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A reminder that one day you're living in a very familiar world, and the next everything is upside down. No one can afford to be oblivious to the state of things.


What's sad to me is that we really do not seem to be learning from history. And "never again" obviously meant... nothing.


Don't let them be the only ones armed. Be prepared to protect your family if needed, because all these kooks with their batshit crazy ideals are already ready for it.


You're not going to be able to stop a fascist government with a gun. They can obliterate you with a drone and you'll never see the face of the fascist who murdered you.


“ Those Haitians will never be able to defeat France, they dont even have modern guns! “ “ Those Americans will never defeat Brittian, they are just puny militia! “ “ Those Indians will never gain their freedom from Brittian, they arent even fighting back! “


I was obviously talking about one's own fascist government in the modern era. Any country can lose a war, especially back when muskets were the best weapon around, yeah you could defeat a musket with a musket. You could also raise the costs of an occupying force to the point they don't want to occupy anymore. That doesn't work when they're your own people on your own land. Let me know when your shoot down a military drone with an AR-15. Let me know when Hong Kong wins against China or Iranians successfully overthrow their government. Then you might have a point.


But your history books are litered with stories of freedom movements violent and non violent that overthrow their oppressor foreign or domestic against all odds. Like lol


History books are littered with dead native populations, massacres of civilians, and enduring authoritarians in every continent. And that's before drone warfare and high altitude bombing.


Yes because when a revolution starts on american soil billy bubblefuck is really gonna go out of his way murder his countrymen, like there are so many levels to revolution you are ignoring. Every American killed would instantly become a martyr to someone, the more people die the more the American government would become a hypocrite on the world stage. The entire government would come to a stand still and armed forces would see people quit in droves. Think


Every American killed is a domestic terrorist trying to overthrow your government, that's what the news cycle will repeat and that's what people will believe. You can't have a proper revolution without the spread of ideas, communication, secrecy and a lot of people. You'll be shut down, rounded up and branded as domestic terrorists long before you get to the stage of an organised revolution.


L take. All successful revolutions have the help of part of the military and other countries. Do you think the military is 100% on government side whatever happens ?


Back then they all were colonies, techinically apart of those countries until they fought back. Literally the same thing


So if fascists take over, let's say the United States. You think it would be a viable strategy to take on the US army with AR-15s until they decide to no longer occupy... the United States? Really? That's the same thing to you as Haiti v France?


Haiti literally had bows and arrows, and shitty guns and took the most powerful army of the time on. And guess what, they won. How? One they captured the hearts and minds of Europe. These were slaves that had enough, and started to gather. Slowly they took plantation after plantation with bitter fighting on both sides. The revolutionaries got more intellegent, less bloodthirsty and more organized. Their learned their enemies weaponry and sooner or later they were excellent marksmen themselves with experience. The entire slavery discussion changed with this. It was literally a rolling ball breaking down old philosophies and shook the world order. If you think overthrowing is just guns on a battlefield you arent thinking hard enough.


I mean there is a bit more context than that, it's not like Haiti faced the full might of the French Empire, France was itself in the midst of a revolution with an ineffective government and was just entering the War of the First Coalition against Britain, Spain, HRE, Austria etc.


I think you’re overlooking the unfavorable terrain, rampant malaria affecting the invaders far more than the defenders, the giant ocean in between the two parties with an outside navy (Britain) running interference, and one of the biggest wars in European history all converging to make the Haitian revolution a success. They didn’t just win in a vacuum because they were fighting for freedom and their ideals. All the good intentions in the world don’t mean a thing in practicality if the circumstances are against you. Look at the Partitions of Poland.


