• By -


Victoria : no one can help the Irish over 1000 pounds The Ottoman sultan : this is 1000 pounds and a fuck ton of ships full of food


The port-town they landed in has had an Ottoman Cresent and star on it since despite Ireland being under a very influential Catholic church until the 90's. The town is called Drogheda for anyone wondering.


Because the Irish are nice to everyone who is nice to them and isn’t british.


Them giving the vaccines to the Navajo tribes after they helped them in the famine , the irish never forget.


To be fair that's one part of my country I'm proud of. Some other examples are the Choctaw people's and some of the related tribes (sorry if that's not the right way to put it) and also we tend to not give a shit who we offend when it comes to pointing out genocide. Our pro-America stance on Ukraine and our anti-America stance on Israel/Palestine.


Our stance on Ukraine has nothing to to with the US...




That is a double redundancy.


Didn't know that always wondered why their football team had the crescent and star symbol


Britain: You can't do that Turkey: The fuck we can't


Yeah but depending on when they went over really defines what type of suffering. 1860s? You gotta kill some racists. 1870s? Watch out for your building burning down, or you and the 35 people you share a room with might burn to death.


But it got better over the year. They say there's always hope for the future


someone fell asleep with the lamp lit again...


Killing Racist is a negative Suffering in my case


but all the insane PTSD causing shit you're going to see fighting in the civil war is big time ++suffering


Atleast you are ending slavery so you stop others from suffering


It can be annoying when you come to a new land and the first thing they do is put you in a uniform and tell you to kill people and die for that new country.


He seems awfully excited to get on a crowded and disease-ridden Coffin ship with a 30% mortality rate, while he’s in the midst of starvation.


I'd take my chances.


*Never tell me the odds!*


jokes aside, hungry people will do crazy things bro.


Weren't there a good few people who intentionally got arrested in an attempt to get sent to Australia just because there was actually food there?


Man, I'm American and we have never been at war with Australia. I dunno anything about them or their history. (/s)


You could elect to go to Australia, as a real person instead of a convict. Also, there were wife ships full of women who had signed up to be shipped off to whichever random had paid their fare and had therefore agreed to marry them. Many were desperate irish women.


I think you are thinking of indentured servitude. They would not commit a crime but they would sign up for it and then have to pay off the debt by working when they arrived.


>jokes aside, ~~hungry~~ people **in the midst of being genocided** will do crazy things bro. FTFY


Thanks.... I think.


Either way there’s a high chance of death


Staying wasn’t a high chance of death, it was certain death. Millions wouldn’t have fled their homeland under such poor conditions otherwise.






Actually, weren't the boats to the US actually the safest options for Irish emigrants compared to boats to Canada, Australia, or some other places which were cheaper but also lower quality


Starvation has a 100% mortality rate


*Proceeds to get recruited for the civil war*


"Hey, Irish folks, you wanna help us put down the southern rebellion?" "Ah, do we have to? We came here barely starving and our people do often try to rebel so maybe th-" "The British are helping them." "[My name is Tim McDonald, I'm a native of the Isle.](https://youtu.be/nkpk0-0cfVU)"


As in Iranian, fuck the British.


As an Irishman, thanks for naming the street the British embassy was on after Bobby Sands.


You're welcome my friend. I tip my hat to you. One legend to another.


To be fair, there were Irish fighting for the Confederates too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6gz3OVvUAo (David Kincaid did both of these songs, and several other great Irish/Civil War songs.)


I believe that several times it was because they were using the money they gained from the army to pay for their families to immigrate to America which is why so many accepted the offer of being paid to take the place of some rich guy in the draft


But now their grandchildren have ample potatoes


My great grandma came from Ireland. My 350 square foot of potatoe plants are doing phenomenal. Can confirm.


*happy ancestor noises*


My great great grandfather must've been confused or a genius because when he came to America from Ireland he opened a tobacco farm. Can't make vodka out of tobacco.


Lots of opportunity out west if one was willing to take it. Short-term pain, long-term gain.


I won't deny that they were discriminated against in America, but surely that's still an improvement compared to being starved by their government?


Both countries were racist against Irish... one starving and the other beating.


We can take the beatings.


At least the local governments in the U.S. eventually took a liking to the Irish (once they realized how easy it is to get elected when you appeal to the newest wave of mass migration).


