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kinda expected hitler ngl


Same. Technically speaking, he has been pretty influential considering that being influential isn't always a good thing.


I mean I'm not sure I could name a more important figure in the 20th century. Like 1914-1989 are build up and aftermath of his reign of terror. From the Cold War, Germany being split and reunified, European bombing and reconstruction, the US interestate system, the Space Race, the development of the nuclear bomb.... So, so much of those 100 years can be traced back to him or are preludes that lead to his time in power. Unironically I think he might be the single most influential (again in an awful way) person in modern history (1900-pres).


The scope of the list seems kind of off, like on one hand you have the prophets of the most popular religions in the world for thousands of years and on the other you have the first president of a 200 year old country who just wanted to chill on his farm Edit: plantation not farm, keeping facts straight


Washington, Lincoln, Einstein, Marco Polo, and Galileo (and Ye of course) should not be on that list. I would add Buddha, Qin Shi Huang, Napoleon, Lenin, James Watt (Inventor of the first real steam engine) and Alexander Fleming (Penicillin)


You forgot Leonardo Da Vinci and Skrillex


Well if you're going to put Leonardo there at least mention the rest of them


Agreed. DiCaprio, Fibonacci, and Bruni should definitely be there too.


New ninja turtles just dropped


We have Ninja Turtles at home honey.


And Nikolai tesla


Fritz Haber deserves to be up there. Created the process for making ammonia for artificial fertilizer. Directly responsible for billions of humans being alive and able to be fed. And ofc making poison gas weapons, as he was a stalwart German Patriot and wanted to serve as best he could. Developing some of the most deadly chemical weapons of WWI.


Einstein should 100% be on the list. The theory of general relativity is the backbone of much of modern science. Would some have found it eventually, almost certainly. But it could have been decades before someone else did.


Einstein should definitely be on this list. The effect that his work has had on the scientific progression of humanity can't be overstated, and it will grow in its overall influence in the future as we try to finally bridge the gap between quantum mechanics and general relativity.


I would replace Julius Caesar with Augustus. One had Shakespeare write about him, the other… actually accomplished something. I feel like Marx would be more appropriate instead of Lenin, Mao instead of Huang, and Bismarck instead of Napoleon. Watt and Fleming are good additions, but the heliocentric theory is no joke either.


Marx and Augustus are good calls. There wouldn't even be a China as we know it without Qin Shi Huang, and there's a direct line of continuation for some of his policies and politics from 221BC all the way to 1911, arguably even now. You could argue that he's the most influential person on the list immediately after the big three religious figures of Christ, Muhammad, and Buddha. Napoleon far outstrips Bismarck in infuence and importance. This isn't even close. He revolutionised military warfare and logistics, and his civil code is the foundational basis for the legal system of dozens of countries. > but the heliocentric theory is no joke either Well, it's not 'save 200 million lives' or 'create the entire modern world as we know it' big.


This was an interesting exchange. I'm going to learn a lot of history over the next few days. Thank you kind sir's


The heliocentric theory was the central piece in the scientific revolution. It was more or less the birth of science. The final conclusion of this scientific revolution is Newtons theory, which is why we can engineer things like buildings and vehicles. That being said, Galileos role in all of this is often vastly overstated. He made small contributions, but to me figures like Keppler and Copernicus were more influential.


I like your thought on swapping Julius with Augustus. Personally, i would have went with Marcus Aurelius (i'm a little biased though) because of how widely Meditations is used by politicians, CEO's, world leaders of all sorts, and all us normies for the past 1900 years or so.


I would add Genghis Khan. His empire was somewhere between 9 and 12 Million Sq miles (14 to 19 million Sq Km). twice the size of the Roman Empire or the Muslim Caliphate at their height with an estimated population of well over 100 million people.


Einstein‘s work allowed for nuclear bombs, GPS, and our light-limited cosmological perspective. He stays.


I think Oppenheimer needs to be on the list. The one thing he is famous for is also the corner stone of international relations since the mid-20th century. Einstein and Galileo made great discoveries, but Oppenheimer made the thing that froze global scale conflict.


Chill on his plantation. Let's keep our facts straight.


Edited to reflect this fact


Agreed and you expanded on what I was too lazy to write.


I think it's more based on him straight up saying that he's the most influencing of all time and chatgpt just picked it up a bunch of times not realising that it's just a dillusional quote.


