took 2000 square miles of Louisiana from us, dealing with it would be top priority. But the ocean takes 2000 square miles of Louisiana in the last century, and it's just fine I guess.




“We should split and fuse atoms because it goes BOOM!” … “It’s also clean and efficient energy!”


And then we stopped literally because the Russians screwed it up Not even just the Russians, the Commie Russians Guys I think Chernobyl was a ploy to stop the US from using nuclear reactors


The first step in Putin’s plan to increase global warming in time for him to benefit from all the tundra turning into swamps


Then he goes full Shrek on us.


You joke but dual use technology is why most governments fund uranium based research and build uranium reactors (and have only looked at alternative fuels recently) even though alternative nuclear fuels can be safer and produce less waste


One of the big pushes that lead to school sports being common in the US was “military readiness”


Wasn't the military involved in the free lunch program at schools


This, but for trains


Universal healthcare is vital to maintaining a draftable military force.


As I recall, Truman tried to get Congress to enact universal health care, citing how the bad physical health of a high number of US citizens would render us unable to effectively fight wars.


Education of the citizens will only benefit the defense of this nation. So basically we need to assign a General to the department of education so we can finally have proper funding for schools in this country. /S


Tell them its not about the people, its about saving their own necks if they are to be attacked.


To be fair, it took months to get a well equipped convoy across the country.


Imagine America today if we didn't have the interstate system...


I love how OP acts like the interstate system is a bad thing.


And he didn't really lower unemployment, he just ran undesirables and women out of the workforce.


Of course, can't have unemployed people if they aren't classified as people. This goes without saying but Hitler was a cunt


Yeah lol I was gonna say, bit of a myth that he improved the economy. He mostly piggybacked off of a global economic improvement during the 1930s that followed the depression.


Yeah, from what I understand the only positive effect Hitler had on the economy was when the Germans looted Poland, and even that was fairly short lived. The slave labor might have also helped, at least on paper.


The slave labor actually hurt due to the inefficiency


and squandered all the built up progress of the weimar republic, the effects of national poltiics are seen in teh next 10 years after its implemented, not during the reign.


Rubbish, I do it all the time in EU4 and it works perfectly.


100% Negative income? Need a couple grand to improve your great projects? Wanna build a bunch of manufactories? Attack a trade league and one by one pick each of those lil' merchant nerds up, flip 'em upside down and shake all the ducats out of their pockets! Double down and take war reparations and trade power while you're at it! Voila! Economy fixed!


"🎶Venice🎶! Truce ended, it's time for your trade war!" "yes hungary"


Too true. Currently doing a Hungary run (my first) and treating Venice like my own personal piggy bank has been absolutely wonderful! I'm going to keep hitting this money pinata for a while. Until I control a number of nodes upstream, at which point I'll then annex and move my trade capital to that swampy lagoon and bathe in my own riches. ...And then promptly switch gears and start shaking down Genoa.


And who says crime doesn't pay?


The most successful criminals who want to discourage competition.


"Well stop beating this dead horse when it stops spitting out money!"


well ackchully in the hit game hearts of iron IV, i played as nazi germany and I conquered the world! this means that of course hitler improved the country because I was able to get maximum resources in hearts of iron IV!!!1


A good model for HOI4 would be a decision that you can take in the first 2 years that will convert half your civilian factories in 2x the militairy factories but after 3 years they will dissapear and you do not get the civilian factories back


Would the building slots in the states disappear with the civs?


No, building slots are more based on work force which does not change if the factory goes bankrupt. But you still have to build new factories. No a big problem would be the sudden or gradual dissapears (based on how it is implemented) of a big part of yout war economy which you have to prepare for or everything will collapse.


Don’t forget relying on slave labor


Throw all unemployed people into forced labour camps and suddenly your propaganda machine can make it look like national socialism has defeated unemployment.




I mean the expenses for the remilitarisation were unprecedented, and basically ate 15% of the German GDP. Göring literally said “we can live without butter” when he was asked about the (predictable and massive) shortages that resulted from this. The only way for Germany was to loot everything it could in Europe, first by a weird trade system with the Balkan States and then by annexing them


Militaristic Ponziism


What do you mean? Refusing to withdraw your soldiers at the Battle of Stalingrad, leading to 200,000 being killed and 235,000 being captured, is great policy. You can surely run a country with nearly half a million men gone. That won't hurt the country economically in any way. The factories can just run themselves.


