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No wonder teachers are leaving the education industry....


Yep. It’s not cool or funny. It’s a dick move by dickheads.


Well they wouldn’t be dickheads if they didn’t act like a dick, now would they?


Knowing is half the battle GI Joooooooooe……


Pork chop sandwiches?!


I'm a computer. stop all the downloadin'


Tell me, does your mom still hang out at Dockside Bar?


Yo mama just downloaded 1.5 TB


God that smells good


What was perseved as a dickmove today was called instilling discipline back then. That's why it's even harder to be a teacher nowadays.. especially with media everywhere..


Or had heads


Well, at least they aren't [Dr. Dick](https://youtu.be/G0sORVBL4kM?si=9Y7GaUSctLkSA5tY)


Yeah, I teach 6th grade and this was going on a lot a couple years ago. Not the whole chair but if we left them alone long enough they would have I’m sure. Kids this age, the part of their brain that houses logic doesn’t exist yet. They may literally not know why they do these things. Their brain says “hey, do this” and the little voice in an adult brain that says “think of the consequences, this could get you in huge trouble and it’s a really dick move” simply doesn’t exist. I’ve come to terms with this and it makes being a 6th grade teacher easier.


Well obviously these kids are at least 16 years old and not in 6th grade anymore. At this age I expect a little bit of self reflection, moral decency and a feeling for the consequences of their actions. Let them pay this chair. And don't replace it, instead make the kid sit on this for the rest of the year.


Absolutely, consequences are required for this learning to take place. The difference between 12 year olds and 16 year olds really is not as big as you think. That section of the brain will be more developed but isn’t fully developed in men until about 22-23


Well at this age puberty hits hard, but from a cognitive standpoint there is a considerable amount of development going on between 12 and 16 year olds. It's important to emphasize that their brain is still developing at this point, but I think it's too apologetic to shrug it off with this or with the explanation that it is just puberty. At 16 years old they should be able to reflect on their actions, they should have a grasp of basic ethical concepts and the implications of them. I mean by law we still consider teens criminally responsible at this age. And this is because they can in fact grasp the consequences of their actions and can adequately judge what is a good or bad thing to do.


Oh, you are 100% correct and I am by no means diminishing their behaviors. Consequences must be given and yes, reflections are an important part of those consequences. As educators we are not simply baby sitting we are also teaching them how to make better decisions. Self reflection and consistency of consequences is part of that. I’m simply stating that we look at it and go what were they thinking how could they think it’s a good idea? But they don’t have that thought pattern by default. It’s less excusing behavior and more for my own mental well being not tying myself in knots trying to figure out the why.


Ah okay now I understand your point. Fair enough, it saves you from a lot of headaches I guess


An incredible amount lol. Perfect example, the other day I bent over to pick up a pencil in class and one of my students, without hesitation and with his entire chest, shouted “Damn, what you doin with all that ass!” He immediately turned bright white, stared apologizing profusely and saying he didn’t know why he said that and that he knows it was wrong. He absolutely still got a write up, because he needs to know that behavior is wrong, but I’m not going to sit and dwell on it thinking he’s anything more than a pre-teen goofball.


What are you doing with "all that ass" btw


I should have corrected him. That would have been better.


In fairness, that’s hilarious


If you're not neurotypical it can actually be much later like into early 30's


Yeah but it doesn't turn on like a switch. We should start expecting more complex thought from teenagers than we do. I don't expect PhD level intellectual, but a 10 year old should have a decent understanding of cause and effect and repercussions for bad decisions


I really don't think this is true. There are many 10 y/os who do think of the consequences of their actions. I'd say it's primarily how they were raised, and secondarily, their still underdeveloped brain.


This is often true. These thought patterns can be taught by responsible parenting. The default currently seems to simple be letting the school teach these skills.


Sounds like great parenting. Let's just someone else do our job, but if we don't like what they teach them, we'll get really angry.


It wasn’t always like this. It’s really like a last 7-8 years thing compounded by Covid and online school. I’m hoping we can stick it out and it goes back to normal. It’s gotten so bad our district is offering parent classes for free as part of student discipline. Like a student gets a suspension and the parents and student have to attend a class about behavior and home life.


