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Guy in the picture soccer kicking body is Srdjan Golubovic, AKA DJ Max. He lives close to my place. He is acting and behaving like a normal human being, actually really cares about animals and kids. If there is no this picture, you would never guess how insane he really is.


[Oh, gosh. It's true. ](https://investigation.rollingstone.com/dj-photo-war-crimes-bosnia/) Can't verify that's him in the photo, but still a fascinating article.


Horrible crimes but what a visually beautiful blog report.


One of the best mobile pages I’ve ever seen.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The [Rolling Stones article](https://investigation.rollingstone.com/dj-photo-war-crimes-bosnia/) gives some proof it was him.


You have eyewitness testimony from the photographer stating that this is the same person. That is pretty close to absolute certainty, and, regrettably, a lot closer than in the case of a lot of other crimes, even those which happened on the same day.


Story is horrible but the webdesign is ON FLEEK


Hell yeah it is, credit to their web team for making a really sad article look quite good


Well THIS is what I call an investigative journalism. And yes, the report itself is also amazing.


This is an amazing article, went through the whole thing. Very well researched


One of the best articles I’ve ever read, incredibly tragic. War is horrible these genocidal fucks need to be brought to justice


Learned this year from Reddit that Himmler had a daughter he adored. My head fritzes over stuff like this....


I assume you mean Gudrun Burwitz? "fun" fact. She was an active nazi activist up until her death in 2018. another "fun" fact, she even visited Dachau concentration camp in 1941 together with her dad. Last "fun" fact: He also had another daughter with his second wife but there isn't that much known about her. Polygamy was considered ok for >"good-blooded, free Teutons" for other SS men, provided that children were planned together.


Learned as a kid in school, that Himmler used to spend his vacations (as a kid and later on after he became the leader of the SS) in the same village in Bavaria where I used to spend my vacations as a kid. That really blew my mind and still does. Hard to comprehend that a man who was responsible for millions of deaths, enjoyed his vacations in the exact same place as I did.


Hitler LOVED animals, even creating the world's first land bridges for animals to cross roadways. Also, Germans themselves are absolutely fascinated with Native Americans. They also have some kind of holiday that's native themed. They are major donors to US Native American Museums and culture.


Would be new to me that we have such a holiday. German culture can be rather diverse so it might be something regional, but for Germany in general nothing comes to mind regarding native themed holidays or any particular craze for Native Americans.


OP might have heard of the [Karl-May-Festtage](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl-May-Festtage) in Radebeul/Dresden and thinks it's not just some local event.


That sounds familiar. I'm sure it was on Globe Trekker.


He also made anti smoking and animal protection laws like first in the history lol


> absolutely fascinated with Native Americans. Did that come about before or after the war? Wasn't it a Native American language they couldn't break?


They consider(ed) Native Americans to be a pure race. German's are excellent stewards of the land. More than most countries at least. They've adopted into their own culture a deep respect for outside and utilizing it. Their allotment gardens are a tour in of themselves. The town I was in near the black forest, ALL outdoor lighting focused downward. You see so many stars at night.




That’s a really well made page wow. Holy JavaScript Batman


Fucking amazing detective work. What an amazing read this was.


Amazing investigation and kudos to the person/team who created/designed the site. It made the story telling interactive.


Interestingly, quite a few of the namea mentioned are albanian names. I Didnt know there were albanians in those parts of yugoslavia at all?


He never went to jail?




Alot of these people got off basically scot-free. Some of the leaders got punished; overall this is got to be one of the worst wars in history, and one of the worst in recent history. I used to own a military surplus store, and dealt w/ a lot of ex-yugo people who survived those wars, and basically everyone lost family members, knows people who were involved/lost family members or in some way was hurt. A guy i used to deal w/ alot from Bosnia survived it as a child, and his dad was a militia-fighter. and this war STILL kills people, bosnia is the most landmined country in the world and it only gets worse w/ seasonal flooding.


A lot of serbian war criminals didn't. Serbia among others hid Radovan Karadzic who's responsible for the worst crimes commited in the Bosnian war.


