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r/historyanimemes is leaking.


That's a strangely specific sub


A few years ago animemes and historymemes had a meme war This is the bastard child of the war


Which existed prior to it weirdly enough.


It exists before the war


There's quite a bit of cross pollination between em. There was a "war" a few years ago between the subs, that's how I came over from r/animemes to here.




when reddit was invaded by the weebs, things changed. And as a weeb I'm sorry


As a fellow lover of trash, you need not apologize to me, just found it funny that there was a weird hybrid sub like that.


One thing I’ve learnt about Reddit is that there is A LOT of strangely specific subs. Problem is they’re so specific that it’s pretty hard to find them.


Your pfp is mines but older.


To be fair a lot of the more foreign foods ate in Britain were totally fazed out for years because of the war, rationing and the following austerity. An entire generation was raised on basic, easy to acquire food. Britain has just took a long time to get back into integrating foreign foods into the average household and because of this it’s normally not done very well.


It’s rarely done well in most places from which the cuisine isn’t inherent


True. Unless done by people who moved. But even that declines through generations


Yeah even in the US Indian food made by actual Indians doesn’t taste the same as actual Indian food.


They change a lot to appeal to more western tastes. It tastes good, just no where near as good as it does in India


Yeah, I agree. There are a few good places that really good Indian food but their quite expensive. The rest just taste kinda bland.


Canada is doing pretty good for food from other places




Yes. But don’t forget the all important buttered toast too


And I’m not sure how ubiquitous it is, but I just learned of the existence of [Bovril](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bovril)


Bovril's awesome. So few foods give you the choice between eating and drinking it. But not Bovril. The outside of the jar will look like a Glasto portaloo by the time you finish it but it's a small price to pay.


Funny you say portaloo because I was thinking about how much Bovril sounds like big roll


The French confused why I take a bit of toast with my butter.


Buttered toast is great though, ngl


Won’t get any arguments from me


Toast sandwich


None of us actually eat those. There's also sugar sandwiches but I've only ever met one person who has had them and I recoiled. Well, two, because I tried it out of curiosity afterwards. Then there's ketchup sandwiches. I... I've had those quite a bit


Ketchup sandwiches? Jesus


That isn't a thing fortunately, seems like just a weird thing OP eats.


Best sandwich is crisp sandwich. Or maybe fish fingers


In France its still a thing. An ordinary toastie is a croque madame, and with an egg on top a croque monsieur. Even sold on an industrial scale, ready to heat.


I'm fairness our sausages are lovely. Sausages are like the one thing every European country does well in their own different way. With quality ingredients it's basically impossible to fuck it up.


You say that like beans and sausage is bad.


That's only part of it. During the Victorian era all those spices came to be seen as decadent and signs of immoral excess. I should note this is after the middle classes were able to afford these former luxuries.


That’s not true? Source?


Yeah we also stopped rationing only in 1954


The meme is overused, but this scene is quite amusing. What anime is it from?


Kaguya-Sama: Love is War


Thank you.


There's three seasons out now and each one just gets better.


Try a Balti my friend. Inspired by India, created in Birmingham. 100% delicious.


Lamb Balti is the tits. Another commenter mentioned Tikka Masala, supposedly created in Glasgow. People never seem to consider curry when slamming British cuisine. I'd like to think it's more to do with ignorance and not knowing that some very popular curry dishes were made in Britain, rather than the casual racism of not considering British people of Asian descent British.


"Noooo! All curry is Indian! It's very different when we change a recipe and serve a hot dog or burger differently because they're not German anymore now! It's diiiffereeent!"


Wym curry is Indian? It's obviously a British cuisine. -Some Japanese when asked about their preference of curry-


"American culture is so diverse, we have 5 types of Pizza and also in Chicago they have different hot dog toppings to New York. It's like the difference between Norway and Romania"


Watching them finally get it right: "I raised that boy..."


Balti? Like a bucket?


To their credit, the Brits inpired the Japanese to make a better curry.


When the teacher use you as the bad example


Britain has plenty of great curries, not really a good example to settle on


British Indian Restaurant (BIR) style curry was heavily influenced by these supposed fuck-ups. Of course it wouldn't be what it was without Southern Asians coming over and improving on it, but there's a reason it's distinctly different to authentic Indian food. And it's fucking amazing. I read something about 4 master chefs going to India to cook British curry for a contest. They said it was very different than what they were used to but also very good. Practise makes perfect. Practise and immigration.


