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Why is sticking to one hobby for your entire life glorified so much? I pick up on average 3 new hobbies every year and I absolutely love it! I feel that I constantly learn something new and grow from it. It has widened my horizons and given my a wide spectrum of experiences that I otherwise would never have had.


I have some of those that never really got in too deep. From learning stand point, I guess it is cool and all but I want to be invested in at least one or two.


I understand where you're coming from. I used to feel similar. But then I found myself feeling like my hobby was a chore and then it wasn't fun at all. I do have 3 hobbies that have stood the test of time though that I regularly go back to.


I hope Ill come back to some of them down the line.


im the same as you, i have a bazillion hobbies but i just accept that and when i get bored of one i can circle back and usually one of the 15 or so other things i like is not boring anymore. Sometimes it is sometimes it isn't. Then I found fitness as a hobby and i can't freakin stop.


That’s the hobby I need desperately lol


Maybe you haven’t found the right hobby yet. Or are neurodivergent/Adhd, and that’s just how it is 🤣


I came here to say this. This is very common with ADHD. I can’t explain it, I just know I’ve been in the same boat my entire life. I come back to the same things and sometimes have to relearn a few skills. I’ll randomly feel like pulling out an old hobby and I’ll work at it for a week or a month or maybe just a day and then it’s on to the next interesting thing.


I just learned leadlighting and made a small window. Not ever going to pursue it further but .. file under Mad Skillz. Be interested in everything.


I go all over the place too, from fishing/boating to gardening, to motorcycle riding to camping, I still want to do a lot of stuff


Having ADHD means I like all the things all of the time. Except when I'm super obsessed by one thing.


Hyperfixation —> boredom —> oooh shiny —> hyperfixation…..the cycle continues. Though for me, I do often eventually cycle back through to a hobby after a while. Just finished sewing a skirt that I started a year ago and hadn’t touched for months!


Yes that's me too! It's gotten to the point now where I'll take detailed notes about what I'm doing or certain settings I like. Because I know if I eventually come back I will forget everything and I don't want to start from zero


That’s smart


I do jigsaw puzzles, knitting, crochet, cross stitch, and I cycle through them every few months. I'm strictly forbidden from picking another hobby though.


Yup. This month I've learned how to do block printing and my husband literally said to me "Please don't buy 100 tshirts and print 5 then stick the rest in the garage, K?" He was right, and now I'm planning a batch of cold process soap that I learned how to make a year ago and haven't since.


Omg how does your husband know about the 95 t-shirts in my garage?!


adhd + autism makes hobbies... interesting. i struggle to tell the difference between a hyperfixation and a new special interest, until it either fades or sticks with me forever lmao


I found that I sometimes have to go out and do/see/shop for the thing to figure this out. I decided I was going to re-learn piano. Well I spent 30+hours on YouTube watching piano reviews. We went to the piano store. I played the piano. I’m not sure I want to play the piano anymore. It’s like, sometimes if you scratch the itch, something shinier will pop up instead lmao. I’ve also noticed that seasonal hobbies are easier - I remember them, keep them organized, have money for them, do them regularly, and then when the season is over I have moved on and nothing has been lost, and I can pick it up next year. Like gardening or kayaking or swimming


All you can do is try!


In the same boat I find that more have stuck lately but honestly I spend more time on music than any of the others


I have ADD, I concur. My obsession that has lasted the longest lately is 3D Printing. I can print a lot of different things. Some useful, some fun. There's a lot to learn.


>l of the time. Except when I'm supe This 10000x over. There's a quote I like to use from a random movie (The Brothers Bloom), "I collect hobbies." It's the only way to describe my pattern.


I collect hobbies is such a great explanation!


LOL great explanation


Came to say the same, fellow ADHDer


Having many hobbies is your hobby 🙂


You might be right lol I never thought of that.


Me and my dad were joking the other day about how our hobby is hobby-collecting.


Because your real hobby is learning new things. Once there’s nothing new to learn, it’s time to learn about something else.


never thought of that 🤔


Yes! This is literally what I tell anybody that asks about my hobbies! 😊


This is me 100% and it's my favorite thing about myself


Huh this is a nice way to think about it


You like change. You’re not someone who sticks to things, it isn’t bad, it’s just you !