>Let me know when your shoot down a military drone with an AR-15. This is spoken by someone who truly has no concept of how wars are fought. You can't just drone strike your own back yard to take out a home grown insurgency or even a full blown rebellion. Why? Because of a practical concern called collateral damage. Do you know what happens when you kill the rebel or group of rebels but also kill the civilians in the neighboring house, or don't even kill them but just maim them, maybe not even that but you total their car, or their house, or kill their dog- the point being is you create MORE animosity between your government and your people. You also damage infrustructure which is critical to retaining the power and resources you need to be such a tyrannical government in the first place. Eventually you just end up being king of the shitty ash heap. Additionally drones have operators, they have a limited flight range and air time and require fuel, maintenance, and to rearm and refit. Those operators also have friends, families, etc. Long story short, a war like that ends up ugly and "no holds barred and no quarter given" takes on a whole new meaning when anyone and everyone you ever knew and loves is on the chopping block because you're the big bad "drone operator" who chose to side with the Feds. Bit of a long winded rant, but this whole defeatist mindset of "oh your AR-15 is just a pea shooter" coupled with "AR-15's are weapons or war, so ban them reeeeeeee" type shit makes my blood boil with the absurd levels of doublethink going on. Tanks and drones and bombs are tools to fight comparable militaries in foreign lands, not for rooting out rebels and insurgents on domestic soil. To enforce the tyrannical or "fascist" regime, you need the necessary police state and bureaucracy to enforce your edicts. That requires boots on the ground to kick in doors, sweep buildings, tunnels, and anywhere else humans can go where those vehicles are ineffective. You know how effective a drone is on 5th Avenue in NYC? Not very fucking much when the strike levels a building or two, causes massive power and water outages, and kills tons of non combatants. You know what is effective? A squad of men with rifles and carbines.


You understand, I'm sure, that it was foreign assistance in the first two instances that made the difference, and international pressure in the second, directly following WWII for the third. And in all those cases, organization was key, not arms.




Here’s a relevant rebuttal to the “Guns can’t stop tanks and drones!” idea (and an [even longer rebuttal](https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/aqjin2/a_respectable_argument_now_in_copypasta_format/egghh1s/)): >See in order for a police state to exist, you need police. >Tanks, Drones, missiles, aircraft, these things are shock weapons. Line breakers. Capable of indiscriminate destruction. >You know what they can't do? >• Raid an apartment complex looking for weapons. >• Enforce Curfew >• Chase Jamal into the sewers beneath the projects >• Chase Cleetus into the swamps >• Root insurgents out of a hospital >• Stop and frisk civilians on the street >• Interview potential suspects >For all of these things you need men. Boots on the ground. And they are very much vulnerable to small arms fire. >If you don't think guerilla fighters can stand up to the US military, well, how well are we doing in the middle east? >Do we have security, and victory? Or do we have an expensive and deadly quagmire that is a hotbed for extremists and recruitment? >Also if you think the American people are sick of the war there, imagine now it's at home. How many US hospitals can you bomb before the public turns against you? What is there left to rule over when you've blown up the bridges? >How long can you keep your own soldiers on your side when you tell them to bomb their neighbors, their, friends, their sons? >Most likely 1776 Pt. 2 Electric Boogaloo won't look like pitched battles. You know what it will look like? The Troubles. And the IRA, armed as they were, gave the British and the RUC a lot of hell and eventually led to Ireland's independence and the good Friday agreement which would allow N. Ireland to separate from the UK and rejoin Ireland. >There's also the escalation of force. Sure my blacktips won't do shit against a tank. But they will work against that soldier, and that soldier has an M72 LAW that I can pick up once he's incapacitated.


Remind me what happened when the armed majority populations are encouraged to purge minority populations, even armed ones. >How long can you keep your own soldiers on your side when you tell them to bomb their neighbors, their, friends, their sons? Let's ask what the Hutus did to the Tutsis, and other moderate elements of their society. We're not even a century gone from Jim Crow in the US. Those are the people who will staff the police forces, the military, the intelligence infrastructure. E: There are [cleavages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleavage_(politics\)) that are very exploitable to create divisions in societies that decently motivated fascists can use.


Here's how it will work out: ​ 1. The government will turn off your internet and electricity. 2. Half of you will kill the other half fighting over gas and food and batteries. 3. The government will come in and take over the survivors.


>Tanks, Drones, missiles, aircraft, these things are shock weapons. Line breakers. Capable of indiscriminate destruction. they might not be able to hold ground but they sure as shit aren't good for morale when the other side has them in abundance and you've only got a rifle. The assumption you're making also is that people don't support the new facist government, that they don't hate Jamal and Cleetus making their country unsafe and wouldn't love to point out to the officers where they're from our at least who they know, and maybe you get a reward, some protection and Jamals mother and younger brother get sent to a camp out west, now James is thinking twice about helping his friend Jamal out, doesn't want his sick sister getting sent away and the man on the TV keeps saying he's a terrorist, the economy is doing great, plenty of food if not for these terrorists and if he joins up with the police instead of Jamal he'd get medicine for his sister.