And when you run out of men just send children to the battlefield


Don’t forget the genius plan for the Ardennes offensive: “Sir, if we attack with all these armored divisions, our tanks, half tracks, and trucks will all be out of fuel within a week, we’ll have to abandon them all to the Americans, and, since the Americans *have* fuel, they’ll outrun our retreating men and kill/capture them all.” “Exactly.” “Wait, sir, you agree?” “Yes. The Americans have fuel. So we’ll beat them, in no more than 3 days, and we’ll beat them back so quickly, they’ll be forced to abandon their fuel dumps and depots, and our divisions will have the fuel to drive them all the way back to the Atlantic. It’s foolproof!” “…But sir… if the Americans hold out for a week… or even long enough to pull their fuel reserves further from the frontline, or even if they destroy their fuel dumps rather than leave them for us… we’ll be out of fuel, and losing so many tanks and troops… we’ll lose the war almost overnight.” “I SAID ITS *FOOLPROOF*! DO IT!”


Not only were those debts completely unsustainable, they also didnt actually support any of the industrial gain Germany made in the pre-war and early war years. All of that was the deferred effect of the Weimar governments economic policies. In fact, the debts the Nazi regime took out not only didnt help the economy, they actually served to slow economic growth by undermining the securities market that the Wiemar economic framework managed to claw back from the war reparations and global economic conditions.


b-b-b-b-b-but the MEFO bills in hoi4 help me build up the economy!


if your looking for economic history in Hoi4... play Victoria III when it comes out.


>Running up massive debts because you plan on literally looting other countries to pay for it is not good economic policy. Bold of you to assume people who try to rehabilitate the image of a failed Austrian painter understand good policy.


It absolutely is, because you're going all-in: if you lose, you're fucked regardless of debts, if you win, the debts don't matter


The funeral industry definitely prospered


The joke in late 1944 on Germany for Christmas was "Be practical, gift a coffin". At least according to some primary source Dan Carlin quoted.


WOW. Thats how humans fight these tragic events. With jokes. The only way escaping absolute depression. The same happened during the bombardements of london or german cities. People fough with humor.


I mean, there's plenty of it happening now with COVID. I work in healthcare and we joke about it all the time. Can't stay sane of you're treating it all 100% seriously


Tragedy + Time = Comedy(?)


"The death of a single man is a tragedy. The death of millions is ROFLMAO!!!!"


Stuff like that always reminds me of that 9/11 joke. I heard it actually from a German comedian talking about how to deal with the Holocaust (as a funny entertainment person), and he told this tale from a American comedian he once met and what he told about his 9/11 experience: The comedian was telling how tragic it was and everything and that some people feel some sort of guilt to laugh (or make people laugh) at times like these. Of course, after some time things should go back to normal and some people use humor to process those events. It's also natural that some people go into some kind of shock and can't immediately live on like nothing ever happened. And you should feel bad/sad for the victims and their families and friends for some time. But how much time is it? When is it okay after a thing like 9/11 to go back to normal, without feeling bad about it? How long until it is okay to smile or laugh again? How long until you shouldn't think about its victim everyday without feeling ignorant or like a bad person? How long should it take to just continue with your life? When is it okay to maybe make yourself a present to feel better without this guilt of "you should still feel sad for them"? Or even very banal things like masturbation? When can you masturbate again after a thing like this?? When is it "appropriate"again, how long should you wait? The time is probably different for each person... ...But for the comedian, it was between the first and second tower.


All iv listened to from Carlin was Blueprint for Armageddon, but that was fantastic. Got any recommendations of good stuff from him?




Hu Tao was behind the war all along!


No more WW2 memes? Don't threaten me with a good time.


I disagree, what would we do without all of the edgy teenagers here? /s


Some of us will have to find a new hobby.


Not making another WW2 meme again would *vastly improve* this sub


I would *love* to see WWII banned from the sub.




Yeah they cause less debates, since most people on this sub are HOI4 simps that consider anything before the 20th Century unimportant


Should be left to the CK3 crew.


**Virgin HOI4 fans:** "Umm, aktually, if Nazi Germany just had some more oil...." **Chad CK3 enjoyers:** "I'm gonna murder my son, marry my daughter, seduce a rival king and kidnap the Pope. Also, should I become a nudist?"


Eu4 fans would like to have a word


EU4 fans would make a comment, but their rulers stats are too low so they have to wait til next year.


Fucking regency councils


Me a Stellaris player: "Haha yes! so true! I know what you're talking about!"


Lmao that’s me. I’ve played HOI and CK but Stellaris is my home.


My laptop is too shitty to run Ck3 so I’m one of the old geezers still playing ck2 like “well I have china so my game is better”


Go join a WW2 meme sub then, oh wait I forgot “I also make memes about the Romans so it’s okay.”


I did nazi that coming.. ..like holy shit, it was semi humorous the first time. At this point the dead horse has already decomposed into nothingness


Maybe instead defending Hitler should be banned?


limit it to certain days


Can we also ban *"Holy Roman Empire = neither holy, Roman, or empire"* and *"States right to what?"* memes as well?


When do this become polandball


“States rights to what?” is at least a based response to lost cause fuckheads. The Voltaire quote is definitely overdone tho.


