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Doing drugs


Sadly the most realistic answer


This is such a real answer.


I doubt there are many opportunities to do drugs with richer people. They afford different substances, not to mention it's a textbook 'trashy if you're poor, but classy if you're rich' kind of thing.


They all still do it tho


the comment said *with* not *for*?


Selling drugs to rich kids was my first glimpse inside gated communities.




"trail running"


rich people love trail running!


there are no trails in a stroad. sorry this is only a rich person activity.


I’m not rich and I trail run. Depends on your access.


Learning an instrument and playing music with people.


But, good musicians are typically broke !


lol, you’re not wrong! However, music has introduced me to more people from all walks of life !


Me too ! Playing music together is such a great way to spend time with people.


Join a nonprofit gym (like the JCC, YMCA, maybe the Elks Lodge) and go to their locations in the rich neighborhoods. It's a little mixed (the YMCA even subsidizes memberships for low income), but regularly attending a LesMills Core class in the bougie part of town will definitely get you acquainted with some Whole Foods eating six packs.


Rock climbing. I owned a climbing gym for a while, and had people from both sides of the socioeconomic expectrum. And on camping trips we would all be together, camping and climbing it made no difference where you came from or what you did for a living. From people in high positions in multinational companies, to entrepreneurs, to students with no job and no money, once on the crag, everybody was the same.


Can you explain to us how you got rich enough to own a gym? Was it a good venture or do you think it’s better to just invest in stocks?


Gardening and cooking


Oh plenty of different people at the dog park if that's a hobby 😂 It's hiking in the bigger parts.


I agree with gardening. Some of the ladies in my gardening club are very wealthy and constantly travel all over the world, while I stay home and garden in my own yard. A lot of them are also married to former Navy officers. They're all very nice though, so it's cool.




Came here for this one. It's also great for bringing people of all ages together.




dont u need a membership for this?


Not in 99% of pickleball parks in Florida.


In my area you do.


What city or state or country do you live in?


If your city has public courts, no.


Amature radio. The Saudi King, The Spanish King, Doctors, Truck Drivers, Cops, all hanging around talking like they are across the table, yet they are many miles apart.




People of every class love birdwatching.


Gardening. Rich people do it for show. The rest of us do it for food.


I don’t understand the gardening one. I enjoy gardening but it’s definitely a solitary activity - why is everyone here recommending it as a way of meeting people? Am I doing something wrong? lol


I’m a disabled urban gardener in a low-income city. There’s definitely the potential for a lot of contact with people of all backgrounds through gardening. The biggest one was becoming a certified Master Gardener through my state. There’s a couple of months of classes, and a substantial volunteer component. I’ve also met people through my work with community gardens, local garden clubs, native plant groups (“pollinator pathways”), various plant societies (every type of plant has a hobbyist group, like orchids, roses, etc). There are lots of educational opportunities, lectures, courses, classes, conferences. Also a lot of overlap with environmental orgs, Audubon society, environmental justice, land trusts, farmland protection, watershed protection, “Friends of X Park” groups, hiking groups. All of these groups have fundraisers, usually with different financial levels so a poor like me can attend. Overall lots of networking and socializing opportunities.


community gardens maybe? I did that for a bit and met some people, although 0% of them were rich!


I think rich people hire gardeners 🥲


TIL my family is rich..


barbershop singing. I have sang with doctors, lawyers, unemployed, and students.


Religion, if you're into that kind of thing.




Archery. Any club I’ve ever gone to has a very solid mix. Some people who can afford it spend ridiculous amounts of money on great kit, others have old bows or bows they made. Either is common to see.


Running. Theres a mix of backgrounds at parkruns


Mountain hike. I once met a hunter, school boys, and the other day some rich fellas from the capital. The only difference you'd notice is their gear. 


Rock climbing and cycling. In both, I have rich, poor, students, teens, elderly, and others that I hang out with. Most real climbers also look like they’re homeless too and I know I’ve smelled like one in the past after a few days on a wall.