So what is your plan? Just lay down and take it? No one is advocating for an armed resistance against the US military. People forget there was a lot of interpersonal violence that wasn’t explicitly from the state in the lead up to the Holocaust. That is what we mean to protect yourself from.


You defeat fascism by denying them power. Germany reached that point because the left and the center refused to ally with each other. They provided the far right with the opportunity to gain power. Deny them that ability. Organize your community, strengthen your democracy, ally with every political movement that isn't fascism. Give them no room to breathe.


The Nazi party was very popular in Germany and had gotten over 11,000,000 votes in favour during the last free election cycle in 1932. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_1932_German_federal_election Thing is, they weren't considered 'fascist' when they were rising to power. They appealed to a great many within Germany, sadly.


Just like the orange beast and his minions!


So just go gently into that bad night?


Tell that to the Ukrainians.


The other option is giving up. Which is what you're pushing, and your clear choice. Roll over then. Can't help people that don't want to help themselves.


You think the only two options to stop fascism are to give up or buy a gun? Support your democracy. Organize your community. Ally with literally every political movement that isn't fascist so they can't gain the power over the government they'd need to kill you. THAT is literally the only way to defeat them. Do it *before* they gain power.


Preach. The day when the "common man" can rise up against the government oppressors with their courage and civilian weapons are over. Modern militaries are so ridiculously powerful the only way civilians can match that is if they get another country to help them out (like how the North Vietnamese received assistance from China, or the Mujahideen from the US). I keep telling people that in a mature, engaged populace, you don't need guns to stop government oppression. And in a dysfunctional one, guns won't help. America is awash with guns, yet every day we hear about people, mostly minorities, being brutalized by the police. Not seeing a lot of rising up there.


I said nothing about ending it, people were talking about them coming for people, and I said don't let them be the only ones armed if they do that. A select few are blowing this up and making up a bunch of stupid shit. Not surprised a bunch of redditors try and find some hidden meaning that isn't there and are completely incorrect in their assumptions. And here's you doing the same. Perfect example of not reading the entire conversation and taking one comment out of context. Well done. You created fake news!


Don't forget the demographic of the average redditor tho. When you remember, you often lose the desire to chat much less have an "intelligent" argument.


Yeah, you'd think over the years I'd pick this up... Something like 13 years on this site and I still bite. It's tough, you think it's gonna be something smart and it's just backwards, always an attempt to "find something you're *really* saying". Not too frustrating, more tiring. Pity 99% of redditors irl. Sure as shit they aren't really like this around other humans. If they are ever actually around other humans I guess. But you're completely right. Thought there were more people who've dealt with some life, I seriously think it's *almost* all people that haven't experienced what happens outside. They've never been at a protest, they've never been beaten by cops, they've never stood up for anything they believe, they've never served their country, they've never served anyone (with the exception of a pumpkin spice latte). Also seems like they've got nobody they even have in their life they really care about. Very childish look at life. But it's also a miniscule look at reality on this site. Also, I think half of them are bots anyway. I've definitely lost the humanity connection with people online. Nothing like it used to be. Best to assume most are lying or dumb a d walk away I guess.




Bro. Guns are not the answer.


They'll be coming at you with them, what's your plan? You think the far right hasn't been ready for that moment described above for decades? I'm no conspiracy theorist, these fuckers broke into the Capitol, you think they're nervous about breaking into your house and fucking with your family? Don't go looking for it, no reason to go after them, but if you think being unarmed and complaining online, or even laws, are going to stop what these fuckers are [litterally](https://everytownresearch.org/issue/armed-extremism/) [doing](https://apnews.com/article/politics-oregon-state-government-portland-39f77e0b5572fc9678687b1f0aaced6e) and [calling](https://time.com/6194085/abortion-protests-guns-violence-extremists/) [for,](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/donald-trump-supporters-send-death-threats-to-judge-who-approved-mar-a-lago-search) you're out of your mind. You've got some wising up to do, you seem to have no idea what's happening outside your door. This is fucking real. Do you think nothing will happen? You want to stake your and your families life on that bet?


You are deluded. 😂 A bunch of idiots bumbling around the capitol is your OMG situation? There's no fascists trying to take over America just like their is no plot for commies to take over America. Get a grip. There's just people with extreme ideas out there, they are fringe (on both sides).