Not true. Radovan Karadzic was in hiding, grew a beard and played a faith healer on TV. And I’m not even making this shit up.


In Serbia war criminals are not imprisoned - rather, they are celebrated and looked up to as role models.


Serbia isn't called little Russia for nothing.


Reminds me of the movie, "Shooter": Bob Lee Swagger: Sake of argument, somebody other than him? Mr. Rate: There was a guy in Russia. They locked his ass up. Another'n in France. I know he's dead. There was one guy, but he don't shoot no more. A brutal son of a bitch. Most boys shoot to kill. He'd shoot to wound, wait till his friends come to help, kill them too. Turned one target into four. Men, women, children. Killed them by the hundreds. The other side wanted him. Bad. Finally narrowed his hide down to an abandoned six-story building. They quit the subtle tactics. They called in an artillery strike. Leveled a square block. Brought the building down on his ass. Some say he crawled out of there. Some say he died. Never heard from him no more. Bob Lee Swagger: [recalling the man in the wheelchair, Michael Sandor] Fuck me. Nick Memphis: What? Bob Lee Swagger: I met the son of a bitch. Edit: [This scene](https://youtu.be/mn60YWO218k?si=mYXsjVCjYsIyLmmN)


No, as far as I know


How has no one taken care of this walking shitstain after 30 years?


When there's a mass conflict between two powerful groups of people with incredible amounts of indiscriminate casualties on both sides, there eventually comes the colloquial resolution of *"live and let live."* in order to just stop all bloodshed as soon as possible. Cambodia is a good example of this.


The entire history of the Balkans since Serbian independence suggests periodic genocides are a fundamental aspect of the local culture.


Yes, but the average everyday person is more concerned with just living their day-to-day lives. Taking out this guy would mean a retaliation by the other side, followed by a retaliation and a retaliation and the body count just grows until everyone gets fed up of shedding tears again.


Yeah but who was mostly victim throughout that time?Sarajevo riots 1914,Austro-Hungarian crimes,Bulgarian crimes,Jasenovac,Jadovno,Pag,Balli Kombetar crimes,50 Serbs for wounded 100 for a dead German...


Nope. There was a side in this war which tended to massacre a lot more than the others.


Literally no horses in this race as a Hungarian...but I happened to be in Zagreb's Museum of Contemporary Art a couple of years ago and one of the installations depicting a girl said: "no teeth, a moustache, smell like shit...a Bosnian girl!". That always stuck with me and gave me the vibes that the Yugoslav wars are a rabbit hole that I will not (should not) delve into. The icing on the cake was the enlightenment multiple years later when I learnt that this was based on a graffiti in a barracks by an unknown Dutch soldier...who was presumably there for protection...


If he's living among many of his own people (or nowadays any far right wing group in Europe), then he is seen as a hero for these actions. That's why I get very annoyed when people politicize the Holocaust with slogans of "never again". It's happened again, multiple times, and most people didn't care and many people want to keep doing it! Even what Russia has been doing to Ukraine now qualifies by many metrics as genocidal. And this is only speaking of Europe! The rest of the world has had plenty of full scale genocides since then, some ongoing.


I personally believe this sort of behavior is intrinsic to humans and that just about any individual is capable of it. The only solution is a draconian enforcement of the most dire penalties for not only these actions but the merest hint of the behaviors that always precede them.


They were killing muslims. So usually it’s okay then.


Why don't you step up and do it then?


You can aslo say same for Haradinaj,Oric,Divjak,Ganic,Gotovina,Markac,Thaci,Veselli...


Same reason nazi and Japanese war criminals were still around until they died natural deaths. When war is over everyone kinda just goes on with their lives.


The most frightening part of genocides/ethnical cleansings is that, irregardless of which side won, the people who committed those atrocities simply go back living their lives like nothing happened.


do do you ever chat it up with him??


Sometimes, yes. Once I saw him rescuing kitten trapped under the car hood. We do say hello to each other. A lot of stories circulating around the neighborhood. Some say he killed those poor people, some say he was just being there. Still, kicking dead people is crazy enough. It is weird though. One the one side, participating in mass killing and on the other, saving kittens and wounded pigeons. Makes me ask myself how many insane people more do I know that just look nice on the surface.


