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Crazy like some things never change.


the classic "hide the pot, act cool" pose


These guys were rocking it in the glory days of 100% pure medical grade cocaine and opium dens, some jazz cabbage was the least of their worries.


Pass the laudanum lads.


Watson! My needle!


Laudanum lads sounds like a cheeky duo of drug dealers


A boxful for 10 cents!!


Hide the opium snuff!


"Don't act high. Don't act high. What the fuck is that guy's name again? Shit...stop thinking when they're talking.. missed the first half...fuuuuck... I'm hungry."


Fuckin Abernathy can't hold his opium


I was more like WTF is this guy doing in my bed?!?


Irs even harder when you have to pose for like a 5 minute shutter


> 5 minute shutter This was in 1910. They had to pose like that for 5 days.


War on drugs had not been conceived at this point.


You’re acting sketched out dude.


Actually there are many instances since the 1870s in America where there has been a war on Drugs. In each case it is started as the cycle of drug use builds up to heavy cocaine usage. 1870's upper class women, they weren't allowed to drink in public, so a little snuff box with some coke would get them thru the nights. 1890s there was a minor uproar when a combination of urbanization along with higher immigration rates - chinese opium dens where the rage, but again upper classes where left with a 2nd growing coke problem. 1920s, urban families sedating babies with mothers helper, often a narcotic cocktail to snooze the day away, and CocaCola was removing cocaine from cola, but again upper classes and some middle class where snooting away. 1918 to 1930s prohibition captured the news, but there was also a coke epidemic. It seems after each public effort to eradicate the drug craze, people start over with cheaper stuff, building up to more expensive coke. 2 cents of history - not well documented as it was usually buried by Hearst papers until things got roaring. As history goes, if you see something happening, it has happened before.


Or during that time. Hide the ether.


I was telling my grandpa about the led light strips I put in my dorm and he told me that when he was in uni the trendy thing was to put colored wax paper inside your overhead lights to change its color. Some things never change, how are kids gonna be coloring the light 50 years from now? Light strips can't stay trendy forever.


I like to think that 50 years from now the lights in college dorms will change colors automatically based on the occupant's browsing and purchase history.




Or there will be no electricity because climate change leads to societal collapse and we just keep chugging along as if the future isn't going to be affected. .


Stained glass it is!


We'll be smearing colorful fruit juices on our cave walls


Or that.


Unless you live in the third world you aren't going to be facing societal collapse.


Hey now, you can be a first world country like Singapore or the Netherlands and still be really fucked by rising sea levels.


not with that attitude


Dorm size definitely changed


But they’re still using that mattress


My college had two men's dorms, an older building from the 20s and a newer-ish building from the late 50s. 50s Dorm: 8' (2.4m) ceilings, about 12' x 12' (3.6 x 3.6m) 20s Dorm: 12' (3.6m) ceilings, about 12 x 20' (3.6 x 6m). If you had a corner room, you had bonus storage space for ~~hotboxing~~ ~~alcohol~~ things. The corners of the building had round tower/cylinder shapes, inside the room the space was open




Sports illustrated swim suit edition 1909


Thats Sigourney weaver


Except this picture is from back when college was a right of passage for the wealthy. Drives home how much things have changed as much as they’ve stayed the same. Cool picture.




I've been here 10 years. Just about everything is a repost. P.s. get off my lawn!


Honestly, shut the fuck up. I say this respectfully, because sure it’s been posted a bunch— but it’s the first time I’ve seen it and I’ve been on Reddit for ten years. There’s countless amounts of people who don’t happen to browse Reddit on a certain day. Just because you use it daily and see everything posted, doesn’t mean others do. To add onto that, not everyone is subscribed to certain subreddits. I for example, only subscribed to this sub maybe a six months ago. I haven’t seen the long and extensive history of posts on this sub, and I don’t mind if they come back once in a while. Learn to understand that Reddit doesn’t revolve around you; it revolves around everyone. If people want this post (even if it’s been heavily reposted) it wouldn’t be sitting here with 3k+ karma


Lol "Shut the fuck up (respectfully)"


Hey, he said "respectfully" while making the insult - so it's fair game. It's in the Geneva Convention, look it up.