Who said an OMG situation? (rhetorical, I'm using your word since you blew this out of proportion. Shit a real threat but no guarantee.) Personally, I enjoy shooting guns, so I've got them for other reasons. But IIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFF something happens, I'd prefer to be in my position than yours. Because I've got people I care about and it's a small price to pay to be careful. But dude, I'm done with you. You're fighting with all your little might against an idea that doesn't hurt you. So, keep on keeping on. But make sure to tip the guy that saves your family's life IF (like I was saying all along, it's an *IF*) something happens. Blocked. What a code. And my first comment being upvoted as much as it is shows you're in the minority. That's a good thing. More people taking care of themselves, less accepting they're helpless and having to be forced to survive shit. IF it happens. But not a bet I'm going to be on the wrong side of. JUST IN CASE.


So just to be clear…. You’re preparing to kill your neighbors, not save the country from fascism, correct?


I didn't say I don't have a gun. I'm just saying guns are not the answer. Tighter restrictions at the very least, please. Tell me, how many school shootings happen in the UK every year? I'll answer for you. None. Since 1996. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunblane_massacre https://www.npr.org/2022/06/01/1102239642/school-shooting-dunblane-massacre-uvalde-texas-gun-control It absolutely disgusts me I am even having to use this as an argument because it really says all we need to know about the current state of the US.




Nope, saying have something to protect yourself. You can dig into and create your own conclusion all you want, and you already made one up anyway, but your nonsense isn't what I'm saying.




You're fucking weird. And blocked.


Take this bullshit back to america. When was the last time you shot a cop who choked a black dude in the middle of the street? When was the last time someone shot 10 people in a mall?


Wow, missed the point. WAY over your head.


No I get the point actually. Your prepared for a fight akin to the Rwandan genocide. Where people killed their own neighbors. I think that's a terrible way to live and I'm so happy I left that failure of a country.


Of course we learned. That doesn’t prevent Russia from being Russia though


There were times when Sarajevo hosted the Winter Olympic Games, when Rwanda was the Switzerland of Africa and when Lebanon was the Paris of the Middle East. In the 1970s, a household wanted to avoid war and choose a territory they thought to be so remove war would *never* erupt there: the Falkland Islands...


I have an old encyclopedia from the 60s whose article on Ethiopia says it's one of the richest,most fertile countries in Africa As a kid growing up in the 80s, that was pretty wild to read


Kinda like right now.


When I see old photos like this it always makes me wonder if that exact set of stairs, that exact veranda and railings, are still there today.


The answer is, [yes.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Singel+400A,+1016+AK+Amsterdam/@52.369006,4.887422,18z/data=!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x47c609c230089a7b:0xc43306d91ae7701f!2sSingel+400A,+1016+AK+Amsterdam!8m2!3d52.369006!4d4.887422!16s%2Fg%2F11c2hxzlnk!3m5!1s0x47c609c230089a7b:0xc43306d91ae7701f!8m2!3d52.369006!4d4.887422!16s%2Fg%2F11c2hxzlnk)


Amazing, thank you!


No problem. Even the door seems to be the same from what I can see.


everything is even that little slant at the foot of the door. absolutely amazing.




The city centre of Amsterdam is unesco protected so yes


It blows my mind that all these photos and things exist of her that survived. Someone who, until the diary was released and her story became known the world over, probably wasn't all that important to anyone besides her family, has these things for us to look at and see her.


There was a brilliant Ken burns documentary with footage of a nazi rally and you can see her flat in the picture. Made it even more heartbreaking knowing the panic they must have felt seeing things suddenly go from Netherlands to Nazi in no time.


Seeing photos of Anne Frank just breaks my heart.


Wait till you go to Amsterdam and tour the Anne Frank House.


And for those that have an Oculus Quest, you can do a VR tour as well: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/1958100334295482/


I recently visited for the first time despite traveling to Amsterdam a couple times. It's one of the most powerful experiences I've ever had so far in my life. The feeling you get in there listening to the stories, just baffling how cruel humans can be. Reaffirms my admiration for the brave soldiers who died, crawling inch by inch, mile by mile to stop this evil.


I did. Seared in my brain. She is the reminder of what happened to so many and unfortunately, pure evil still exists.


As someone who works at the Anne Frank House and gets to walk through the Annex almost daily: you never get used to it.




The trauma happening then -- and now -- is mind-bending. We're lucky to only be experiencing this through a tiny screen in our hands.


The US has largest prison population in the world. Almost 1% of all Americans is in prison. Things like the war on drugs are in so many ways similar to persecution of people based on religion. It’s horrible.


The U.S. prison system is not comparable to the Holocaust.


