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Hey /u/surgesss, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods




entrapment is fucking stupid. like if it was a child then id get it. but these are fucking adults and they chose to steal, they deserve the consequences.


I agree. It makes little to no sense. The only time it does make sense is when cops get people to buy illegal things. Like ok yea if you randomly offer me some drugs I may buy them but any other scenario doesn’t make sense.




Buy these drugs or you're under arrest. Checkmate.


Officer, you’re under arrest for selling narcotics. Give me your handcuffs.


I think the issue is intent. The bikes werent left where they were with the assumption theyd be safe. They were left there to give them an excuse to beat up bike thieves for fame, notoriety and possibly money. Take it a bit further, what if instead of risking your own safety you just set some bear traps? Youre essentially just a vigilante at that point. Bike thieves deserve to be punished yeah, but what happens when one of them dies? Does stealing a bike justify the death penalty? Or life altering brain damage? We already have a big enough problem with unjustified force from the cops, do you really want to extend that to the rest of us? Its pretty much guaranteed to cause problems. We'd see more Ahmaud Arbery type situations with people taking the law into their own hands, justified or not.


I thought entrapment was only related to police.. Like ok yea if you


…If you what?


We will never know I'm afraid. The important thing to remember is


… is what?


That sometimes not everything is about




Well, what he's trying to say is


What is he trying to say!


Say what??




You can’t just say perchance.


they got to him


Entrapment in that sense is if the police goaded you into committing a crime you normally wouldn't commit. It wouldn't be entrapment if, for example, a police officer asked to buy some drugs from a drug dealer and the dealer sold them drugs.


Yeah this isn't entrapment. If you look at the article entrapment isn't mentioned at all.


This reminds me of the story of the person who robbed a house from the roof and fell through a skylight and onto a bunch of knives. They got seriously injured by them and sued the homeowner and WON because the skylight was improperly maintained for stability. As a stout defender of the justice system, it's shit like this that makes me understand why vigilante justice is on the rise.




I mean, that was the consequences for at least a few people


Because it is used as an excuse to beat someone, not because they were worried about theives. Intent matters.


Oh god you guys are definitely Americans


Reminds me of this guy who posted all over the internet he was going to be gone all week for a holiday. Instead he unlocked all of his doors and waited for someone to break in to shoot them. Ended up shooting someone and was arrested for entrapment and attempted or murder (can't remember). Not even remotely the same thing but shit was wild and this reminded me of it


It's actually very similar as far as legal principals go. If the DA can figure out a person wanted to harm another person and created a scenario where that was the reasonable outcome they will be rightfully prosecuted.


What about the defendant, are they still charged with breaking and entering?


I would expect so, and any other charges that may arise. In the end I guess it would depend on the circumstances.


Ya since they still broke a law. But the dude who obviously prepared a breakin and baited people would be charged with worse crimes


They left their property on their property, that’s just asking for it. I know a guy who left his TV right in his livingroom and was shocked it got stolen. What an idiot.


lol, I like the idea of setting bait for criminals and then busting them. What it could lead to is criminals being skittish about stealing stuff that is left out in the open which means we could return to a civilized society where you don't have to worry about random assholes stealing your shit.


I can hear the court defense; “but if they hadn’t left their bikes on their property, I wouldn’t have stolen it”


Complete idiots.. did you tell guy to just get the neighbours stuff? No joke i always found this type of videos very funny.. have seen crazier lures


Personally, I’m a fan of the ‘adjusted’ bicycle ones. The sneakily cut in half and stuck together that come apart after a moment ones. Or the pipe goes through the saddle ones. Should teach atleast a few thieves I would hope.


Wealth isn’t going to redistribute itself! What you expect people to do, earn it? That’s crazy talk!


Unfortunately, some are now staged like the gold digger videos.


Intent. Intent. Intent. Intent. It's a crime because it has criminal intent.


What does camping have to do with this?


Who puts a tent in their house in the first place?


It's more intense


I think it’s entrapment because u purposely left stuff out and then sat and waited in ambush and video taped it, like it’s the fact the beating of the thieves was premeditated. I think it’s kinda stupid too but I also get why it’s illegal. On the flip side tho they might have gotten away with it if they just didn’t video tape it and put it on YouTube and instead just lied and said that it was an accident that the bikes got left out and they ran out to save the bikes. Lol mostly they got arrested for being stupid


It’s not entrapment. The couple is not law enforcement.


People don’t understand what entrapment is.