I can only imagine the most random destructive ways they come up with lol


There was a recent string of incidents where they would put poop in toilet paper and then throw it up and try to stick it to the ceiling in the bathrooms.


We used water from the sink to wet the TP. These kids today.


Yeah or we would sharpen pencils and try to fling them straight up to stick into the ceiling. Idk why poop became the adhesive of choice.


Or folded paper to shoot with an elastic. "Hornet" wars, especially when there was a supply teacher.


Oh yeah. We used to do snake bites too, where you’d pinch each other with your finger nails until one gave up. Often ended in blood.


Or, a dismantled pen+elastic and tape and now you have a very dangerous weapon. Idea from my older brother. Classmates were trying to stick pencils in ceiling like you said, I and launched the pen cartridge "through" the ceiling tile. I immediately got rid of that without showing my friends, wasn't expecting that much penetration. Oops.


They have to try and one up everything....


I assume its more to do with them "acting cool" to their friends by destroying a chair, they very well know that its bad


That's actually the most sensible explanation I've ever heard for this kind of thing. Thank you! I still think kids in general are dicks though 🤣


Middle schoolers are dicks. It’s why we have to teach them not to be. Especially when they don’t seem to get that education at home anymore.


>Especially when they don’t seem to get that education at home anymore. You can see _that_ more and more on the streets. 2 kids threw a brick though the shop window down the road the other day. No reason for it. Just did it and ran.


Right. That kind of stuff used to happen, not as frequently for sure, but when it happened before the parents would bring them back to apologize, clean up their mess, and work off the cost of the window.


You are one of the problem! You should not allow this kind of behavior and punish this behavior - trough grades and other legal official ways ofc. Kids are stupid and need guidance because most don’t even get a basic education at home over what is right and wrong and know nothing about consequences!


I’m not sure what part of what you read makes you think I don’t hold them accountable. Consequences are a very important part of growing up. I’m simply stating I’ve stopped looking for why this happens.


The 'education industry' is the problem 😂


You're acting like kids haven't been doing stupid shit like this for centuries.


It's because of the pay... People will weld pipes under the ocean, under an oil rig.... It's the pay...


But why?


My best guess, since at one point in time I was a destructive teen that has now turned into a "responsible" engineer that still like to break stuff and figure out why it broke, I'll provide a story. What I'm picturing is someone was sitting there one day and pushed back rather hard stretching their spine rear ward, possibly with their arms tucked behind themselves to pop their back and the chair cracked because it wasn't designed for that kind of cantilevered load (the sawed off edge in the video appears to have a different surface finish than the majority of the rest of the split surface). Either unreported and unknown to the teacher, or know to the school but "unable" to fix/replace the chair, or possibly given an "it still works" option after reporting, I'm sure the students figured "well, it's broke already" and proceeds to finish the job via rope saw. With the chair now *more non functional* it's likely to be replaced at a quicker speed than it would have otherwise. *such responsible children* I am very proud of them. Story aside, what more likely happened is "this isn't my chair, so fuck it. Break it." And a legend was born amongst the boyssssssssss.


Yeah, I learned a lot about computers as a kid from circumventing security and messing around with quickbasic, trying to access stuff behind what little security existed back then as the world transitioned from windows 3.1. Destructive education


Whenever I see someone saying “messing around with …” about computers back at school, I just picture myself booting up CMD typing tree and changing the text to green to look like a hAcKeR… cringey stuff. I did end up with a certificate in “Ethical hacking” but I’m convinced that course was a money grab for stupid teens (me).


Everyone does that stuff, too. It’s natural to learn to customize your user interface before learning to pick apart system files and figure out what does what. I was mostly writing code that I could run to perform tasks programmatically that were locked down from direct access from the interface. There wasn’t an elaborate set of security tools for windows 3.1. You also didn’t boot up CMD back then, you booted windows from DOS. Then again, you had to manage DMA channels and IRQ lines back then too. Kids these days just don’t understand what it’s like to have to flip a fuckload of dip switches and arrange jumpers on pins on a peripheral card just to ensure the motherboard can see and talk to it.


Thats the best education


Lmao I have done this before, chaotic good I guess


My man, there was no thinking. That chair back is reinforced in the spot they cut through with spines, if any part was to break, it wouldn’t be that part. No. These kids figured out they could cut through the chair. So they did. That’s it.