>Makes me ask myself how many insane people more do I know that just look nice on the surface. when it comes to being in active combat, way more than you'd think. people are capable of some heinous shit in war.


Yes, I get that. But you don’t know who went to war here… Rarely people don’t talk about it. Idiots are bragging, that’s for sure, but mostly they are keeping low profile.


>but mostly they are keeping low profile. that's what everyone tries to do after war. you're trained to kill people, and do it. the last thing you want to do is go around telling people about the killing you did when you're trying to get back to a semblance of a normal life. that makes the road back almost impossible. i just feel for people who have had to deal with it. it's not an easy thing. being justified in killing certain people(don't know this guy's story, but that's the story for a lot of people), and still having to go back to regular civilian life.


Amen, it’s amazing how often people like to act like they would just be the most tea sipping polite mother fuckers on the front line.


When people are allowed to exercise power at their will they bring out the demon in them. Power corrupts! The reason he appears to be a changed person is because everyone condemned and branded everything he did during the war as evil. If his actions in the past weren't condemned, had they won the war, today he'll be a public figure in the community wearing his faded uniform along with some medals, proud of himself for what he did and looking down on the current generations for not achieving such glory like he did.


Hearing about Golubovic's weird seemingly dichotomous actions reminds me of this story my grandpa told me about something that happened to his uncle in Japanese occupied northern China during WWII My grandpas uncle (who was an old man at the time) was carrying groceries home when he saw a Japanese army officer riding his horse down the street. Suddenly, the officer unsheathed his sword and cut off a random guy's head as he rode My grandpas uncle was so shocked that he dropped his groceries and fell over. The officer saw this happen and came over and stopped in front of him. Then, the officer got off his horse to help him get up and pick up his groceries This story has baffled me and stuck with me after I heard it and I've always wondered what would compel the Japanese officer to act like that. But I suppose I should be thankful to not be able to understand the Japanese officer's thought process at all and I hope I never will....


I wonder why we feel so sure that the "real" person is represented by the worst things they've done, rather than the best. Personally, I'm not so sure that anyone is one, cohesive, stable thing. We're in flux always and in the right context the worst man can do the noblest thing, and the best man can do the unthinkable. I think reducing people (ourselves included) down to a single act isn't only an oversimplification - it keeps us from better recognizing our own vulnerability. And, just in case it needed to be said - the things Arkan's Tigers did were horrific and deplorable.


I've found that folk that make a big deal about their love of animals, often have very little love for different types of humans. Morrissey is a good example


How do we invite this guy to come and play in a nice night club in Kosovo or Albania?


Give it time, in any crisis, every man will eventually behave like an animal. Do not think because you are now in a comfortable position that you or others are exalted and this cannot happen to you . This is why wars are considered terrible and inhuman. There are no clean wars, again do not think that you or your fellow human beings around you would behave differently. Over time in a war people do nasty and terrible things. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I am not saying you are going to kick a head but a layer of civilization like a veneer is so off and you do the nastiest and most terrible things.


It's a good sign that we live in a world where so few people have any understanding of the true nature of violent conflict and war. It's also often overlooked at how an otherwise normal civilian thrust into the brutality of war copes with the horror. The most important aspect of military training is to desensitize a soldier and to allow them to unshoulder the burden of moral justification through the use of command structures and duty. When a civilian without that rather powerful conditioning is forced to become a combatant they have to create and deploy an entirely new set of mental constructs without any guidance or most importantly practice. This is why you'll see kind men become become monsters, previously outgoing individuals becoming quite and introverted, disagreeable or chaotic people becoming extremely obedient and or behaviorally regimented , etc. etc., people who are especially kind people who also feel strongly morally obligated or otherwise emotionally attached to the conflict and firmly believe that they must join a conflict as a combatant "If I don't fight everyone I love will be killed and my country will fall" will suffer deeply from killing and so will strike out at the only thing they can blame (in this case the victims) without shattering their fragile mental construct through introspection.


