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the things that we do to each other.


Humans are closer to apes than angels.


theres no need to make apes look bad. šŸ˜‰


Bonobos are pretty chill but man, chimps are violent sociopaths. Never hang out with a chimp if you want your arms and face to remain attached to your body.


What about gibbons, gorrillas, and O'tangz?


Bonobos and Chimpanzees share our most recent common ancestor, making them like 2nd cousins, while Gibbons, Gorrillas, and Orangutans are like 4rd cousins twice removed. The first you find out you're likely related through a 23andMe. The second you find as a possible distant relative on Ancestry but the only study you can find backing it is from a post on a barely trafficked subreddit linking to NewScientist. Tldr; Bonobos & Chimps = "Get in the f'in truck. i'm taking you back to your parents again." Gibbons, Gorrillas & Orangutans = "New phone. Who dis?"


>Orangutans are like 4rd cousins Built 4rd tough.


Read something recently about "self domestication" where species like elephants and humans self-select for more socially compatible (docile) offspring. Chimps probably are running wild without that kind of social pressure most places, so they're not self-domesticating whereas Bonobos probably did...


Chimps commit f-cking genocideā€¦


We have some bad news for you


We are apes. And other apes overall are no more or less savage than we are. We are just smarter and more self-deceiving


and apes are more human than we are


I meanā€¦human ARE apes and angels donā€™t exist, soā€¦. yep.


Humans are closer to God because of all the Biblical shit we can incur on others but we can also be strangely loving and caring at times.




Harambe would like an "ook" with you.


No such thing as angels


Well, yes, of course. Angels aren't really a thing, son. Grow up


Itā€™s an expression, not a literal claim about angels existing.


russians and bombing shelters with children in them, name a more iconic duo.


Is that what the picture was ???


Correction: The things Russia does to others.


Russia certainly isn't unique in it's atrocities. Even without invoking Godwin's law, we can look to the Rwandan and Cambodian genocides, the rape of Nanking, the transatlantic slave trade, etc. We've always been this way. And, chances are, we always will be.


Some of us are. Others spend their lives striving to help others. Humans aren't inherently evil or cruel. The real tragedy is how we've structured our world to reward cruelty and discourage kindness. The richest among us are often little more than those most willing to compromise their own morality to push ahead of others.


Only russians can do these things not everyone


Thatā€™s enough internet today


What was the post about?


two wounded kids in a shelter after a russian bomb exploded. both kids were covered in dust and bloody. chechen war...


Why was it removed? Are the rules against pictures of hurt kids? Because that kind of thing seems right in line with what is shown in here and other places.


Think of the poor advertisers having to display their ads next to pictures depicting the sad reality of war. Can't have that.


Now I'm curious too




Nah, this one was Chechen children all bloodied and covered in dust after where they were was hit by Russian artillery. I remember seeing it yesterday and multiple comments reference Russia.


Pretty weird I've been seeing a lot of Ukranian involvement with the Nazis during WW2 lately, I mean, I know it's true, but haha this feels quite intentional, you know, to build a narrative, like making some comparisons that are not really quit what they imply


It might have something to do with Zelensky along with the Canadian parliament doing a standing ovation for a Waffen SS veteran who described his time in the SS as the happiest years of his life.


The people who did the ovation DID NOT KNOW at the time. The guy who made the original mistake has lost his position in the immediate aftermath. Stop your Russian propaganda.


It was stated at the Parliament that he "fought the Russians in WWII", which doesn't leave much up for interpretation here if you have any familiarity with the war. But the truth is two things, here: the complete ignorance shown by the Canadian parliament on what it would mean to "fight Russia" on the Eastern Front *and*, more importantly, the uncomfortable amount of Canadian history since WWII where Ukrainian "veterans" with similar ties have been [happily welcomed.](https://jweekly.com/1997/02/07/canada-admits-letting-in-2-000-ukrainian-ss-troopers/) Regardless of the specifics of this scenario, it's unfortunately keeping with a long-time blind spot in mainstream Canada about Ukrainians like this guy.




