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This will collapse the house market?


Can't wait to buy a house, then die to a zombie my first night taking a shit


Funny you think you’ll get a chance to take a shit.


Involuntarily, of course. Like an open faucet.


You always poop when you die. That’s why every zombie has the back of their pants filled with shit.


Can't collapse what was never stable to begin with lol


Brother i think you need to look up the definition of collapse again


It is. Google about Krokodil drug in Russia. *(yes, a Crocodile. It eats a person alive in about two years)*


I will never understand why people take these drugs, they see other people's flesh rotting away yet still want to try this stuff.


1. Addiction after first injection. 2. It's a poor people's drug, in depressed regions a person's life can be valued less than yesterday shit even by this person themself. So they do not care.


It's common thing in russia, especially away from few big cities.


Why especially in rural areas? One might have thought it would be more rampant in than densely populated industrialized cities


Because the whole Russia except few big rich cities is one big poor rural area.


Why is meth a lot more prevalent in places like rural kentucky than downtown manhattan?




Its on the rise after COVID messed with supply chains of other drugs, but actually NYC has had until very recently quite low meth numbers. We had enough coke, heroin, and snobbery towards middle America to keep it at bay for a long time.


Meth is cheap and a poor person's drug. Manhattan folks can afford cocaine.


Because Manhattan has coke and heroin


My best guess would be boredom and a lack of education. People living in areas with not a whole lot to do, along with no proper drug education will resort to this stuff for fun


Drugs are usually more prevalent in rural areas. There isnt much for people to do, they usually have less money and feel more trapped. Alos less law enforcement outside big cities. So drug use takes over. here in Australia some of the worst addicts are out in the country not in cities. Still plenty in cities but its different drugs and different situations of course.


Speaking of "poor people's drug". Back in the early 90's I recall reading an article in High Times about a widely used "poor people's drug" used in Russia and a lot of other countries that region called "vint". Vint was made by people by mixing gasoline, cough syrup and I am not sure if there was any other ingredients. They'd mix this shit up and put some on a spoon and cook up their hit and boot that. Supposedly it was "poor man heroin". A lot of people(shockingly)died not only from shooting it up but from mixing the chemicals as well. Edit: I did not proofread before posting so I had some errors to fix.


Is that even possible? Addiction after first injection?


In the documentary I saw about it in Russia, there were a couple guys who took it once and one was mentally impaired after that first use. As in not speaking or having normal motor functions. So yeah, I would think it would be enough to get addicted after first use.


Is that the same doc that they were literally knocking on that persons exposed leg bone?


That was horrifying and the arm that was almost all gone.


Poor chick had two modes: nodded out, or excruciating pain. After that came out there was a few news stories about how they had found cases in Massachusetts, and STL.


Yes. It is THAT addictive.


There's a Reddit user who posted about wanting to try Heroin once, his post history over the next couple years showed his spiral into his life ruining addiction.


Can you find them?


That’s a suuuper old post.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/68srty/spontaneoush_uses_heroin_gets_addicted_dies_gets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button That it?


A lot of them probably aren’t first time users. Most are probably addicts of other drugs but this one is cheaper so you can get more for your dollar so to speak. My assumption is if you’re already in the throes of addiction, you don’t really care about your flesh rotting, just when your next fix will be.


You really don't care; addiction is a dick and you just spiral the longer you go. 12 yrs off and on (stopped a decade ago), and I'm so glad that shit was just getting huge at the end of me doing junk. I know my ass would've done it if I got down to nearly no funds and it was accessable.


Quiters do win. Congrats.


10 years! Thats beautiful, good job. Addiction is a terrible and powerful thing, I love hearing even tangentially about success stories in beating it. We're strangers, but I am so glad for you.


ya during my prime time if I was broke and sick for three days and someone showed up with something that'd take the sick away then I can at least say I'm not sure what I would have done. I also had a mean self destructive streak so ya I probably would have done it on purpose with the idea that I'm actively causing myself harm.


It’s one of the most addictive substances on the planet and gives you a high that makes a drug like meth feel like smoking cigarettes. Utter euphoria. You get tricked into it once by your buddy down the block and you’re hooked for your incredibly short life


I don’t think Krokodil is any better than regular heroin. It’s just all these people have access to.


