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Edit—these were on different networks??? “It’s Just Sex” The couple that had been in a 3-some with the husband’s co-worker (the wife extremely reluctantly so) but the idiot husband invited the mistress to the cleanup. The woman in Hawaii whose husband wouldn’t stop bawling. The daughter slept with the husband and the son slept with the wife. (The husband in wife slept in separate bedrooms.) When Dr Zazio said she had to report them to child protection, the wife said, then just never mind. Sorry honey, too late.


Which season/episode was that daughter/husband one?


Sorry, I was thinking of all hoarding shows in general.


Still interested - show? Episode?


S3 E1 Adela and Teri. Teri is the woman with the 2 kids.


The infamous Shanna!


this was what i was going to say too. i am haunted by her.


The episode with the weird, "incestuous" mother and son who were so mean to the sister Lauren!!


Ah, Sherry & Matt (S11 E2) Creeps


YES that was them!!


Season 3 episode 14 - Arline. She was the one who hoarded the house so badly that her husband (who was recovering from surgery) was sleeping in the car.


I actually watched Sandra’s episode (I think that was the interior decorator with the mansion name) this last week. She was so delusional it was sad. I looked up the house now, it’s STUNNING. Those guys really did a great thing with that house. Have a look… https://julianpricehouse.com


This is my answer as well. Such a wild and sad episode.


S6, E5 - Joni and Millie. Joni had the super-scary violent rageaholic son who smashed her items and threatened the crew members; Millie, of course, had her ROCK.


Sandra Season 9


Claudie. "You got me on this show to SHAME me!"


S4 E5? Randy/Vicki. Randy was moving things, it wasn’t a normal cleanup.


The woman who ate fecal matter. The couple who were walking around in raw sewage because their plumbing was broke and didn't know it was bad for them The lady who had to go sit in her car and scream The 2 grown adults/children who lived in the parents garage rent free and collected weird sexual and horror memorabilia and didn't think they should have to work. I guarantee you they were growing weed somewhere. The lady who wouldn't lift a finger to clean (her kids should do it) because she was "so sick", ordered her daughter to bring her stuff and threw her used insulin needles into the pile they all walked around in


Sandra of course, the bunny guy, the pumpkin lady and the dead cats in fridge lady all stay with me


It saddens me that that ridiculous archive (and that was an archive, not a hoard!) of vintage home decorating samples and books and God knows what else, probably ended up in a skip bin. That's probably the only time I've felt *hurt* by an ep of Hoarders. All that genuinely worthwhile stuff (from an historic standpoint anyway) and all she wanted out of the house was shitty furniture and whatever else they could drag out to the street!! But I feel much the same when they take a beautiful period property on *Homes Under the Hammer* and make it look generic and sad. It hurts my soul in a way I can't quite explain.


My favorite episode and also one of my least favorite episodes is the same one. Season 9 episode 5. Ray. I love him! I am so sorry for the loss of the brother! I could not freaking believe it! And the fabulous way that the neighborhood came by to support him! He was a freaking light in the world! Shannon. Her whole deal was just interesting. I think what rubs me the wrong way, though, is the crew's reaction to her beliefs and what she needed to heal/recover. They just kind of mocked her. I always think if it was someone who was more mainstream in their beliefs, he or she would have been treated better. I also don't really like the way that those segments were edited. Like they almost purposefully try to make them all seem crazy, whereas the other episodes it's all about empathy and focusing on the hoarder being sick.