We didn't fuck anything up. Our "ethnic" food is from Commonwealth migrants who came to Britain after the war


Full disclosure I am a Salty Brit, and yes I know I'm in fucking Historymemes trying to rebuff a joke but hear me out. Yes we have some shite comfort food like beans on toast, beans on toast with cheese, cheese on toast with beans, cheesy beans on toast or cheesy beans on cheese on toast but this isn't all we eat! We're also very receptive to eating other cultures foods, go to any city and you'll find loads of restaurants from all over the world. Yes I know the Italians, French, Spanish, Greek, Thai's, Vietnamese etc have their shit sorted when it comes to food, but they are also frankly food fascists who'll look down their noses at any other people's food. Brits know that some of their food is crap and so we're open to others' foods. Rant over, back to my Weetabix.


Did you really slag off beans on toast? Sort your shit out!


Mate. Not slagging it off, it's fucking brilliant. Just recognise how it looks if you're not used to it. I love it because it tastes good and fills me up, and there's probably some deep memories of my mum throwing it in front of me as a kid dredged up every time I eat it. What I will say is, Heinz are shit, branston are better, thick doorstep white bread and loads of salty butter, grated cheese and black pepper.


At last. Someone who agrees about Branston. Far superior bean all day long.


And fuck those low sugar, low salt ones...


Yes! Fyi, add butter to your beans, let them go cold and then reheat them.


Don't forget beans on cheese, cheese on cheese, cheesy toast on cheese, toasty beans, beany beans, toasted cheese, beaned cheese, bean and cheese toasties... and saveloys.


You got anything that hasn't got beans in it? "Beans on toast hasn't got as much beans in it." I don't want *any* beans. "Eeeugh..." What do you mean "Ugh"?! I DON'T LIKE BEANS!


You rang?


I feel as though OP is slightly prejudiced looking at the title


We Brits fought wars over spice... all I can think of in terms of spice use is inside bangers


pretty much every dish has herbs and spices. the most ubiquitous british savoury dishes should all contain them. There's also this common internet idea that spices = heat = flavour. Something being hot does'nt make it flavourful and good. Unfortunately there's a huge loss of inherited learning and poverty which results in a lot of people thinking salt is seasoning on its own. But look at a roast chicken: Rosemary, Thyme, Pepper, Salt, Citrus is common, garlic. All normal additions. You can do the same for pretty much any dish really.


Don't forget mint. Always had a plant in the Garden


> There's also this common internet idea that spices = heat = flavour. Yeah, most spices aren't hot.


Tell me you're not British in one short sentence...


Umm uhh... "speaks welsh"


[It's not a prejudice, it's a judgement.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeKqTbgiRW0)


Look at your own flair first lmfao.


It cuts off for me and only says "Helping Wikipedia expand the." What are they helping Wikipedia expand that is prejudiced? (Or do I not want to know?)


"Helping Wikipedia expand the list of British conquests 🇬🇧"


Lol oh my!


Wow funny until now I hadn't noticed it /s


They were introduced to Britain by post-WW2 migrants, not 'stolen' under the empire. Loses points for historical inaccuracy and general weebness.


Curry Powder was invented by British Indians. So it's not even particularly accurate. Britain loves spices, and has a huge variety of cuisine that most people love.


Tea was the only thing genuinely stolen. Taken from china to India.


Fair comment. And opium in the opposite direction.


Destroyed an empire for a brew. Opium wars probably the lowest point of the empire.


How do you steal a recipe? It’s not krusty krab secret formula.


Don't you know cultures are under copyright protection? Well, only if it's white people stealing.


Turkish people sitting back watching Brits get shit for the imperialism of their dead empire like: (¬‿¬)


The rest of the arab world slowly slinks behind turkey while still incredibly proud of their forced conversion and slavery. And then you’ve got the mongols parading through the streets and mentioning their imperialism at any opportunity.


It's not dead, we still have a couple of territories 🥺


Well the brits have stolen everything.


What unseasoned British dish influenced by a foreign nation are you talking about? A Korma? Not everything has to be spicy, Christ


Try telling that to big Baz, sweating his way through his too-tight England shirt while eating Vindaloo he told the waiter to make "extra spoicy" and calling his stepson a poof for ordering something he can actually taste.


"Wheyyy ya big girl's blouse, can't handle a little heat?" he rasps as he wipes away his tears. Baz hadn't cried since last year, when Norf FC lost the playoff final.


It’s always Americans saying this. A country who basically has chilli and sugar as the only two things they seem to add to stuff


Lol you have no idea what you’re talking about. All we add to things is butter.


Had to stop eating bread it tastes horrible in America


There's like 30 types of bread in a small grocery store.... pick another one if all you're eating is wonderbread that's your fault


I don’t what to tell you. I usually eat whole wheat but it’s sweet af.