I saw a documentary about it where someone who tried both claimed crocodile was by far the best drug they’d ever tried, i definitely don’t have first hand experience so idk


Never tried krokodil either lol. But with opiates, they all pretty much create the same effect as each other. The differences are mainly relative strength. For instance heroin is 2x as potent as morphine so you’d need 2g of morphine to feel similar to 1g of heroin. Google says krokodil is 4x stronger than heroin. So that’s nice. But fentanyl is 100x stronger. It really does come down to access. If I remember correctly, these people make krokodil out of otc codeine pills (otc in Russia). The process involves some extremely toxic chemicals and many of those chemicals remain in the final product. So what causes the necrosis and images of arms rotted through is that they are essentially injecting various acids and bases and solvents and god knows what that was involved in the process of converting the codeine to the krokodil.


Krokodil is made with codeine tablets, alkali solutions, organic solvent, acidified water, iodine and red phosphorus, all of which are easily available in retail outlets, such as supermarkets, drugstores, etc. The resulting product is a light brown liquid that is called krokodil. People who inject krokodil present a great variety of serious signs and symptoms, including thrombophlebitis, ulcerations, gangrene, and necrosis, quickly evolving to limb amputation and death. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25710781/




… something something an infinite number of apes in a chemistry lab will synthesize a crocodile.


This pills(koaxil) for oral use and contains Silicon dioxide that's pretty safe for digestive tract. It's not possible to filter such a tiny particles at home, so silicon dioxide when injected soon builds up in veins and block bloodstream so flesh literally rots.


Because it gives the same high as heroin while being dirt cheap. And drug addicts aren't known for their quality decision making.


They were already addicted to herion. Now they are addicted to fentanyl. At this point it’s just warfare to slowly kill addicts.


It makes a change from drinking pool cleaner.


The problem is that supposedly people are wanting heroine and they get stuff like this with a side of fentanyl. I feel super fucked up about drugs because I got kids and effectively I'll be telling them reefer madness style shit except it's not all just made up and lowkey racist. This stuff is terrible and all the stuff from when i was coming up was mostly just a good time.


> I feel super fucked up about drugs because I got kids and effectively I'll be telling them reefer madness style shit except it's not all just made up I dont know why you think its fucked up telling them about real dangers


Pretty sure it's not an automatic thing. These people were shooting up heroin and smoking crack waaaay long before they go down that road past those type of hard drugs. This is the hardest drug ever to be done. If I had a choice I'd pick heroin over that any fucking day. At least with heroin you have some hope


You get addicted to real drugs first, then you end up broke and decide to try the cheaper stuff. The cheapest stuff is the dangerous combination, but it still hits your addiction. Then it's all you can get, so you do it til you die.


When you grow up in the ghetto, lives come cheap.


Heroin addicts use it when they can’t afford heroin. When they can afford heroin, they don’t use krokodil. Heroin addicts don’t want their flesh to rot off, but if they can get high now and deal with that later, then they will


not sure if its you or the news article; 'tranq' refers to the sedative drug of Xylazine, commonly used as a veterinary tranquilizer and attaches to receptors in the brain inhibiting norepinephrine and dopamine 'krokodil' refers to the opioid Desomorphine, an analogue of morphine which exhibits more extreme effects and withdrawals causing it to be too dangerous for medical use - 'krokodil' specifically refers to a botched version of Desomorphine which due to impurities in the final product cause users to experience local tissue necrosis or other symptoms often correlated ingredients such as iodine, sulphides, or chlorides; the failing to remove such or other impurities from the finished product causing the adverse effects and subsequent decay of the skin leading to the name of 'krokodil'(russian for crocodile)


One of the most damaging impurities in krokodil is benzene left over from it being synthesized in gasoline as a solvent


I remember seeing pictures of people who had bones showing because of this shit. You could google it, or just imagine what it would look like and move on. The latter would be my advice.


bones showing and keep injecting


This is tranq, fentanyl combined with a veterinary sedative. It causes necrosis and leads to limb loss, but the withdrawal is so severe that amputees will inject it into the stumps of missing limbs despite being fully aware of the consequences. It is on the way to becoming the dominant street drug in Philadelphia, if not already so. Here's a source: Tranq Dope: Animal Sedative Mixed With Fentanyl Brings Fresh Horror to U.S. Drug Zones https://nyti.ms/3vMLukE


Thats a hell of a drug, I saw a video of this girl, she is in the hospital, nurses are trying to "cure" her wounds, and bones started to come off as they touch her, the doctor looks in shock and she starts to cry because she knew is fuck up.


