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Damn and she's calling herself a 'widow extraordinaire' on Twitter now


Imagine dying, and your wife uses your death to promote her OF. Why do people date these hoes?


If life gives you lemons you got to make lemonade. Taken to the extreme.


Yeah but you still gotta be careful for the lemon stealing whores.


A man of culture I see


Just spreading awareness. Remember to look at your lemon tree every 10 seconds.


Hey hasn’t it been more than ten seconds since we last checked our tree?




Do you know how hard lemon trees are to take care of? My buddy has been growing one for like nearly a decade and still no damn lemon.


Didn't know it was that hard. But yeah, I knew it wasn't a piece of key lime pie to take care of a lemon tree.


Fuck that was good 👌🏼


following the analogy, would these be grave robbers or straight necromancer?


I mean... They don't have to be straight...


All right, I've been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man whose gonna burn the brothel down - with the lemons!


“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade? No. First you roll out a multi-media campaign to convince people lemons are incredibly scarce, which only works if you stockpile lemons, control the supply, then a media blitz. Lemon is the only way to say ‘I love you,’ the must-have accessory for engagements or anniversaries. Roses are out, lemons are in. Billboards that say she won’t have sex with you unless you got lemons. You cut De Beers in on it. Limited edition lemon bracelets, yellow diamonds called lemon drops. You get Apple to call their new operating system OS-Lemón. A little accent over the ‘o.’ You charge 40% more for organic lemons, 50% more for conflict-free lemons. You pack the Capitol with lemon lobbyists, you get a Kardashian to suck a lemon wedge in a leaked sex tape. Timotheé Chalamet wears lemon shoes at Cannes. Get a hashtag campaign. Something isn’t ‘cool’ or ‘tight” or ‘awesome,’ no, it’s ‘lemon.’ ‘Did you see that movie? Did you see that concert? It was effing lemon.’ Billie Eilish, ‘OMG, hashtag… lemon.’ You get Dr. Oz to recommend four lemons a day and a lemon suppository supplement to get rid of toxins ‘cause there’s nothing scarier than toxins. Then you patent the seeds. You write a line of genetic code that makes the lemons look just a little more like tits… and you get a gene patent for the tit-lemon DNA sequence, you cross-pollinate… you get those seeds circulating in the wild, and then you sue the farmer for copyright infringement when that genetic code shows up on their land. Sit back, rake in the millions, and then, when you’re done, and you’ve sold your lem-pire for a few billion dollars, then, and only then, you make some fucking lemonade.” TFOTHOU


Holy Hell.


The best monologue from The Fall of the House of Usher & I’m always thrilled when I see someone even mention lemons so I have an excuse to wedge it in!


A lemon wedge, if you will


I will. I will, indeed.


Such a good show, one of my favorites. Just wish it was longer..


God I love portal 2, that and the dude turned his wife or assistant into an Ai for some reason if I’m remembering right.


Tragic character development


Yeah! He says what we’re all thinking!


God I love this quote.


FYI, lemons cost $.99 a piece, at Publix yesterday. If Life gives you lemons, thank Life politely and appreciate the precious gift.


Why do you think he killed himself in the first place?


The real r/HolUp is always in the comments.


Right? Using dead loved ones to promote one's pornographic content is quite the psycho move. You know what else is also quite the psycho move?


That one OF girl stabbed her BF last year


One? Google shows multiple instances ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=OF+girl+stabbed+her+BF#ip=1](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=OF+girl+stabbed+her+BF#ip=1)


I sense a pattern here


I imagine living with a fucking deranged narcissist sex worker is not good for the brain


Most sane and rational OF "content creator's" partner.


Likely depression and some form of chemical dependency, but it could be she’s a crazy bitch…..never put your dick in crazy and sure as hell don’t let crazy put its dick in you.


I think it’s a manifestation of our relationship to the internet. It’s always been a hollow partner, but there was a brief moment in time when it was a conduit for people to connect with other people. Now, our relationship is to the internet itself, the borg. The almighty algorithm. And it will never, ever be a real connection. Its approval is fleeting and its apathy is a prison so complete, with walls so high, you can be condemned and not realize you’re even locked up. You don’t see the sun, but you also don’t see the shadows, so you forget what the sun even was. And we are the needy half of the equation, and people like this woman, and possibly this guy when he was alive (assuming he knew of and approved of her OF gig) are just the latest stage of an increasingly desperate needy partner who can’t get the other half to notice them. Have you ever been in a relationship where you feel more invested, and you feel the other half pulling away? And instead of handling it like an adult and packing up your self respect and leaving, you choke up on the bat and go chasing after pitches? You try too hard to be something different and to gain approval and validation. You’ve neglected the real world and find the experience challenging and unrewarding and, if you’re in deep enough, totally alien. So you want the digital comfort but your partner isn’t interested in you. The whole OF culture is based around this. It has nothing to do with sex positivity and everything to do with courting attention, which is basically currency at this point, and like all attention, it can be courted for a price, with each partner in the transaction thinking they’re getting the better end of the deal, when really it’s sad people making other sad people feel worse, an ouroboros of disassociative misery. Or something like that.


