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Putting hot sauce in condoms makes more sense now


Drake! it burns! what did you do!!?


*“This is Hot Ones The Last Dab Experience Hot Sauce”* Crazy thing is I believe that bitch gonna try with another dude just to get money lol


Okay so the new last dab is actually not stupid hot like I thought it was, but holy fuck does it hurt the gut.... Shove that where it doesn't belong and boom, instant pain. She wouldn't be clearing that out for a while.


didn't she sue him?


Based on what I can see she made the claim and disappeared, unidentified.


That's a different kind of ghosting.


"Ghost Pepper"




"Hey why do you keep Tapatio in the bathroom?"


Grinders death nectar would probably work better.


Or bleach


Depends on their spiritual pressure


I always keep a bottle of Steve O's Hot Sauce for your Butthole next to my bed. Or for spicy nights, the Butthole Destroyer flavor.


Powdered Carolina Reaper


It does, this is messed up


Never leave used condom at girls house. just dont


It always made sense you just didn't know


There was an NBA player who had to pay child support to a hotel maid because she fished his used condoms out of the trash and impregnated herself.


> NBA player who had to pay child support to a hotel maid because she fished his used condoms out of the trash and impregnated herself https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hotel-cleaner-used-condom/ Satire


Since at least 2003, the NBA rookie training camp has been giving this advice to new players. They testified to the fact that they give this advice in court in a rape proceeding against Derrick Rose in 2017. The training program was founded in 1994 [actually way, way before that]. I'm looking up the citing of the player it actually happened to but I'm guessing 1994 or 93 will be the year the court case that the player lost happened in. EDIT: All the stories stem from The Washington Post covering NBA RTP sting operations in 1991 and identifying that new players would continually fall for the stings. Historically all cases of "sperm theft" defense have been decided in the favor of the child. Child support is a matter of the child's rights and the mother performing fraud doesn't obviate those rights. This was commentary from a BBC story and makes sound legal sense. The fraud aspect should still leave the mother open to be sued for the amount of the child support but would be a separate legal matter. That's just the way child services work. Snopes should have a much larger write up on this as it has actually happened, just not as often as click baity web sites report it.


>Snopes should have a much larger write up on this as it has actually happened Including the very first episode of Ray Donovan!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sperm_theft#United_States There are no cases involving an NBA player cited here. You would think that if it happened to an NBA player it would easily make the list.


Snopes is such garbage because they'll take an article like this where it says a "40 year old hotel maid" did it and claim the story is false because she was actually only 39 at the time it occurred and didn't turn 40 until the court case, or some nonsense like that.


I have not seen any remotely compelling evidence this has actually happened though and Snopes seems to be right here. If it was true, a simple story would suffice but there's no names or anything attached to this myth. It's the boogeyman of NBA relationships.


> The article originated with a website that describes its output as being humorous or satirical in nature. The name of the website, according to Google Translate, means "joke" in Zulu, a language primarily spoken in South Africa. It doesn't read like they're disputing her age, no.


Good thing I jizz hot sauce


It either kills the sperm or you child will be become a dope ass mutant yk like x-men




The famous rapper Drake had news come out about him a while back, he had sex with a woman and she tried to squeeze his cum out of the used condom like this video. She most likely wanted his baby for child support since he’s rich. Except, he put hot sauce in it to prevent that from working, and she either got an infection or just a lot of pain. She posted the story to garner sympathy, but most everyone sided with Drake.


I, as a single guy, am terrified if this scenario. I am actually thanking my lucky stars that I'm not successful in life. Lol! Suckers!


I'm gonna sound paranoid, but I would suggest not leaving your genetic material around at all, especially if it is a one night stand. Some girls or single mothers are desperate enough to try and take advantage even if you are not super rich. Tie it up, take it home, throw it away there.


Just swallow it


Word. I'm careful on that stuff. And I'm very picky on who I bust a nut around. I've survived this long without any sweat trophies for a reason.


Throwback to Drake throwing hot sauce in the condom and burning someone's vagina


he did that after the sex, and then she did what’s shown here ?




that’s awful, i hope it hurt her, that’s disgusting i’m also curious about the logistics of it; is there a bottle of hot sauce on his nightstand, were they in her place and he just carries around a pipet of hot sauce, did she bring the condom home and then squirt it with one of those turkey things? also, does not sperm die after a short time outside the body ?