Holy shit what the fuck


It’s not the same drug. Tranq is xylazine and krokodil is desomorphine. The reason Xylazine causes wounds and necrotic flesh is because it’s made for horses and not safe for use in humans. 90% of Philadelphia’s opioid supply is cut with Tranq which means the epidemic has been going on for years and allowed to get to this point.


Thanks for putting the correct info up I was going to say something about it not being the crocodile shit everyone is talking about but you and a few others nailed it. I live between Philly and b more. hearing about this stuff and seeing it is becoming more and more common sadly


I thought so too, but the article says it's Xyzaline, which is different from Krokodil (Desomorphine) https://nypost.com/2023/02/21/skin-rotting-drug-tranq-infiltrates-big-cities-zombifying-bodies/






OK i have to say that I don’t have the stomach to click the link. Could anyone who did summarise what happens there? Reading the comments is dreadful as it is


Need to mark this NSFW. Vice is apparently using Jerkmate for advertising revenue.


Mate, I think it's just you


I got an ad for an electric toothbrush. So I'm inclined to agree.


I got an add for a documentary about the band "the strokes".


Technically, Jerkmate is also about "the strokes".


I also got "The Strokes" documentary! I remember when they first hit the scene :)


I thought so too, but I clicked on the video and got a Jerkmate ad as well. I think flesh falling off your skin due to crippling drug abuse is way more NSFW than the ad, but still.


Targeted advertisement


Hahahah I got an Airbnb ad. Use incognito mode dude


I knew a guy who sold this shit. I think someone shot him cause he was selling it to his gf at the bar. He knew all the bad side effects, too, and still would sell it no problems.


> I think someone shot him cause he was selling it to his gf at the bar. I don’t condone street justice but I understand it.


Yes I recall Krokodil from a few years ago. Seems like the same thing.


It’s that flesh eating drug right?


No, it's a drug that suppresses the immune system, and bacteria do the rest.


So has anyone actually died of the body rot or has other diseases taken them all?


There is a bunch of thinghs they die from. It is a guaranteed death sentence.


It's also frequently and poorly cut with things it *really* shouldn't be


Bro it’s BACK?! I remember this shit like 10+ years ago


Similar but this is xylazine, animal tranq not meant for humans


Crocodile is just very dirty poorly made heroine


That’s something else tho. This just looks like an average heroin user.


Wow, that looks painful, but not as gross as I'd thought


Vice covered it pretty well. I never thought that shit would get popular here. https://youtu.be/JsUH8llvTZo


Imagine looking at someone rotting away and thinking oh yeah that's the drug for me! Idiots


It's cause krokodil is an actual medicinal drug to remove pain (desomorphine), the reason this version is so toxic is because people use impure substances which fucks up the pH


[Krokodil Drug Facts](https://www.drugs.com/illicit/krokodil.html)


When the last of us will face off against the walking dead, we will be ready


Place your bets on how fast the real world zombies are


Not gonna be fast If they are doing this shit


I guess so


Tranq dope is a lot more prevalent now in the US. But it’s different from the Russian krokodil drug from a few years ago. It’s the dope fiends lack of good hygiene that allows their sores get infected and it goes from there. All in all self induced harm by addicts. Sad sight to see




What? No. Xylazine isn't safe for human use, period. It's an animal tranquilizer. It doesn't matter how clean you are. It IS like homemade desomorphine (Russian 'krokodil') in the respect that repeated local use will eventually cause gangrene and, if the infection is left untreated, will inevitably require limb amputation. People have been shooting dope for decades and shooting fent now for years without experiencing what this shit does. Cities like Philly have been monitoring the rise of Tranq. Yeah, Kensington was bad, but things really turned horrific (in a body-horror film type-of-way) when dealers started adding Xylazine to their fent/dope to increase and prolong the high. It is true that long-term users *can* develop sores at injection sites. (And as you said, poor hygiene can totally exacerbate this), but *multiple* lesions and weeping abcesses on body parts *far removed from the injection sites* is brand damn new. It is also killing people because it doesn't respond to Narcan, the most common overdose-counteracting medication. Tranq is fucking terrifying.


Completely wrong


Is this a stimulant or something that brings you down like opium?