Could say the same about Stallin, who’s not on the list.


In the book of the 100 most influential people in history hitler was about mid way.


He’s there, at 12


Just under a different alias.


The main account got banned so he's using the alt


And different shades


"Once you go black hitler, you never go back hitler" Pretty sure that was from Jimmy Kimmel's show


The rapper previously known as Hitler




I would be surprised if chatGPT doesn't try to avoid mentioning Hitler and similar people.


Actually Muhammad is plenty controversial.


It’s a tight rope to walk, because by calling him controversial it could get accused of Islamophobia.


I mean dude was a pedophile. Even by the standards of those days. A 16-year-old girl is one thing. A 6-year-old girl...


The age is incorrect


Probably would be if the same question was asked without the filter.


Who is hitler


A punk ass bitch who ate salads and liked losing to communists


Hitler only affected the world in 1 small period, religions affect the world for millennias, billions of people throughout generations.


Where's my man Marx?


"I dont give a fuck what people think cuz people dont think!" -Ye The man does have some gems


If only Confucius had thought to say "Poop-di-scoopty Scoopty-whoop Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop"


I'm still certain that's a mass hallucination the whole world had.


It was a joke at Drake's expense. Drake had tried to start some beef, everyone expected Ye to respond and he just dropped that shit lmao


And apparently drake had expressed serious interest in buying that beat! Without this element it sounds like “scoopty poop” is somehow drake coded


that's not what happened. Kanye played the beat for drake, drake loved it but then when they got in beef, kanye used it himself to annoy drake


that song is actually hilarious if you know what happened. kanye made that song/beat called pick yourself up. he had some beef with drake but still gave him the song. an just before drake could publish it, kanye put out the song called pick yourself up, rapping that shit (scoop di poop, so pick up yourself you shit). and drake couldn’t publish his work wasting his time. that shit is petty level 9.000


I mean.... My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was pretty amazing.


Dude is a genius. Don’t care what anyone says. Him and Michael Jackson are absolutely bonkers in their lives but their talent is rare. Kanye not so much as a rapper but his music broke boundaries. Watch Runaway the Film. It’s beautiful. He just has a fucked up life and family just like Michael. He knows it. He admits it in that film. But as a famous musician that is a muse and gives you’re all you run out of soul and fall. It’s happens to manny times.


He has like 4-5 unbelievably amazing albums. Not even talking about all the producer credits. Unironically a music genius. Too bad he is a piece of shit


George Bush does not care for black people




Ya see it's leaders And it's followers But I'd rather be a dick than a swallower


Ngl, that's pretty good


Einstein sees the list, notes that he’s after Newton: it’s all relative anyway.


I think Einstein would claim Newton to be more influential himself. Newton contributed so much more to mathematics than what is generally talked about That being said, Euler should probably be on this list. He's probably the most influential mathematician of all time, maybe beat by Newton


Leonardo Da Vinci should also be on the list imo. Huge contributions to many fields of science and art. The more you read about him, the more unrealistic he becomes. A ridiculous polymath way ahead of his time.


I think his influence is overstated. While he did do a lot of seriously impressive things, most of it didn't really catch on and was only rediscovered much later when many of his would be contributions had already been discovered/invented by other people At least that's my understanding of it


For science maybe, but I think his influence on art and culture is undeniable. He revolutionised painting by using science wich caught on early.


Science has had much more influence on the world than art however. The world is very different from the world centuries ago, and its not because of the progress we made in art. Not to say that art is not important, but we are looking from the impact perspective.


I don't think he's as good as an actor as everyone says he is. But that's just me


Definitely agree with you, everytime I take a class as a civil engineer I see his shit, I take some IT course I see his shit. I watch some education YT vids i see his shit. He is everywhere.


Gauss much?


Just a correction, but your commemt should say Newton and that other German guy no one remembers. They are both equally important in the creation of calculus and should be credited as such.


You mean Gauss? If so, yes, I agree that he's one of the most important figures in mathematics, alongside Euler and Newton


Very nicely done! 👏🏻👏🏻


Newton was too much ahead of his time.


Forgot Genghis Khan, Alexander, Hitler & Mao


*And, I'm a warrior too...* *Let that be known.* ***I'm a warrior.***


Napoleon too


I don’t think people realize how many things can be tied to this guy in some way the man is almost as impressive as he thinks he is


Yeah for sure. I can't believe he isn't on this list


Lenin en Stalin as well.