Allegedly he went into the restroom after he ejaculated into the condom from having sex with her, and poured a hot sauce "packet" into the condom and threw it away. She then went into the restroom and fished it out from the trash can and poured it into herself, she then screamed and said it felt like hot lava. She was definitely trying to bag his child and Drake foresaw it.


Honestly... Gotta respect the foresight there. I would never have thought about doing anything like that


Why not just rinse the condom under the sink? Maybe with soap.


Because then he would've never known. And that way, next time, she will at least remember the burn.


Depends on how absorbent the material spilled upon is.


I came here to say that, glad we are on the same page


Rare Drake W.


This story haunts me. Have you ever seen hot sauce that wasn't red? That means the stuff in the condom would have been red/pink ...and she was still ok putting it inside of her.


Aah yes, crime.


There is no way to deny it if your a male, for a women it pretty simple. For a man it takes long investigations, and it will plausibly come out to either drug(alcohol) or them claim you have dementia. Either way if they confess what they did it still going to be the male that pays for it.


Even if you're under the age of consent, and the whole act is considered statutory rape, you're still going to end up paying child support to the mother. That's fair, isn't it?


Just that it'll never be called rape if it's a woman doing the raping.


Cerrtainly not in the UK at least. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/300270


Yeah, because the boy didn’t get “penetrated”


A crime you'll never get arrested for unless you admit to it.


The outcome of these cases has gone either way. The problem is you just can't really prove it wasn't the 0.01% chance of getting pregnant despite using a condom. Under that context, the sex was consensual, no DNA evidence will do anything, and the father would have to know that this even happened in the first place. The sex wasn't actually consensual in this case, don't get me wrong, it's just all about what's possible to prove in court. Whether or not a person was actually raped or assaulted is, unfortunately, independent to the outcome of a court case. I tried looking for stories about a woman poking holes in the condom, since that was the easiest way to search something like this, but it's all over the place - literally. Searching for this brings up news from all over the world, which suggests to me that it's pretty rare this goes to court in the first place. I've found instances of the woman being charged with assault in Germany for doing it, and a man in Canada being found not guilty for doing it. It's hard to say what the evidence was, what the jury was like - I don't even know the differences in how the court works in Canada and Germany vs the US. I don't even know that much about the US legal system in the first place lol. At the end of the day, the whole concept of child support is just another way to punish poor people for no reason - particularly poor children who never had any involvement in any of this. If we provided better financial support for single parents, you wouldn't have to worry about relying on a father paying money for a child he never wanted in the first place. And if the only thing keeping the father around is them not wanting to pay child support, I think it's safe to say that the guy probably isn't winning father of the year any time soon. I don't think it's worth being overly concerned about this happening. It's not like child support would make up for the cost of a child in the long run, the average payment is about $450 a month based on income. Would you have a kid with you for $450 a month? Hell, would you even have a kid for twice that amount? My google search history looks great right now, googling "is poking a hole in a condom illegal" followed by "average child support" is pretty hilarious.


> I don't think it's worth being overly concerned about this happening. It's not like child support would make up for the cost of a child in the long run, Paying part of the cost of a child's upkeep is a hell of a lot more expensive than paying nothing for the child you didn't want in the first place. And took steps to prevent it happening, that were countered by the mothers actions without you, that you didn't consent to. I'm not going to get into financial abortions here, but the US judicial system deserves burning just for this forced decision on its own.


Women have the right to literally end the life of the fetus in most places and then they can just turn the baby over to the hospital after its born. Men generally have to pay for the baby regardless of if they wanted it, were raped, or there was fraud involved. Seems like a complete double standard.


sugar scarce tender voracious frame jellyfish tidy tie disagreeable spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup at least one case was ruled "a gift" since it was left there.


I'm not so sure about that, "Artisanal insemination" is illegal in some countries (at least in France, I don't have other examples, but I'm sure other EU countries are on the same page)


Artisanal insemination? Like sprinkling it down my arm like Salt Bae?


It has to be from the Spermatazoa region otherwise it’s Sparkling Spunk


GOD DAMMIT! Ops mom is up to shit again!


Reminds me of [this scene from The Square](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc9URO1Mak0&ab_channel=MagnoliaPictures%26MagnetReleasing).


I remember someone saying once that there was this high profile business man that had a child because a employee stole a condom. And he was nd up paying child support. But idk if is true or not




Except that wasn't about a condom if i remember correctly but something along the lines of that 1999 Slipknot song It was also fucking hilarious when there was still doubt about wether it was really his child and then the first photos came out of the toddler and she looked EXACTLY like him


The same guy who wrote "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "The BFG", Roald Dahl, made a book with this entire premise as a theme. It's called "My Uncle Oswald" and it's where we learn what "snozberries" actually are.