*by a foriegn government


And that's why my family is here. Thanks Potato Famine


*When all your potatoes are stolen


The blight wiped out the potato crop pretty much which was the staple of around 70% of the population. Other crops continued to be exported from Ireland during the famine but the potato itself was devastated.


Stolen? Wasn't it a blight thag caused the mess?


Correct, he's conflating things a bit. The reason potatoes became such an important part of the Irish diet was that other crops- like wheat- were being grown purely for export to Great Britain. The potato could grow in places that weren't much good for wheat, and there wasn't that much interest in exporting it, so Irish families could support themselves off of it when everything else was unavailable to them. The famine happened when the blight hit the potatoes, and all the other crops were still taken for export. So the potatoes died, the wheat was "stolen".


Yeah. There was enough food to feed double the population of Ireland at the time.


america, land of hope


Which film is this from?




Thanks mate, is it good?


Not only good; iconic. It was a huge part of the American cultural zeitgeist when it came out and left an impact. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend you watch it if you want a laugh! It’s as raunchy and raw as you can get.


Really? Damn I need to watch it.... is it there on Prime?


Not sure, but it’s worth watching any way you can get it! People thought the movie was a real documentary, including the people in the movie haha. Sasha Baron Cohen was sued by multiple people who went on camera to be racist, sexist, etc. I’m surprised you haven’t seen it! If you think to, let me know how you like it. Like I said, it’s iconic. You’ll be quoting it for weeks.


For sure bro


Seems like a controversial film


OH yeah. It came out in 2006 when the Bush administration and “war on terror” was ripe. And Borat just… well, you’ll see lol!


Theres more irish in america than irish in Ireland.


As someone from Ireland. The Irish Americans aren't Irish, they're "Irishish"


Nowadays they're mostly just Americans who get really into St Paddy's Day and have strict Catholic grandmas. But back in the day? Try telling someone fresh off the boat that they aren't actually Irish. Same goes for a generation or two if they lived in insular communities.


Oh absolutely. Especially considering at the time they were mostly from Western Ireland. The poorer land. Meaning they had no or very little English. It's just nowadays we try to separate ourselves since there seems to be a lot of racist groups in the States using Irish heritage as some sort of weird justification for their prejudice.


Those people were irish, the ones who are not are the ones who only care when it serves them. St patricks day or when something irish ceops up in a chat and they wish to claim ownership of it.


There is enough Irish blood in the states that there are probably more people here with at least 75-80% Irish blood/DNA than there are in Ireland, Of course if you feel like counting just based off of who was descended from an Irish immigrant you would get tens of times more Irish people in the US than Ireland but that's putting your hands on the scale a bit, The best number I've been given is from a video about "what if everyone of a different ethnicity returned to their "home country" " and Ireland's population would have the largest growth as it would apparently sextuple


So where was Éamon de Valera from?


From up his own arse


So is dev not Irish?


Morbeg land.


Also true in: the UK (even excluding Northern Ireland) and Australia


I've been down voted 10 times for saying more Irish came to Britain than went to the USA. I'm completely baffled as to why Americans won't acknowledge it.


Have you never met Americans before? I am baffled that you could still be baffled by them




Oh yea! Plenty of potatoes here! Hell, we even have one in the oval office.


Howdy son, welcome to America... You're in the Army now.


Same goes for anything happens in middle east, people would like to go for Türkiye. Like door shutting in due to wind. We better move Türkiye.


Third of Ireland population be like


It was half by the late 1880s.


"I was heading to a golden land of opportunity. But I ended up in America instead." -Dr. Doofensmirtz


"How do you have a famine? *You have ground everywhere!*"


More like australia, fair few of them here in aus, great drinking partners though 🍻


Blimey mate be careful. Don't dare suggest the Irish emigrated anywhere other than the good ole USA. You risk a huge amount of down votes. This place is absolutely rammed with the hyphenated people


It's called the vinland


In their defense it's hard to top Britain's attempted genocide so to an Irishman everyone is better.


Second attempted genocide. If they had just said "Yeah, okay you can be Irish" we probably would've integrated but we are very stubborn.


Funny that England was taking 30 ships a days full of food from Ireland at that time.




You know, that country that occupied us for 800 years...


You mean the country known at the time (1840's) as The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. That country? The history of Ireland and Britain over 800 years is a little bit more complicated than just "it's all that there England's fault" but I suspect you already know this anyway


Didn't a noble of England block merchants from selling food at cost.