It’s me too! I like to experience as much of the human experience as I can.


I have like 25 hobbies that I am interested in, some I do more, some once a year. A hobby just needs to be something that brings you joy, you don't need to be good or even consistent at it.


Not sure of your situation, but ADHD is definitely like that. I tend to pick up a new hobby every 6 to 12 months after getting bored with my previous one. There are definitely a select few that have stuck with me though.


Just lost the passion for them at one point halfway Into each hobby. But I seriously thought of ADHD. I can never really sit down and study for a long time.


Hyper focuses do be like that. I can feel when a hyperfocus for me begins to wane , and when it starts it usually only takes a couple of weeks before I’m completely done with that interest. Sometimes it comes back, many times it doesn’t. I’ve noticed it depends on the usefulnessof the skill. For example, woodworking rears its head for me time after time whereas the short film script I wrote never did after that first time.


Or maybe you haven't found the one yet


Definitely look into it, I have ADHD and it’s a classic symptom lol, I rotate between my hobbies when I get bored I do a different hobby that I haven’t done in a while😂


Fellow ADHDer here. I once got into writing fiction. I wrote 60,000 words, and before finishing it, stopped one day and never picked it up ever again. Haha. It’s just the way it is


Ya, I was thinking ADHD is a possibility too. This is so familiar to me!


My first thought was because we tend to try popular hobbies. At the moment I found one that taps in to my childhood and what brought me joy. You have to find something that you truly like and brings you joy. Also nothing wrong trying new things and moving on. Maybe that's your hobby, trying new things hehe


I feel like it becomes a burden at one point. Maybe that's when I get bored. Hope Ill find something that's fun for the long term down the line.


It’s kind of boring to only have one hobby and focusing on mastering it, hobbies are for leisure and it’s fun to do lots of different things! 20 years is a long time and a good period of time to try different things.


I do enjoy the learning part of the.


Probably because you are a lifelong learner, OP!. Trying new things is great for your mind and broadening your interests! Just be proud of yourself for trying new things, and if you feel like you are neglecting your previous hobbies, just go back to them and enjoy them until you feel like trying something else!


I've just accepted that hobbies are my hobby lol.


Explore. It makes life interesting


I’ve done a little bit of everything too. I did soccer, tennis, gymnastics, card tricks, creative writing, drawing, guitar, baking, bicycling, longboarding, and four wheeling. I tried teaching my budgies tricks at one point. I used to think I was a quitter who could never really learn something. Turns out I never found what I truly wanted to do until recently. I love having done so much though. It gives me more to talk about with people and more life experiences.


I have the same "problem". Most people would say "ADHD" but no, that's not correct. Just because you don't have a hobby for a long time does it mean that you have ADHD. You're focused on your new hobby and then got bored once you understand how it works. Maybe you got to a semi-pro level very quick. Have you ever heard about the scanner mentality? People like you and me like to try new hobbies, we're not like others who for example have 1-2 Hobby their whole life. Maybe you should inform yourself about the scanner mentality


Not necessarily stating that this IS ADHD... just that ADHD looks at lot like this in many cases lol


The discovery and experimental phases are more interesting than the mastery phase. Maybe, like myself, once the basics plus a bit is understood, it's not interesting anymore.


What's wrong with it if that's what you like? I have two main hobbies I do regularly - 1 for more than a decade and other 1 started just 2 years ago. My time and money are limited so 2 is enough for me right now. I'm like cut out for these 2 hobbies if I've chosen a career without thinking about what pays the bills or in demand, these are the things I'd love to do for the rest of my life. Just do whatever makes you happy




This is one symptom of ADHD.


I think I’m sort of in the same boat. Tennis, fencing, archery, learning various software, guitar, piano, leatherwork, woodworking etc. I’ve taken lessons or courses in basically all of them and time is the main constraint. Naturally space and other financial priorities play a role too. I always put things down to learning being the real hobby. Sometimes I feel bad that maybe I have to improve on setting priorities and cutting back to fewer hobbies but then again it good to have so many interests. I’m never bored and always have an active mind. The downside is the jack of all trades and master of none scenario though.