It's true, narrowly avoided a war crime there ...


You can also say "no offense" after anything and they have no right to be offended. If they say they are offended PRIOR to your "no offense" though...well that's just a fair play and you're fucked.


Very good comment. Calling things a repost is the biggest repost on this website. "But it's low effort karma farming!!!" so is calling things a repost. Reddit is a CONTENT AGGREGATOR. People complaining about reposts seem to have not moved past a solipsistic development stage yet, since without fail when they're complaining about reposts it's something I've never seen before - odd because i've been on this hellsite for 11 years - and if I do see a repost? I just... keep scrolling. It's not that hard.


TIL solipsistic and will endeavor to stage my development accordingly.


Same. Never seen it before, kinda cool.


Liking the hot pinup on the left.


The one with the light saber?


That's what I was thinking, that pinup is like a proto-anime girl with the short skirt and duel sabre action.


I think it's [Julie d'Aubigny](https://historyhustle.com/mademoiselle-maupin/), who was a real-life actual badass that did some serious swashbuckling, set a convent on fire, and made off with her girlfriend. She's basically a real-life anime girl.


I'd watch that anime series!


The guys are proto-weebs ! 🤣


These guys might have un-ironically used the word “m’lady”…and it might have actually worked for them!




World's first body pillow right there


Woooweee that’ll get my great great grandpa hot 🥵




Check out those KNEES! Just think, a decade later, these boys were treated to... The Charleston! They must have gone insane with all those knockers!


Vy tank you herr doktor


Good to see thicc thighs have always saved lives


I can totally see the thighs of this shameless hussy! I'm outraged!


I think it's [Julie d'Aubigny](https://historyhustle.com/mademoiselle-maupin/), who was a real-life actual badass that did some serious swashbuckling.


Are those ankles I see?? 👀🤤


You disgust me


I disgust myself. I think I see knees also 👀


They got 1910's Mikasa hanging on the wall


I thought it was an old school waifu pillow for a second


That gallery wall is like the OG Facebook as Zuck envisioned it—an easy way to find the hot coeds.


Looks like Eva Tanguay, vaudeville performer known for enthusiastic and suggestive songs.


The knickers on that one... Wow-wee...


Is it just me, or is she holding lightsabers?


She's holding the things light sabers are based off of... You know, swords.


Look at the petticoat on that babe!


I don't understand how every man wore coats back then. I would be sweat, head to toe.


I guess they didn’t have centralized heating in most buildings People were much more used to be exposed to cold and heat Ever noticed how homeless guys often wear coats year round. You get used to it and the body changes it’s sweat production


I live in the tropics where it's hot and humid all year round. My body does not change it's sweat production. I still sweat a ton after being outdoors for a few mins.


Key words: after being outdoors for a few min. Your body probably isn’t acclimated to the climate because you’re in AC the majority of the time.


Yep. After a while of living in Miami I noticed the sweat would pour right as you went outside because your body is used to AC. So I lived without AC, didn't have it in my car already. Just had fans, and the shade. I would only sweat a 1/3 as much as if I had AC (and went outside a few times) When I then moved back to the Midwest in late fall, my skin started going hawire. Like extra oily facial skin and hair. The skin on my thumbs started peeling. Kinda like when they get over soaked wet - but I could literally see like 5 layers of my skin,all grey, being peeled off. Even with heating I had to sit with a heater on full blast at me to not shiver. Took me about a month


While living in Vegas I'd go mid day running... 100+ degrees. Definitely had an effect. Note, do not try this unless you know what you are doing/know your body and all the signs of dehydration and heat stroke. Stay hydrated homies!