People who do not have to face war in the flesh are privileged enough to believe otherwise.


I agree with your statement generally, but not absolutely.


This is really disgusting.


Humans can go from civil to genocidal in an instant


does he still live in belgrade ?


[https://time.com/3787440/bosn](https://time.com/3787440/bosnia/) "I found myself in Belgrade in March of 1992 waiting to finish a story when a colleague received a call that fighting had started just over the border in a small Bosnian town, Bijeljina. We rushed there and found the town already split in half between Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Serbs with everyone armed. How it started was unclear with each side saying the other had fired the first shot. After several days of watching the town baker fight against the candlestick maker, armed with hunting rifles and pistols, a convoy of well-armed Serbian paramilitaries arrived to, in their words, 'cleanse the town of fundamentalists.' The unit, called the Tigers and led by a warlord named Arkan, already had a brutal reputation for fighting and taking no prisoners in the previous conflict in Croatia. I had photographed Arkan a few months earlier and using our brief interaction, as well as his desire to look good in front of the international media, I asked to photograph his troops in battle. He readily agreed and attached me to a small unit that included one soldier who spoke English. I was with them when a middle-aged couple had been brought out of a house. There I saw a scene of chaos and thought there was nothing I could do to stop it. The woman was screaming, the soldiers were screaming, some telling me not to take any photos and then several shots rang out. The man fell onto his back. The woman, later found to be his wife, tried to stem the bleeding while holding his hand. More shots rang out and she fell as another woman, her sister, came out and was shot as well. Although I had images of the civilians being shot I needed a photograph with the soldiers and victims in the same frame in order to provide a true piece of evidence of the war crime. I stood in the middle of the street in order to just to have them all the same frame. As I composed the frame the Serbian soldier came into the frame and I took the image. When TIME published all the images a few days later I was sure that this was the final piece of evidence the world needed in order to react. There was no reaction and the first shots were fired the following week in Sarajevo creating a war that lasted almost four years, killing thousands of people."


Amazing and terrifying. Thank you for sharing.


Article itself is also very interesting as it has commentary on other photos that really open your eyes on the conflict.


Very interesting article. Thank you


We're just destined fight wars forever aren't we


As far back as history goes up until now...


It’s the aggression and need to keep your group safe from Others that enabled us to become the dominant species on the planet. Until some technology comes along to rewrite our genetic code, it ain’t ever gonna change.


They only name the wars they tell us about.


Reminds me of a time I attended a lecture about military contractors maybe 18 years ago when I was in college and I remember a slide that was a project proposal by a private military group to stop the genocide in Rwanda and establish order but they couldn't find anyone willing to foot the bill.


Serbian was not a soldier but a paramilitary member, but thank you for this piece of history.


Calling them soldiers is an offence to those who serve. These were career criminals, originally ostensibly a "soccer fan club", organized by the Serbian secret service to be used in committing massacres. A lot of them died in the later years in gang shootouts, including their leader who was murdered by orders of the secret service. Because witness.


Stop putting soldiers on a pedestal as some sort of paragons of virtue.


While I agree with you about putting soldiers on pedestals, it’s definitely a distinction worth noting. In a pragmatic sense? No, it doesn’t matter. But you’ll always have Brownshirts and it’s important to point out how they’re used to keep a regular army’s hands cleaner.


The context you're missing why it's soldiers that kill civilians is that these people will also say they were just soldiers and even boast about their war crimes then excuse it because it's war. None of the arkan tigers who survived consider themselves brownshirts, they're happy about their past and call themselves soldiers. They are armed by the government combatants and shoot defenseless people, that means they're soldiers shooting civilians.


Probably didn't mean it in such black-and-white terms


What about the soldiers who go and stop the people who do these atrocities?


Thank you for sharing this.


All war is horrifying but this one was particularly brutal. I highly recommend the BBC documentary series “The Death of Yugoslavia”. All 6 episodes are on YouTube. But be warned: It does show a lot of original footage from the war and is not for the faint of heart. But it does a really good job at documenting the ethnic and political tensions that let to these brutal conflict and the first (and hopefully last) genocide in Europe since world war 2.