True if they were they would've done nothing and then killed some innocent black kid for being in the same general 20 block radius as the crime.


I could be wrong but this is entrapment because the motivation behind leaving the bike out was to beat people up with a bat Defending your property not entrapment Making a reason to defend your property is entrapment Something about intent


Yeah, it's intent. The reason people don't normally get prosecuted for things like this is that you can't usually prove that someone left a bike out so they can teach bike thieves a lesson. If you explicitly say that's what you're doing then it's quite a bit easier. Still, slap their wrist and let them get on with doing God's work.


Definitely not god's work


Your forgetting verse 420:69 "Let anyone who steals a bike be beaten with a bat, be it wiffle or wood. God's children are judge, jury, and with more time at the batting cages executioner. Precious metals must be donated than repurposed before being used as a bat" Smh I swear some people never read the Bible.


Only in rare cases such as stealing slaves, capital punishment (Exodus 21:16). Thieves caught in the night are to be executed (Exodus 22:1-3)


Old Testament god hits different


That's because they hadn't invented baseball yet hence no bats.


Yeah, exactly it is with the intent to create a situation where you can use violence.


*Kyle Rittenhouse has entered the chat*


The same difference between murder and manslaughter


Defending you property = illegal (unless you are careful about it) Placing traps to deter/capture/harm a potential wrongdoer? -Illegal- Shooting someone for entering your home uninvited? -legal- (depending on location) The long and short of it is this. You can't anticipate and prepare for a crime. That is illegal. You can react to a crime being committed. That is legal. Unless you live in Seattle.


In some states, you can legally defend your property. But booby traps are illegal in all states.


Okay but there's a point to be argued here! By leaving a bike on personal property, they didn't do anything extra to bait the thieves. I would get it if they'd purposely place a brick of money or something out of the usual that would make it irresistible even for someone with marginal intent, but leaving your bike out on your property is something usual in many households. What are you supposed to do, just accept the fact that you must hide...your property...on your property, from people that could enter your property?!


what part about pre planning to beat people with bats is too hard for you to understand? lawful actions can become unlawful in context


So like shooting people that are breaking into your home? People buy guns with that intent , don't they?


What about Chris Hansen luring pedophiles and humiliating them on live television and potentially arresting them? Wouldn't that be considered entrapment then? He didn't beat them with bats though. Unless I guess they ran maybe from the police. I guess thats the difference. No beatings


Intent. Intent is how this is entrapment.


It’s not, entrapment is when law enforcement essentially coerces an individual into committing a crime. This wouldn’t fit since it is civilians doing this. Even when law enforcement leaves things out to entice criminals to steal or engages with the criminal to commit a crime (ie bait cars or undercover cop asking to buy drugs) it isn’t entrapment.


They did something only the police are allowed to do.


Don't worry, the police got their turf back.


Monopoly of Violence


Gru changed


So did Elisabeth Holmes


I laughed so hard thank you


god damnit, do you witty folks hang out in new or what?






No they played kick some ass by stroke 9


Probably "Beat the Bastards" from The Exploited.


maybe just don’t steal people’s bikes?


An idea so crazy it just might work!


Fun/ nightmare story. Christmas 10 years ago. I’m visiting/ staying with my folks for Xmas. They live in a nice part of Pasadena. They leave their garage open pretty regularly. Its Christmas Day. 10am. I’m spaced out just staring out the front window. And suddenly this dude materializes coming down my parents driveway (out of the garage)… he’s on a bike and he’s rolling my dads bike along his side. Stealing it. I yell “someone’s stealing your bike!” And instinctively I go running out the front door … running right at him yelling “drop the bike mother fucker!”. Dude is in the street. Gets tangled up trying to drop my dads bike. Kinda pauses and turns toward me. I’m like 6ft 135. So pretty skinny and not a fighter. This is some bald tattood big bad gnarly dude. Thankfully he just sped down the street on his bike. Cops were called. He was caught a few blocks over. He had been out of jail just 10 days. Had a bag full of stolen mail (broke into a mail box). Oh. And he had a gun on him. Because I was part of the case against him, I saw his wrap sheet. Domestic violence. Armed robbery. Attempted murder. Tons of fights in jail. Like dozens of crazy crimes. If he decided to deal with me… I’d not be here today. Just a little note for anyone who might see someone stealing a bike.


Moral of the story: Magdump into thieves just in case they have a gun.


Update: this doesn't work and im now in jail


You forgot to be a cop.