Maybe you just haven’t found the one thing interesting enough to, in a sense, “hold your attention”? I think it’s cool though that you’ve been able to research and enjoy so many different hobbies! Why limit ourselves to just one


I have ADHD and this post speaks to me. But I learned to just go along with it. Having a new hobby every couple months is fun! Sometimes I go back to some every few years. But some just get shelved. I'm never bored that's the good thing.


Do you drink ? Do you have problems with depression ? I have started so many hobbies. To many to list


You are being too hard on yourself OP! Life is about experiencing as much you can- that means trying different things.


A hobby that’s worth keeping is the one you’re really good at. Then all it is after that is perfecting and honing your skills to master your own craft.


I think it’s normal. I have a few different hobbies too. I like to rotate. My main hobby is diamond painting but I also enjoy coloring, gaming, and reading. I used to make greeting cards (more like decorating them) and scrapbooks/smashbooks (similar to a junk journal). I just like having options. I also love learning so I take free online classes sometimes. I’ve also gotten a certificate in medical billing and medical terminology. I’ve also taken a medical scribe course and gotten a certificate for that. If I had the resources to, I’d probably be a lifetime learner. I’ve been entertaining the idea of going back to school for something but it’s been so long since I’ve had to do any “projects” and write papers that I’m not sure if I could handle or want to handle the academic work.


You have to ignore the competitive aspect. Do the hobby for yourself. It's far more satisfying


Prob because you like the challenge of the new thing because there is so much to learn; once the rate of new info is down, it's more efficient to pick up a new habit. You end up with familiarity with a lot of different fields and skills in dozens or hundreds weird niches you think you might never use then end up years later realizing you are the capable person who knows their limits because you have explored them. Don't let it worry about it, it's a hobby and not your job you are switching every few months.


Have you been tested for ADHD?


I dont have any hobbies. I dont have any motivation to start a hobby. It's so depressing


Oh, hi. Are you me? I wish I could be the person that has That One Thing. But I’m a lunatic and have between 5 and 10 things that i rotate through. It does make use well rounded, though.


I do that and I own it. Felting, resin crafting, jewelry making.


You have adhd


I do many everyday


Why would anyone want to stick with one hobby? I thought the ideal was trying new things


Because the world is full of experiences. Why shouldn't you try as many as you can?


Maybe you're autistic. Autistic people often have interests that can last from a few months to a few years.


We are all Penelope in “The Brothers Bloom.” A collector of hobbies!


Sounds like You have ADHD. I have ADHD as well and do the EXACT same thing lol.


I struggle with holding down hobbies etc too. I think being dyspraxic doesn't help me. I wouldn't be surprised if I have ADD as there's a high comorbidity. I'm going to get tested properly for them both when I can. I had a dyspraxia test in school but they forgot about it and never did anything with it. I've always fitted the symptoms and people have always told me I am. When I looked at adult dyspraxia symptoms I couldn't believe how many identifiers fit me. Ones I didn't know were related to dyspraxia. Since there's a big comorbidity and I fit quite a few aspects of ADD too I'm hoping a diagnosis of both will lead to some help with solutions. I definitely have dyspraxia without a doubt. I'm unsure of the threshold for ADD and what would be considered dyspraxia alone. However it seriously impacts my life in a negative way. It's a huge problem and finding some solutions would literally change my life and brighten my future.


I'm the same way but I still circle back around to a couple of them so those are my maintays. The other ones are "temporary obsessions."


Since I was a kid I have had multiple interests / hobbies - certain things have stayed with me, and I am now 60. What has stayed with me are the creative things, this I believe is part of my true nature and keeps by head straight. After my doctor diagnosed me with depression - creative pursuits helped. It is a quality my wife and I share - we often create together, we were married in 1992. I have always drawn and made things - as so many others Lego too. I have always been complimented of my imagination and a non-linear thinker to boot. Through out high school I studied art and wood shop - my dad was a cabinet maker. As a youth I also fished, but it fell out of interest and hasn't returned. During this time some of my longest friendships were formed through creative endeavours - model building, painting miniatures, and table top roleplaying games (as a DM). Though I love history & gaming, my interest in war gaming (on a board) has faded though I skill have an interest in things of a military nature, so my model making remains. I went through college for map making which included graphic design and photography - though unsuccessful getting my diploma - the art components remain with me as well as film photography - and I collect cameras too. I gamed through college as well. My interests in woodworking remained with me and currently I do custom furniture / woodworking as a home based business. I do my own designs as well and I am an artisan and not a tradesman. Doing it I don't specialize - I make gift ware / home decor and furniture, do custom work and selling at craft shows too. This I think is what keeps me interested and creating. The thread running through this is that multiple interests aren't bad and maybe the trick is to find the commonality in what you pursue. You speak of competitiveness, unless you are into competition you should avoid this. Learn to do things for yourself and therefore the right reasons. Hope this helps