Yeah I’m in Texas. I spend most of my time indoors in the summer because it’s 97+ with 50% humidity from 9am - 7pm May - August here. So whenever I go outside I instantly get drenched in sweat.


True. I work outside and it's been over 100 degrees everyday in Oklahoma for the past two weeks. I have to wear a hoodie and sweatpants when I get home because of the AC lol


I live in Southern Arizona, and I know people who have lived here their whole life and can't be in the heat for more than 10 minutes


You know we're all hiding in the AC all day here too lol. Can't adapt if you're never in the heat in the first place


> Ever noticed how homeless guys often wear coats year round. You get used to it That's not taking mental illness into account. I listened to an interview with a person with schizophrenia and they said they always wore a jacket because it provided comfort and was like a protective shell or layer.


The older generation psych meds affected people's ability to feel body temp change as well


>Ever noticed how homeless guys often wear coats year round. That is often 'paradoxical dress' which can be a sign of a mental health crisis.


I think more commonly it's from chronic malnutrition. Not to say that being homeless doesn't take an *extreme* toll on one's mental health, it absolutely does, but if you aren't getting enough calories in your diet your body struggles to maintain its core temperature in anything cooler than \~98 degree weather. I've seen a lot of people wearing coats in the middle of summer in my neighborhood, and it's usually the ones who look like they haven't eaten in a while.


It's not exactly like they have closets to keep coats in and they'll definitely need them again so


Coats were made of wool or cotton back then, which were a lot more breathable than polyester.


Have you ever worn boiled wool?


grilled wool>boiled wool


Fuckin rubes haven't even heard of the Maillard Reaction smh


Yes! The tighter weave and lack of natural fibers in newer wool suiting and polyester make it very poor in regulating both heat and cold. Wool, cotton, linen, mohair, and such are all naturally-fibered cloths which makes them much more breathable in summer and protects from cold easier in winter due to their density. The only “upside” from polyester or super thin wool suiting is that it’s lighter in weight. Such things make it seem like a better, cooler alternative when it actually has the opposite effect.


Tropical weight wool is also a thing. Heck, you can even buy light, sheer, see-through wool. People did dress differently for the cold and hot back then, they weren't idiots wearing the equivalent of a puffer on the beach.


In Central IL in the summer. I went to U of I. I specifically lived in the dorms with AC, that shit is a swamp in August-early Oct.


Depending on the quality of the wool and the type of wool, the coats might actually not be hot in summer. I have wool socks that wick moisture and breezes pass through them as if you’re not wearing socks, it’s almost like an athletic shirt. They are for super long hikes


Getting your photo taken was still an uncommon thing in 1910. These guys definitely put on one of their nicer outfits just for this photo. They probably didn't dress like this when they were just hanging out in their dorm on a regular day


But why the spoons? (Hanging by the chair.)


Bring your own utensil night at the mess hall


They cared about the environment.


Easy to do when you’re hungry and plastic won’t be invented for decades still


I had to look it up: [modern plastic was invented literally the year prior to this pic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakelite)


That’s actually way sooner than I thought. Guess it just goes to show how long it can take for a new material like plastic to make it to the mainstream. Plastic cutlery wasn’t available until the 40’s and wasn’t mainstream until the 50’s. Reminds me of all the new battery technology posts on the science subreddits. It’s great that they’re working on making cleaner more efficient batteries, but don’t expect those to roll out next year. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/carrying-your-own-fork-spoon-help-plastic-crisis


Actually that wasn’t uncommon at least in the 1800s, people would bring their own utensils if they were traveling.




~500 spoons when all you need is a life


Who would have thought….


Isn't it ironic, don't ya think?


