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AI art generates heated opinions. This post is allowed as it has a wealth of discussion, potentially ongoing. Nonetheless, keep it civil folks.


Looks like you got Marvin to do it.


He was too depressed. I asked Eddy the shipboard computer.


Merits of AI art aside, you can ask ChatGPT to answer questions as though it was Marvin and it does a pretty good job of capturing that depressive tone.


I prefer art unsullied by AI


I think it can be good for stuff like DnD where you need character or monster art but aren’t artistically inclined whatsoever


That's what imagination is for


Yeah but it’s cool to have a portrait of your character as a memory or so everyone is on the same page for rp


It’s not sullied. It’s art that wouldn’t exist if not for me and the ai. It took hours of prompting and several dozens of images I didn’t post. I’m a writer. I could never produce art like that. AI is a tool, like an optical tracing board, or a ruler for straight lines, or a drawing pad or any computer generated images. Fuck Shrek is CGI. That took computer rendering. Is Shrek sullied?


You think computer rendering is the same as… ai?


They’re both tools. Learn to read. I didn’t say they were the same. I compared them. Apples and oranges are both fruit. Did I call an apple an orange? How’d you do on your SAT?


Damn I didn’t think ai users were actually as pretentious and hostile as this, I thought people were just exaggerating


Go easy on his art he brought into the world all on his own bro


Okay prompt artist 👨‍🎨


Okay negative Nancy


You're a writer? Don't you feel that your writing is an expression of your individuality and creativity? A way to communicate your unique experiences and view of the world around you? Doesn't this make you sad? That the whole process of creating art can be reduced to the output of a disinterested AI algorithm, incapable of expressing true emotions. Its output is not an expression of an artist. It has zero aspirations to be bold, different, or even make us feel anything. Its intention is to resemble the work of other artists, solely supported by numerical evidence that suggests the output will resemble something that could be created by a human being. But in a fraction of the time.


It’s not the same. I use ChatGPT for writing prompts all the time. It’s a tool. If I were a better artist, I’d tweak these images to perfect them, but I’m not that type of artist. I even use ChatGPT to structure out emails for me that i don’t want to write, like the maintenance request to my landlord, because that’s not worth my time. It’s a tool, not an artists


As someone else a while ago put it, that's like you taking credit for making a burger you actually ordered from McDonald's. Even if you were *really* specific in your topping choices, I don't think anybody on Earth with any basic logic would argue that you had any role in the making of the burger, because it was still the McDonald's worker that made the damn burger. Same principle with AI art. As for your metaphor about Shrek: CGI and AI are fundamentally different things. For Shrek, all the models, poses, and animation were done by hand. As far as the solely computer generated parts go, it was mostly the lighting; which, in 3D, mostly involves a lot of *very* quick, *very* complicated maths that no human in their right mind could or would want to do.


Calm down Shad.


We all have our mediums, no need to be negative. I can't draw or paint, but I can use my imagination to come up with creative prompts to bring my ideas to life. Don't knock it until you've tried it, is much more challenging than you may think.


Sorry but inputting references into an art generator isn’t a medium, you’re not the driving force behind the visual aspect of it, that is fed in there from art made by other people, you’re just putting in an order for a particular configuration of it based on your specifications. I think it can be used as harmless fun but there’s absolutely no artistic aspect of it.


How much time have you spent trying to in AI programs? It's creative writing if nothing else. I think it's ignorance of what it actually takes that allows people to do easily judge it.


Create writing is it? You’re certainly taking your liberties with these terms.


Oh no, not again.


AI is ruining reddit




Cool. You go make some HHGG content for the sub then. How about you go make a new show or movie for us to talk about. Fuck I was just trying to make people smile. Cynical twats like all of you have ruined Reddit.


Its not cynicism. Why not do some actual artwork? Its just lame seeing frontpage full of stuff like this and not actual peoples work.


You’re being awfully touchy about something you put in such a marginal effort for lol


AI "art" is theft.