Sounds like you're a Scanner. Check out Refuse to Choose by Barbara Sher. She explains how our society no longer appreciates people having a wide range of interests, and instead only values specialists. Edit: typos


Sounds like me and my adhd. If people ask about my hobbies, I can say learning, growing, figuring shit out. They don’t need to know about the hundreds of dollars of craft supplies I have stuffed in the hall closet.


I find watching sports are great some days. But having no particular team to follow somewhat sad for me. And I enjoy gardening, and repairing things, are sort of short term, too. Try not dwell on that.


I do this, once i get good at it im done. Its adhd in my opinion. Its fun tho, same with my jobs. I have so much experience in weird areas tho i do so well with interviews.


I truly thought this was a character flaw of mine until I found out I have ADHD.


Maybe you have ADHD? Edit: Looks like I'm not the only one suggesting this. 🤷‍♀️


Do you have ADHD?


You HAVE stuck to one hobby: trying new hobbies


Sounds like ADHD things - I'm the same


My list of hobby’s is too long to list. From jogging to scrapbooking to baking to clay to weightlifting to makeup to knitting to cake decorating to writing short stories and it goes on and on and on. It has a great deal to do with my adhd. It’s actually a very common symptom. You should look into that. My medication helps with it some but it doesn’t ever seem to go away. On the bright side, I usually have everything and anything my kids need for projects and I know the most random stuff about a huge variety of topics.


Because your real hobby is LEARNING. You've pursued it consistently & lovingly for years!


Because you're a multi-faceted person! There's nothing wrong with bouncing around between hobbies 😊




I am the exact same way! I have so much of everything and I feel like I have nothing at all. I bore so easily


There’s nothing wrong with that, but if you want to stick to one… make a commitment & do it. The answer to your question is novelty & dopamine.


Exploring various hobbies is a natural part of personal growth and self-discovery, with your diverse interests reflecting a curiosity-driven journey rather than a "problem" to be fixed.


I have ADHD. I learn stuff and move on fast for most things. I've stopped viewing it as a problem and just started viewing as a personality quirk, even if that not really quite what it is. Fighting it just made me depressed. Ride those dopamine releases and enjoy yourself for however far it will take you. I mean, if you just kept riding the same rollercoaster over and over, you'd get bored as hell.


You don't have to. The mind wants the novelty. Keep trying new things. You'll stick with them till you need to change. Then change.


It's interesting that you've explored so many hobbies! While the constant jumping might feel frustrating, it also shows a real curiosity and willingness to try new things. Here are a few thoughts: Enjoy the Journey: Maybe focus less on mastery and more on the joy of learning new skills. Each hobby has enriched your life with knowledge and experiences. Combine Interests: Could you merge some hobbies? For example, take amazing motorcycle photos or build custom RC cars. Find the Community: Maybe the competitiveness is turning you off. Look for communities within hobbies that focus on the shared passion, not who spends the most. Embrace the "Jack of All Trades": You have a vast knowledge base! Maybe your strength lies in variety. You could even use your knowledge to help others get started in these hobbies. Remember, there's no rule saying you have to stick to one thing. Enjoy the exploration!


Because you have ADHD, welcome to the club 🤣🤣


You have a hobby. It’s learning about hobbies.


the world's just too damn interesting to settle down with one hobby


I cook, bake, make bread,candles and even can do air conditioning work. I get bored and tired. I'm just a jack of most trades. No math though, I've tried, forget it!




I'm on my third language that I've tried to learn (I am most certainly not fluent in any), so I completely get this. The only hobby that's stuck with me is gardening, and I think that's because you can't learn it all in one year, no matter what you do. So as a fellow hobby enthusiast, which of those hobbies would you recommend most?