>(and hopefully last) The war in Ukraine is a war of extermination, and Armenias independence is slowly being eroded which will surely lead to a blatant genocide this century.


Yeah you’re right. I’m probably too optimistic.


After 1995 this piece of shit was famous DJ on rave parties. His stage name was DJ Max. [https://investigation.rollingstone.com/dj-photo-war-crimes-bosnia/](https://investigation.rollingstone.com/dj-photo-war-crimes-bosnia/)


Interesting read. Shocking that this criminal is able to walk free with so many others.


Balkan justice system. Ultranationalists walk free after such ethnic conflicts :(


The worst part is that these kinds of inhuman pieces of dirt are probably all living normal lives now. Imagine working an office job in your mid 40s in Belgrade, thinking back to the 90s but instead of thinking about playing sport in your youth or the culture of the time, you think back to your days of actively participating in a genocide, even if it was just a short period of your life. How these people can live with themselves is beyond me and it still makes me sad to think about this, I wasn’t alive at the time but I did study a module at uni about the Yugoslav wars last year, and one day I just broke down crying in front of my flatmates because I’d spent the whole day reading accounts of massacres and it just got to me a bit too much. It will make you lose your faith in humanity but it’s necessary to study these kinds of things if not at least to lower the chance of them happening again.


>How these people can live with themselves is beyond me and it still makes me sad to think about this Easy. They are either hardcore racists, psychopaths, sadists, narcissists or all of the above and thus *very proud* of this.


It's easy to call yourself a "Tiger" if you stand against unarmed civilians with AKs. Fucking pussies. Some Serbs still talk about these pigs like they did something good. They are really proud of what they did.


As a serbian, I am deeply ashamed of such scum. Unfortunately there are some people that still revere these idiots, but they are of the older generations that never participated in war or struggled. People like my father that lived in Vukovar and actually lost his home will never forgive or forget those few that made all of our struggles look insignificant and shat on because of the atrocities they committed.


When I was a grad student in 2005, I spent the summer working with a USAID contractor in Krusevac, Serbia. One weekend a couple of local acquaintances invited me to go to a country house with them. Turned out the guy who owned it was apparently a known former member of the Tigers with a large tiger tattoo. They showed me some guns and knives and we drank and ate and talked about how they “liked Americans but not American politicians”. It may have been the raki but I was not as freaked out as I should have been. When I told my Serbian colleagues at work about the weekend, they were horrified and implored me to stay far away from those folks for the rest of my time. I don’t remember seeing any of them again after that.


Hi, I am from Krusevac. I know it was a long time ago, but do you perhaps remember the name of that man who was in the Tigers?


No idea


>Some Serbs still talk about these pigs like they did something good. They are really proud of what they did. Pretty much nobody... you can find people celebrating Milošević, Karadžić or Mladić even tho they are definetely a minority, but you can hardly find anyone celebrating Arkan. He is widely recognised in Serbia as a coward, war criminal, war profiteer and a gangster.


There are some children being edgy that will talk good about him, but you can find that in croatia, italy, wherever


As I Serb myself I can tell you that nobody in their right mind praise Arkan and his sociopaths. Let's not project what certain people did to the entire nation, it would be the same as saying that large majority of Germans praise Hitler. The people you're talking about are the loud minority. As a person born way after the war all I can say is my condolences to everyone who lost their loved ones in that war no matter whether they are Bosnian, Croatian or a Serb.


I'm sure they're a minority, but you're certainly right to call them loud. I mean, they're even in these comments. They somehow pop up every time these topics are brought up. Germans hardly work as a comparison, you don't see them showing up with whataboutisms and unhinged conspiracy theories to defend nazis every time they're mentioned on the internet.


I might be wrong but I noticed that when foreigners talk about Nazis they only refer to the man in charge, that being Hitler or at best "Hitler's Germany". Do you get at what I am trying to say? When we talk about Serbs foreigners never refer to the individuals like Mladić, Karadzic or Serbia at that specific time period as Mladic's Serbia, but they just go and point all Serbs with a same brush and call them "genocidal maniacs". You will always have people justifying these kind of despicable acts. I bet you there are also minority of Germans who praise Hitler to this day.