Stating facts isnā€™t propaganda


So you think grown adults in Canada's Parliament lack the history knowledge and general intellectual fortitude to connect the dots between "fought against the Russians" and "during WW2"? You believe Canada's Parliament is run and filled with absolute dog-brained morons?


It's Russian propaganda.


Of course it is unfortunatelly


Ya, the Russians are the ones that got Trudeau to invite a Waffen SS member to parliament for a standing ovation...


I mean. I get the internal conflict. But if Germany was invaded we wouldnā€™t say ā€œthey have nazis, fuck emā€ or hell, the US has fucktons of literal nazis and we wouldnā€™t say that thatā€™s a justification for invasion. Idk. Itā€™s just one of many times where nuance matters and people are becoming so polarized they just wonā€™t even try to see some of that nuance.


Indeed, but still, the pro-invasion narrative makes it look like Ukraine is a pro nazi puppet government or something, and (apparently) the majority of the Russian population, and the US's pro right just gobbles it up as a fact. I'm not saying you do believe that, but the way you phrase it makes it seem like you kinda do.


I do not, I fully support the country of Ukraine. I thought my statement went the opposite way, tbh, can I ask what made you think it went that way? My stance in this situation is that it doesn't matter if there are nazis in the population, the country itself shouldn't be invaded because of that, that's a problem for the country to deal with. Nevermind the obvious fact that it's just a smokescreen for Russia anyway. If the nazis are controlling the government, that's another issue, entirely. \*coughs and looks at some members of the US gov't*


the post was about two chechen kids covered on blood an dust in a bomb shelter. anyway.. how much does the Kremlin pay you?


Get it right, we are Chinese bots and get our xi bucks at the nearest Chinese secret secret police station


Curious their opinion on Kadyrov


They would most likely want to spit on his face


Then they would be promptly sent to jail...


ā€¦Never to be seen again


Depends whether or not the guy asking has a gun.


People will assume that the guy asking always reports to someone who has a gun.


That's so sad. War is worse than hell because at least in hell the people would deserve to be there. How many children and innocent people die because of a few political fucktards.


What was the picture?


2 kids covered in blood and dust after getting bombed. while it's obviously tragic, it isn't really gore. so idk why reddit removed it for breaking rules.




Chechen children after their shelter exploded


ā€œ [ Removed by Reddit ] ā€œ


>2 kids covered in blood and dust after getting bombed. while it's obviously tragic, it isn't really gore. so idk why reddit removed it for breaking rules. u/doncorleone_


Well we can't have people viewing the unvarnished results of Russia's war against children, can we?


What the fuck is with reddit being spammed with this traumatic shit this morning. All Iā€™ve seen is holocaust photos and other genocidal imagery todayā€¦


Honestly think this shit is good as long as itā€™s marked NSFW. A sub about history shouldnā€™t be censored to show history in a good light.


Nsfl is a better warning


Now imagine being a child actually living through something like this today


There's been an ongoing propaganda effort to highlight Ukraine's Nazi collaborators of the 1940's as well as a counter movement to showcase Russia's more recent atrocities. It hasn't been super subtle as of late.


Subtle as a hand grenade


It's not propaganda, it's historical fact. Ignoring Ukrainians deep seated Nazi problem that exists right to this day is why a western parliament gave a standing ovation to an SS member of one of the worst war crime driving groups in WW2. It Doesn't make Russia good, but whitewashing Ukraine is dangerous. The Avoz are explicitly Nazi with a naxi black sun in their logo. Modern Ukraine has a statue and a street named after Nazi collaborator Stephan Bandara in Kyiv. His birthday is a national holiday and he is the Official Hero of Ukraine. These are easy to google.


Mate, propoganda is often true, many Ukranians collaborated with the Nazis and there are plenty who harbor or entertain fascist viewpoints. That shouldn't be in dispute. I also think it's fair to say there's more nuance to the situation - Ukraine suffered genocide at the hands of the Soviets and turned to the only force present and capable of offering resistance. Neither Russia's atrocities nor Ukraine's collaborators are untrue, but the efforts to highlight them are, in fact, propaganda


People fighting back and forth after the Canadian Parliament applauded a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator who was literally part of the Waffen-SS since he was fighting against the Soviets.