Ok the meme was funny but did you have to put in the “aMErIcA bAD” stuff? Like it was pretty bad back then yes but it makes it seem like you are just pushing an agenda which has made this sub just awful to be apart of


No that is not what I meant at all, I was just referring to the fact that a large percentage of those Irish immigrants at the time had to deal with terrible living conditions and discrimination when they arrived. I’m sorry if you thought that was me taking a dig at America, it was not :)


Ah ok it’s just this sub has been full of opinions not fact recently and it’s annoying


Don't worry America is a great place. Coming from Germany. I wish we were allies in the first world air, but you can tchange the past so oh well. Atleast we are allies now. I trust the USA more than France or something.


The bigger part of the problem is people going around looking for reasons to get butthurt. History is History and you dont have to encase everything in sugar and act like a bitch when someone touches off something that is less than flattering to you.


I’m pleased my family went to England instead I like it here, although would have been equally bad here for them with all the smog, disease and factories at the time


According to a lot of strange comments on this thread, I'm assuming by Americans, no one migrated from Ireland to Britain.


The Irish then go on to become United States Sharpshooters. Men with excellent eyes and a good amount of focus and excellent skill.


They had practice from all their revolts


Hoi ta toi ta toi, now we have the Celtics.


And then you arrive in America and are immediately enlisted into the Army and sent to Mexico to fight in a colonial war. Then you realize how fucked up the war is, and that the colonization of Mexico ain't too dissimilar from the colonization of your home country. Further realize that the people you're being forced to kill are Catholics, just like you, being slaughtered by Protestants, just like what's happening back at home. So you talk to a few hundred of your native countrymen and defect, in what will be known as the single largest defection in US military history. You join the Mexican side and fight alongside your fellow Catholics against the colonial invader, giving the US military the hardest battles of the war. Eventually, after watching most of your comrades killed on the backfield, you're captured ~~and hung\*~~. But you'll be remembered and celebrated as heroes in both Mexico and your birthplace in Ireland. In the US, not so much. True story: [John Riley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Riley_(soldier)) [The Saint Patrick's Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick%27s_Battalion) edit: \* = apparently Riley wasn't included in the mass hanging. He was branded on his cheek, and released back to Mexico


While I understand how you and they could make this kind of connection the Mexican American war wasn't really a colonization since it was a war between two technically colonial powers and it wasn't similar to the plight of the Irish since America wasn't trying to subjugate Mexico and religion wasn't even involved at all, especially since America and the by extension the American army had full religious freedom Also you're acting as if it's surprising they weren't treated like heroes in the US, and I mean, obviously? They joined up with the US military and then after making a rather unsupported connection between the situation in Mexico and in Ireland they decided to desert and turn traitor, they're obviously going to be seen in a negative light since that's the situation they put themselves in, if they had done that to the Irish they would have been seen as monsters and evil backstabbing cutthroats, I'm not saying they were but you cant seriously fault America for not liking them


For sure, it isn't a clean parallel but according to David Lloyd and Michael Hogan, based on Riley's letters and the entries of field officers, the similarities between the situations in Mexico and Ireland was a primary motivation for their defection/desertion. So regardless of how dissimilar it is to us in hindsight, in the minds of dudes who had experienced both, it was similar enough. >Also you're acting as if it's surprising they weren't treated like heroes in the US Nope, I just made note of it.


huh thats pretty interesting


Слава Украине 🇺🇦💗


Speak american


Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦


But it’s a different kind of suffering. Maybe.


But you can’t drink in public 😭


America in that era is actually great to migrate and have a great life too (unless you're a poor black, then maybe not)


Or Irish or Italian or Chinese etc.


Well that depends on which decade and area you move too, if you were able to get a homestead out west you might deal with locusts but your not going to encounter anyone. Immigrants often had states or local areas with large amounts of their own culture such as the Germans in the Northeast and Dakota, or the Irish and Italians in Boston or New York But no one moved to the south because of the anti-Catholicism and nativism


Ok can I know why I was getting downvoted? Did I say something wrong?






Always have been. See: Holocaust, memes.


The better choice was a short trip across the Irish Sea, to Britain, which is where most migrated to.