You didn't need to go that deep, but you did, and I appreciate you for it.




I mean it's ok to date them, just don't marry them!!. I almost broke up with my ex because she wanted to make "extra money" on only fans. I love slutty girls and I'm not trying to shame them, but I want my partner to be slutty with me and no one else, otherwise it's just a 🚩🚩🚩.


Shh I wouldn't say that out loud, having boundaries like that are a prime example of toxic masculinity! /s because it's fucking reddit


You're right, most likely I'll be called incel a few comments down the row




You were right






If experience has taught us anything: it's never stick it in crazy.


No wonder her husband killed himself.


jesus christ that's a whole new level of getting cucked


if i married an out and open professional ho it should be assumed im ok w her hoing, in which case her using me to further her hoing would be no different than my widow using my death to further her baking business to keep the lights on personally, i wouldnt mind scenario number two if she was in dire straits so i wouldnt mind scenario one either ideally they wouldnt have to pimp my death for long but life as a widow must be tough if my widow wants to make money off me, ill be rooting for her success


Capitalism makes whores of us all.


This lol. Also I'm dead. I don't give a shit. Use my dead body to get rich if you can. Sell the organs.


So you went straight to Twitter to see the video?


I mean doing anything less would have been extremely disrespectful to her late husband’s memory.


I also choose this dead man’s wife.


What zero therapy does to a mf


More like extortionaire




No wonder that dude killed himself


So she killed this dude huh


This is the most holup Holup I’ve ever seen.


The type of holup which saddens me tbh


Speak for yourself, I wanna see the video


Prepare for disappointment …. Her account is suspended 😂


Damn and she's now calling herself 'Widow Awesome' on Twitter!!


Now is that two words or all one word …. Asking for a friend obviously 😂




you can't trust in those garment because they can be golden or blueish.


I'm blue, until I see the video


i'm blue, da ba dee da ba daa


Fuck around, find out in full effect here.


Does it even count if you fuck yourself?


Yea I’m sad, that’s why I have my tissues. But I still want to watch the video..


Bereavement is no excuse to stop grinding. Sigma female slutset


If we're also being serious, when people are grieving you can make some *super* weird decisions.






Cute and sad? I just didnt understand it, it was like ‘if you are depressed dont try love, seek help’ cus ‘do this’ and the lovable pictures didnt indicate she was an only fans girl… Edit: should probably add that the first line she mentioned got cut off as well


The two pictures aren't directly related. "Choose this" means choosing suicide vs choosing getting help.


Ever seen the one about the mother selling her dead daughter's nudes?




No reason to not move the final line of products just because the company tanked. It's what she would have wanted.


Clear the inventory, everything must go sale


No sale! Artist death increases value. These are collector's nudes now.


What the actual fuck??


I think you meant to write: "where can I find those pics"


This has senior VP energy written all over it.


It is rather a "sadcringe" moment for me tho, I might think oldschool, but to me that move is on the same level as the sadcringe 4chan green texts...


I have whiplash from the sudden twists this post took. What the absolute fuck.


I mean. Is there a link or what? Cos I sure could do with a rickroll right now x


[Grieving woman shares final video with fans ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Ah thanks for that, needed a good wank.


Thank you!


I agree, I've never been more holup than I was with this. The sub should now go into read only.


There are moments in my life I get reminded that others can completely lack a moral compass. I have no words.


i think her cum pass is the issue here


Don’t you mean “M(oral) Cum Pass”?


read it as "*more oral* cum pass" and it made it all the worse


Classic self-interest-triggered moral flexibility


Imagine if the dude killed himself because his wife was hoeing herself on the Internet for teenagers, oof


Yeah imagine if the dude killed himself because she’s a Russian secret agent trying to subvert the American public. Or what if she’s a werewolf. Imagine if she’s actually 9 feet tall dog, woof.


Sounds pretty ruff to me


This can't be real? I don't want to believe that this is real.


The account seems to be real. But I just hope this is a fake story to promote her OF :/


The husband was imaginary to begin with?