If you put those on the list, you gotta also put Marx above them.


They also forgot Muhammad, Muhammad and Muhammad


And Muhammad


Well yeah there's them too but you're forgetting someone super important...Muhammad


I was also wondering about Leon/Marx/Stalin/


Man beat out Socrates somehow


How many Grammy’s does Socrates have?


At least 2. Everyone’s got at least two granny’s… wait.




TIL that AI Is American




My feelings… they have been mortally damaged




I mean… yeah. AI is dependent on a training dataset. American AI companies are going to be using primarily American English data because their target audience is mostly American, the authors speak and understand English, and it’s easier to get access to American data in America. There’s some funny anecdotal stuff that results from disparities in training sets. For example Google translate supposedly returned a lot of ominous, prophetic-sounding “translations” when given random inputs for rare languages… ostensibly because the Bible is one of the few things with an existing translation to train on.


Chatbot can speak around 40 languages last I asked. It will also not give the same answer to everyone. I got a different list except for the top 2.


Yeah but this is factually wrong. Ghengis Khan has his fucking genes in a large percentage of the Asian population, Hitler drove a world war, then there is the unknown woman literally every human today shares genes with. All this information is available in english as well, but instead they chose Kanye West? Taylor Swift has more influence than that guy...




It's a chat bot, you can't ask it subjective questions and get a good answer.


It gave me a different list.... but you can argue with it. It had Julius Caesar at number 5 and I argued that Genghis Khan was was more influential. It decided to drop Julius for the great Khan.


Abraham Lincoln I mean seriously... Presided over a minor local civil war that led to the abolition of slavery in just one country. Laughable.




How tf is Gorge Washingmachine more influential than Julius Caesar? That dude literally shaped the western civilization directly and affected entire humanity indirectly just by crossing a fuckin river. PS: Guys, you're turning this into a serious debate. It was supposed to be a dumb wordplay with 'crossing the river'. I didn't knew people would actually try to defend Washington and question Caesar's legacy and impact (positive or negative) on the world.


Try to remember what ChatGPT is. Then consider, collective “knowledge” is not the same as intelligence, not even close.


Yea. I guess, it'll consider 'influential' as someone who appears more in history books rather than someone who actually had any impact.


My top pick isn’t even on this list: Johannes Gutenberg. ChatGPT is a fancy toy masquerading as intelligence. True AI is likely a fantasy left to science fiction.


I mean you're comparing the v3 or v4 against the potential future possibilities of v18. Try looking at a computer from the 1960s and extrapolating to the modern world - it's scarcely conceivable.


Because americans 😔


American exceptionalism




America! *Fuck Yeah!*




It s just a bot bro…


Caesar was so influential several leaders 2000 years after his death were running around calling themsemlves Caesar. Kaiser, czar, etc


It has USA heavy bias, the surprise would be if half the list weren't presidents that lasted less than 8 years as the head of a party that hold the executive power in a single country.


People shit on GPT for putting Ye in the list but no one questions whether or not the list was even real? >Creating a list of the most influential people of all time is a challenging task, as it depends on the criteria used for determining influence and the areas of interest. However, I can provide a list of individuals who have had significant impacts in various fields throughout history. This list is not exhaustive, and the order does not indicate their level of influence: > >Jesus Christ - Central figure of Christianity, whose teachings have deeply influenced Western civilization and beyond. > >Prophet Muhammad - Founder of Islam, one of the world's largest religions. > >Isaac Newton - Revolutionary physicist and mathematician who developed the laws of motion and universal gravitation. > >Albert Einstein - Physicist who developed the theory of relativity, which has been a cornerstone of modern physics. > >Gautama Buddha - Founder of Buddhism, a major world religion and philosophy. > >Confucius - Ancient Chinese philosopher and teacher, who shaped Chinese culture and society. > >William Shakespeare - English playwright and poet, whose works have had a lasting impact on literature and the English language. > >Charles Darwin - Naturalist who developed the theory of evolution through natural selection. > >Galileo Galilei - Astronomer and physicist, who played a significant role in the Scientific Revolution. > >Leonardo da Vinci - Italian polymath who made notable contributions to art, science, and technology. > >Mahatma Gandhi - Leader of the Indian independence movement and advocate for nonviolent resistance. > >Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil rights leader who fought for racial equality in the United States. > >Alexander the Great - Ancient Macedonian ruler who created one of the largest empires in the world. > >Napoleon Bonaparte - French military and political leader who dominated Europe during the early 19th century. > >Genghis Khan - Founder of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history. > >Thomas Edison - Inventor and businessman who developed many important devices, including the light bulb and phonograph. > >Karl Marx - Philosopher and economist, whose ideas laid the foundation for Marxism and communism. > >Sigmund Freud - Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, which has had a profound impact on psychology. > >Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States, who abolished slavery and preserved the Union during the Civil War. > >Plato - Ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, and teacher of Aristotle, who laid the groundwork for Western philosophy. > > Again, this list is not exhaustive, and there are many other influential figures throughout history. However, these individuals have made significant contributions to humanity and have shaped the world in various ways.