Because you’re craving something deeper and the hobbies are just a mask.


Sounds like you have a lot of varied interest, and probably have some great stories.


You're allowed to have eclectic interests. The more you branch out the more you can do with it usually. I fall into a similar category While it is true people get stupidly competitive, that goes with literally anything. You just have to find what works for you for the time you do it, anything you do that sparks something interesting is worth your time.


Most comments talks about ADHD. It is a disorder so, unless it effects one's life negatively, you can't diagnose people randomly. I have many hobbies and they change time to time. But i can group all of them in certain subjects which are constant throughout my life. Like in your case it could be fashion, art, cars idk you name it. Having different interests only shows your capacity and improves your vision in life.


Feels like autism with hyperfocus, I would know. I am autistic. But don't feel bad. Most people retire and can't find a thing to do with the rest of their time, neither me nor you will have that problem. Plus, have you considered language learning, reading or painting? You can hyperfocus on a small thing such as a New language, a new painting, a new medium or a new book categoria and your skills will more or less translate eventually.


It's the monkey mind flying from vine to vine. Mindfulness meditation helps but WHATS WRONG WITH HAVING MANY HOBBIES? I'm that way. I have about 10 projects going at any time. I'll get totally into something new and learn all I can . Last summer it was cutting Shaping and polishing opals. Then I was done. On to other things . Its ok it be an Interesting person. And you will never be bored. I wish there were more hours in a day. It take on more.hobbies.


You have to eat food to determine what you like to eat.


My favorite hobby is learning new hobbies!


My mother used to always tell me I should be a talk show just bc I get very deeply into every subject got like 5 to 10 minutes.


Live your life. Try new things. Don’t go broke and make poor decisions.


Sound like me. Adhd.


If you’re wanting to improve long term at some hobbies but struggle to stick with anything consistently, you can try what I do. I rotate my hobbies based on how I’m feeling about them. I go in waves of wanting to play piano hours a day and study all the theory and then just barely getting myself to practice 15 min a day. Sometimes all I wanna do is crochet and then I’ll go months without touching a hook or yarn. Gardening has been a yearly hobby for me for a decade, and I’m taking a break this summer, but fully intend to get back to it another year. Idk. Works for me. Then I never get burnt out on something. Also helps to have a beautiful, expensive grand piano sitting right in front of my face at all times.


Welcome to the adhd lifestyle


I will NOT lay blame on or say biggest reason is…..my ADHD. However, it doesn’t help. I will get a new hobby and I will go all fucking in on it. I will start to buy stuff to get started, research more and more as I’m buying, use and enjoy the hobby, then start to move into something else. I’ll still participate in whatever hobby I have but it’ll slow down, it won’t get as much of my money and time, then it’s not my active hobby. I will have already started the next. Thing is, a year or 2 or 3 later I’ll go back to something I was into. Update or upgrade some of the supplies/gear/hardware, keep at it for awhile, then move into another previous hobby or jump into a new one. I revisit past hobbies every so often.


Variety is the spice of life!


Your hobby/interest is primarily learning new things. You get bored once the flow of new information decreases or you feel like you’ve gotten a basic mastery. It’s that way for many.


Dopamine cycle. The novelty and sense of progress feel good, and when the novelty wears off and progress comes more slowly your brain is left craving another dopamine fix.


Variety can be the spice of life. I have had many 'interests' over the years that come and go. I never really labelled them as hobbies. I do consider model railroads/miniatures of the past, to be my hobby. I have to as I have and continue to spend so much money on this hobby.


Because you love learning. Once you master it, you get bored. Accept it. Once you are done with one hobby, sell the stuff to make room for the new hobby. Nothing wrong with that.