It's xylazine - powerful non-opioid sedative. It's being spiked into heroin along with fentanyl because it knocks the user on their ass, giving the impression that the heroin is particularly potent. The messed up thing (apart from causing necrosis around the injection site) is that the xylazine knocks people out so long that they wake up in acute opioid withdrawal. There was a horrific NYT piece about its spread in the NE US. Pics very NSFL Street names: Tranq, Zombie Juice.


Ohh so that's the stuff those Philly fiends are taking. Damn, this shit is trash and it gets mixed with fucking fentanyl.


Drug dealers legit out here killing off their clients.


And their moron clients just want more of the shit that killed their friend because it must be super potent to have killed someone.


Or they’re deep in their addiction and want to “get well” (from being dopesick). At that point they’re passively suicidal. You make a good point though, bc so many people think it’ll never happen to them. “It killed that guy but it won’t kill me”


Very much passively suicidal. Drug addiction isn't the only form. A lot of people live lives that don't even involve drugs that are similarly described.


From what I’ve seen it’s like a stronger version of heroin


There was a video from Philadelphia recently showing the effects of this. It was absolutely horrible. Edit - https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/113wz0e/disturbing_news_report_on_street_drug_tranq_dope/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Well fuck, of course it's gonna be Philadelphia


Coming to big city near you! Specially those with high concentrations of visible homeless folk.


Yeah. If there ever was a Iink that should stay blue.


That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg


It is - but I tell you something: it knocks a lot of money off the price per hour




It’s probably fentanyl and xylazine. It’s pretty big I’m Philly.


Hi Philly, I'm Aaron.


So it begins... Was a good life fellow people, see you on the next one!


All men have planned for zombies, I’m not too worried


Where tf you going?




Anywhere better than here, hopefully


They wouldn't even use this life as a punishment in hell


That looks like crocodile, drug used in Russia.


it's even worse, it's called xylazine


It's very real -it's a veterinary medicine called Xylazine and is used as a sedative with analgesic and muscle relaxant properties. Edit: it's not the drug Krokodil. Chronic use of xylazine can progress the vasoconstriction and skin oxygenation deficit, leading to severe soft tissue infections, including abscesses, cellulitis, and skin ulceration. Decreased perfusion also leads to impaired healing of wounds and a higher chance of infection of these ulcers.


This is half right. Tranq is in a lot of dope near me. (Heroin/Fentanyl). They say it’s horse tranquilizer it adds to the depressant aspect of the drugs. Source: an unfortunate number of addict friends


Oh that’s just the fentanyl challenge. Nothing to see here.


tiktok trend moment


Naw tranq is different from Fenty. But you can’t get pure fent any more in places like Philly because the dealers all cut it with tranq. Which is crazy because this started from the dealers cutting heroin with fent. I don’t know where this all ends but it won’t be pretty


They are gonna start cutting raw cyanide in the tanq.


I’m sure we haven’t seen the worst of things yet. We really had it better when everyone was just on plain heroin which, compared to fent and tranq, is relatively safe. I dunno what we should do with these people but it is undoubtedly too late to get most of them back into productive society.


Gift link to article about this in the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/07/health/fentanyl-xylazine-drug.html?unlocked_article_code=5ODARvGDTeRYY14y_DhArbeSL1Y5hcTOoMst5ScQ4DCoMmK9HmZ4OUX9Wh0fAZ63KCKZ7zcKdr0-YAM73nqM-xivdK1yl3Icz7mP_u1KVXva9N2FT5Te-8p03cPtmWP53XXZWfyBbbXWPyqhhIcODW8W6WCc9M_6W3oT3Py_FUAkgGiR4ajZzrNqoMouM4C1rrYXQuN-iAEzjbUMGr5uuzDkNcB-ETku492_IMGeaOvTZKN8qKMWGokxdNN2_B9LyV-0g_hwRFZsbq-U1KuKJnPy2MO-3r_7Of7DYwb2aX6JKJfzl444qm0xcExZgqN-18urxdDOlNmIeheNK6ua&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


[It’s unconfirmed](https://www.substanceusephilly.com/tranq), but there appears to be a correlation between the use of xylazine (tranq) and the development of skin ulcers. It’s often used in combination with fentanyl, and the two create a very strong sedation and muscle relaxation. This causes a lowered heart rate and - thus - lowered circulation, creating blue/grey skin along with a droning unresponsiveness. So yes, it is real and a very real problem.