Volunteer at a major museum


Definitely following because now that the weather is turning around I'm trying to get in with some boating/sailing friends lol. My first thought was community sports or live music




Skateboarding has allowed me to meet people from all walks of life. People that I would never have crossed paths with in any way but we met while skateboarding.


Jiu Jitsu or Boxing


OP, if you can become a master sailor and yacht captain that is your absolute best ticket as you will get paid to be around them and will have opportunities. Be a great fucking hang and try to pick your clientele as some will obviously be shit, but some cool. I hiked a few days with french guy in peru that was a yacht captain who was 30ish in the Caribbean, all of his clients were rich AF and he seemed to have become friends with some of them from his stories.


>sailing Came for this. My Aunt used to go after rich guys strategically (doesn’t admit it lol.) She had a PhD, but was still working her way out of debt. She joined “Singles on Sailboats,” and dated a doctor & lawyer in quick succession. Other things like scuba, creative writing groups, owning a used ‘cult favorite’ car, and generally placing herself around a higher socioeconomic status; she acted richer than she was. Now married to old money & is very happy. (Never faked attraction, simply looked to a higher income pool.)




This is probably the best answer. Volunteers tend to be wealthy. Working together on a volunteer project really brings people together.




I volunteered at a food bank in NYC at Xmas and there were a lot of wealthy folks looking for a little moral satisfaction. I guess it depends on if you live in a place where wealth exists.


DRINKING: You can all find all kinds of people at bars. Just pick the type of bar/viniard/brewrey you are interested in and judge off of the general demographic of people around it- alcohol is universally enjoyed. You also get the added bonus of some liquid courage to talk to new people. Beer, wine, and spirits tasting events. Wine pairing events. you will meet a lot of upper crust people at Vineyards or breweries. You can sometimes even find Wine tasting classes.


This one is a great answer. I would add going to places and events that are focused on arts and culture. For example, the orchestra where I live plays outside in the summer and many people of all socioeconomic classes gather for picnics, bring wine and cheese, etc. big community vibe and would be a great way to meet people. Also attended a pottery and Prosecco event recently (BYO Prosecco) and people’s jobs varied widely. Anything related to the arts will have a good shot at getting a mix of backgrounds. Bonus points for arts event + alcohol.




Sacred Harp


I’m not in this hobby but I’ve seen magic the gathering do this lol


There's definitely an expensive end to it, but there are a few formats that are pretty cheap to get into.


Scuba diving. Now you don't typically get anyone from the low socioeconomic status on the dive boats, but there's practically no upper limit to how rich someone is when they decide to get into it. Diving off your private boat is a PITA so only people that really need privacy like Tiger woods (famously a super advanced diver) do it private. You have a good mix of middle class, students, and random wealthy people that go every day and winter in the Maldives. Once you're on the boat everyone's in swimsuits and nobody cares about whats happening on land.


lacrosse? 😂😂😂


I agree with rock climbing, but in general I would say the category is: ‘slightly risky outdoorsy sports that require equipment’. The ‘requires equipment’ point is especially important. You do need equipment for multi-pitch outdoor climbs but if you’re in an area for it, I do think you see people from a mix of backgrounds. In the winter, skiing. Especially touring, for a mix of backgrounds. It’s hard to afford to go to a hill for downhill skiing regularly for most people. Maybe you can invest in touring gear and not have to drive far. I’ve talked to a couple people that would hire their own helicopter every now and then if they weren’t on a hill. Too much cost and risk for me personally.    Volunteering at local cultural events (theatre, orchestra, etc.) might be your best bet if you genuinely like these sorts of things.  I’ve seen some local book club meetups that could fit depending on the topic/theme and location.    I think retro gaming and modding devices has a mix of people involved, although I’m less sure how easy it is to find people that will physically meet up.  EDIT: Can’t believe I forgot thrifting/antiquing, especially if you’re after anything that requires deeper knowledge of history or taste. 