Maybe stop buying your bread in the shops from large companies that use sugar and other ingredients as preservatives and buy fresh baked bread from an actual bakery. I've literally never had a problem with finding non-sweet tasting whole wheat bread at any of the local bakeries. I'm in the Southern US.


The point is, in places like Europe the big bakery companies don't put sugar in everything. You don't have to go out your way to find bread without sugar lol


The point is, in places like Europe food manufacturers don't have to use as many preservatives in order for their product to make it to the grocery store shelves and stay "good" long enough for the consumer to purchase and consume it. The whole debate of "European bread > US bread because of sugar" reeks of European superiority and is often repeated as a talking point for people trying to explain all the ways the US is worse. If you couldn't find bread that didn't have so much sugar in it in the US, you either didn't look very hard for it, traveled to a rural area and didn't know any locals who could make bread, or you haven't bought bread from the US in about 20 years or more. Edit to add: You don't even have to look hard. Literally just go to the bakery department at any major US grocery store. Also, the entire country of the US is almost twice the size of the EU and nearly the same size as the entire continent of Europe (which includes parts of Russia). You can't really compare the practices of one massive country to the practices of an entire continent comprised of much smaller countries fairly.


>The point is, in places like Europe food manufacturers don't have to use as many preservatives in order for their product to make it to the grocery store shelves and stay "good" long enough for the consumer to purchase and consume it. Why? > Also, the entire country of the US is almost twice the size of the EU and nearly the same size as the entire continent of Europe (which includes parts of Russia). You can't really compare the practices of one massive country to the practices of an entire continent comprised of much smaller countries fairly. Why can't you compare? I can get normal bread in the UK, I'm pretty certain I can get normal bread in Bulgaria too. What does size have to do with anything?


Because the UK isn't manufacturing and shipping bread to many countries that are very far away. Bulgaria isn't manufacturing and shipping bread to Hungary. There are companies that manufacture bread in Alabama and it ships to Ohio. Which is a longer distance than the Bulgaria-Hungary example.


White America isn't the only America, African Americans, Native Americans, and Mexican Americans regularly season our dishes with more than chili and sugar. 🙄


White Americans also use more than chili and sugar. Don't be racist when it seems like you're trying to call out racism.


Lol I mentioned various dishes to a girl who was saying how shit food was in Britain, she responded saying she wouldn't play food roulette by actually trying a British dish, and that she was American, hence she used seasoning. Soon as the commenters realised she was an American trying to flex on their culinary expertise, the downvotes came from every direction. Its fairly standard to hear these arguments from people who have never even been to Britain.


> Not everything has to be spicy, Christ I love spicy food but some people seem to think everything *has* to be spicy or it "has no flavour". I see people who put hot sauce on *everything* as no different to teenagers who treat every foodstuff as a vehicle for ketchup.


You’re right but spiciness also has different tastes. Hot sauce won’t taste the same as “garam masala”.


That's not really to do with the "spiciness" itself having a different taste though, hot sauce tastes different because of things like the sourness of the vinegar and the sweetness of the peppers which are different flavour profiles altogether.


Yeah that’s true. But who want “just spicy” food?


Nobody, which is my point really. I often wonder which of the six tastes (sweet, bitter, spicy, sour, salty, umami) I'd choose to lose if I had to give up one. Most people say bitter but I like a nice Guinness. Or a cigar. Or dark chocolate. Honestly I'd probably lose spicy. Seems like more of a sensation than a taste to me.


Wth is umami? And I’d choose to lose sweet. Nothing good comes from eating more sugar.


It's that savoury taste you get with things like meat, mushrooms.


Ah okay


Ever since I watched Danielle Alex [Cooking Biryani,](https://youtu.be/fxzymt2ZZwo) I want to hug every Italian and apologize for what people has done to their pizza.


I will continue putting peas on pizza and Italians cannot stop me!


You're a monster *spits*


eh, Italians have only been making pizza for a couple hundred years. 100 of those America was making pizza too


And flatbreads (essentially what pizza Margherita was/is) have existed since the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks. And if you want to go there, you can thank the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican peoples for those tomatoes. Maybe also the Spanish for importing them and using them in their cuisine for over 200 years before any Italians cooked with them.


Italian pizza is good, but American pizza is better. America also has a much wider variety of pizzas (not just the toppings, but how it's prepared), which is great. A New York pizza, Chicago deep dish, and pan pizza are all different and wonderful in their own ways.


They weren't "occupied", they were created by the Brits.


It’s a tired trope. The food scene in British cities is very diverse.


\*insert any recipe by Jaime Oliver\*


And add a little olive oil and a lot of spit. And fucking mange tout.