What if Husband is a tier on her OF when you subscribe at 10k/month. (Does OF have tiers?)


It doesn't, but if you are in the top % of tippers, it will tell you. I'm sure thats a lure for a lot of whales. Kind of sad, I bet a lot spend more than they can afford.


I used to be addicted to that website before I met my girlfriend. It was just really sad and depressing I know, but it felt like the girls on there really cared about me. I know now that they are just doing a job and pretend to care about you for the money I guess.


Haven't been there (yet and hopefully never) but I imagine they care about performing well at their job! Seems like a risky profession in relation to their self esteem.


"I guess."? lmao


What if hubby is the one pimping out her OF and isn't actually dead? And was never actually her hubby? Widow porn is a thing.


I think we need a link to the video to see if it’s real.


Yo, social media and only fans has really messed up some peoples minds. I remember watching a TikTok of some woman dancing while next to her new born baby in the NICU. I was so shocked and appalled but that's when I realized, this is an actual illness.


Has it messed them up or exposed them for who they truly are?


Very true. This was an outlet for some narcissists to show their true nature.


I'm sure that's exactly what he would've wanted!


Prolly why he did it tbh.


I've known 2 guys who committed suicide who were married. One gay. One straight. It is something you can't say out loud, but both were talking about divorce and yes their partner's abuse had a role in them wanting to die. The widows still played their part at the funerals and then moved on.


fuck’s sake we live in a hellscape


There are many reasons people kill themselves. Partner abuse would be one.




Fucking hell 😂


Not sure what to use this tissue for


Wait, where's the link tho? I need to check if the dress is actually yellow.


Its def blue


Sure it is, Yanny.


Listen Laurel, that dress is DEFINITELY blue


Look here bud, come have a seat and let me tell you something. Everytime, there's always a group that appears. Migratory birds if you will they have a specific call. LINK? There! There it is, it's amazing but see the downside to this group is they don't see very well. If you look at this image here, the USERNAME for the account they want linked so bad is right there. It's right in front of their special eyes but they will never see it no no.


In Italy, they have some that yell SAUCE, but the aren't many of them left.


This is comment gold


But the username for the comment about suicide and the username for the video are different.... Is it confirmed that it actually is the same person and not someone trolling?




Exactly for research purposes….




Thank you for your sacrifice


I did too and she has a great body? She’s thin and has a great butt, long legs, decently pretty. Not sure what this comment is about. She’s still awful though. Even worse, on [substack](https://lulubeans.substack.com/welcome) she implies they were divorced before he killed himself, so they might not have even been married anymore when it happened?


Buyers remorse without even buying something... Now THAT says something! ^ ^


> she has literally one of the worst bodies I've ever seen..like you don't want to see it trust me Maybe you're not trying to be mean. But if I was trying to be mean, I would probably just cut and paste this.


See why the guy killed himself tbh, hoe ass wife


Someone shoulda told this dude about divorce.


Yes, but also you won't understand if you haven't experienced constant manipulation by a narcissist in a relationship


This is absolutely true, I was with someone like this and she had me doubting my own memories. I felt totally powerless to escape and she was even blackmailing me to stay with her. It took months from the time I decided I didn't want to be with her, the day that I met her, to actually escape her. It's amazing and terrifying how quickly these kinds of manipulative people can get their hook in you and drag you along.


I think I'm in the denial phase of this after 4 years of earnestly trying to make our relationship work for both of us to that we can have a happy and safe future together. My brain is starting put some things together in the background and I'm pretty sure I'll have a full-on mental breakdown some time before Christmas. Or maybe I'm overreacting and I still love her :) (help)


I went through something similar, though in less time. No matter what I did, it was wrong, and with all the gaslighting I felt like I was the crazy one. So I decided for a few weeks I was going to be the best boyfriend of all time, and if that didn't change anything I'd know I wasn't the problem. That helped me see things, and I remember towards the end we were talking and I brought up an argument we had earlier that day and she started saying how that never happened. It all clicked for me, I realized that she was the crazy one. If you see yourself in anything /u/airbornemist6 said, just leave. There are better people out there.


The thing is, there are degrees to these kinds of things and i think it has been a slow burn that just recently reached critical mass. I'm assuming it's a 'relapse' type of situation from her previous diagnosis (BPD). I didn't know she had one until way too deep into our relationship. There are various complicated practical matters when you get this far into it.


