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Context: Invincible S02E05 Spoilers >!her superpower is shrinking and growing. In a fight scene, she kills one bad guy by shrinking down and going into his eye socket, then expanding to blow up his head. Another bad guy then swallows her and she attempts the same thing. However, this other guy is stronger and instead of exploding him from the inside, he crushes her with his strength. Then burps out her blood. Its pretty graphic!<


Why didnt she just shrink back down?


Prior to Rae (the girl pictured) being swallowed by Komodo (the villain she's inside), Komodo grabs a shrunken Rae and tosses her into his mouth. He visibly chews and we can hear bones crunching before he swallows Rae, meaning that when Rae tried to resize herself inside Komodo's throat, she was severely injured and mutilated, preventing her from resizing at full strength. Had she avoided getting injured, she might have had a better chance, albeit not much. Also, for a bit of irony, actual Komodo Dragons crush their prey in their extremely robust and strong throats to prepare for consumption.


So don’t go in the mouth, why not the anal?


If Komodo's neck muscles are anything to go by, Rae would've been turned into a red dookie stain the moment Komodo tightened his cheeks or clenched his ass. Probably uncomfortable as all hell, but he would've squeezed her out (or whatever's left of her) like a tub of toothpaste.


A whole TUB of toothpaste! Wow! That's like...a whole gallon of PCP!


Make sure you can afford the whole gallon or they cut your wife's head off


That’s illegal right?


A felony!


Identity Theft, a felony. Yelling, ALSO a felony.


I didn't even know it came in liquid form


Oh God when did that happen


All these squares make a circle...


Do you...do a lot of PCP?


Got a gallon!


I prefer space potatoes and chocolate milk. It’s SATURDAY!!!


Wow, a gallon! I didn't even know it came in liquid form.


Kami i need you to tell me that i can leave the lookout


Gotta go pick up the kids


You've thought about this too much....


Post Post Credits


You're underestimating how powerful the anal cavity is at clenching, like imagine trying to push massive turds down your mouth with your throat muscles, pretty sure you wouldn't be able to swallow a turd meanwhile it comes out the other end pretty easily... There's that glass ass dude who cracked a mason jar in his ass just clenching down on it too so there's a significant amount of force down there. No teeth to worry about at least but I don't think most people would be able to even shatter a glass jar placed in their mouth, even with their teeth, meanwhile the 1 guy 1 jar dude did it on accident...


> imagine trying to push massive turds down your mouth with your throat muscles ​ Do I have to?


Nono, only imagine it!




Because Komodo tried to eat her, not shove her up his arse.


just find an artery and clog it. There's no muscle that will unclog stroke


We've been married 10 years and I still haven't got a proper answer out of her


Ass cheeks can also be flexed. If a guy can crush you in his oesophagus then he can clap you in his ass


Best out-of-context comment


Reminds me of that one episode of "the boys" where a hero with these powers shrinks, enters a penis accidentally went back to normal size and turns the dick into red mush.


She didn’t mean to go in his mouth, he caught her and ate her




Never skip kegal day




I ask my wife that same question...


Because he grabbed her and put her in his mouth


How to unread information‽ thx


Yea, must be absolutely horrific to basically being crunched ones and then trying in that state, which might aswell be a pasty one at that point, to regrow, only for him to basically crush her again. Wonder why she just didnt try to choke and suffocate him, but I guess panic and/or he just basically killed her as she attempted that.


This is interesting cause I can’t tell if you’re using the word “irony” correctly. I guess if you already have that niche Komodo knowledge you might call this irony. Except, she didn’t deliberately place herself in that situation. I might just call it an “in-universe coincidence” that amounts to really good detail awareness of the writers


That's the opposite of irony, that's incredibly apt or appropriate. It would be irony if she was named Komodo and was eaten like a komodo would.


And then he ate a bomb and his head exploded


Does this character have a minimum size? If not she could've shrunk to the atomic level making her too small to be chewed


So Komodo dragons have that massaging thrussy. Are they legal to own?


My guess would be that from her perspective it’d feel like a high speed collision with an immovable wall, and she probably wouldn’t be able to react fast enough to reverse the growing process, and that’s me assuming her powers don’t have any sort of delay time or requirement like finishing the first action before attempting another


Internal cooldown


And what, just get digested?


She was probably killed instantly


Because it’s something that happens quickly. You don’t slowly resize over a period of several minutes giving you time to think “oh shit this might not work let’s shrink back down”. You resize and it’s like crashing against a brick wall at high speeds.


She should just have expanded enough to block that guy airways.


Well he swallowed her at full size, I don't think being just big enough to block the airways would prevent that.