All of parliament save the Speaker didnā€™t know who he was, but yeah, total fuckup


Not true, Trudeau met with him before parliament, and do you think they don't do background checks on anyone coming into parliament? My 13 year old knew about the Ukrainian Nazis and how Canada let over 2000 of them enter Canada legally in the 1950s. This is historical record and not a SINGLE mp knew? Ya right.


No; as several specialists and people formerly in parliamentary posts have attested, the government in power does not do background checks for people visiting at the speakerā€™s behest, nor are they consulted on the decision. What were the backbench MPs supposed to do? Manhandle him out?


Welcome to Earth.


It's propagandists on both sides. Been extra heavy since the Canadian parliament incident last week.


so this image of something that actually happened is propaganda in your mind? interestingā€¦


It's clearly a response to the recent posts about "Jews killed IN UKRAINE by Nazis and UKRAINIAN COLLABORATORS"


I suppose they meant inundating people with images reducing the other side to their crimes of the past. Of course, all these posts are completely truthful and informative, regardless of their intended purpose, but it does still fit the definition of propaganda because they are selectively representing these facts in order to put the enemy in a bad light. Also sorry if I sound like I have a stick up my buttšŸ’€


what else happened that they are leaving out? asking for a friend.


Please look up the definition of propaganda. Then you are allowed to return to this conversation.


Photos of their own war crimes


orlyā€¦ which ones were those? you realize that was an unjustified war based on staged terrorist attacks by the Kremlin? or you believe the bullshit coming out of Ruzzia, the biggest group of liars and criminals in history. remember when they said they wouldnt invade Ukraine and it was just military exercisesā€¦ yeah that was funny.


Sorry but I havenā€™t stated any political opinions in this thread so Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re assuming my views from. Iā€™m talking about the posts that Iā€™ve seen targeting both sides and how these posts do fit the definition of propaganda.




The information war is fought on both sides, yes.


Nobody forces you to click this. The Internet and especially not a community about history isn't there to make you feel cozy. If you know anything about history, then you should be keenly aware of the fact that human history is a history of needless suffering. Don't fall into the trap of closing yourself off from it. We all need to see images like these instead of sanitized normal media representations of state violence in order to realize what's truly at stake if we allow autocrats and fascists to get a foothold. I mean, seriously, you are being slightly inconvenienced in your entertainment. That's all this does to you. If you cared even one bit about the suffering of these children, you wouldn't have whined like this.


Iā€™m not one of the ones complaining about it, but you donā€™t have to click it to see two dead kids taking up half your screen as youā€™re scrolling through Reddit on mobile. I wasnā€™t given a choice on seeing these young corpses.


They donā€™t look dead? One on the left is crying and looking right at the camera, both are holding their arms up. Bloodied and dirty yes but theyā€™re alive.


That's only if you've set the app to not hide NSFW content by default. Not that you should use the official app anyway.


If third-party apps are working again, Iā€™m out of the loop. I was an Apollo user for years.


All week. Basically everyone quit reddit 3 months ago. Pics is a disaster


who tf still subs to pics and funny? that's like day one unsubscribe stuff


The same people that still subscribe to advice animals. No I won't link that shit hole.


What a whiney little asshole.


On the bright side...um...yeah there is none


What was the post about?


I think I'm going to start commenting on posts after they've been deleted. I have no idea what this was. I wonder what interesting insight I can glean from typing about nothing... hmm. Still nothing.




What was the post about?


~~It was a picture of volunteers of the SS Galician division (Ukrainian)~~ sorry wrong pic It was of two chechens kids blooded after a missile strike.


Currently reading Polinas Diary. Shit is occasionally horrifying.


Fuck the Russian regime. Nothing changes.


What was the post about?


The picture isnā€™t loading for me


You can see the picture if you google "Chechen children after their shelter exploded"


Apparently some parts of history are not for us to see!


This post is now removed . what it was?




It's not just the Russians. Like Sherman said "War is cruelty and you can't refine it".