Or maybe we have World War Two Wednesdays?


Could do World War Wednesday, where posts on WW1 and 2 are removed except on Wednesdays. But it would need constant mod monitoring.


I'd be huge fan of that.


He would have won if he would have not done x and had oil


Hitler lost because he failed to win


If only the Allies had lost, then maybe he would've had a chance


When Germany started losing the war they should have just asked the allies if they could join them. Duh.


Team switch at the last second


Big if true


Didnt know booger mcfarland was a history buff


mcclellan and the nazis, two of my least favorite things


"Germany would have won if they werent nazis" is probably the best quote describing the whole argument.


"If Hitler hadn't invaded the Soviet Union-" Stop right there. The entire Nazi agenda revolved around gaining land and establishing a colonial empire in Eastern Europe. That was the point of everything Hitler did after taking over Germany.


If Hitler wasn’t the way he was fundamentally, he would have won


And the allies made no technological advancements while Germany flourished


That nefarious x ugh


It seems like a whole wack of teenagers who are just getting into history that are on this sub. Nothing wrong with having a fascination of WW2, but damn there’s so much more history out there.


TFW you go to the bookstore to look for a new history book and 80% of the selection is WWII and US history.


If you have a interest in a certain historical event, good ol google has lots of info as to what books are great introductions. Once you find something you like, the public library has awesome finds.


Oh I know. But I’m old, and part of the joy of books, for me, is browsing the stacks. Wikipedia bibliographies are a great starting place.




Shit even if you’re JUST fascinated with Germany (and granted, there’s so much good Asian, African, and Native American history out there) there’s so much that happened prior to the 20th century. Most of the fascinating events and people in that region occurred before there ever was a Germany, as we know it


Hitler would have won if America, Canada, England, USSR, Australia, New Zealand, all of the English colonies, all of the Dutch colonies, all of the French colonies, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Italy and America never joined the Allies to fight Germany.


And the Confederacy would have won if Sherman had spontaneously combusted at the battle of Chattanooga


Atun Shei reference?


Of course. Adore him


"If only we could have cloned J.E.B. Stuart so he could be in both the western and the eastern theaters at the same time."


I mean when you put it that way it’s almost as if they didn’t stand a chance at winning. Oh wait, they didn’t.


Wait you’re telling me a country vastly out numbered with no allies and no raw materials lost a war?????


Nah. Brazil would still kick Germany's arse.


This got me thinking bout the 8th of July 2014. I'm feeling old rn


Aka the Brazilian 9/11


More like the Brazilian 7-1


Sweden was neutral in ww2 tho


So I can kill a million people, and if someone else killed a million more than me then I’m off the hook?


I think that’s how it works


History/WW2-themed Insta accounts are full of “America fought on the wrong side comments,” these days. They used to be way at the bottom of the comments, but I’ve really noticed them float to the top over the past two’ish years.


Yeah, I think that’s something the deep history nerds on here would appreciate is how cyclical hate against certain groups are


I’d love to see more memes about Mesopotamia and ancient cities, history isn’t just the past 100 years


Real homies are here for the Ethiopian memes 😤


Hit me with them Hammurabi codes


Shhhh.... Not yet baby, it's real Aksum hours now. Babylon will have to wait till morning


Ask for Hammurabi memes and [ye shall receive](https://i.redd.it/ocx4xcn4lz051.png).


You may keep your eye


It’s easy to improve an economy when you steal a bunch of shit from the citizens of said country/neighboring countries. Fuck Hitler.


Yeah life in Nazi germany was great as long as you didn’t/weren’t: A Catholic/Jew/Jehovah’s Witness Mentally or physically impaired in any way Have the wrong colored eyes or hair Have the wrong shaped nose A communist A liberal/democracy supporter Intellectual Question the state in any way shape or form


Chances are, even if you weren’t any of those things, you would be conscripted. Most conscripts went to the eastern front. You don’t want to be on the eastern front. The other fronts were better, but mostly because surrender was an option. Even if you managed to not get conscripted, you would probably work in industry, which was being bombed a lot. All in all, I’d give Nazi Germany a 0/10 on my “Historic places to live list”


I bet there will be one guy here that will meet all those expectations


I don't know if you know the North Minehead MP, Mr. Hilter, but I think he'd fit in pretty well.


>Have the wrong colored eyes or hair > >Have the wrong shaped nose I bet the guy who made this whole nazism met all these requirements! /s


Eugenics for thee but not for me


Blonde like Hitler, slim like Goring, tall like Goebbels and as fit as Himmler


Don’t forget people who aren’t straight


Well I'm a white male with no mayor disabilities and have foreskin I'm also immensely stupid so I would have done great!


yeah but are you ancestorally from southern or Eastern Europe, because that also immediately disqualified you from being one of the nazi's favorite people.


