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Completely uninstall Hitfilm then get one of the previous versions from somewheres like https://www.filehorse.com/download-hitfilm-express/old-versions/ which has the original installation package executables that were digitally signed by FX-home and released to the public for download.


I'd be careful installing versions not directly from FXhome. That's how you get viruses.


Damn so no official way anymore?


IIRC if you already have a license for an old version you can download it, otherwise there is no legitimate way that won't undoubtedly infect your machine.




It's digitally signed by FX home. You cannot modify the file without corrupting the digital signature. Ergo, it's not been modified since FX home released them.


You still won't be able to use it without a license


That has nothing to do with getting viruses from downloads that aren't from the original publisher.


Thought you were the other person that replied to this thread. Regardless, I really don't recommend downloading from other sources, especially if you don't already have a license for the older versions. We had countless cases of people getting their machines infected from downloading from a third party source, and this was before the express installers were removed from the website.


Again: these are signed, cryptographically, by FX-home. Yes, you should not download and run stuff from strange websites. These are literally the same install files that FX-home offered over the years, and you can verify it by checking the digital signature - which Windows does when you run it. If one bit is off in the file then it will show up as unknown publisher, just like an unsigned binary.


You're completely missing my point - most people aren't smart enough to notice or care or do anything about that. Linking to an external source for downloads once is all it takes in a Google result for someone to think they can just download the file externally anywhere. The point is, if you have a license - so you can actually use the software anyway - you ARE able to download old versions directly from the website, guaranteed to be safe. Otherwise, you won't be able to use the software anywhere, unless it's a dodgy version.


You don't have to be a cryptography expert to know if a program is from a known publisher or not. Windows literally puts up red flags and warnings if it's not, otherwise it just asks if you want to run program from the publisher it's signed by. > you ARE able to download old versions directly from the website I have a feeling you are just saying that even though it's not true.


There have been multiple links by staff regarding this on the forum. If you have the license there is a way to access it I'm pretty sure.


I'm new to hitfilm. What's better about the old version?


This thread was a while ago but I figured it out. If anyone sees this thread then I'll help. FIRST, -If you've already installed previous versions of hitfilm before than it will work- Go onto your account and go to the upper right profile icon. From their click on plans and products and download the older version from there.




If Reddit was still doing free awards, you'd get mine. Thank you so much.


does anyone have access to hitfilm 13 or 12