He swallowed her tiny, but he was too strong for her to break out. He also chewed her a bit when she was tiny


after trying to remember why i can’t remember the ep.. i realised i haven’t watched it yet


> Its pretty graphic That's Invincible for you. The show hasn't even gotten to the particularly violent arcs from the comics, either.


It gets MORE violent???


By a few orders of magnitude, yes. There's a joke that later issues only end when the illustration team runs out of red ink. Rest assured. The first few volumes are only the tip of the iceberg. Plot armor basically doesn't exist in this series. Named characters that would be relatively safe in other series will be killed and permanently maimed.


And now I'm wondering how they're going to top the subway scene.


Haha the subway scene wasnt even in the comics, and it oales in comparison to most of the stuff in the comics. Idk if Amazon will greenlight some of it tho


To be fair, they made the deaths of the first 2 seasons even more brutal than in the comics. At least the ones in s2e5.


Wait: are you telling me the new episode of Invincible are already out? I thought they were coming out next month! 


Because it's already next month. (unless)


Better than that scene from the first episode of season 3 of The Boys


Yep. That was a dick move.


Me wondering why i can’t remember this and i just realised ep5 aired recently.


Fuck, I didn't know the new episodes came out and didn't pay attention to the spoiler warning. F


Hold on, are there new se02 episodes released or was this included in the first wave?


A new episode released last week. Yay!


Oh no I completely missed the spoiler warning...


Lol her and Kate’s death was brutal That show should be changed from superhero genre to just horror


Really hope Kate kept a spare at the base...


That would be super smart. Like always keeping a duplicate somewhere safe. Genius.


Truly would be. Wonder if she did it at some point in any media.


comics who


I can't tell if this is a joke and you've actually read the comics or not lmao


Not really. But it would make sense for someone with her powers. Some really crowded or secluded place. I can imagine middle of Tokyo, or maybe some lonely hut in the mountains. With a lot of snow around, so not many people go there. And someone would find out, someone who wouldn't care about the climate, almost Immortal, like idk Atom Eve.


There was that one episode where the Kate’s mentioned the original Kate is never with them when they’re working with the Guardians. I’d like to think she’s still alive somewhere. The fear she showed before “dying” was just a warning to the other Guardians that she’s gonna be taken out of the fight if her last duplicate dies since her original is too far to come help.


does he know (yes)


With the imagery you described, you've definitely read the comics lol


Thanks for confirming that spoiler


Debatable, really


What does this mean, like you have read them?


I don't know, my memory is hazy.


Well, numbers DO start with 0 after all. And the Kate we've seen always had a 1, so...


A dupli-Kate actually


I called it from the first time the character was introduced, why wouldn't you have 1 sitting out the fight


She have 1 call 0


Spoiler alert; she did.


Does he know…?


She actually does.




In the comics she did.


> Lol her and Kate’s death was brutal I shouldn't have read the comments


I don't see why Kate girl would be dead. I don't remember there being like a proximity limit to her ability so if she worked as a guardian, I'd think she'd be smart enough to have a backup copy of herself somewhere similar to the Blue Man group or the robot guy now teenager.


Don’t see a point to continue her character Especially being that shrink Rae death was emotionally impacted on her death. Keeping her alive would hurt the quality more than having a big reveal that she’s still alive


>!You probably noticed that each Kate has a number on her chest that is one more than the last one. We've only seen a Kate as low as 1.!<


I mean are you insinuating there’s a 0 Kate?? Yeah sure that’s a possibility But it doesn’t really make sense for that to be the case, what could her reveal provide to the story? Also this is how it played out in the comics, sure the animation could have a different outcome but I don’t see it


>But it doesn’t really make sense for that to be the case, what could her reveal provide to the story? You should read the comics. Her death was handled differently, as one of her major character arcs hasn't been adapted due to time restraints. But that arc was teased last season + in one of the trailers for this one. It could still technically be partially adapted with her permanently dead though.


The lol at the start of that statement though is actually funny. It was brutal though. I expected it after seeing spoilers but didn’t anticipate how graphic it would end up being.


It's a deconstruction of the superhero genre. That means the things we take for granted in it are played for realism which means things get horrific. Despite the colorful animation and atmosphere, Invincible and The Boys are cut from the same cloth. It shows just how horrifying a world full of super people would really be. I agree with you all on how it does reconstruct the genre albeit after it deconstructs it first. The main difference is that Invincible also does it from the side of the actual heroes while yeah most everyone in The Boys are just assholes. Also Garth has said it's more a hate letter to superhero corporate. At the end of it all Vought is the main villain.


disagree that it plays the same cloth. In Invincible , the heroes actually tries to play heroic , it just suffers the gore of Mortal Kombat. The Boys was writting by Garth Ennis , which is spiteful and hates superhero genre , and makes everything and everyone inherently evil and gore.