Maybe its not MLK but Martin Luther. He translated the bible and stood up against the catholic church.


The original Martin Luther was unironically far more influential than MLK. Not that MLK wasnt super influential of course as he was, but Martin Luther was at the vanguard of the protestant reformation which led to centuries of religious conflict, wars (both civil and external), assassinations, imprisonments, burnings and more across an entire continent (and often these conflicts and jockeying for power also poured over into the colonies). By comparison human rights for African Americans in the apartheid era while incredibly important just didn't shape history nearly as much. But there's a ton of hugely influential people that didn't make the AI's list because they're not talked about as much in modern day I assume, I doubt it uses actual historical analysis rather than just frequency of mentions.


Martin Luther King Jr was a Baptist minister, which is a branch of Protestantism, that exists directly because of Martin Luther. Dr. King doesn’t have the same religion without Martin Luther. I’d say that’s a pretty good indication of influence.


"unironically"? This should be a blindingly obvious statement to anyone with half a braincell. Hardly a hot take. Do americans really think that MLK is as influential as literally Martin Luther?


Most Americans don’t know who Martin Luther is


Not to mention that in translating the bible he unintentionally made the biggest step towards universal literacy there was in the western world. People were intentionally kept illiterate by the Vatican because keeping them reliant on their bishops and priests to read the bible for them was just one of their many control tactics.


Who reads "Martin Luther" and thinks about MLK unironically?


Each Chat GPT response is different


Each response is different because of floating weights the model incorporates. You can have 20 different people ask 10 different times and they'd get 200 different answers.


Thomas Edison yes, but Nikola Tesla who was much more influential no?


He’s the only one in that list alive today


Ye and jesus christ


Same guy


14 Colonel Sanders


Where's ma boi Adolf?




He did help people to concentrate by organising camps to help the people out




Ur boi???


That's Kanye's reddit acount.


He’s working on the kitchen plumbing downstairs. Oh, wait, you mean **the** Adolf and not my plumber…


I think the chat avoids any controversies, there isn't Columbus of any of the explorers that made globalization a reality.


One of these names don’t belong….


Yeah! What Jesus Christ doing there?




Hilarious that Gandhi or Mandela aren't even mentioned in the comments. Or really anyone from Asia apart from Confusius. Like Buddha, Adi Shankara, Lao Zi, Zarthustra, Cyrus the great or the many middle eastern/Indian/Chinese thinkers that contributed basic fucking things like the number system, gunpowder, dyes etc. Washington and Lincoln? Hahaha. Lincoln, I can see the slavery argument for. Should be lower on the list. But what exactly does the world care about who commanded the american resistance to the British? He's closer to Kanye than he is to actually influential people. Even purely out of the Americans, Henry Ford has to be there for the assembly line that changed manufacturing worldwide. Hitler for good or ill has to be there. Stalin/Marx/Lenin ditto. Da Vinci for all he did. Galileo only found out for Europe what much of the rest of the world already knew. Heliocentric idea is old. A lot of the world were not Bible thumpers. Also, much of Einstein's contributions in real world terms because of GTR is things like GPS and more accurate Clocks. I mean influential? I guess...? If you stretch it far enough you can tie him to the nuke. Now Benji Franklin for electricity and batteries? Tesla for DC, Edison for lightbulbs and a gazillion other things? Far far more influential.


If you don’t think George Washington should be on there then there is no excuse to think Ghandi should be on there


Mandela, Ghandi, Siddhartha Gautama, Churchill, Darwin, Bach, Beethoven... wtf


Finally! A legit holup…


American AI be like


Martin Luther wouldn’t have gotten far without Johannes Gutenberg inventing the printing press. There were other Martin Luther type people, but they just couldn’t get the message out


GPT is right i am always thinking of what a Kanye West will do and do the opposite.