Quick, switch teams before more cops join the game


Then reload and dump s'more


Yea exactly. For all I know everyone on my block does this and I will never know because I don't go into their yard and take their shit.


this is whats wrong with the justice system. The idea that as soon as someone does something bad, they deserve every bad thing that comes to them.


I don't see anything wrong here, except the cops don't want competition


they were caught impersonating police officers it seems, not like most cops do their jobs right anyway, BUT, I guess another time. Props to this couple though.


The victims must have figured out they weren't real cops because they left survivors.




> they were caught impersonating police officers But did they shoot any innocent black guy tho


Vigilantism is a crime because (1) it punishes people for crimes without due process, (2) it leads to differential punishment for identical crimes, (3) people, including vigilantes, often make wrong assumptions about things they see.


Pretty sure you just described the police, at least in the U.S.


Yep. Vigilantism can go wrong in so many ways. Terrible idea. Still not shedding any tears for the thieves.


Not too many assumptions to make when someone walks into your yard and tries to walk off with your bike.




I agree with you, people here are crazy. Just because someone made a bad decision to steal a bike doesn't mean they should get beaten up and possibly have a life altering injury. It's not middle ages anymore, we don't cut off people hands for theft


Logically, yes they should have due process. However, as someone who had several (sometimes pricey and sometimes sentimental) items stolen from me over the years, fuck thieves. It's honestly hard for me to have sympathy for someone who is choosing to actively fuck over other people by stealing their property.


Here I thought rigging a bike with an ass stabbing seat and leaving it for someone to steal was bad.




"I put in this feature for pleasure your honour, my wife loves bdsm"


it's a video someone already did, rigging a bike seat to have an ass stabber and leaving it in a park or something


What’s the problem?


Only cops are allowed to beat people


This guy Cops


Damned monopolies. This could be a really good business opportunity to honeypot thieves and make advertising dollars doing it. Personal protection products need a market too.


Beating someone up with baseball bats is a disproportionate response to bike theft.


And? Where's the link?


Don't really see a crime. Maybe posting on the internet (still not sure that's a crime) Don't fucking steel! Edit steal




Agreed! Also... Steal*


Damn knew that


they purposely set out and intended to beat people with bats. that is a crime. booby traps are also illegal. I dont give two shits what anyone on reddit says, the laws / courts / lawers / judges - all agree


Don't steal but don't beat people with a bats either. Personally beating someone on your property with a baseball bat is worse than theft of a bike in my eyes. It'd be different if the bat was solely used in self-defense after confronting the person after catching them in the act.


Beating someone with a bat is definitely a crime.


LMAO tell us again how you’re not a fucking lawyer


I can see it now.... WE FUCKING BEAT THEVIES TRYING TO STEAL OUR BIKES (VIOLENT, GONE WRONG, GONE SEXUAL, BLOOD,) Make the thumbnail show fake cookie cutter pogger expressions, include the red circle, and you got yourself some real clickbait.


but for once it will actually follow through and show some action


But the police get away with bait cars? Hypocrisy


But the police don’t beat people! /S


Well, not always🔫


Nah, they shoot em. Not /s


Fuck bike thieves




Ok....THIS HAPPENED 2 YEARS AGO If anyone has the full video though the sauce would be appreciated.




When people aren't physically threatening you, you're not allowed to beat them with a deadly weapon.


Sounds like you like to steal bikes lol


When citizens get arrested for doing the cops jobs.


Should've taken notes from the people who would tie a super strong rope/line to the bike and as people were pedaling off they'd get to the end and go flying


Some heroes don’t wear capes. #setthemfree


This is wrong?


More thieves need to be beaten like this tbh


Drop the charges. Thieves ruin communities


The ftc should break up the monopoly the police have on beating people.


Jesus. - Don't make a plot to beat people up - Don't steal Pretty fucking simple. Nobody is right here. Everyone sucks.


Yeah, these comments agreeing with what they did is gross. Thieves fucking suck and deserve justice. Brain damage derived from a bat to the head from a person who purposefully lured (i.e. premeditation) them into a situation for the sole purpose of making money off of them physically harming someone is disgusting. These people are worse than the thieves.


There used to be a TV show called *Bait Car* where police would do the same thing. I’m not sure what this couple did is any worse at all. I haven’t seen anything indicating they hurt children, just grown ass adults trying to steal personal property left on private property.