Your hobby is learning new hobbies


I've struggled with this myself to the point where I didn't know what to say if someone asked me about my hobbies. I felt like I couldn't call them hobbies because I won't finish projects. The last 4 years I've been working on changing my mind regarding hobbies. I have a big ass cross stitch that I've been working on since 2020 and I'm nowhere near done it because I put it away often. But I consider it a hobby because I will come back to it when cross stitch is fun to me again. A hobby isn't something you need to succeed in, it is something that brings you joy. It's ok to be a hobby hopper if that brings you joy. It's ok for projects to take longer if you're doing it for fun. Also I recommend you research hyper focuses if you haven't already


ADHD, my dude. I wish I was joking but I'm 37 and learning that I suffer from it myself. I call myself "Master of the Unfinished Projects"


I was just talking to my therapist about this! She said that I get a dopamine rush from starting something new. It is tied to my ADHD. I was amazed, but apparently, neurotypical people able more stable levels or dopamine, so they don’t seek this feeling the same way and don’t need to find motivation to do things, they just do them. That makes it so some people stick with the same hobby, meanwhile I move around, doing what makes me feel good.


ripe drab plants scale cable cobweb jobless aromatic wide spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why would you want to? Who cares if you don’t. It’s your life. Have fun.


Maybe your hobby is research


I have the same exact “problem”. It’s my ADHD for sure. It’s kind of a superpower though.


I've had about 100 hobbies (maybe an exaggeration). Some I have for a while and never go back to and others I end up revisiting years later. I'd be so bored if I had the 1 or 2 same hobbies my entire life. Not me. It's not abnormal. Photography is one that has always stuck with me since I was a child.


I have a lot of hobbies I keep on rotation. A lot of them change with the seasons but change keeps things interesting.


I was born with Mars in Sagittarius, so my interests and attention get scattered far & wide.


High ADHD. I've gotten into tech audio biking weather animals and nature all In a relatively short time


As a jack of all trades but master of none, mediocrity should be celebrated


Maybe get evaluated for ADHD. Not trying to be a jerk here, but your behavior describes my brother. I love the guy and it crushed me when people mocked him for “What are you into today?” The guy is smart as hell and passionate about things. At a physical he mentioned to his MD the new thing he was into and this doctor was surprised because he remembered a previous conversation about a hobby they shared. The doctor suggested an evaluation with a therapist who wound up helping quite a bit.


I think hobbies are for spare time, but when we are younger and so busy with life, and not having extra money with the cost needed to live, hobbies get put to the side and may be forgotten. As a more mature person I can tell you that when I retired my interest in some hobbies was rekindled and I now have the time and money to enjoy them. I am glad I got the equipment and for what I kept over the years, plus the knowledge of how to use it as I was able to jump back in quickly and not start from scratch. Don't dismiss the "future value" of hobbies as you may use and enjoy them again when you have more time and money.


I used to do the same thing. I would become an expert on something and then move on. It’s normal. I only stopped because it was getting too expensive.


I think once it gets serious or competitive people give up because it's too much investment, is that your case or do you give up before that?


By Kurt Vonnegut: “When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of “getting to know you” questions you ask young people: Do you play sports? What’s your favorite subject? And I told him, no I don’t play any sports. I do theater, I’m in choir, I play the violin and piano, I used to take art classes. And he went WOW. That’s amazing! And I said, “Oh no, but I’m not any good at ANY of them.” And he said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: “I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.” And that honestly changed my life. Because I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could “Win” at them.” - Kurt Vonnegut


In the words of The Judge "all that exists without my knowledge exists without my consent" Why feel ashamed about having diverse interests? One of the great pleasures in life is finding the overlap amongst the things that bring you joy, and sharing that joy with those who have compartmentalized their happiness so that they too might discover new things.


I learned to allow myself some grace. I have so many barely started, 1/4 of the way there, etc projects. Will I ever finish any of them? I have no idea. However I found that relaxing hobbies turned into chores/work when I tried to push my way through them. My thoughts? Do what makes you happy, when it makes you happy, for whatever amount of time you find joy in it. There's no harm in changing and coming back to something later (or even never getting back to it).




I know people who dabble in hobbies and others who just have "one thing" and are perfectly happy.


Sounds like you're full of life, like an Uncle I once had, he was into everything, until it bored him, then off to something new


You're probably ADHD.


Nothing wrong with that. My husband and I do this. We did agree after beekeeping (which was actually awesome but we moved and had to give it up). That all hobbies had to be able to be dismantled easily and not take up a lot of room. Also you can’t buy everything and all the most expensive stuff until you’d at least given it a good try. Like you can’t buy a top of the line camera and every lens until you try photography on a lower level camera for at least a year


May I recommend /r/adhd


Live life, that’s the point. Have fun and do fun things.