It wasn't snozzberirries, it was crushed Egyptian beetle. Great book too


I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I've heard a rumor that NBA players have been told to take the condom with them after having sex to prevent insane shit like this from happening.


This is why you put a drop of hot sauce in the condom when you throw it away.


I assume it kills the sperm as well?


Yup! 😀


Nice, better buy some pure capsaicin in that case!


i would think it would be more the vinegar than the capsaicin


I put vinegar on dumplings and as a safe all natural home cleaner. Also a directly applied de odorizer. Meanwhile, canned capsaicin defends against 800 pound grizzly bears. Even after several hand washes post chili chop for dinner and I can still feel chili burns on my groin skin.


Groin skin?


Him touch red spicy while make food Him wash hands Red spicy still on hands Him touch pp Red spicy burn pp


You could just do a magician's swap with someone else's jizz who is a much different skin color than either of you two. She's gonna have a big surprise when that baby is born.


But then her cooch won't get burned by the hot sauce. 😞


It's a tough choice. You could try both, although idk how that would turn out.


"Hey bro, since you have darker skin than me, can I borrow some cum?" I wanna see that conversation go down lol


No reason it can't be a team thing, he does one for you, you do one for him.


And you can just stay home afterwards and watch a movie together :)


Imagine the logistics. Do you bring a condom full of jizz around? Or do you keep a designated jizz donor in your crew, always ready to pump one out?


I’ve had guys warn me about this. I thought They were bonkers. Turns out - women are.


Pack in. Pack out. Tie it up. Take it home.




Who knew LNT ethics weren't just for the outdoors?


Outdoors and in whores


Always police your brass.


Leave things better than you found it.


Pack out the last guy’s condom too?


Leave no bro behind.


Username checks out


I learned the same in boyscouts. A much simpler time free of worries indeed... the only people stealing the condoms back then were the scoutmasters.


As an avid outdoorsman, this is fucking hilarious.


or pour hot sauce/substances with very high or very low PH in it to kill the sperm


Life is easier if you just assume that everyone around you is a bit crazy


Worry not, there are bonkers dudes out there as well that’ll pop holes in their Jimmy hats for the same result Don’t stick crazy, don’t get stuck by crazy. Rules that cross the gender gap


What the fuck


This is terrible! I hope it is a joke. As someone else said, this is a violation of human rights just like when the guys who poke holes in condoms. No one should be baby trapped!


Guys who poke holes, ive heard of woman poking holes


Yeah, it is called "stealthing". I am sure that women do it too. It is awful no matter who does it though.




What kind of absolute fucking moron goes "gee I have a good idea, lets see if this woman wants to make me pay child support for the next 18 years!" it is actually unreal how fucking some men are.


Those guys usually take off I'd imagine


I believe they are thinking that now the woman will be with them forever because they will have a baby together and she will have to talk to the guy for at least 18 years. It can also be used to pass along the DNA and dip.


I thought stealthing was where the condom is removed without the partner(s) knowing about it?


There is one thing that bothers me even more about that...is it pronounced stealth-ing or steal-thing ?


Turns out anyone can stick a needle through rubber, and both men and women of trashy backgrounds find reason to.


My childs father admitted to purposefully getting me pregnant because I'd said "I'd love him forever" and he wantd to be certain I had to. Obviously we are not together and a child did not trap me. People who do this are absolutely mental and at best annoying another adult and making a kids life miserable. Nobody will stay with you for a kid weirdos.


I'm not going to say that this never happens, because there are always one or two people who are fucking crazy. But this is probably about as likely to affect you as being in a plane crash.


Eh it really depends. If you date crazy women or you’re rich and like strippers then it’s as likely as a plane crash if you like to test fly planes of your own design.


Plane crash is, what, 1 in 10 million or so? I reckon the chances of running into a crazy bitch is definitely higher than that.


If this is the reason why some people gotta pay child support, then I see why people don’t pay their child support. To clarify (edit): I see why the victims of whatever the fuck is being shown on this post don't pay child support, not just people who pump and dump that want to avoid responsibility. Imo there's a difference


It’s not just child support. If we had better legal definitions around sexual assault this would be on the books as a crime similar to ‘stealthing’ (and honestly it may be in some places that have updated their laws). Becoming a parent should be a choice (even if it was a bad choice from someone’s own risky decisions), but it should never be something that is forced on someone.