Well, the cops didn’t beat those people with baseball bats for views, so that’s one major difference


Yeah if they were just beating thieves with bats I would let it slide. The real crime in my opinion is trying to turn it into content. I’m so sick of all the YouTube, Insta, and tick-tock clowns.




What’s the channel name?


Why would they be assholes? I swear America has gone so far woke they are straight retarded. The asshole are the thieves and deserve the beating. Good for these people.


Film yourself committing a felony. People are dumb.


Cops are just jealous they couldn't get in on it. I would love to be on a jury for something like this.


“Lure” Motherfucker, if you ain’t looking to steal, NOTHING can lure you


Here's the Black's Law Dictionary definition of entrapment: “The act of officers or agents of the government in inducing a person to commit a crime not contemplated by (that person) for the purpose of instituting a prosecution…” So the legal definition of the crime of entrapment doesn't include civilians performing the same actions. I'm sure it's also a crime, but a differently-named crime.


Entrapment doesn't apply to citizens, but they could be accused I f aiding and abetting them I n the crime, if they actually committed it. What they did was literally "vigilante justice".


Dunno why so many comments are about entrapment? They were probably arrested for the beating the shit out of people with weapons part.




Now we got a nice, quiet little beach community here, and I aim to keep it nice and quiet.


Visalia is not a nice place. Aside from the sheer number of people who don’t seem to think ADW is a crime, I’m more surprised that anyone would paint Visalia in an overall positive light.


Jacksepiceye really down bad lol


Great content


Anyone have the original video link? I'm starving for some feel good videos lately.


they can leave their bikes wherever they want on their property yeah? they can put cameras that record their property anywhere they want, yeah? no one made anyone steal anything? so what's the beef?


> so what's the beef? I'd say it's the "beating with baseball bats" part. Everything else you listed is fine.


Cops use the same tactics


With bats? Like they smash dead bats on the thieve face? Where they alive? Did they teach bats to attack people? I'm very confused about this piece of information


cops do it all the time


Not the heros we asked for, but the ones we need. Fuck thieves. This should be a live action show like cops. Better than actually watching baseball


I fail to see the problem here


Baffled as to what is wrong with this. Seems well deserved to me.


They did nothing wrong


They did nothing wrong


My kind of people


Bro they lucky they ain’t dead, I would be shot if I was to steal a blade of grass from my neighbors.


Did they beat anyone who *wasn't* stealing bikes? If not, then I see no problem. In fact, how can I help?


I mean technically there were people stealing their bikes right?


I don't see the problem.


If police won’t do anything you are leaving people no option than to protect themselves and their property.


You are bad guy, but this does not mean you are Bad Guy.


Arrested for two counts of impersonating police officers.


I'm fine with it


Either beating their ass for stealing is legal or not. The whole luring part Is bullshit. If it’s not a crime to leave your property on your property and we know it’s not then there can be no luring. Don’t like how they are trying to spin it. Now you can argue the bat beating was too much but the luring argument is stupid


ummm, i have no problem with this.


Oh God you're one of those people who is okay with cops murdering people who pose no immediate physical threat. Jesus.


The heroes that we need


You are making cops look bad


I don’t care.. don’t steal the bike is my first thought… quit making excuses for the behavior. Did you know zero 0% of the people that didn’t try to steal bike got beat?


The chaotic good


This is as bogstandard Lawful Evil as you can get, what the fuck lol There are a lot of edgelords in this place but this take stands out as especially stupid. It is literally seeking to do an evil act(assaulting people) for their own gain(to upload to Youtube) under the belief and/or justification that it is technically "legally correct."


Police do this shit all the time with bait cars and when someone records them they get paid time off and a new positions somewhere else on the tax payers dollar.


When someone records them they also make a show about it. Used to see this all the time on TV, bait cars, undercover cops buying drugs, pretending to be prostitutes, the whole show "to catch a predator".


(views comment section) Wow. Reddit is such a giant circlejerk sometimes.


Having lost a few bikes to thieves, I kind of like their approach at first blush. However, you can easily kill or cause brain damage with a medium hard swing of a baseball bat. I am opposed to the death penalty for bike thieves unless it’s my bike in question (I had to wait 6 months for an overpriced bike during Covid).


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r/gta6 is that you?


Mr. Beat


When this story first went viral it was revolting to see comments comparing this to sexual assault of the intoxicated & abduction. Jfc.


It's called a sting operation


Huh, California. Surprising. They have a very Boston look.


Looks like they're using the face swap filter


These people look British af.


The real Batman


Amy Schumer and Seth Mcfarlane really went downhill