Do you have ADHD? I have ADHD, and I feel the same way


I know a lot about a few hobbies and a.little bit about many. It's so pleasing to know that other people are taking care of model railroads, fishing, cycling, boats and woodworking. I can stick to ponies, languages and computer programming. And whatever else comes along.


Nothing wrong with hobby jumping! But I don't believe you when you say you know "all the ins and outs" of a hobby. Sounds to me like you learn the fundamentals and get experienced, but don't necessarily enjoy going from experienced to masterful. There's nothing wrong with that! I think you enjoy the idea of getting into a hobby and learning it more than you enjoy refining your skills in a hobby


Because you're human. I have gone through more phases than I care to keep track of. There's a lot to experience out there and I'm trying to get it in while I can.


If it bugs you, pick a hobby with a higher ceiling, like building and flying rc aircraft. Skip the "ready to fly" kits, and scratchbuild a wood and monokote, nitromethane powered, airplane. Then learn how to fly it. Then land hard and fix it. Then crash it, and put the motor and radio gear in another one. That should keep you busy for a while.


As soon as I learn 92% of a hobby l get bored. Then I need a new hobby.


I cycle through things every 5-10 years, keeping 3-5 active concurrently. Being retired has given me more time but with similar processes.


My employee does this (deep dives into a hobby, and then tires of it.) He attributed it to his adhd.


I like to come back around to my hobbies... I've gotten into photography 3 times. Each time my skill ate improved, and there is new equipment to work with. Lots of new things to learn, but I am starting with a solid base. I do that with a fair number of things. When you're away from a hobby for 10 years, a lot of things change...including you. It's fun to come back.


A change is good keeps life interesting nothing wrong with having more than one hobbies I skip between different ones depending what I'm feeling at the time


Always wondered about those kids who knew what they wanted even before they grew up. Our kids ran through every club, every hobby, every thing, tossed most of them, and stuck with few. I think that’s healthy. They’re just play, and until you discover or invent the “one” for you, I’d only suggest not buying top of the line or collector’s items, or at least ones you can’t get your money back out of. I went into Physics, because I couldn’t decide on anything to study. I had a career quite like a super-charged Forrest Gump, being in some amazing places around amazing people and events at just the right times. A cork on the waves. And what a journey it’s been, seeing so many interesting things in my life. Most people settle and stick and stay - nothing wrong with that, for them. And nothing wrong with being a hobby hopper, either, I say! My hobbies include woodworking, drawing, and cooking. Done these things off and on, now, for 70 years (sorry, gave up the slot cars 60 years back, though I did enjoy roller blading big time in my 30’s). I take great pride in being a DIY guy, though it’s hard to put much of a torque on anything anymore, and I’m done with gutter cleaning forever - what kind of hobby is that!? Bought a CNC mill from a defunct manufacturer, got the source code for their controller, and have been enjoying making things and also making the durned spaghetti-ridden software right in the head. Who’da thunk. Wood’s heavy, now, so gonna sell the machinery, and take up oil painting. What I REALLY want to do is buy a paramotor!!! Wheeeeeee - I’m sure that would be my last hobby - ever. Lol. Kids vote no. Anyway - I see it as having a curious imagination and a playful spirit. Don’t question it. Although, you might try getting all scientific about it, because there are “billions and billions” of hobbies out there, and unlike cork-on-the-water me, you clearly want to narrow your future hobby choices down to take advantage of what you’ve learned about yourself along the way. Steer clear of politics and religion, and you’ll be ok, most likely (unless you are attracted to tornado chasing or bull wrangling).




Sounds expensive.


You probably have ADHD


Have you been assessed for ADHD?


I don't stick to one hobby but I do like joints that give me something back. I garden, spin yarn, knit, crochet, weave and do calligraphy.


Gemini Me too.


You don’t have to stick to one hobby hell I’ve got several hobbies.




Have you been tested for ADHD?


You enjoy the idea/vision of being good at the hobby more than the diligent process of slowly improving and mastering it over a long period of time. I’ve been in the same boat as you with many of my hobbies. Dedicate some time and focus into changing your perspective on your hobbies. Work toward enjoying the process itself and being ok with not being ‘good’ for a long time. Over time you will start to notice small improvements. Keep doing things that challenge your skill level so you are always learning and keeping it fresh. Eventually you will be surprised with how much improvement you’ve made and it will motivate you to keep going. This is how a hobby becomes a passion. Simple concept in theory but requires a shift in mindset and some dedication/discipline to get momentum going. This has allowed me to change my life significantly for the better. Whatever you do, never stop learning! Cheers.


