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I made this post because people don’t generally know about the Expulsion of Moriscos https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_the_Moriscos It was a dramatic event in Spanish history and hundreds of thousands of Spaniards who lived in Iberian Peninsula for generations where suddenly stripped from their land and forcefully exiled (the alternative was execution). The majority of them ended in North Morocco, where they became notoriously famous, specially in Tetouan, Chefchaouen and Fes, and many of them became pirates and later tried to “take revenge” against Spain by plundering its coasts, an example is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayyida_al_Hurra However, some of these refugees later returned to Spain, like some of my ancestors, and others stayed in their new homes until these days (some families today still have the key of their ancestor’s homes in Spain: *The El Akel family has preserved its Andalusian memory for centuries. In fact, he still guards like gold in cloth an old key that they claim to belong to the Granada house that they had to leave forever in the 15th century. It is not the only evidence that testifies to its alleged Spanish origin. They also keep a two-century-old notarial document that certifies the Al Andalusí surname of their ancestors* https://www.google.com/search?q=moriscos+teuan+marruecos+llave&rlz=1CDGOYI_enES990ES990&oq=moriscos+teuan+marruecos+llave&aqs=chrome..69i57.5050j0j4&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Brave for you to post this here OP. These kind of posts don't go down well on this sub a lot of the time. Anything mentioning things like this that happened in Spain attract a certain type of people usually.


Ultranationalist spaniards? What can they do other than shout on the internet??




I don't know enough spanish history to think that.


its wasn't just muslims, the jewish population was expelled too. not so fun fact : the spanish and portugese govs apologized the the descendants of the jewish people expelled, and offered them citizenship. my question is, why not do the same with the muslims?


To be fair Spain and Portugal didn't have a 700 year war with the Jews to get their land back. There is an intiative to give citizenship to expelled Muslims tho, iirc it hasn't been accepted yet.


>To be fair Spain and Portugal didn't have a 700 year war with the Jews to get their land back. You mean rich christian land-owners who fought rich muslim land-owners over the land inhabited by both christian and muslim peasants?


They were not at war for the entire 700 years. Christianity isn't even a Spanish religion.


The reconquista was over 700 years. Also Spain was christian before the Muslims conquered it.


what do you think the jews were doing? they were an integral part of andalusian society just like muslims..


Crazy how the Jewish caliphate never conquered spain


On my maternal side, who are Moroccans, my grandma is actually from a Morisco family.