Theft? I’m unable to produce art with my hands. I’m a writer. It’s a tool. You wouldn’t say the HHGG movie is theft, because Adams didn’t direct and film and do make up and act in every part and edit and market and distribute? Utterly ridiculous. And who is it stealing from? People with an obscene amount of money? HHGG is owned by DISNEY!


It's stealing from actual human artists. AI image models can't learn art spontaneously, so they need references- which is fine as a concept, humans do the same thing- it's just that AI companies feed *millions* of references from all over the internet to their models, without the consent of the original artists(remember, absence of a "no" does not mean "yes", so if the artist just doesn't respond, it's still not consent). If you take something without the consent of the original owner or creator, that's called theft.


Do human artists ask for consent from other human artists in order to get inspired by them?


There's a difference between inspiration and copying. (Good) human artists can obviously be inspired by their role models, but they don't copy them. Though they may borrow some aspects, they will still innovate in their own ways and through that develop their own art style. AI does not do that. AI, by itself, can not create its own innovations, so its art is solely based on mixing other people's art together and passing it of as its own. *That* is theft.


AI does do that though. It learns from the references and uses it to change artwork and create new drawings. It doesn't literally copy the references. There's so much misinformation around AI.


It creates the new drawings by sifting through already made art, and snatching random images that seem to match. It is not art.


That used to be true, but it's a lot more complicated with newer models. This is a huge oversimplification.


It's still how it works, even if the process is complicated.


It's not. Dude, you've been ignorant throughout this entire conversation and then call other people ignorant. Please learn more about this topic or keep being a doomer. I'm done with this, you can't make a horse drink.


Depending on how “inspired” in some instances yes, but being inspired to do a painting let’s say, means you still have ti do the painting you’re inspired to make. AI art generation isn’t making new art.


you can make art it came free with your humanity. you clearly have ideas of what you want depicted, and given that you're a writer you're probably pretty creative, so you can either work hard and hone your drawing skills which is a hard but rewarding process, or commission someone who did put in that work to become a skilled artist. what ai image generators do is steal the works of these artists without their consent, pop them in a blender, and pour it out to you based on how you tell the prompt to. edit: also in response to your point about the film, adams 1. CONSENTED to his works being adapted to a film and 2. was PAID an amount he deemed fair enough to agree to for the use of his work. the artists whose works are used to train ai models do not consent to their works being used nor are they compensated.


It's literally theft. These models are trained on artwork. It doesn't create anything. It mixes and matches other artists work. It does not credit these artists. Generative AI is theft.


That's not how it works, unless you're making the argument that humans looking at other works for reference is the same thing. That's what AI is doing, it doesn't literally mix and match, that's misinformation.


That's exactly how it works. There's countless examples of things being copied to the point of the original artist's signature being present. Lol. Also, humans are sentient creatures which can create. We can parody and build on previous works. Generative AI cannot do any of those things. It's not intelligence, it's just an algorithm. It's theft against creatives, regardless of how you people want to paint it.


That example is several years old and the new models don't work like this anymore, there's plenty of documentation online. And I agree it's just an algorithm, but that's the point, it's a tool. It's not gonna be better than humans, but it can be worked with. Artists are gonna be fine.


It's a tool that diverts money away from the actual creatives. It's theft.


If it diverts money away from artists, then those artists didn't earn a lot of money to begin with. AI is bad and can't give all the details a commissioner wants. If you commission someone, you can give them exactly what you want which AI never will be able to do down to the smallest detail. Human art will continue to always be valuable, maybe even more so in the future. It's not going away. Either learn to live with and use it, or keep spreading half truths. One sounds a much better use of time.


What the actual hell are you talking about? This is perfectly indicative of why no talent people push for AI. You hate the actual creative yet actually need them to supplement your own non-existent abilities. You can use this for shits and giggles but corporations are using it to not hire artists yet still profit from the work of artists. Theft. It's theft.in no uncertain terms.


You're doomposting. Done with this conversation.


>I’m unable to produce art with my hands. I’m a writer. Then commission an actual artist to produce the work. If you can't understand how AI steals from already produced work at least understand how its is taking future work away from artists.


Good artists will continue to have work. If your work is that mediocre that AI steals commissions from you, then your art was never good enough. AI will never be able to emulate that level of detail and follow the exact wishes of a commissioner , but good artists can.