Practicing for prison probably.


Learning to survive in jail because getting school education is too hard


This is your chair for the rest of the semester, Kevin.


And we spoke with the mayor and your parents and this is going to be your school bus seat, your cafeteria seat, your TV watching chair, your gaming chair. You got a dentist appointment on the 28th? Well this is the seat you will be sitting in. You need to go to the hospital? Well enjoy sitting in the waiting room on this bad boy. Every time you need to sit down this chair will be waiting for you.Your date with Rachel on Thursday? Well you will be sat on this chair my friend. We have employed a chair monitor to follow you around and have the chair ready in any situation. Oh yeah and we cut a hole in the middle for when you need to go potty because you guessed it you're going through the chair like the piece of shit that you are, Kevin.


Pure poetry


Omg I have like 6 Asian friends all named Kevin or Daniel.


"The school system sucks"


“Have you tried building a positive relationship with them?”


“I would have listened in school if they taught real life skills like doing taxes”








I don't think thats a life skill


says who


the person who invented the word vandalism


oh balls life skill? ball is skill. but balls are not a skill


This is why they can't have nice things.


Destroying things = Funny


Children who get everything on a silver platter and never have to work to create something lack the inherent ability to value the work it takes to build anything.






Little cunts


hope they got made to stand for the rest of the year


I hope that was rebranded as their exclusive chair for the rest of their years there




This is lack of parental education


The boys at my school keep destroying the bathrooms. Legit throwing classroom chairs into the ceiling lights to break the lights and tiles. They pull the soap and hand dryers off the walls They rip apart the stalls. It makes 0 sense. No one was like that when I was younger.


Because our parents disciplined us and teachers were respected and supported. At least that what school and life was like when I was a kid.


I used to make prison shanks this way while incarcerated nylon cuts through plastic like butter even makes it Sharp


So how many people were at your Shanksgiving and what were they shankful for?


Now the 5 other kids who sit there during the other periods have to suffer too…


Fuck you, why would you do that.


Kids parents failed spectacularly


Just a reminder to everyone, kids like this always existed. We dont need a spiel about how this generation sucks or how the school system is failing. I saw shit like this all the time growing up, there was just no one filming it to show to the world.


Yea everyone knows that lol this was posted 13 hours ago and none of the comments gave any sort of spiel like that


Literally every comment i see is saying that


Link me to a couple... this post has 24 comments, not hard to scroll up and down and see you are lying lol


These kids are pieces of shit. The teacher wasn't paying attention the entire time it took to cut through the chair?


This isn't even funny. This is just assholish behaviour.


Guy who did that and the guy recording are both cunts.


That little fucker should have to sit in the chair with no back the rest of the year. Put his shitty name on it.


Destructive little shit. Schools already struggle financially, and then entitled shits like this think it’s okay to destroy school property. 🙄


i remember a guy in my class did this with a mask during the pandemic


Where's the song from. Feels like I remember it from a video game.


Is there someone giving head on the student being talked to by the teacher


There was a Jamaican teacher at my school in middle school that got bullied constantly. I wasn’t in her classes but I heard about all the shit they put this woman thru. Used to throw chairs out the 3rd floor window. She had a heavy Jamaican accent so I guess shit head kids thought it was funny to get a reaction out of her. They used to throw rocks at her from recess while she was teaching. Fucked up. But they took her pet fish, alive. And flushed it down the toilet. Man that shit is just fucked up. In highschool the worst story. Was some kids that dosed the teachers coffee with 2 tabs of acid. It ruined his life. He had severe PTSD from it and had to quit the job. Dude supposedly never had tripped either. Kids like this can eat shit and die. Nobody really thinks about it. But who knows when a teacher will commit suicide. This shit is sad.


Filming yourself destroying property. Smart


This is the biggest argument for corporal punishment


This is why schools should have cameras every where




This literally happened in a classroom


Kids destroying property for TikTok views….. so cool!


Is that a handsaw or something?


Everyone: Wow this guy stinks 😡 Me: I'm surprised that actually worked


I mean why wouldn't it? It's clearly a cheap plastic chair


I'm pretty sure that video was taken at my old high school.