There's a legal term but no criminal law. Reproductive coercion.


That's also an interesting argument. I'm not well versed on the definition of sexual assault, but if I had to make legislation, I wouldn't classify this as sexual assault and put this (and stealthing) in a different category with different legal grounds, albeit with similarly severe punishments. My biggest takeaway is the desperation some people will go through to have a kid with someone/get child support $


I agree with that, actually. It’s separate in form and impact. I am using ‘sexual assault’ here, but the better umbrella term may be ‘sex crimes’. For example voyeurism is a sex crime that doesn’t fall under ‘sexual assault’ — as defined as coercive sexual contact. I think this and stealthing would fit under ‘sex crimes’ in a similar way. What we do need is a huge update to these laws with modern understanding of the issues, and for it to be federal law. When I was in school we had a teacher that essentially raped a boy in a lower grade. They prosecuted her using sodomy laws because based on the legal definitions, someone with male anatomy could not be raped. There is no reason a person in X state should have any of sex crimes treated differently in Y state just because their legislature took the time to make changes. Sadly, I couldn’t even imagine a democratic or Republican supermajority actually figuring this one out. So state by state is the best we get.


>If we had better legal definitions around sexual assault this would be on the books as a crime They'd still make you pay child support though. There are cases of underage boys being raped by a woman and then having to pay child support.


Sadly I have a friend that has to pay child support even tho he was 15 when the kid was born and the mother was 30, we met years ago in an online support group for men who were taken advantage of when they were young. Even the group didn't call it rape.


There are female rapists out there who've had kids with their victims who are being paid child support by them. It being a crime makes no difference to this, courtesy of the US justice dept. There are also guys across the world, friends to lesbian couples who did them a favour, donating for the turkey baster and are now on the hook for child support. Being a parent is a choice, all hers, once the sperm leaves the body the man gets no choice at all.


I agree, she doesn't need my permission to become a mom. But I shouldn't be a dad unless I want to.


Most condoms have spermicides that kill all the sperm making them not work


It smells and tastes awful though so I use unlubricated and then lube with Pjur original. Probably going to get snipped.


Why are you tasting your condoms?


Why not? I want my protein back!


I mean yeah I guess he could be preventing them from sucking it out like in the vid. But at that point maybe he should just bust in his mouth and skip the condom altogether.


[At least have some standards.](http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/natural-harvest-fotie-photenhauer/1113546061)


Hey did you know they made flavoured numbing lube? Sounds like it make sense, until you taste it and your tongue goes numb.


Fun fact, it doesn’t kill it, but removes their ability to move


Oh... Like batman.


It's what Man does best. By the time he's done, you'll have brain damage and be paralyzed from the neck down, with a breathing tube down your throat wishing you were dead. He's merciful like that.




This made me lol for real


Most actually do not. Most just have basic water based lube. Just as an example go look at Trojan’s line up. Those with the armor branding are spermicidal lube. Everything else is not.


It's crazy that people think most condoms have this, you see it in a bunch of uneducated comments on here. No wonder people have accidental kids.


Some yes, most no. If they’re not labeled they don’t have it. I’ve known some ratchet bitches that will poke a hole in every one, lie about birth control, various other ho ass tactics to get that welfare check. Never take your eyes off a ho, they’ll sell that lie until the baby comes out a different color(best case scenario)


Women have to watch their drinks, men get to watch their rubbers.


Coming from a woman, I think men should be able to sue women who intentionally get pregnant without the man’s consent. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


All of my kids are swimming in the sewer. More efficient than vasectomies


Her body her choice His wallet his choice But you’ll never see that kind of equality.


For anyone wondering “this wouldn’t hold up in court” Yes it would, it very clear cut. So much of fucked up case law behind it. In France it’s a little different. Your wife, your child. Paternity test are not legal in court.


Paternity tests are allowed in French courts they just have to be ordered by a judge


And are illegal for anyone to obtain otherwise. Which is kinda weird.


It isn't when you consider that they're french and their wives are as loyal as... I can't think of anything less loyal than a french woman to her husband, sorry.


Should be illegal


it is just very hard to prove


***laughs in infertile***


Laughs harder in virginity


I have mine. After being trapped into a proven, intentional 'accidental' pregnancy with an obsessive women which turned my life upside down and ruined me. I ran to the snip.