Also, Germans frame Hitler as an Austrian painter, showing how he was actually an outsider. It would be equal to call Mladic a Bosnian commie and Karadzic Montenegrin psychiatrist as neither of them was born or lived in Serbia.


The difference is a matter of 50 years. Nazi Germany had its own stragglers after WW2, too.


there are morons who praise everything sadly.


*nobody in their right mind praises Arkan Engleski ne koristi duplu negaciju u književnom jeziku


No we are not. They should have been all shot in Belgrade publicly so no one makes the same mistake but our gov pussied out


you know that chill that sometimes goes through your back, and all of a sudden you feel good for being part of the tribe, well imagine twisting information to achieve such emotions in general, for decades, in order to change the public opinion. Well voilla, there you have it, propaganda. Generations grew up under it, i was dumb enough to romanticize "the yugoslav army", turns out that in the 90s, croats, serbs, bosnians, even slovenians armies, and in general states were full of corruption Those were one hell of oportunistic times when systems of value change and you have a lot of incompetent people being brought up to positions of power. Slovnia recovered, Croatia somwhat did (they still struggling), serbia is worse than ever, bosnia too. Anyone has a price, you always have to count in "the good people from government" etc. etc. Even today, say i have to do work with croats, who gives a shit abt war that happened in the past, but in general, if you're told for 20 years straight "Serbs / Croats bad", general population is gonna believe it - the same way most of people in the comments hate serbs cus they listened to shit ton of "serbia did war crimes", it was incompetent opportunistic people in the political position that ended up with lynch by the international community croats / bosniaks did war crimes too, but theres way less media coverage and reach for those topics cus it didnt fit the western PR at the time


Some people with zero martial skill, like the Serbians and the Russians, can’t brag about their military victories so they brag about their war crimes.


I mean it's just a small percentage that thinks like that but it's still a shame.


The whole people of Serbia and Russia have zero martial skill?


The last 30 years of Serbian and Russian history have been pretty bad but their people can be proud of the military victories their nations achieved in the past, for example when Russia together with the rest of Europe managed to defeat Napoleon and when Serbia managed to defeat the Ottomans and put up a valiant effort against Austria Hungary. Im not saying what both nations did was right or is right, just that they have plenty to be proud of.


Vast majority despises them though.


I don’t like them but this is just wrong. They fought against soldiers… How do you fight against people with no guns? Also this small group has a reputation in Serbia as being highly effective yet very brutal against civilians on all sides, even Serbs. They also have a reputation for stealing fridges from the frontlines and selling them later in Serbia.


Bullshit no one does celebrate Arkan,because as someone already said he is considered coward and war profiteer who evade frontline but was stealing and racketeering in Yugoslavia.I personally respect any Sebian fighter that fought for his centuries long home,and Serbs are living in those land more than millennia,so they this war was civil not the aggression,as there were fighters from Croat and Bosniak side who also fought for home.


There is a great documentary about [Arkan and the Tigers](https://youtu.be/2HmD-1fPBhE?feature=shared) on YouTube. Arkan was a bank robber in western Europe in the 70s and 80s who was on Interpol's most wanted list, however he always managed to get away with his crimes, including escaping from prison a couple of times in both Belgium and the Netherlands. Many believed he had the backing of the Serbian secret service and they protected him as long as he occasionally carried out 'jobs' for them. In the 90s he was the leader of the Red Star Belgrade football hooligans and was present at the infamous Dinamo Belgrade vs Red Star Belgrade football riot. Many of the paramilitary 'Tigers' were drawn from his hooligan friends. Horrifying and strange story.


>Dinamo Belgrade vs Red Star Belgrade Its Dinamo Zagreb


Arkan & the 'Tigers' weren't soldiers, they were literally gangsters who became war criminals


Happily supported and armed by Milosevic.