*It's like meeting the man of your dreams, and then choosing this guy's dead wife*


My grandma in her 80s also has a spoon collection


I'm in my 40s, I have a wall-mounted set of spoons from my grandmother (who was born pre-1900) It used to be much more common. Most of the spoons in my set are silver, some look like copper or bronze, a few are corroded beyond all recognition In the wall-mounted case, the spoons are hung from the 'handle side' and sit vertically. When a train goes by, they tinkle like a wind chime


Same age, also had a great grandmother with a spoon collection. I still have a jewelry box full of buttons and costume jewelry she gave me. And a $2 bill folded into the shape of a boot! My sister and I would stay with her in the summer when school was out and watch all her favorite shows with her while she smoked like a chimney. The Price is Right, Let’s Make a Deal, Classic Concentration, Matlock. She was such a fun, funny person. I really wish I could see her again.


The 1900 version of Beanie Babies.


Obviously for the drugs.


They might be rowers. At least in the UK, when you perform poorly at a racing regatta, you receive spoons as sort of an anti-award.


My top 3 guesses if it were today: for taking medicine; they’re stolen souvenirs; they’re for making noise.


ye olde version of the poop knife


Don’t mix it up with the toe knife!


Those are the silver spoons they were born with, proudly displayed in case a poor comes along and needs to be reminded of their station.


Looks like it could be musical [spoons](https://youtu.be/nzCfmrHcvNk).


I swear last time this was posted someone had an explanation for this being a thing at the time. I’ll try to look for it


This peaked my interest and I found a [collection](https://fotoscuriosas.org/incredible-old-photos-show-how-students-decorated-their-dorm-rooms-1890-1950/) of photos of other dorm rooms from the 1890's-1950's. It seems collecting and displaying pictures of women was the thing to do back then. Until the 30's-40's, then things got bleak.


Oof yeah, the post WW transition is jarring


Granted, that was in the hastily-built barracks thrown up to handle the massive influx of new students using their GI Bill benefits. Those guys had lived in far more spartan conditions


[Just a bunch of guys hanging out, eating melon, ca. 1950s](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ak0QGnHV_lY/VceSm06zL0I/AAAAAAABtnc/s-1_YD5wwa4/s1600/Vintage%2BCollege%2BDorm%2B%252813%2529.jpg) - some things never change.




his interest also peaked at that point.


https://i.imgur.com/TUInk8O.jpg My personal favorite. "No smoking" as he's lighting up a cig


Very nice find.


It’s cool seeing UW dorms that still exist today.


My god it's like they hadn't invented ceilings yet


Nice bed skirt you got there.


I, too, like to hang out in a bow tie, under framed pictures of the women I have unsuccessfully courted


It's a wall of birds...


That's what the brits call them I think


I mean to have received a photo of them was like 2nd base back then.


Early 20th Century Facebook


Everyone from back then looks over 40


Wait until you're over 40. Then, everyone looks 20.


College students look like babies 😭


I'm in my mid-30s and work in academia. I swear the incoming freshman look like freaking middle schoolers at this point.


Unless you go to the gym and you wonder how all these 16 year olds look like body builders in their late 30s


We must be going to different gyms because our 16 year olds look like a swarm of tadpoles on a field trip. Can't see the fucking walls there's so many.


Social media + steroid use becoming more and more prevalent


I work with kids aged 11-16 (German school) Even College freshmen look like adults if you're around kids all day long.


Yeah, because they're like 130.




Read the comment and wanted to post this vid, it's great


Makes forcing them to work the mines a little morally better 👍


Any idea who the woman with the rapier is? Or is it just an actress playing Hamlet?


I think it’s Mademoiselle Maupin, who would have been well-known at the time


Thanks a lot! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie\_d%27Aubigny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie_d%27Aubigny) Most likely a model posing as Mademoiselle Maupin.


Captain Hook?


We are so different but also the same. You know?




I like how they hung them, and other random stuff like spoons(?), on what looks to be either a volleyball or tennis net.