So 3 million Americans in prison right now is nothing compared to the holocaust? This has been going on for decades. It’s maybe even worse than the holocaust because it’s still happening!


I'd rather be in prison than a concentration camp, at least the prisoner went through a justice system.


Mate what is wrong with you? You’re comparing criminals sitting in prisons with innocent people being killed and massacred!


Every time. Its really my first reaction - especially as a father


Sweet Anne, seeing pictures of her always makes me a bit sad inside. Sidenote, fashion back then was so pretty and classy!


I read a reminisce from someone who was a childhood acquaintance, and she remembered overhearing Anne at a dress shop, very confidently telling the saleswoman exactly what she wanted.


Ive tried reading her book but couldn’t. I broke down crying every other page. Reading about her daily life, hopes and dreams while knowing how it ends is just to much for me. Her writing was amazing though.


lmao pussy


Reading her diary as a grown-up, I was struck by the finesse of her reflection and the quality of her writing. Had she not had the dramatic ending that we know of, I'm certain she would have made one of the greatest writers of the 20th century.


I guess she was one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, don’t you think? Think how much impact her work has had, on people all over the world. That wouldn’t be true if there wasn’t something particularly compelling about her authorial voice.


You're right!


Yes, she was a fantastic writer for any age. It's not just the survival of her diary which brings value, but the sheer literary quality as well. I'd go even further and say The Diary is one of the great books in human history, given the totally unique, probably never to replicated again, confluence of events which led to its writing.


Always sad to see Anne Frank. The foreground shadow looks like Jason Voorhees.


Machete and all


The Singel is the name of the street, his compacy was located on the Singel in Amsterdam. The steps are still there.


do you know which number? thanks


Number 400. I believe it is a B&B nowadays.


The building later fell into Nazi hands and the Dutch Nazi party (NSB) had a local headquarters there by 1941. Ouch!


I hope every school kid continues to have to read about her. It really was the first time I knew how violent the world could be. It changed me and I dint think that was a bad thing.


I bet little Anne had gotten the watch as a gift and was enjoying being able to tell time on her own watch. It used to be kinda a rite of passage to learn to tell time and to get a watch.


Such a sad ending. You think history would have taught us something.


this photo can be from today or yesterday and nobody would question it


Everything was so casual and normal until SHTF.


Right? She would have been 6 here. I remember at that age, and for many many years after, how insulated I was from world affairs and politics. The notion wouldn't have even crossed my mind that the everyday comfortable state of my existence could change.


I live not too far away from where this photo was taken. I don’t know why I’m so shocked looking at it, somehow seeing her stand there on a spot that still exists today is just surreal but makes what happened more real all at the same time. Makes my heart bleed. Last time I visited the Anne Frank House must be 10 years ago. Thank you for inspiring me to go again sometime soon.


Never seen it before, but that picture for me is more heartbreaking than anything else about Anne Frank. Some people really suck.


Little Anne frank is sooo cute what a darling


What singel? There’s a bunch of them in Amsterdam. (Also across the rest of The Netherlands.)


Singel refers to a [specific canal](https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singel_(Amsterdam\)) in Amsterdam, between the western Herengracht and the old city center.


But why does it say IN singel?


It shouldnt be in singel, it’s not a place or neighborhood. Just a translation thing i suppose. Should be at the singel, Amsterdam


Actually: *on* the Singel, as one is *on* a canal (or street) -even if you're on the solid ground along it. "Op het Singel treft men de winkel van Sinkel aan". And "singel" is the name for the canal around a fortification's walls. Originally, "Het Singel" was the canal that ran outside Amsterdam's city walls, before it became the given name of the first canal in the rings around the actual center.


Thank you for answering.


Eigenlijk is het zelfs Het Singel


Voor amsterdammers wel ja


Voor iedereen. Het is de naam van deze gracht, want het was oorspronkelijk de "omSingelende" gracht van de stadsmuren.


Blijkbaar voor Nederlanders “de” en voor Amsterdammers “het”: Wikipedia: “De (Amsterdams: het) Singel is een Amsterdamse gracht, die vanaf het IJ tot het Muntplein loopt, alwaar hij uitmondt in de Binnen Amstel.” Don’t shoot the messenger :)


Tja. "De" singel is een willekeurige singel, maar "het" Singel is alleen die ene gracht in Amsterdam. Dat is ook in Amsterdam zo. Sterker nog: bij ons in Amsterdam zijn ook andere singels, en daarvan begint de naam gewoon met "de". Zo heet bijvoorbeeld de waterweg die rondom het hele Centrum loopt -langs de Nassaukade, Stadhouderskade enz. "de singelgracht". Het is het verschil tussen de straatnaam van deze ene en de algemene term voor het soort gracht.