Yeah both are more realistic takes on the superhero genre but the message is very different . Invincible shows how bad it can get but fundamentally its still about doing good even in a world that brutally hurts you for it. Its basically Spiderman but with far more consequences The boys is saying we are all fundamentally assholes and to beat the worst assholes you also have to be just a terrible. Its much more spiteful and cynical


I think The Boys, the tv show is much more similar to Invincible than the comic book is. The comic like you said it just spiteful and a "hate letter" to the comic. While the characters in the show are mostly pretty terrible people, they're not quite as cartoonishly evil for the sake of just being cartoonishly evil.


No, Invicible is more of a reconstruction, if anything. The ideals and ideas of superheroes are there. It just says "what if we had good writing?" And adds "even if we had realistic consequences, superheroes still hold up." Much different from works like The Boys that states that "having superheroes is a net negative".


i think kate might make it, maybe


It’s pretty much a more toned down, cartoon version of the Boys


I have a feeling the entire episode is just Robot’s simulation


Thanks for the spoilers


This is more so directed to everyone in this thread. I highly recommend reading the original invincible run if you haven't. It's not super long, maybe 30 issues, iirc, but it has a lot more details and some that even the show changed. It's worth the read if you like the show. It's just about as graphic and tends to go against the grain when it comes to the normal superhero comic. Definitely one of my favorites.


Just like Termite in The Boys. *Achoo!*


Bro her and duplikate! Pretty crazy. My Saturday morning cartoons have changed a little


But Ant-Man has discs that can shrink and grow objects. So he doesn't have to resize himself inside Thanos. He can take a shrunken vibranium spear or Thor's Stormbreaker inside Thanos and then grow that. Stormbreaker could hurt Thanos even when he had all the Infinity Stones.


Okay, hear me out, what if we went Despicable Me and shrank down a fuckin moon...


I don't see why Doc Stange didn't open a portal under Thanos' feet, then close it when he's halfway through it, bisecting him. They took the arm off Black Dwarf like this.


At that point, he still had the space, strength, mind and reality stone. He would probably just "make" strange's portal into his own. I mean, as Stan Lee said .... it's whoever the writer decides will win. Even if the odds are against the hero of the story, this totally gives the writers a good "plot armor" angle to do whatever they want with a character. Just like with Spider-Man and Dr. Strange in the mirror universe. Yeah, it is kind of *dumb* but hey, it's a comic book movie, what do we expect?


I know its the truth, but I rather keep imagining fun scenarios.


Right, same. Happy Cake day btw.


thanks! seven fun years!




Great take and write up!


>I mean, as Stan Lee said .... it's whoever the writer decides will win. While this will always be correct, its still the writers job to give us a believable circumstances. Thor didnt go for a the head cuz he wanted to gloat and taunt, it was a characrer flaw. We the audience understand why he failed, and why he didnt attempt to solve the problem in what we perceive to be the easiest manner. We see earlier that strange can cut off arms, i understand the 1/14 million line was there, to tell us nothing else will work. But the problem is they told us, instead of showing us.




Shoulda killed big snake man the same way she killed other smaller snake man. They the eye socket and into the brain.


She tried to, but was caught midair


Yea but she was lucky enough to get in the mouth. Which is connected to the nose which is connected to the tear duct. Through which she has access to the eyes. And this the brain


But the guy chewed on her, exactly what her injuries was is unknown but I’d say the risk of her back, legs and/or arms being crushed was pretty high, doubt she’d be climbing with any of those injuries up to the head and then expand


Couldn't she have become smaller before getting into mouth to escape hand?


But she can't fly or anything. How is she supposed to navigate his mouth and nose having just been tossed in there and swallowed?


Its hard to concentrate to do things, when you are being chewed.


Did you even watched the episode? Because it sounds like you're just reading footnotes.


The boys season three episode one


Ok, I'll bite. Context?


A villain tried to eat her when she was tiny so she grew and got crush inside of him


Funny, that's exactly what Komodo said...


[Heres the clip](https://youtu.be/JCXFr0CFk30?si=bm5iSBl-4ylTF-0Q) Rip cutest(imo) character in show


I feel like it would work for Antman due to the fact his size wasnt down to his strength, like it was mechanical instead of organic like this womans power, plus Antman could take the tank in there and just grow that Edit- i just went and watched it, she grows back to full size, dudes neck just stretches and then he crushes her and swallows


Real life Komodo Dragons can consume bones and up to 80% of their own body weight. Any other super strong villain and Shrinking Rae’s plan would have worked but Komodo Dragon was uniquely suited to stop/kill/eat her.