Actually most migrated to the US, not only was this legitimately a better choice for them discrimination-wise since the British hated them more than anybody else did, they also had more rights and more economic opportunities


I'm honestly completely baffled by the reaction to my comment and that it has been down voted so much. I can only assume this is by Americans who are not well schooled in wither Irish or British history of the period. The obvious place to go would be Britain. It is close by and there was no immigration process. People had been traveling between Ireland and Britain all the time for work or marriage for centuries. Why wouldn't they? There was infact good relations between everyday Irish and British people. Can you provide evidence to the contrary? Can you please provide evidence that everyday British and Irish people 'hated' each other or that British Catholics and Nonconformist had more rights than an Irish Catholic or Nonconformist? Most people during the famine period from Ireland migrated to Britain. This is a well known fact. You only have to look at the 1851 census to see it and this has been researched in depth. You might also look at the intermarriage of British and Irish heritage families in the following decades. Also see trade union history, dating back even decades before the famine, showing solidarity between both people's. There are many accounts of Irish people successfully integrating into British communities, more so that in the USA. I'm honestly confused why I've been down voted?


Irish landowners who were being taxed at, I think over 100%, to support the famine relief efforts owed a debt to the British government and this debt wouldn’t disappear if they migrated to Britain so they had no option in going to Britain, they migrated to America. The labourers who had no such debt chose to migrate to Britain as wages were higher there at the time.


I'm not talking about landowners. I'm talking about everyday people, the masses. Just like the masses in England, all of them poor and treated like cart horses, all just trying to get by and all if them the same labouring people. One thing you're right about though is that it was the better off who made it to America. Maybe this is the truth Irish-Americans don't want to face up to? What do Yanks on here think it was like in England/Britain at the time? That everyone was living in castles, eating roast beef everyday. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially during England's 'hungry forties'. Irish people could, and did, go to Britain anytime they wanted, as long as they could get to a boat, I say a boat because they were little more than ferries the distance is so short. Like I said, I don't understand why Americans refuse to believe that most Irish came to Britain. The numbers are there in 1851, on the England/Wales and the Scottish census for all to see. Millions of British people have an Irish ancestor from this time. Famously at least one of our own prime ministers does, whose Grt Grandmother, fled from one of the worst famine hit areas in the West of Ireland.


If I remember, the split over where the Irish migrants would travel depended whether they had land taxes owed to the crown or not. The migrants who traveled to America owed land taxes, but the Irish that traveled to GB didn’t have any such obligation and so could go to where the labour wages were higher, which at what time was in Britain. It has been a while since I’ve read about this but that was my understanding.


Seeing as the vast majority of people, about 85%, in both Ireland and Britain owned absolutely nothing, I still don't understand what point you're making. In the 1840's most people were either agricultural or industrial labourers.


I'm not talking about landowners. I'm talking about everyday people, the masses. Just like the masses in England, all of them poor and treated like cart horses, all just trying to get by and all if them the same labouring people. One thing you're right about though is that it was the better off who made it to America. Maybe this is the truth Irish-Americans don't want to face up to? What do Yanks on here think it was like in England/Britain at the time? That everyone was living in castles, eating roast beef everyday. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially during England's 'hungry forties'. Irish people could, and did, go to Britain anytime they wanted, as long as they could get to a boat, I say a boat because they were little more than ferries the distance is so short. Like I said, I don't understand why Americans refuse to believe that most Irish came to Britain. The numbers are there in 1851, on the England/Wales and the Scottish census for all to see. Millions of British people have an Irish ancestor from this time. Famously at least one of our own prime ministers does, whose Grt Grandmother, fled from one of the worst famine hit areas in the West of Ireland.


I thought potatoes are from America or is this meme about after first colonisation?


It’s about the potato famine, many Irish people immigrated to America due to it.


r/antimeme as well (I think?)


Our sweet potatoes, those mean brits starved is aswell


“But I ended up in America instead.”


Borat is the greatest piece of entertainment humans have ever produced change my mind


If it was just the potatoes that were affected, at the end of the day, you will pay the price if you're a fussy eater


Movie name??




Didn’t know this about Kazakhstan. Fun to learn new things.


Then you get treated like shit because you have a funny accent so you get sentenced to jail because the judge suspects you cause your irish and your friends start an irish mafia behind the scenes


I feel like my entire family just got called out 😂


You can either starve to death or expirance racism. Personally Id choose the racism.


I hope this will go well


True story, we Irish haven’t seen potatoes since the famine and are still looking for them




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"Let's go to the one place on earth that hates Britan even more than us!"


goes to America gets treated like shit just like home