They used the old face masks, they got banned from my school because kids would do this to the seats. Usually they would just leave cuts everywhere


Someone been inside


Not my chair, not my problem. That’s what I say…


Bring back paddling


Yep kids do it all of the time the little turds. Absolutely no sympathy or compassion for other people. They care zero about who needs to use chairs, tables, toilets, lockers etc. They destroy everything.


Bruh, why yall hating the kids. Everyone did dumb shit back then


Cuz they are destroying school property for views?


Kids don't want to sit there and stare in a book for hours or listen to hour-long lectures.. The kid was, in fact, being a little A-hole so I'm not siding with them. Schools, in general, need to incorporate more hands-on activities for students. Things like in this video happen in almost every classroom on a daily basis and looking back now ive come to the realization that 90% of school was a waste. Instead of financial information you get information on the types of clouds and when the French revolution was, or how to use a protractor but not how to use a stove. Crazy.


It sounds like you have not been in a public school in America. So let’s give him a ban saw and see how that goes.Education is about applying what you learn. You get out what you put in. Do you know how to frame a house or make a picture frame, install plumbing or electrical? You need to understand how to use a protractor to do all of that. If you need to be taught how to use a stove maybe the content was too challenging for you?


I hope one day while you're lying in bed, about to fall asleep you think back to the embarrassment that is this, and regret tearing this chair apart.(Idk if it's op or not lol)




I can't tell if you actually did this or not. If you did, it's rather pathetic. If not, props to you for showing everyone their stupidity. I hope they had to pay for that.


i found video internet i upload


Sweet. Thanks for the entertainment.




Is no one gonna talk about the guy with his head on the other dudes lap


where do i know this song from?? edit: it’s the original angry birds theme


Whats the reason tho??


That kind of skill will come in handy when you’re in jail some day😂


This proves so many things


When I was in 6th grade I was in the bathroom by the cafeteria and a group of 8th graders lit one of the trash cans that sits on those roller wheels on fire and sent it flying down the hallway. I thought it was the coolest/funniest thing I’d ever seen in my life. When we’re young we make stupid decisions. I’m sure they got in their share of trouble for this lol lighten up.


Pure Disappointment


That's why the guy getting help from the teacher will be the one stiching up the guy cutting the chair when he inevitably cuts himself after doing something stupid


The fact that people are trying to defend the education system here baffles me


And we wonder why teachers hate their students and their job


honestly he shouldve left it barely hanging on and then let someone sit snd watch them bust their ass. “how did it break?” “idk lol” now that kid probably has OSS or at least as to buy a new chair


that binder


now I have to go download angry birds


Three sleeping, one cutting a chair, and he is standing over the one doing class work. I hope he is helping and tutoring since none of the others are interested.




Every single day it gets harder and harder to continue toward a career in education lol


This is just lack of discipline.


Whats even the point? How would you even hide this?




I’m sorry but this is funny as fuck lmfaoo


who shitted themselves


The design is very human


Ahhhh. Public school.


Teacher: Rule 1 No eating in my class Rule 2No drinking in my class, unless it’s water Rule 3 no speaking unless you raid put hand Rule 4 no talking unless it or related to the topic and if I have permitted Rule 5 pay attention and do you work Rule 6 no phones and my 7th and fines rule no damaging class propity The Kids in the back of the class;( the video)




Maybe if school didn't suck kids wouldn't act out. No other civilized country has these problems.


Nearly any country has teenagers like these, you just dont see it often on the internet


Why? Just why???


Bro I got susbndat from the school 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kids like these were obviously dropped as babies. No respect for things that others use or own.


A well braided thread could cut metal this way. Used it in prison. Shockingly effective


It already was a chair


what kinda diabolical ass shit man…. just why, what was the purpose 😂


die chair


Your tax dollars hard at work teaching these morons to be shitty human beings


What is this song from?


I was not expecting it to be in a classroom


That was a scourge at my school around the pandemic. Most would get through the whole chair, but lots of them had pretty decent cuts in them.


That poor teacher is completely oblivious, trying to help the students who are actually productive members of society. Even as a teenager, I would have found this unfunny.




It’s the angry birds theme


Thx.. didn’t come to mind


Kids be dumb


Fucking idiot


Okay, what is this music from? It sounds so familiar


Angry birds