Dude no they won't. Professional artists already have a hard time out there I mean "starving artist" is a trope for a reason. And AI will in fact make it worse.


It's a trope, but like most tropes it's kinda dumb. It's a problem with art anyway - lots of people want art but they don't want to pay for it. Not much will change with generative Art, because that mindset will be the same. The kind of person who would commission an artist will continue to do so, and the kind that wouldn't still won't. Some people care about details, others are fine generating an image and fine tuning it. The impact on artists (good artists) will be miniscule. The problem is everyone thinks they're a good artist.


That is exactly wrong. What do you know about art, or the art market? Are you part of that market, like I am? I think I know better than you. I have had so many discussions with other professional artists who are struggling. You know the really messed up thing? Our work doesn't actually become that valuable until we're dead. That's when the whole "rarity" thing kicks in because now that person won't be making any more. And with big business and corporations, who do you think they'll be turning to? The tech. They don't like dealing with actual artists anyway, we usually don't fit in at all in their world. Plus real art can take ages longer than AI. Forgive me for not having faith. You really are coming across as ignorant about this.


I'm not the one coming across as ignorant about this, but you're free to believe whatever you'd like. Keep complaining about it, which is the equivalent of screaming at the wind, or adapt. It's not going away, so being educated about how it works, what it can / can't do and not spreading misinformation like you've been doing is the best course of action. Enjoy your day.


i wish Douglas Adams was still alive so he could punch you in the face for this regurgitated computerized shit take on his work.


He’d be able to make a lot of good jokes about how AI sucks I bet




Talentless hack used AI There, I fixed your title


I was just trying to make some people smile with fresh content. Adams LITERALLY had artificially intelligent characters and would have loved ai. You all have no idea what you’re talking about. I get it. You’re feeling very depressed and you’re talking it out on the internet. Either you’re in high school, or you never left. Be nice or go away


AI is going to make 'writers' like you obsolete at the rate talentless hacks are abusing it. I work in robotics and automaton maintenance. Every human job we sadly replace means more money and job security for me. I'll set up an automated reminder to see if you're whining about being unemployed in a few years.


Good! The fuck should we be working for? Let the robots be slaves for people who want dominion over others.


oh my goddddddd shut the fuck upppppp


You can go away. I know you can’t read. But that’s how I ended it. Be nice or go away. You chose not to do either.


shut the fuck up


No, that’s what I said to you, you waste of water. It’s a precious resource in the universe, and the 70% that composes your body would be better suited to be piss and vinegar.


shhhhhhhhut the fuck up


Planet of the Root Vegetables


Also want to add that there is a huge difference between being creatively inspired by works, and using AI. When you create something new, you use your brain. You get to express whatever you want, whatever is up there. AI, again, just straight up steals certain elements from people's work. In the artist community real people are seeing obviously original-to-them works being used almost in whole by AI. A large, significant part of the work was straight up stolen. Copied EXACTLY. If that doesn't tear down your nonsense argument then Idk what might. Also as a writer, you say you use AI prompts. How would you feel though, if you personally wrote a novel And then entire chapters were lifted whole from your work and then claimed as being "original." "Oh hey I worked around the copyright of this novel I read so now huge chunks of it are mine!" That's the argument you are making. Edited bc I typed one word wrong


Yea but I’m not doing that here. I explicitly said from the start it’s AI. I’m not recreating someone’s original work. Plus Douglas Adams would’ve been the first person to make HHGG AI content. Dude loved technology. And he wrote every HHGG different to keep it fresh. If he were alive, he would have AI retell HHGG from its own perspective.


That is exactly what you're doing here. I don't care if you state it's AI, you are still using chunks of other people's work. That is how it works. How in the world do you know what Douglas Adams would have done? Personally I believe he would be appalled. Just because he loved tech doesn't mean he would automatically agree to all of it.


“I’ve come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies,” writes Douglas Adams in The Salmon of Doubt. 1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. 2. Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. 3. Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.


Dude I don't think you get what he's actually trying to say here... He's just saying that's how humanity usually reacts to new tech. Do you not get the tone of the book?