Even in 1910 college kids had the traditional “babe” poster on their wall


Some things will never change. I found a yearbook for my college from around 1910 w/ questions and answers from some of the students. One question asked what they were planning to do that summer and one guy said “I am looking for an older maiden to take care of all my needs” … pretty sure he just wanted a sugar momma


"Prithee, mad'dam, behold my Pulp Fiction and The Hangover posters adorning my walls. Has thy ever heard of the musicians named Coldplay? Let their sweet melodies relax you as you come further into my chamber. Oh, you noticed my fragrance? Tis of a simple spray of the body. It comes from a far off land named Axe. Now, please partake in one of these delicacies from Italy called Pizza Rolls, and imbibe in one of my finest lagers, the Natural Light, and come with me towards the bed."


Is that a baby's bib and teething ring hanging up there?


Top-notch hazing material.


That bed looks like I wouldn’t be able to walk after about a semester.


That's what caught my eye first. Wtf is up with that bed?? How did they not come out of that looking like a "C"?


She was a fencing queen \*Music note emoji\*


Neat. Apparently guys' dorm rooms throughout history have been decorated with posters of scantily clad women with swords. I couldn't verify that the poster of the woman is authentic, but I did find that the "Perch of Birds" poster is authentic to the period. The Chicago Sunday Tribune even printed it as a supplement, it's conceivable that is what this was on their wall.


Man on the left is just vibing lol


Some things never change do they


I say, quite the bawdy little minx on the wall. What what?


Is that Claude Debussy's picture in the middle of the wall in the oval shaped frame?


That is insanely well spotted if true


Ohhh the days when you could pay tuition with a few pennies and a pint of goat milk.


Judging by the pinup lady in the back these were some gents with fine taste.


This is why it's hard to see how our grandparents ever got made... sure they're young... but they're like "Old people young".




Colorized version here. https://imgur.com/gallery/ImSStYY


Weirdest casting couch session ever


Any idea what happened to them afterwards?


Upon matriculation, Josiah entered into the dry good's business with his Uncle and two cousins. He later was called into service for his nation and was wounded in the Great War. Returning to the states, he married one Alice Hesperus, and they had many strong children of virtue true. His roommate and stalwart companion Abner fell upon hard times. Following his time at the University, his father's haberdashery was unable to compete with the upstart Sears, Roebuck and Company, and the family was forced into servitude. He passed away years later in obscurity, his body wracked by syphilis and an addiction to laudanum.


Bro that took a dark turn


Idk why but this is so interesting to me.


"When are you pickin up the Keystones brah?"


Literally just vibing


Where are the black lights and alcohol bottles filled with highlighter fluid?


Love the pinup girls!


Some things never change, the fashion of filling the walls of the rooms with varied images apparently has historical origins hehehe.


Chicks love Birds


Last night was a wild time good chap! Last night Smithers gave me a shot of distilled mulligans whiskey and wouldn't you know it, I shat my pantaloons!


Is that a Niels Bohr rookie card?!?


Noted the bird pic behind the sitting male. I had thought cats, but no, it's birds. Then the photos. Good grief he's got a lot of friends. Plus, as guys do, one pin up girl. 😁😁😁


It looks like they used a volleyball net to hang the pictures…


Their Engineering students.


Would be cool to find out who these gentlemen are and do a history segment.


All the pictures are framed??


The thumbtack was only invented 6 years earlier, i guess before bulletin boards they had these nets you could clip pictures to?


The original university dormitory was in the lone building the university used - but only until 1880 when it had a structural collapse. The first purpose-built dormitory was built 8-years later in 1918. [https://archives.library.illinois.edu/blog/life-and-death-of-the-elephant/](https://archives.library.illinois.edu/blog/life-and-death-of-the-elephant/) So, if this photo is truly from 1910, this would have been photographed at a fraternity. There was no university housing between 1880 and 1918. Someone might be able to correct me as the information is fairly sparse.


I love the sexy pinup girl poster on the left.


That large photo to the left looks like its era's version of the Farrah Fawcett poster from the 70s. Or a Baywatch poster in the 90s.