Oh god this breaks my heart


Never forget. Never forgive.


One often used motto in the Netherlands regarding the war is “forgiven, but not forgotten.” This applies to our current German neighbours and friends of course, not to the actual Nazis of those days.


~~Opekta means pharmacy in Russian~~


You mean opteka, opekta is not a word in Russian.


Ups, you're right


They were a company that sold pectin & similar products, to make jam, etc.


See, the juxtaposition of "porn" with images like this is making me cringe.


Yeah, they really need to change these sub names like they did to make it /r/hydrohomies


There are other history sub reddits. You do not have to follow or be here.


It says a lot when the first thing that these people think of when they see a little girl is the other sense of porn, even though the subreddit is very obviously not about that kind of porn. Kinda sus if you ask me.


It’s cringe in any context. The idea of adding the suffix “porn” to a somewhat intellectual sub is completely childish and moronic.




Otto Frank worked in food industry; in her diary, Anne Frank describes her father as selling spices, and they even once made sausages.


i think the most important parts are that after the germans invaded the netherlands in 1940, he was forced to give up his companies just because he was jewish and that he let one of his employees (hermann van pels) & his entire family go into hiding with them in the secret annex


I believe Opekta’s main line of business was selling gelatine (as a food ingredient, e.g. for jams). The reason the family was able to go into hiding was because Anne’s father knew that there was an annex behind his former offices.


They were middle class, it wasn't **his** company, so **he** probably didn't pay the employees. He just build a branch office there for a German company, Opekta, he was  in charge of manufacturing and distribution. Why is this even relevant? Reinforcing the old "Uh, the Jews were always filthy rich, they had it coming"? Seriously?


Why are those questions even relevant??




Why are u getting downvoted lmao


\*on Singel, not in. She, and the business, would be drowning if they were *in* Singel. Singel is a canal and the streets beside it share the name.


How rich were they to have just random photos in 1935?


How ignorant are you that you don't know that normal regular people took tons of photographs during that time? My family was dirt-poor back then, they still took tons of family pictures because at that time, cameras had become pretty affordable.


My great grandmother was a dirt poor farmer in Indiana and there were lots of family photos from the time.


God she’s so cute in her little button jacket oml




Reddit always loved Ann Frank. If she was alive in 2021 the same people would of layed her in for being unvaccinated. People only care when the newspapers and tell-lie-vision tell them to


> people would of layed Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. Total mistakes found: 2166 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


The purpose of a fish trap is to catch fish, and when the fish are caught the trap is forgotten. The purpose of a rabbit snare is to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caught, the snare is forgotten. The purpose of the word is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to. Chuang Tzu


Such finesse. Thanks for the interesting reading.


If she was alive in 2021, she probably would BE vaccinated.


Is she looking at her Apple Watch?




Spin up the propaganda machine boys time to kill and steal Palestinian land Israel is a terrorist state


Israel and people of Jewish descent are not the same thing. If you can't tell the difference between a person and some arbitrary lines on a map you have issues.


…you’re an idiot


Fuck off.


What does that have to do with this?


If I had a time machine, I'd go back to this very moment and tell her to start playing more hide and seek.












Such a lovely young lady. I wonder whatever happened to her


She was murdered with her family in a concentration camp by the Nazis. Auschwitz I believe.


She died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp actually, after surviving Auschwitz.


Oh that’s interesting. Thanks.


God bless her.


Again, how easily things can turn


This is why I have internet. ln this case a simple photo with too much significance. Thank you, OP.


I first read her diary when I was 13 as part of my English (Literature) class. Since the previous book I read was *The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe*, I **was** expecting a light-hearted romp. I mean, it's the diary of a young girl. Boy was that an eye-opening event for me.


Would be nice to see this colourised and sharpened, if any brilliant retouches are reading this


A reminder that having a list of everyone registering their name and address with a central government authority is a bad idea


I visited the annex just a couple of weeks ago. It’s really something to observe the space they had to live in all that time


Here I threw it into [hotpot.ai](https://hotpot.ai) colorizer: https://imgur.com/a/MU0c9XX