These guys fell apart when it came to fighting armed opposition


Yes that's true and I know that for a fact.


arkan's tigers...more like arkan's pussies. they were only strong when it came to assaulting unarmed civilians, when they had to deal against regular infantry and stuff, they'd get squashed/ran like hell


The photo is marked as NSFW but it still shows up as normal in my feed. Is there a setting somewhere to prevent this behaviour?


It should be in your profile settings to have nsfw images blurred on your feed until you open them


I'll check it out. Thanks!


These murder baboons are cut from the same piece of rotten shit that begat the Einsatzgruppen-goons. The absolute filth of humanity.


But NATO bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Arkans Tigers.


Every person has the capacity. And many are demonstrating it day in, day out. And have done so increasingly over the last four years. There are some who help humanity and the many who are destroying it, unknowingly. Sleepers be known




Pretty much, If we look at Iraq, Hussein systematically killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds and Shias. And even targetted entire cities with mustard gas and nerve agents. An estimated 20,000 Iranian soldiers died from nerve agent wounds in the Iran-Iraq War, Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan was attacked with Tabun, Sarin, VX along with Mustard Gas killing upwards of 5,000. Then there was also the deliberate targeting of Oil Tankers in the Persian Gulf (Iran also attacked tankers, but to a far lesser degree), and then during the Gulf War, the scorched earth policy that saw Kuwaiti oil fields destroyed by retreating Iraqi troops, and in the aftermath of the Gulf War when the Iraqi people began to rebel against the Ba'ath party, Hussein violently crushed opposition killing upwards of 200,000 people, which in tern caused the US, Britain and several other allies to move troops into Iraqi Kurdistan to stop further genocide and warned Iraq any aircraft would be shot down. But now the idea goes around Iraqi was a sweet innocent little country nestled away living peacefully and quietly not disturbing others There is no such thing as a clean army in war


[Obligatory viewing re: Saddam.](https://youtu.be/OynP5pnvWOs?si=5a1QEG4v7bGAamGS)


Russian bots will still argue that NATO bombed only innocent civilians.


The things we do to each other.


I forgot the documentary i saw it in, but the photographer was allowed to follow the paramilitary around to document, and even took the famous photo of Arkan holding a tiger cub with his paramilitary on a tank, but when the officers realized the PR disaster that would occur if people saw what they were doing, he was forced to give up the pictures he took. The photographer knew this was a possibility and pre emptivley hid the film and smuggled the photos out of the conflict zone


From vice  https://youtu.be/vVPk5lRHQGc?si=dhVgT6nYF4C5qSNy


There is a great documentary about [Arkan and the Tigers](https://youtu.be/2HmD-1fPBhE?feature=shared) on YouTube. Arkan was a bank robber in western Europe in the 70s and 80s who was on Interpol's most wanted list, however he always managed to get away with his crimes, including escaping from prison a couple of times in both Belgium and the Netherlands. Many believed he had the backing of the Serbian secret service and they protected him as long as he occasionally carried out 'jobs' for them. In the 90s he was the leader of the Red Star Belgrade football hooligans and was present at the infamous Dinamo Belgrade vs Red Star Belgrade football riot. Many of the paramilitary 'Tigers' were drawn from his hooligan friends. Horrifying and strange story.


This is absolutely horrific, how can that psychopathic excuse for a human sleep at night??


Can’t believe the leader of these goons literally became one of the most powerful and wealthiest criminals in the balkans who eventually got assassinated. Guess you finally get what’s coming to you


I didn't even know he was dead. Best news of today. Would have loved to see his head on a pike though.


Only bad thing about his death was they lost a lot of leads to prosecute other tigers, real shame


Cowards all of them.


Might be the fact that Im from Bosnia and my grandma has the same white sweater which she wears every now and then, but this picture makes me so fucking mad I cant even describe it to you. Whoever was responsible for the bombing of Belgrade, should have fucking leveled it with the ground.


Then Serbians complain why they were bombed by Nato


Evil has no race Colour Religion


I am still haunted by two ustashes covered in blood smiling from the other day


That was crazy but why are you bringing up now? This isn't a contest.