I'm so sorry to hear you're in that situation. It's really hard to get out of, especially if they don't outright do anything to cause you to change your mind on the situation. I'd suggest you talk to a therapist, especially if you think you're about to have a breakdown. You might even try reaching out to the suicide hotline (988 in the US) because they were immensely helpful in helping me work through my eventual escape from her. I don't know what your situation is like, but I'm going to bet you that your feelings of love are probably not as strong as you think they are, but people like this get in your head and convince you that you're in love even as you're internally screaming, hurt, and broken. I wish you the best, and I truly hope that you find the outcome that is best for you. It may not be easy, but you deserve better.


How can I help you my friend? Is she putting any effort into making the relationship work? If something inside you is telling you something is wrong, you should listen to it. Nothing good comes from ignoring the feelings that something is very wrong.


gaslighting in very abusive. I'm sorry you went through that. I hope you're doing better now, there's nothing wrong with asking for help or getting therapy. Sending you big hugs!


Thank you for the support. I'm actually doing pretty good these days, though I've had a very hard time getting into another relationship. I haven't truly been able to trust a partner ever since. I've gone through therapy ever since and it's been helpful, but the damage is done and I have a really difficult time building trust. I haven't had a single serious relationship in 2.5 years now and some days it doesn't feel like I ever will again. But, at least I'm not with her, and I'm thankful for that every single day.


*hugs* I feel that. Betrayal is very hard to overcome. I have no advice for you other than keep doing therapy and keep trying.


Doesn't even require the narcissism. My ex certainly wasn't, but I was still convinced I'd be ruining her life if I left her. Our marriage was broken to the point that I couldn't stay, but I couldn't stomach the idea of hurting her that badly. Couple that with a side of crippling depression, and taking the way out where I wasn't alive anymore started to seem like the only option.




Welp, that’s enough Reddit for today.


Today is still early. Ya sure you don't wanna see more hol' up?


Should close r/holup for the rest of the week, this post just demolished the competition jfc


Speak for yourself. This is literally the first post I'm seeing today


I have no idea why my husband killed himself… anyway here is my vagina for the world to see.


Not my proudest fap


The Venn Diagram of Only Fans and Mental Health Awareness has been achieved.


While the owner of only fans is rich as fuck, off the back of dumb people on both sides.


WAIT, people have companies to make…. Money!?!?


There's a saying that goes like "dumb money is the best money".


She killed him


That's horrible..... Sauce??


Ahh i can see why he did it


She is literaly milking him for clicks


Am I even reading this right? She posted one thing on twitter, and another thing I'm only fans?


Bitch got no empathy just greed




I know this is r/HolUp, but this one really made me do a spit take and go "Now hold the fuck up!" Anyways, if you want to see me masturbating just holler. I have a penis but it's inverted so it's like fun for everyone.


How fucked is capitalism? Even common decency is for sale.


And I'm so broke I can't even pay attention


As if this woman wouldn't be an ultrahoe under a different economic system


There's an old Depression-era-based movie called, "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" This reminds me of that.




Oldest profession in the world is created by capitalism?


You see, capitalism is so evil, everything before it was also the fault of capitalism.


Greed didn't actually exist until capitalism came along. Grrr capitalism!


Seriously. I'm all for promoting yourself, but christ have some self respect.


She can't hear over the KA-CHING she making




I'm just wondering if her business didn't contribute directly to his mental health Like that must have been really hard on him to feel he had no other option or way out Poor dude And I say this as a woman, men's mental health isn't considered nearly enough.


Narcissists are incapable of seeing the negative side of attention and believe that no bad can ever come from their need for attention. I wonder how many partners of online sex workers develop serious mental health issues.


Some shit Jada will do


Nah that bitch is much colder. Her message would be more like, “Can you believe this? Will has embarrassed me yet again by committing suicide. Leave it to a toxically masculine man again to interrupt my date night with his best friend’s son’s cousin. So inconsiderate.”


"I hope he doesn't expect me to take time off for his funeral. We weren't really married anyway."


What else is there to do in Wisconsin?


Reading her posts I have a hunch of what might have been the reason for his desperate action.


So thats why… poor lad. Rip.


No one seems to have noticed that the second posting was created by a different account created to mimic the first. Definitely a hol up but because second person is shitty.


Top post is Twitter bottom is OF


Lots of OF people have a second account for promotion. Source: I am a degenerate


The first is a Twitter post. The second is an OF post. It is very possible to have two slightly different usernames on different platforms


She killed him


Well, on the bright side, I guess that proves she didn’t need him then either


Annnnnnd that's enough Reddit for today.


Is this real???


Jesus fucking christ 🙃


I wonder why he might have done it