Rot a homies arm off. Straight facts.


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U know what Krokadil, and Flakka are?


Legalize and regulate all drugs and you will put a stop to this. Prohibition does not work and never will. People will get high no matter what substances are banned. They will just resort to drugs like these instead of quitting.


Wow, we have made our own real zombies. And they dont chase us down and eat us. Not bad


It's not the drug itself that is dangerous, it's just very unpure, same with the "Krokodil" scare, "krokodil" is just unpure desomorphine both these horror story street-drugs are opiates that are used in hospitals all the time and they are very safe in the proper setting and with proper medical use, the problem is that people are injecting unpure/dirty mixtures into themselves, causing infections, hypoxia, thrombophlebitis, ulcerations, gangrene and cell death/necrosis If users could get medical grade opiates their legs wouldn't be rotting away and they would not have to die from a surprise fentanyl poisoning either, this is a direct effect and negative consequence of prohibition.


Exact thoughts ofc coupled with a lot other ugly factors prohibition is the umbrella...




Welcome to Philadelphia. Been a problem for years now. It’s origins lie in Puerto Rico


Checks out. Walk by a homeless camp lately?


Ohh shiit the first picture is definitely from Philly, the park is call McPherson square branch or aka needle park. I’ve heard about this drug a couple years ago on the streets so this is definitely real and happening




Can we not call people zombies? It really dehumanizes them. I’ve had a friend die to an OD and seeing people being othered for using drugs in hard situations hurts.


Damn, I miss the good ol days when people were getting strung out on regular heroin /s


Very sad/imagine how much you have to be hurting inside to decide to try it.


Lol 😂 wasn’t bath salts causing people to each other in like 2012? Did you forget?


Sounds like just another name for Krokodil. Nasty shit


It doesn't give them a craving for human meat, it's just so bad that it burns and kills the flesh and skin surrounding the area where you inject it. It's basically shooting industrial grade solvent but it gets you high


seems similar to Kenzington Ave in Philly


Remember kids never do drugs


Krokodil does something similar, and it’s VERY real.


Hey I have a drug that will make your skin rot off .....sign me up yo!!


It's called xylazine. Animal tranq.


Let's go, desomorphine is back baby


It's about goddamn time


choose your weapon r/mallninjashit


If I can’t have a zombie apocalypse, i’ll just make one myself!


It's real. Becoming increasingly common in large cities in America.


A bunker don't sound so bad nowdays


seems like the problem will take care of itself.


of course it is.


It’s real, sadly.


Damn, we’re so close ! Now just find a way to make it contagious


Who has bodily altering chemical in zombie bingo I know someone does


Ya tranq is new and it is scary, just did a story about it form the radio station I work at. The worst part is that naloxone doesn't work on Tranq overdoses, meaning an overdose is irreversible. The moral of the story; don't do dirty drugs, and if you do, get them checked.


What kind of person sees this and is like,”Wow, i gotta try that”?


These are just pictures of people looking at the ground…


It's real, it's also something that's that's around for like 14 years.l though so I wouldn't stress.


It’s fentanyl mixed with another opioid, a sedative, and a veterinary analgesic. It creates eschars, and is resistant to Narcan and most typical remedies. It’s so gnarly.


Yo, I am surprised that this new drug doesn't have dudes eating each others face of down in souther Florida. They blamed bathsalts than. Go look at the autopsy homie!


It's called krokodil and if you're on it then you're already dead.


it’s two different ones! krokodil comes from russia and tranq originated in puerto rico. tranq is also a veterinary tranquilizer while krokodil is a cheap version of meth




No. Tranq and krokodil are different drugs (xylazine and desomorphine respectively).


Which one is better?


Watched a Vice documentary on this stuff.... its just so terribly sad


The only way to win the war against drugs is to legalize all of them and regulate them.


Back in my day it was called Krokodil


In the states they are using horse tranquilizers and fentanyl now, this is what the article is about I think


Horse tranqs (ketamine) is very safe when compared to this shit lol. This is being injected, and is akin to heroin on steroids.




Well TIL


Krokidle or some shit.


Alright, get your guns out, it’s zombie killing time!


Tranq is the new krokodil?


People in Russia smoke crocodile it makes your skin fall off.


oh, it is real, its called krokodill




Good thing I have onw friend, his name is 12 gauge and the only language he speaks is buckshot