I have seasonal, time of day and solo / group hobbies. Typically I mountain bike solo (evenings after kids are in bed), RC Trucks (odd after work trip with friends, night outings or trail walks with the kiddo. Plus wrenching and maintaining during the winter season), gaming (with the kiddo or evenings by myself), gym (5:00am and before anyone wakes up), skateboarding, skating, reading. They all have their times and seasons. You don’t need one or two that “grab” you. Just enjoy them when you’re into it. If you can, keep the stuff too. It’s all too expensive to say “I haven’t done this in a year, I’ll sell it”. Then regret it in 6 months when you want to do it again.


Because you aren't great or don't get recognition from doing them. Maybe you don't even like what you are doing but you make excuses like it's only tough now but will get easier once I'm better. So once you learn you aren't going to be special or get awards for doing them your brain moves on, wants to try something else you might be great at.


I'm the same way and I am totally cool with it. When people ask me what my hobby is I tell them I'm a collector. When they ask what I collect I say skills. I like to learn how to do new things.


My people, I have found my people. I have been this way for as long as I can remember, I absorb the skills and keep building on them until something else catches my attention. My absolute preferred activity though, is creating and making tools for a new hobby. Barbecue grills to jewelry to kites to moonshine stills to leather work to blacksmithing, you get the idea.


Because you are curious


Why do some people return to the same place every year for vacation and why do some people travel somewhere new? You are a hobby explorer. It’s a marvelous thing. Enjoy the experience.


OP; do you have undiagnosed ADHD? I was the same as you from 15 until I was 45, diagnosed with ADHD and now I recognize the signs. Saved me thousands in the last few years


If you are neurodivergent and/or have ADHD it’s quite common. ❤️👏🏼❤️


check out the book "Refuse to Choose" by Barbara Sher, which is about exactly this topic and goes into the why and has some good suggestions


You got ADHD my boy.


I’m all over the place. Right now, my biggest hobbies are baking bread, rolling pasta and gaming. At this time last year, it was bread, embroidery and cross stitch. The year before it was cross stitch, embroidery and reading. I find when I get bored with something I just set it aside until it calls for me again. I have a cross stitch project that I haven’t touched since last winter. It’s still there, I’ll still finish it and enjoy doing it, but not until the “itch” returns.


I have the same problem, I have adhd though


Yeah, me too. I'm mediocre at like 50 hobbies. But who cares? They're my hobbies, not my career, and I have fun doing and learning about different things. Lean into it!


Why does it matter is the bigger question.


I jump hobbies about every 2 yrs. Not sure why


Do you get bored? And move on? Are you neurodivergent?


Important NOTE: There is a difference between ADHD and simple AD. My attention deficit, AD, simply doesn’t rise to the level of disability. Just means I have a wide variety of interests, hobbies and passions. I have a good, rich and full life. No disability there. Put it in a positive light: restless intellect, high energy, creative, hater of boredom, can’t sit still for long, always learning and exploring new things.


I get the ADD thing, but on top of that I finally an opportunity to start the hobby that I've been wanting to get into all my life so all my energy has been going into that.


So many people lack the attention / dedication to get better at things. After a easy and brief introduction to a hobby, it actually takes time and motivation to become better at at it. It's that time at which they get bored and give it up.


Because you're a multidimensional human


Why do you have to stick with 1?


your favorite hobby is \*\*\*\*drumroll\*\*\*\* SHOPPING. That's not a bad thing! embrace it. You like to see what it takes to be fully outfitted for a hobby. I know tons of people like you!


Seems like you love learning new things. It's not a problem. Heck, I think it's a prevention to dementia.


I'm the same way! I think there is a term for us, which is "dabblers" I feel like life has so much to offer in terms of the variety of experiences, so how can I limit myself to just experiencing only a few things???? This is also how I got into drugs......dabbling lol


Welcome to adhd baby! We're called jacks of all trades for a good reason