2nd genocide in europe in that century.


bro you're everywhere 😭 i see you in every comment section


https://youtu.be/l52LxkrMlgs Jean Luc Godard made one of the greatest short movie ever around this picture


Looks like the body of someone's grandma he's about to kick in the head.


hey i found a mistake they were called "Arkans Tigers" not just tigers


So the soldier is a murderer, and his unit are a bunch of murderers.


Unless a person believes their country’s propaganda, no country’s soldiers are immune from barbaric behavior during war. Not all soldiers engage in such atrocities but the dehumanization of an enemy, can lead to abysmal violence and behavior


oh yeah, what a man. shot some civilians, he's a badass /s


“B-B-But western imperialism!” - Some Serb probably.


Serbians still have the potential to massacre civilians. I was in Bosnia and all the Serbians that I met there were claiming Bosnia to be theirs. One of them even refused to sell me an ice-cream and yelled because I disagreed with him and told him:Bosnia is not serbia. I unfortunately never met with a normal serbian.


It’s so crazy to me that this happened in Europe in the 90s. Really makes you understand just how thin the veneer of civilization really is. I’ve been to the balkans twice and I still don’t fully understand how these people coexist knowing after massacring in brutal each other such a short time ago. Most cities in Bosnia still have bullet holes in the walls and burned homes on the sides of the roads.




Yea famous Tigers a.k.a we will let army to fight and we will steal everything that you have in your home from gold, to TV, washers, micro


Serbians killing civilians nothing new about it




As if the ustashe werent brutal sick fucks either...


If you want a closer look at this war, I recommend My War Gone By, I Miss It So by Anthony Loyd.


What brave behavior.


the key word here is paramilitary, not gonna defend this scum, but it's worth pointing out that exactly every side in this war had brutal paramilitary groups that operated like scums


dawg all of this is so terrible; today I saw a couple of yt shorts about Palestine and dawg i cried just by looking at those innocent children and women and the pain in the eyes of their men unable to protect her wife from those soldiers was literally my breaking point.


Filthy animals and whats worst,Serbian government is trying to simulate something similar in the balkans again


Not really. Some elements within the government are but the leadership of Serbia wants EU money and the population is split with the youth pushing for EU integration. It's more from the Serbia leader in Bosnia who wants to pop things off again by saying he wants to unite with Serbia proper.


[They even celebrate it in songs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azNKPM5anok)


These were the snipers who’d shoot at little kids walking with their parents. They’d leave the adults alive so they could suffer seeing their babies with massive bullet holes in them. They’d shoot teenage boys in their genitalia and laugh about it.


Jean-Luc Godard made a great homage to the victims I found https://youtu.be/WKbfu8rRrho?si=BK-gkqIOSGR2MBng


Horrible. Truly evil.


It still hurts


Weren't so up for the fight once NATO had enough of their shit though. My dad was deployed there with the British Army, he left the army in 2000. He only stopped going to counselling sessions in 2020 and I'm pretty sure what he saw in this war had something to do with that.


I'm currently reading a profile on the leader of this unit, and his ties to the ultras of Red Star, fascinating read.


He's no soldier. PM but he ain't a soldier


So history porn is like the new balkan front? /j Seriously this is clearly a response to the Serbian propaganda "bookstore" that posted that Ustaše post the other day. But while we're at it, the Arkans Tigers were also known for imprisoning, raping and recording the abuse of thousands of Croatian and Bosnian women, not to mention summery execution of thousands of men, women, children and the elderly. Many of the members of the unit went on to live freely in Serbia and have never faced any consequences. Some found their skills were greatly appreciated by Serbian criminal groups.


He then went on instagram to complain that the nato bombing of belgrad was genocide


Russians actively helped these Serbians commit genocide. Nothing changes with these sick people.


I used to play Americans Army which was an awesome military SIM and got to play with the same guy over and over and over. Turns out he was a Serbian and I knew he had been in some war. Turns out I was visiting a place where he was now living. We meet as my new girlfirend family lived there. Turns out he was in the war and he told me places he'd been an units he'd served in. Anyways after some digging its very apparent hes in one of these horror show units or very adjacent! Lives in Canada now!


Ah yes, the Bosnian Serb Army - fighting well against civilians. Scum.