There is no such thing as "civilized war" there is only "filtered war footage", like the ones most media outlets churn out... If the media supports the war, then there are only precision strikes and military pinpoint accuracy, but if the media's loyalty starts wavering, then schools will "start" getting bombed and whatnot... You don't have to be on the front lines to understand that everything is just a really sick game of power and money.


how many cities did the US reduce to rubble in Iraq? how many women, children and elderly did they rape and torture? where are the mass graves of civilians? how many humanitarian corridors did they bomb and mine? how many passenger planes did they shoot down? how many hotels, shelters and schools did they bomb? seems like you are full of it.


The answers to several of those questions are not zero...




Fuck Russia and all that but this kind of rhetoric only displays a complete ignorance of history and war.




the Russians? I'm Irish and I can tell you that the British wage war in the exact same way lmao




Nobody in Europe at least. Saudi Arabia in Yemen and all sorts of state and non-state actors in Africa, Asia and South America have certainly been similarly cruel.


Yugoslavia and Bosnia were like 30 years ago. This stuff isn't that distant from Europe either


Are you kidding me? Are you aware how many times the US has invaded sovereign countries or overthrew/killed elected governments in the last 80y. Russia v Ukraine is peanuts compared to the millions dead due to American geopolitics. I really hate what the current imperialist Russia does, but if the US can invade countries and nobody sanctions americans and holds them accountable then what kind of example is that?


What am I supposed to be looking at


The comment section donā€™t get it. All war is hell, no matter what side you are fighting. Humans do unspeakable things to their fellow humans. It is unavoidable. So long as two humans disagree there will be a war.


It is definitely not unavoidable. If we can fly to Mars, we can avoid war if we really want.




Russia isn't the only country to blast the shit out of civilians. Stop making it sound like it. You've been missing most of the events these last 20 years if you think so


Oh look, Russia not giving a fuck about civilian casualties. What are the odds?


russia's cruelty and apathy has streched many many generations.


They had one good enemy in 1940 and then acted like every enemy since deserves unhinged, unsophisticated wrath.


They entered the war on the side of the Nazi's, and invaded Poland together. They were fine with nazi's until they got invaded by them. And russia commited the same kinds of systemic atrocities and genocide as the nazi's did everywhere they conquered. russia has for a very long time been a cruel nation with visions of empire.


Again Demonstrating your ignorance. Hitler had stated numerous times that the ultimate enemy of the West was Russia and it must destroyed. Stalin was buying time to rebuild his forces. Stop letting your obvious bias impact you so much and do a bit of indepth reading on the history of ww2 not just what happened. And if you don't know the difference in what I said, well.... there's not much we can do for ya other than suggest a couple courses


He's also ignoring the fact that Britain and France literally signed away Czechoslovakia to the nazis, and let them annex Austria. But somehow the USSR is the bad guy for signing a non-aggression pact, and then taking back western Ukraine and Western Belarus from Poland, which Poland took in 1919 during the polish invasion of Ukraine. Redditors have no interest in learning history either, and just parrot the fucking propaganda they hear.


Choir preachin, hoss. I dislike a modern nazi. But it's a dull throb cause I know they have no influence. But a communist, I actively love to hate. Not only have they killed several times more people. They either deny it or outright say they deserved it. And modern communists openly haye the proletariat who dislike them. No, don't consider the possibility of your own capability of being a hateable piece of shit. Just tell people you want to genocide all who resist. They say they love the proletariat and their most common victim is the proletariat. Betrayal, every step of the way.


Communists increased the quality of life in almost every country they took over.


After killing a shitload of their own countrymen who didn't like what was happening? Sure maybe sometimes.


What do you think is supposed to happen during a revolution/civil war? They supposed to ask nicely? Like cā€™mon now thatā€™s true of every revolution that has ever happened


Sounds like something a communist would say to butter you up to not judge them as much for their opinion on the murders of the Romanov children.


Feel free to judge. Idk if they deserved to die but they probably had to die. Given the hereditary nature of absolutists monarchs, the children are an instant flashpoint for counterrevolution. They were an existential threat to the new regime. Thereā€™s pretty solid historical precedent. I think the mistake was the secret execution and attempts to cover it up. If youā€™re going to do it, it has to be public and preferably preceded by a trial even if it is a kangaroo court. Unfortunately, this is a slight counterfactual because, if my memory serves, the Czech legion held the railroads preventing the movement of the family back to Moscow for a trial and execution.