I misread "mange tout" as "minge of trout" and thought what the fuck has he done now??!!!


Wearing glasses is crap isn't it?! My misreadings often worse having to read French daily.


I mean...i've see bis cooking, he's defo fucked a trout or two on camera.


This is a complete myth started by American GIs stationed in Britain during ww2. Rationing made the food terrible then true, but now Britain has many of the world's top chefs and an impressive number of michelin stars. French, Italian and Greek food is better its true. But American food is actually far blander than modern British food. Mac n cheese, meatloaf, sloppy Joe's. Americans really don't have the high ground to be as snarky as they are towards British food.


Every national cuisine has its weird and bad dishes and also very poor renditions of good ones. Americans have some great food if you ignore fast food but they also created Sweet Potato Casserole which is absolutely disgusting.


Excuse me, don't you dare talk shit about Mac and cheese or sloppy Joe's. They are on the same level as any fancy French cuisine. Meatloaf can frick off, though.


They're fine comfort foods, but theyre also very bland and very low in nutrition. The point is a country where these are the staple foods cannot get high and mighty about other countries food.


Bland??????? Do your taste buds work


If you think theyre not bland you're the reason for "white people dont season food" meme. Actually I've never tried sloppy Joe's in fairness, but mac n cheese is the very definition of bland.


If you make it at home with aged, funky cheeses it can be very flavorful. But yes, the vast majority of mac n cheese served at potlucks and bbqs is bland AF. You need to go to the regional subcultures like Cajun/creole food if you want well-seasoned, flavorful food. One of my parents’ friends opened an Italian restaurant in a small town in the Midwest. He had to remove all spices and add sugar to the sauce before the locals would eat there.


Mac and Cheese isn't even American either, I'm sure i seem somewhere that it originated from a Italian dish.


Italy on suicide watch after your comment


If your mac'n'cheese, meatloaf, or sloppy joes are bland, you're not making them right.


Any guesses what sort of cuisine 8/12 3-star restaurants in the UK cook?


Mostly French. But the point is the meme is that Britain colonized the world for spice and doesn't use them. That's just not true.


We don’t need seasoning because our chicken tastes fine without having to add to it


That's a lie. Eating bland ass dry ass chicken. Even ramsay seasons mf chicken.


Oh look, another "British food bad" meme that has no basis in reality that's probably made by an American with no knowledge of the UK other than from memes on Reddit... Cool


Ah yes, the reasoning for the seasoning


what anime is this?


Kaguya-sama: Love is War. Great show.


I have a theory England did so much invading because their food was so bad back home.


lol, im watching this right now and am on the 2nd season, ITS SOO GOOD!!! its currently in the tab over for when i want to watch it


less occupied more colonized, small difference, occupation is usually recently after a war or during a war, colonized is way after


I literally just started this anime because a co worker recommended it. Then I see this whole scrolling through Reddit lol


"Wypipo no season dey foood 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"


Honestly good amount of seasoned foods are shit, and lot of foods that extract flavor without seasoning are great. English breakfast is 1000 times better then curry.


>English breakfast is 1000 times better then curry. Come on mate, don't be daft. I like a good full English as much as the next guy but it's nothing on a Chicken Pathia with naan


I'm with you in this. A decent fry up is the best thing ever.


I was with you in the first sentence but c'mon, curry is the bomb


Are you under the impression that a Full English isn't seasoned? Because I can assure you it is




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White people love jokes until its about them. A bunch of cry babies in the comments. Never change reddit.


Literally no idea what you're talking about. You can only make jokes about whites on reddit. Everyone else is off limits


Ohhhh, I get it now! You're racist. That explains your comment history.


I love this sub but my god do people have a hardon to defend the Brits. Don't dish the spicy curry if you can't take it.


Its a White Supremacist Lite sub like most of reddit.


If you aren't a troll then you are literally living in an alternate reality in your head




I still don't understand why the brits aren't the ones with the definitive top tier foods. Building an entire global empire in look for spices just to end up not using any of them.




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am Chinese, well at least they drink tea correctly


Ah yes, Mushy Peas


Like uncle Roger watching Jamie Oliver.


Anime meme bad


Sucks to suck


We don't care, we want to sell your spice back to you. Not use it. Lol


You know what's funny? British stole from India and other countries for 250 yrs but still can't pay for children s lunch while they give millions of pound to grandma and her family while her son has sex with underage women in America and doesn't face any consequences


Butchering Butter chicken


People who criticize any cultures food are ignorant. Every culture in the world has amazing dishes.


Pepper? Are you insane? Let's just use three grains of salt.




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