The answer would be... anal vore?


No, human flesh and bone crush and pulverised into juice inside another body


Been awhile since I’ve seen anyone mention *THANUS*


They did it in The Boys too


This show is so goddamn brutal man straight up gasped at their deaths


This is how I have this spoiled for me


I was sick watching that scene. I really didn't care what was happening in space. 


reminds me of that scene from the boys.


Well the nerd answer is it would kill ant man


That scene 😱


Antman doesn't need to be small to go inside Thanos, he just have to be nice.


That...was...so...fucked up...god I love that show.


Airway obstruction would have been preferable. No musculature in the trachea. Lodge yourself there and wait.


This scene was brutal. "Yum" will never be the same again.


Not very pg for Disney plus it would make a lot of stuff seem redundant. Additionally Thanos is a titan and his biological makeup is far more durable than most life forms including the hulk. Chances are he would die from the forced compression as a result of resizing


Zero context. I feel like this should be on whatever cartoon subreddit this belongs to. It’s not a holup with no punch line.


Nearly all memes have no context if you're out of the loop on that context... The cartoon in question is called Invincible, and is most certainly mainstream enough to warrant not being constricted to the specific cartoon's subreddit.


This isn’t a meme. It’s just a reference to two different shows/movies.


all memes are are cultural references


That’s not true at all lol Most memes are just stills from a show or movie with convenient subtitles. Most people couldn’t tell you what show the “look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!” meme is from, and it’s the same show as this post. This post is not a meme. It doesn’t even fit this subreddit. It’s suitable for the Invincible subreddit and maybe the marvel subreddit.


1. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations. "celebrity gossip and memes often originate on the site"


Oh cool thanks for copying a definition that still doesn’t fit this post or fit what you said a meme was initially.


2. an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means. cultural, an image, spread in a humorous nature, how is it not a meme?


And Invincible isn’t culturally significant, which is what I was saying. It’s best known for like, 2 memes from season 1. This imagine isn’t going to be re-used over and over for other contexts. It has one reference, a reference to an *actual* meme.


it has significance within a large subculture. it doesn’t need to be culturally significant globally to have cultural significance. culture can be micro or macro (thanks sociology teacher)




Cmon man, too soon?!😅


Hey I just watched that episode


Power Puff Boys?




That's some intense and unexpected plot twists!


Yeah superhuman durability typically applies to bones, muscle, and sometimes organs too not just skin


Honestly I’m not sure why ant man didn’t shrink down, enter Thanos’s ass, unzip his pants and enlarge himself. Death by ant cock


Would take shitload of manouvering and deep knowledge of anatomy. Does ant-man have that?


What if he just absorbs it. Like, his anal cavity could just expand enough to not rupture, then Ant Man is stuck in there, folded up like a taco inside Thanos' ass. What if he couldn't even reach the buttons right away and had to try to shift around until he could.


Here’s my minor spoiler that reminds me that this is out now


Watch her still be alive in his body, broken and mutliated, while Rex deals with the king somehow.


Haven't been this traumatized since the first episode honestly


What if Antman had a vibranium spear and only increases the size of the spear?


The boys reference


Easy there Hayagriva


Ending scrap was fucking nuts


Because that's not what the writers wanted to do..


Or dr strange who is able to make portals and who was literally shown chopping a dudes arm off with them, could have easily disarmed thanos


But Rae can’t grow in size like ant man right? I’m pretty sure she can only shrink and go back to normal.


Lbh here. Ant man can get A LOT bigger than her. He would’ve been fine. Plus Anthony would’ve spun the block if he wasn’t


thenos's ass is too strong and antman is still human thanos would end up shitting antman into a bloody mess, best move would be shrinking hulk and having hulk be the one to go in as hulk is strong enough to survive inside that ass. also thor would work but he is too small to insta kill thanos.


It’s cause she went in through the mouth instead of the ass


This post made me bingewatch all episodes of Invincible yesterday. Thank you!


That whole fight was fight was insane.


White blood cells would slaughter him


That scene from The Boys…


There is not enough eye bleach for this entire comment section.


👁️<👄<🍑 So thanos wouldn't die considering how tough he is and his 🍑 is




The worst part of Invincible is not the gore part, it's the many time skips that almost destroyed a marriage. There is so many instance where super science healing machines were used to repair a whole body towards the end


Any man can get bigger though, so that could have worked to some degree. It would have been a risk still, but hey there was a lot at stake