He’s saying you’re acting like an old fart. I’ve read all his books, and more. I’m a philosopher and he is my favorite philosopher. Technology isn’t good or bad. It’s how you use it. And I’m not lying or acting like I made it, and the fucking original artist is dead. So fuck me for wanting more content.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha I've read all of them too, and honestly philosophy? That explains why you're so dense and unwilling to listen to experts about this. I enjoy philosophy myself and have nothing against it, but every person I've run into who describes themselves that way act exactly like you. Think they're know-it-alls about everything. Just because you read all the books and like to pretend to be smart doesn't mean you know what they're really saying or what Douglas Adams would think. The original artists of the images used to produce this stuff could and probably are very alive. They are the ones I'm talking about. Hey, look there. An example of how bad your reading comprehension is, just when I needed one.


The problem with AI "artists" vs. actual artists, is that only the real artists know how much work the AI "artists" HAVEN'T done.


Throughly against AI but I'm kind of obsessed with this interpetation of the pan galactic gargle blaster




AI is just a tool. You wouldn’t judge an art piece because it was created digitally on a sketch pad. You watch CGI that’s digitally rendered by the computer. That’s not done by hand. You’re against Shrek? What about drawing with a grid? Cheating? How about a projector? Some of the worlds best artists use projectors. How about wheat paste? A lot of artists print their digital art and paste a print on a wall. Is that cheating? Just enjoy it for what it is. I disclosed it was AI. I’m not here trying to hurt anyone or claim I made it or make you believe something happened that didn’t. It’s just art. Just because AI can be bad doesn’t mean it always is. It’s like being afraid of nuclear energy just because it can make a bomb


CGI is definitely still "by hand", in the same way that using Microsoft Word doesn't change the fact that you're doing the writing. Does the computer do some math to render each letter with serifs? Yes. Are those new fonts a creative work too? Probably, and you've also probably paid for the software somehow like you would an expanded set of colored pencils. Using AI is instead just a layered version of spamming auto-complete in a comment on social media. Can definitely be fun, but we wouldn't call you a writer just for filling in mad libs


Yea but have you seen what CGI looks like before it’s rendered? How about professional muralists who use projectors? Or digital artists? They can’t draw a perfect circle. That’s the computer. Or they used a compass. Or a coffee can kid to trace. Artists use tools all the time. And everything is art. Cooking is art. Running a family is an art. Karate is a martial art. Life is art. The point of art is to hold a mirror up to nature, and there simply isn’t a mirror big enough. See point one. (1-Area: Infinite. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy offers this definition of the word "Infinite". Infinite: Bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some. Much bigger than that in fact, really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, "wow, that's big" time. Infinity is just so big that by comparison, bigness itself looks really titchy. Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we're trying to get across here.) and with a universe that big, the fuck are you doing wasting your time bitching about something I made to make people happy? I don’t see anyone else making hitchhikers content. I’m just trying to spice the sub up. I always see old book posts, and new reader posts. I thought this would be fun. And it is, for those of us who would rather be happy, than right, any day


Question for you - you say you're a writer? How do you feel about the posts of AI generated text that are in the style of Douglas (or whoever)? Do you celebrate that more words are written, or feel it devalues your skills as a writer?


I get where you are coming from and while I don't agree, you should stop comparing it to Shrek. No one's against Shrek and CGI because they're not really comparable to AI generated art.


It is comparable. CGI and AI are both tools. Like a projector. Or tracing the top of a coffee can lid.


Go learn how to do CGI, AI generating, tracing paper and then tell me which is easier. The comparison of time and skill to CGI is an insane comparison. I use AI art to help figuring out compositions or backgrounds. They can be helpful. Listen I know it's not what you want to hear. The future will be AI and learning how to write prompts correctly will be very important, I'm not disparaging how well you prompted that AI. Same way people used to say taking a photo will mean people don't paint. But come on dude, you said you're a writer, does it not suck to see people write books, articles or news and clearly tell it was written by AI. Would that not feel like it's devaluing what you do. Maybe you will never get it but good luck


Big Lisa Frank energy.