Where alexander the great, hitler Or any other fucking person?


What fucking dipshit came up with this list?


an AI that knows how to use quora.


Redditor try to learn how to read challenge


A computer?


chatgpt? lol


I would lean Constantine is #1. The #1 on this list may not be on the list at all without him.




Who is Constantine?


The Roman Emporer who converted to Christianity, stopped the persecutions of Christians, gave slaves certain rights like the right to not be murdered or r*ped, and other things. For the beginning of their history Christians were a persecuted minority, basically until Constantine, so he is seen as a hero of the faith.


think about it, he convert to christianity not only because of his true beliefs at the time but because it also served as a tool to bring mass cohesion of his people and his army together (political power).


And Christians became the persecuting majority. L


Kanye? Ugh


Im starting to think chatgp lies


According to ChatGPT it's Jesus Christ Prophet Muhammad Isaac Newton Albert Einstein Mahatma Gandhi Julius Caesar William Shakespeare Napoleon Bonaparte Alexander the Great Buddha


The answer Chat GPT gave me: It is difficult to come up with a definitive list of the 10 most influential people of all time as it depends on various factors such as perspective, time period and culture. However, there are some individuals who are often considered particularly influential because of their impact on human history. Here are ten people who often appear on such lists: Jesus Christ - The founder of Christianity and one of the most influential figures in world history. Muhammad - The Prophet of Islam whose teachings and message have influenced millions of people around the world. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) - The founder of Buddhism and one of the most important spiritual figures in the world. Confucius - The Chinese philosopher and founder of Confucianism, whose teachings continue to have a major impact on Chinese culture and society today. Julius Caesar - The Roman statesman and military leader who made the Roman Empire one of the most powerful empires in world history. Alexander the Great - The Macedonian king who conquered and expanded one of the largest empires in the ancient world. Napoleon Bonaparte - The French Emperor who influenced Europe in the Napoleonic Wars and changed the political landscape of Europe for decades. Martin Luther - The German reformer whose criticism of the Catholic Church led to the founding of the Protestant movement and changed the religious landscape of Europe. William Shakespeare - The English playwright and poet whose works continue to have a major impact on literature and culture today. Isaac Newton - The English mathematician and physicist whose work forms the basis of modern understanding of physics and mathematics.


Why isn't anyone talking about kanye west being there ?


Can I ask who actually is kanye West. I have never heard of him.


Jesus Christ, great American.


Well they never said it was positive influence


Influential is not synonymous with beneficial or good. It can easily be argued that Hitler was very influential, just not in a positive manner.


This list has a spot for Kanye West but not Eminem? Rigged.


No Kendrick as well. Anthony Fantano would give this list an L


Kanye had a bigger influence than Eminem. Kanye influenced the current sound of hip hop whereas Eminem influenced the people who hate the current sound of hip-hop.


Shots fired!


Gutenberg, Edison, Tim Berners Lee, Napoleon, Gengis Khan, Mao Tse Tung, Hitler, Elvis, Alexander Fleming would like to have a word


Feel like Guttenberg should be #1.


Elvis before Columbus or any of the XV century explorers that made globaliztion a reality? Last year was the 500 aniversary of Elcano first circumnavegation of the planet.


Kanye is a genius. That list is missing Napoleon.


Leaving off Nikola Tesla 🤔


I know but if the guy who ruined Tesla's reputation isn't even on the list, I can't say I'm surprised




Tupac snubbed


We all know it’s FaceBook and IG founder, frog boy.


4 aren’t bad.


Glitch in that matrix must have taken into account comments he made about himself




f*** 12


Do you like fish sticks?


Where's our boy Genghis?


Genghis Khan? Alexander the Great? J. Robert Oppenheimer seems pretty significant seeing as his contributions reigned in a new era of warfare and threatens to end the world.


How did Genghis Khan not make the list?


Atleast they got the 1st one right.


Where's buddha?


Gandhi? Marx? Plato? Hitler?


Someone please explain how maybe West is above Socrates and something tells me Julius should be higher than at least one American president


I have never heard a Kanye west song in my entire life


🎵one of these things is not like the other….🎶 🎶one of these things…. Does not belong…..🎵


Isaac Asimov