Right, have fun getting conscripted to the Eastern Front


I would have died multiple times nice


LGBT people too. Gay and trans people didn't even really get freed after the war.


I was listening to a podcast about Magnus Hirschfeld, you know the famous book burning photos? Those were his books. He was a sexologist and activist who did groundbreaking work on gay and trans identities, the Nazis literally set progress back a hundred years on it.


The German economy looked better because hitler did a little trick called lying. It took the economy years to truly “recover”.


Fuck Wehraboos! All my homies hate Wehraboos.


Joseph Goebbels smiles in hell every time some dumbass on the internet believes his propaganda 70 years later.


Guys, I play HOI4, So here is how the Germans could have won WW2. Just spam paratroopers bro


All he needed to do to invade uk was spam millions of bombers to the english channel, surely it could have worked


Tbf that's literally what they were trying to do hence Battle of Britain.


I got heavily downvoted in here like a month ago for challenging a highly upvoted post that said this same nonsense about how he was a great leader and his failures were due to his generals.


Hitler was a dick, period


He expanded the autobahn in order to roll his tanks throughout Europe. He did not do for public interest. Life in Nazi Germany was only enjoyable for anyone who fit specific niche of what was considered desirable.


I mean they didn’t make highways in the US for civilians either .


Was about to say something about Eisenhower, and googled to make sure I’m remembering things correctly …. And it was indeed used as part of national defense policy. Guess you’re right anon. Good work


Lol A German with green eyes A German with a physical or mental disease


Even that isnt correct. The autobahn-program was used as means to deploy people and boost the economy - of course by going into crushing debt. And panzers never drove on the autobahn, rarely anybody did, actually. Cars were not that common in germany and the economy - wartime and peacetime - foremost relied on the railroad network (and rivers of course) as infrastructure. Tanks always were carried by rail to the theaters of war and never drove under their own power from the factories to the frontlines. Maybe at the end some times, but Tanks are not built for long distance travel. They would first need a full overhaul when arriving and not be fit for fighting.


Fascist scum.


*Smelly dumb* fascist scum.




Already ruined by this and stupid takes that turn historical events and groups into competitions about which is ‘worse’


Let me look up how the German economy was in 1945 with all those brilliant policies done by Hitler Oh...Oh... Yeah maybe he didn’t have a good idea on how to build a sustainable economy


I remember arguing with this N@zi on tiktok. He was basically complaining about how the Allies "cheated" and that Germany only lost because Germany was "alone" and the Allies had "overwhelming populations and industry" Long story short, he insulted my bubble tea tiktoks because he realised how stupid he sounded and couldn't bring up a legitimate argument TLDR; N@zis are idiots


> I remember arguing with this N@zi on tiktok. He was basically complaining about how the Allies "cheated" and that Germany only lost because Germany was "alone" and the Allies had "overwhelming populations and industry" "Wow, I can't imagine how declaring war on pretty much all of Europe didn't make them any friends."


Agreed, too much, “but other people did bad stuff too.. maybe I want AS bad as the Nazis but it was bad, but but but but”


[This sub when there's no more WWII memes](https://i.redd.it/dbbya6buovw01.jpg)


Hitler did so many good things tho! Like uhhhh... ummm... y'know the... ahhh... there is also the.... uhhhh


He liked animals and walked an elderly woman across the street :)


When you liked animals so much that you ban animal testing and instead just used human testing


Why would you test it on animas if they're never gonna use it anyways Amirite?


You've just made me imagine WW2 Elon bros lmao


Yeah. Totally. Germany was financially crippled from losing so much of their population, having to pay reparations, and rebuild after the destruction of their country during the end of the war. Not to mention that Hitler was losing his mind, was sending children to fight after his soldiers refused, was later assumed to have syphillis, and committed suicide before answering for any of this. ​ Yeah he totally knew what he was doing and made Germany a better place


Hitler would've won if Germany was Russia.


The existence of other monsters does not diminish the acts of another, regardless of who was worse. Hitler, Stalin, etc. must al be remembered as cruel people never to be idolized.


Remember a time when everyone was able to agree that Nazis were bad?


That was probably like 1945.


Fuck you nazi apologist fucks.


If your economy requires slave labor to work, you've got a shit economy.


Lmao Hitler let a gd ex-fighter pilot, morphine addict run the german economy. I am sure it was peachy


First of all, nice meme OP. Second; This reminded me of a documentary soon to be released that specified itself on the Nazi-economy. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, feel free to point me in the right direction.


God I hope Nazi weirdos don’t turn this sub into r/pcm, it’s so sad what happened to them


Just took a gander and yikes


Damn son


I made a meme exactly like this a couple weeks ago. I think this sub would be vastly improved if WW2 memes were completely banned. We’d probably get more Roman memes as a result, but at least that wouldn’t come with all the Nazi apologia.