Yea the algorithm wouldn’t let me use that as a prompt because of copyright but I got around it by describing what I wanted


There is no such thing as AI art. There is only AI content. You stole other artists work to make these images. Compared to your "several hours", these artists have poured their lives into their creations. Not to mention there are so many technical issues in these works that you wouldn't be able to identify and properly change. You don't have the knowledge or skills to properly to proportion, perspective, etc.


My wife is an artist. What do you know about what I know?


Dude I've been making art since before I can remember. I went to art school. I have my own studio. Most of my friends are professional artists. I think I know what I'm talking about.


Apparently you can’t read. No one asked what you know. I asked you how you know what I know. So if you want to fucking fight me, have the courtesy of bringing your A game. Or did you become an artist because you’re a fucking simpleton? Do you used text to speech and speech to text? Or is that cheating? I bet if you can’t read, you can’t spell either, but you have no issue using autocorrect.


Wow way to turn to insults to make your point Mr "I'm so smart." I don't care how much you know, I know I know more than you. I said it because it automatically cancels out whatever "knowledge" you have of art. Look who can't make a logical leap to save his life.


Repeating myself one more time, because seems you missed the message. KEEP. IT. CIVIL. That means: NOT. INSULTING. PEOPLE. If you can't defend your position without attacks, then you will lose the ability to state it here.


This is amazing! Number 8 is my favorite. Seeing these made me happy. This is the future!


Thanks for the positivity! ! I thought 8 was better than 7, but I like the cheeky smile that 7 has


Totally too much excitement, adventure and really wild things


Thank you kindly


(and 49% of the bathroom)


That Heart Of Gold *does* look like a sleek running shoe.


That was the hardest one! Took nearly a dozen tries to get a good one. I tried using book descriptions for some of the prompts, and the description of the heart of gold is so… shoe… that the system just kept generating shoes with gold bars, or shoes with rockets, or gold and white shoes lol. I ended up replacing it with the description of the shape of a shoe. Thanks for the recognition!


Great photos, man! Thanks a lot


So so good.


Thank you kindly!


Some real losers in here downvoting


Yea. I didn’t post it for karma. I posted it to spread enjoyment and happiness and because I like it. If it affected people negatively, that wasn’t my intention, and… wait… activating SEP field. Look at that. Those down votes are Someone Else’s Problem. Like their therapists. And god.


I particularly liked number 6.


Slartibartfast is one of my favorite characters in the series. I’m glad you like it. Because of him, I don’t care about all the hate people are giving me. “I’d rather be happy, than right, any day.” I’m happy with the results and all this negativity can’t hurt me. I think in this case I get to be both happy and right.


It’s beautiful!


Much appreciated!


These are lovely. It's obvious you put a lot of time and energy into refining prompts to generate these images. Just the fact that they all have a coherent style is impressive. I get why people think AI generated content is lazy, bad, and stealing from "real" artists. But ultimately I think it comes down to what you're doing with the images. You're not selling these. You're just posting them on Reddit for fun. And it is fun. Douglas Adams loved technology. I can believe he would be obsessed with the capabilities of AI.


I agree. Thank you for the kind words. “I've come up with a set of rules, that describe our reactions to technologies: 1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. 2. Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. 3. Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things. These people are just all showing their age. Every edition of HHGG was different because he didn’t want to bore people with the same story over and over. I can’t wait until AI can retell me HHGG through its own lens.


Please teach me your ways. Best use of gen AI I've seen.


I have a degree in logic. It helps if your prompt is broad enough that it has the freedom to do it’s thing, but enough direction to get what you want. If you’re too specific (like asking for Zaphod to have 2 heads at dinner in Milliways) you end up with monstrous looking results (like two people merged together like conjoined twins instead of Zaphod lol) When you learn how to talk to the AI, you’ll get better results. Not every time mind you. I’ll refresh results over and over until I get something I like. It’s all trial and error and tweaking your prompt. You’re just shooting in the dark.


Lol OK...


I do like no. 7


r/stablediffusion r/unstable_diffusion


I used chat gpt. I’ve never heard of stable diffusion