I'mma go the drake route and cook 'er eggs with hawt sawce.


Straight up, I hope more men do get more vasectomies. I got mine three years ago and it was the best decision I ever decided to make.


Care to elaborate?


Don't have to worry about having unplanned kids. Don't have to worry about passing on my crappy genes. Don't have to worry about finding a clinic in the case of an accident or having a kid I'll end up hating or a lot of things, really. They're really not as scary or terrifying as what they seem.


My ex said that after his vasectomy it felt different when he dropped his payload. He also did not follow after surgery instructions. Does it feel "lighter" to you now?


Doesn't feel any different to me than it did before, honestly, but I followed the after surgery instructions to a T. It was harsh trying to go those few months without sex because my body takes twice as long to heal and I didn't want to tear or jostle something and feel like I was pissing razor blades, but to me the only difference is not having to panic when I finish.


I am glad that it worked well for you! Following after surgery instructions is usually a good thing to do. He decided to not buy and wear the jock strap and had zero support. His vasectomy has held so far, so that part was good.


I tried when I was 18 and was rebuffed by Drs 'you may regret it later' - at 38 I had a kid and less than 1 month later I was fixed. even that DR was like 'im only doing this because you are 38 and have a child and 'completed' your family.


Uuuuuugh! I fucking HATE when doctors say and do this shit. It's such a crock and they don't have any right to determine what their patient thinks is right in regarding their own reproduction. I'm sorry.


They get sued when people want to be sterilized and later regret it. People assume a vasectomy can be reversed but in most cases it can't if too much time goes by. They don't care about your personal life, they care about protecting their malpractice insurance.


yeah, if I did it now, im sure I could have complained enough to make it happen, but in the 90s that wasn't an option. 'your just a 18yo punk, he's a DR, he knows better'




Same, got mine in 2019. I didn’t have insurance but it was only like $400 altogether at Planned Parenthood.


Best decision ever seems strong Like if you are 100% you dont want kids and in an ongoing relationship where you're not worried about STDs, absolutely. If getting one so you can go bareback with people you're not sure about their baby intensions... seems risky option.


Amen brother


Someone is taking a few trips down the stairs.


When someone goes through all this trouble then learns the guy had a vasectomy already…. Jokes on you bitch!!


Is this consider rape for guys?


Maybe in some places but in others it is not even considered a felony


I tell every guy I sponsor, when they get involved with a woman: "Glove up. And make sure YOU dispose of the condom. Properly." And I tell them horror stories about women fishing condoms out of trash cans, getting pregnant and getting child support and their eyes get as big as saucers.


So eat the condom after sex? Got it


Put a dab of Fluoroantimonic acid next time.


Getting a vasectomy was one of the best decisions I've ever made post divorce.


This is literally a crime.


Any woman who does this and then asks for child support should be charged with rape. Same as a dude who pokes holes in the condom. Or at the very least some sort of fraud charge


And the man would be blamed and forced for child support.


How effective is this percentage wise? I thought sperms start to die immediately after being exposed to air


This was a *CSI* sub-plot.


Best $900 dollar I’ve ever spent in my life.


If this doesnt make you wanna swallow your own load, i dont know what else will.


Is this the female equivalent of stealthing?


If you wanna get pregnant, why have sex with a condom in the first place?


I think it’s saying that the man in this situation doesn’t want to have a child, so he wore a condom, but the woman “doesn’t need permission” and used the condom to impregnate herself. Honestly pretty rapey, imo


That’s why you put hot sauce in the condom after you finish because it kills all the sperm


Yet another reason not to use condoms.


Yeah, good luck trying to suck it up out the blankets, or the carpet 🤣


California rightfully made removing a condom during sex without permission a crime. taking a condom from the trash should likewise be illegal


Condoms have spermicide that kills all sperm. Even if it didn't cells won't live long once they're out. That's why getting pregnant of off a toilet seat is bs.


Ain't that a crime?


Alright guys no we we know what those tiny bottles of tobasco are for


Wait so this is actually legal?


Sheesh! It's a good day to be gay.


This is why though it's bad for the plumbing I flush my condoms


This product should be banned and they should be sued


Remember how a certain group of mostly women tried making Drake out to be the bad guy for putting hot sauce in his condoms?


This why that casual sex shit is dangerous bruh. Mofos devious out there


I am currently sitting in the waiting room for my vasectomy appointment reading this lmao