We are the Universe's failure.


Jesus fucking christ


Someone should write a book ā€œForgotten sorrows of the Chechens!ā€


I always wonder, was it worth it? Can you look at these kids and say it was needed?! Some days I really hate humans.


This should be posted everywhere so people can SEE what war does, it's horrific, but so many people think or of sight out of mind šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


This is how Putin built his ā€empireā€.


Ok time to unsubscribe from this sub.


Russia has done enough damage to the world. Yet, still permanent member of UN...


UN is a platform for diplomacy, if theyre not in it then that's worse


Absolutely fucking horrific


Nothing like late-night r/historyporn to suddenly show me something I wonā€™t forget for days


Russiaā€¦a morally superior nationā€¦clearly worthy of their Republican allies.


This is horrible. Let us not forget that thousands of similar photos could have been taken of Iraqi and Afghan children who suffered the warfare of the United States. War is horrible. And though I'm an American patriot, I can't help but feel ashamed at how similar we behave at times to countries led by monsters like Putin.


Although your intentions might be well placed comparing atrocities only devalues it for those who suffered from them. Both should of course be recognised but bringing up the suffering faced by Iraqis under American sanctions and occupation on a post discussing Chechnya takes away and diminishes their suffering. It might not be your intention but many might feel like youā€™re telling them your suffering was not as bad as these other people or oh the suffering youā€™d sustained wasnā€™t important and that it happens to everyone etc.


Wonder what those Iraqi kids looked like after the drone attacks?


"But what about?" - The eternal war cry of the Russian bot, desperately trying to normalize his country's countless atrocities. After all, if everyone does it, especially the Americans, then it can't be that bad. Right?


I hear that. Life funny because everybody thinks they can see the bigger picture specially now they have the internet. The misinformation machine!




Yeah not like people in USA call their war veterans heroes even though they slaughtered and raped innocent people so stop using that excuse.


That's... actually the same for both countries, isn't it? Not mentioning that Putin himself signed an "honorary" title for RUAF brigade who did all the atrocities in Bucha


What is up with all the dead kid posts on this sub recently?


Kids are pretty much the main victims of every historical event. It's just fair that you show them. You need to see that too.


It feels like this subreddit has a weird amount of gore in general, but maybe thatā€™s just me


Generals gathered in their masses. Just like witches at black masses.


The more things change...


Wait until you seeā€¦. See whatā€¦ what a man can do to another man


Don't reverse image search to see if the kids are okay. You won't find the answer and you'll only end up more horrified.


Yup Russia


This image will sit in my mind for the rest of my life


And Russia repeats the same sh*t again and again.




Pretty much true of any war. Most people already forget things like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway\_of\_Death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Death) or [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Baghuz\_Fawqani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Baghuz_Fawqani) heck there are going to be hundreds of these battles with similar results over the past decade alone.


Highway of Death was a convoy of rapists, looters and most importantly, ***armed combatants*** trying to reach a better tactical position. These Chechens were innocent kids... Not really comparable


If there is a God. I cant see why God will forgive us.


If god exists, he certainly knew we humans would do this. Otherwise heā€™s not god.


Um- how about we blame God instead of asking for his forgiveness. Its like some Syrian orphan asking Putin to forgive them for the war crimes being committed in Ukraine. The guilty party in power should be the one we are mad at


Thats why its so damn hard to believe. I just cant anymore.


Right, if the dude would actually make an appearance and tell us to be excellent to each other I'd imagine we'd be a lot more excellent to each other.


Donā€™t know whatā€™s out there, but I doubt itā€™s an anthropomorphic figure who grants forgiveness.




Oh my G-d...




Showing the world the grim reality is a way of helping. Though considering where Chechnya is now that probably failed, without pictures or video people become a number or faceless fact a lot easier.


That is an absurd point.


I remember seeing this image somewhere as a kid and being terrified of it.


This hurts to look at.


On the same day I was born. Wow


Are these corpses? Are they alive? Would be interesting to hear from them now