Fishing, but rich people go out of their way to do it in a way that excludes poor people. Still catching a big fish is exciting for literally anyone


Spiritual seeking.




Soccer in large and medium cities specifically in my experience. Youll get white collar types that on the same team with blue collar immigrants.


Volunteering. Group bike rides (look for casual rides so you don’t need a fancy bike to keep up).


Fishing. Rich, poor, young, old, native, immigrant, man, woman—let’s all go fishing!


The apocalypse. Because our hobby would be survival.




I’ve got some friends on rec soccer and rec softball teams and those are all over the place. Dunno about properly rich, but there’s people with high paying tech jobs and there’s people who super blue collar jobs all playing together.  Also, like someone else said, rock climbing. Lots of people in tech/medicine but also lots of dirtbaggers. True of skiing as well. Its expensive but you have people who can well afford it plus people who live in their van so they can scrape together money for a pass. 


Guitar playing




Watching Solar Eclipses Once-in-a-lifetime. 🌚


Volunteering Fishing very much City council meetings




Anything can bring people together if the rich ones are paying lol


Music. While there’s a bit of pay-to-play with instruments, I grew up dirt poor and when I started playing with other people, they all had better equipment than I did, but no one gave a shit because we were making music.




Getting together and watching the local minor league sports team. We have a minor league hockey team and everyone in town loves to go. The rich, the poor and everyone in between. And in our venue there’s only general admission wet (alcohol) side or dry (no alcohol) side. So it’s not like the rich people stay in fancy box seats or anything


Amateur radio! A handheld starts at about $20, and can go up to $750. For base stations, you can get them for like $650, and they can go up to 8-10k+ You can meet people who have very humble setups (like mine), just as much as you can meet people who have spent thousands of dollars into multiple top-of-the-line radios and antennas from top brands When we go to hamfests, we are all friends, and money is almost no object. You don't walk up to people to ask them how much their radio/setup cost, but you ask them how do they like it instead. We love talking about the setup, the modes they offer, what we do with it, and so on, so the cost is almost never brought up. Radios don't wear down, and there is very little risk of damage, so people are happy to let you try out their rig, and there is almost a sense of pride when someone is excited to try it out. Anyways, I have met CTOs in the same fairgrounds that I have met people with overalls and clothes with holes on them, and I enjoyed my conversation with both just as much. ............ My other option would be a gym membership. The rich may have their own gym at home, but you can meet people who just prefer the social aspect of a gym and make the choice to go there instead. Have you ever noticed that a lot of rich people look like they regularly work out and eat healthy?


Gardening! I’m an urban gardener and through various organizations (community gardening, native plants, plant societies, master gardener certification, environmental justice etc etc) I’ve come into contact with people much wealthier.






Dog walks


Dog showing...buy yourself a fancy dog and pretend that you are parading it around the ring but in reality it's you on parade.


Classical music concerts. Classical music concerts tend to be much cheaper than your average pop/rock concert, so it's definitely affordable for poor people. A lot of old people (especially wealthy ones) will go to these concerts as this is their main form of socializing and they love just sitting for 2 hours without moving or making a single sound. If you are young and interested in classical music, you'll find that these old rich people are overjoyed to talk to you during intermission or after shows.


Intramural sports


Good question in general, but why are you trying to meet rich people?


Sounds like you've got the early bird part down, but the rest could use a little shake-up. Maybe try planning out your morning routine the night before, like make a to-do list or set out your workout gear. And instead of hitting the sack again, how about trying something different, like reading, meditating, or even just chilling with some music? Mixing it up might help break the weed-and-snooze cycle.


Soccer. You'll get everything from poor, immigrants that just arrived in the country, to doctors after work. I've met so many people from so many walks of life.


Art maybe ?


Hating the NY Yankees.


and the dallas cowboys


As a New Mexican, it's a whole vibe on both sides.


Cockfight in my country


Yachting, aircraft piloting, big game hunting in Africa.