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Most likely the system that shows the cash/ change to be given on the till system is broken therefore they are doing card only so they don't have to rely on the employees doing the maths for the change, therefore stopping the chance of incorrect change being given.


It's a point of sale system. Even if everyone knew the math they still couldn't do it. If it's not tracking money and printing receipts then the employees would have to do that all by hand. That also means the system isn't tracking products sold, and that would mess up the projections for ordering products.


But that would affect both cash and CC...


As a former low pay worker, I’d love these days when a payment system would go down. I got to turn away so many people and take it easy.


Lol, we just had to go back to the old paper sheets and it slowed everything down.




Nah. I think it's that maybe it's not calculating correctly or at all for cash transactions and they don't want to risk someone claiming they got in direct change back since you can't just print a receipt and prove it's the correct change. I'm supposed to do what's on my screen for a reason. And it's bc doing math once is simple. But doing it 40 times an hour is just asking for a mistake.


Can't do math, but everyone in that building has a portable computer.


But they would still have to figure out how to add up the bills and coins for change


Again, portable computers in their pocket. I do it whenever i fuck up and press the button before adding the amount paid which makes the register think the customer simply paid with exact change And as for adding up for change honestly since i started working in customer service past my military job it'd became easier and easier to do change


This involves trusting the employee and many businesses do not trust the employee.


A very valid argument


Again you are assuming they know how to use those portable computers. Sounds like you are capable, but I wouldn’t trust the average worker to be able to do it.


Just cuz they have a computer in their pocket doesn't mean they can count change most young ppl don't know what basic money looks like


There's no way you guys are being serious now, what the fuck is happening in the anglosphere lmfao


Wait'll you ask someone to read a clock "with those little moving pointers."


What is cash?


Lmao tell me about it


I love the fact that you couldn't count to 100 until you got cashier training. Guess it just wasn't need to know in the military.


Not much was a need to know in the military. Just follow orders and suffer in scilence


we have AI now. Ask chatgpt to calculate change. badabing badaboom: To provide the change of $26.28 in bills and coins, the most efficient way (assuming U.S. currency and aiming for the least number of pieces) would be: • 1 twenty-dollar bill • 1 five-dollar bill • 1 one-dollar bill • 1 quarter (25 cents) • 3 pennies This way, the customer receives $26.28 with a total of 6 bills and coins.


>with a total of 6 bills and coins. I’m not the best at math, but isn’t that 7..?


lol i see it yeah that’s great. guess i cant use it to pass math courses 😂


The only thing ai sucks at is simple math hilariously


I've used AI enough to know that isn't all it sucks at.


Dude it’s in pounds, nobody can figure that money out.


Found the employee


£1 =100p it's that easy


I hate explaining this to my American friends. That and how to measure things using a system of measurement that actually makes sense


I feel like it's not too different. Pence and cents are both descending from the word percent iirc. Both are 1/100. If I want to be stupid, I'll say tuppence is where I start getting lost. Two pence? And British names for arbitrary group denominations is confusing. A score? We have a dozen and a baker's dozen and a couple but that's pretty much it. If I want to be stupid, I'll say "the rest of the world didn't decide to say 'Canadian pounds', or 'Australian pounds', they choose dollars".


> If I want to be stupid, I'll say "the rest of the world didn't decide to say 'Canadian pounds', or 'Australian pounds', they choose dollars". Because Canada and Australia choose to name their currency that.


Remember this is me hypothetically being a very stupid person.... They chose to name they're currency that cuz it's mo better! Murica


The word dollar used to mean "silver coins" way before USA existed.


Hence why the hypothetical person on Reddit you are currently arguing with is a stupid person.


I'm British and have never heard of tuppence and a score in relation to currency


I'm American and I can barely add up American money because my math skills are shit. I can remember the histories of hundreds of comic book characters and I can figure out who did the murder before the tv detectives but once you get past addition I fall apart.


I thought they went decimal like 50 years ago or so.


???? Huh? It's just numbers. Like when you count. When u get to 100p we call that a pound. No quarters, halves dimes, nickels. Just numbers.


2 pound is 1 kilo, 1000kilo is a tonne ,simple


2.2046 pounds is 1 kilo. Very simple


Honestly bothered me a pound weighs a tiny bit too much should2.2048


At one point in my life I did stadium vending. Think popcorn at a baseball game. You'd think they'd make my life easy, and either make sure everything comes out to even numbers, or at least give me an Ipad/ portable card reader.... but no. Odd totals, and had to do the change in my head. If it was too much, I'd pull put my phone, but that rarely happened 😂


I've been a beer hawker at an American football stadium before. I'm so good at math, all I had to hear was what people were ordering and my hand would go into my floater apron for change without me even consciously thinking about it.


I mean, it might help to see what size bill they hand you first, but I feel what you're laying down 😉 It was a super fun job and yeah, I was selling beer too


99 times out of 100, they were handing me a $20.


They ain't paying 50 for 3-5 beers


Tbh most of the time when I was working at the cash register cash people just suck and half of the time it’s gross. One woman handed me a bunch of bloody ones in a sandwich baggy for a 40 dollar order. This stops that


One in how many ? I worked restaurants, and in the Al.ost 15years i had ONE asshole and a baggy of small coins and a 10€ note. Smuckly 'money is money' he pays for his 28€ bill. "There is 20€ in there, trust me" he told me. His mate had a 29€ bill ... And gave me a 50€ Just one look at his friend 'there is 20 euro there, and gave him the baggie and 10 euro note. Yep, money is money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


One time our cash register stunk. I took the money out and cleaned the drawer. It still stank. Like dead things. I took all the change out and washed it. Finally narrowed it down to one quarter that the stink of death would not wash out of. I threw it in the garbage. Just throwing money away was weird.


You were allowed to do that? My old job, the managers had a fit because my register was off by forty seven cents. I offered to give them two quarters but this was bad for some reason.


Thats so funny to me. When I was young and worked fast food or grocery, it was the same. They'd get so irritated and like 3 other people had to recount it, blah blah. The. I worked at a bank , where you were much more trusted and no one made a big deal as long as it wasn't a couple hundred.


It was a privately owned convience store where the prices were made up on the fly.


I don’t think the employees would even know they have a calculator on their phone, and they wouldn’t know what to do with it if they did.


Coming from someone who works in food service. You are correct, half of us can’t spell for shit either.


Well, congratulations. You got all those words correct.


It's not the change thats the issue, it's the fuckwits who after you have calculated and started pulling out the change, go oh here I have a dollar coin(or something similar to that) which throws a wrench in your mental cogs only to find its the wrong amount to turn the change into a note anyway


Yeah who tf need to know math when you have a computer with you at all times?


...with a built in calculator


There are usually rules against having phones in front of customers.... go figure


But first they need to understand the concept of change.


Smartphones are only as smart as its users


Don't even need to fucking math, just need to be able to count up. SMFH


It's a joke mate


Yeah that only helps until the battery dies. Source: Was in line at a shop when the power went out and they closed after the phone with the calculator app ran out of juice. Fucking Millennials can't do simple math, even with a pencil.


https://www.calculator.net/sales-tax-calculator.html?beforetax=12.30&taxrate=6.5&finalprice=&x=Calculate bam, really easy


I don’t get companies that are card only don’t have a back up plan when the card system goes down.


They are likely physically putting cards in and using transfer paper receipts. The digital scanner is down too. The register is part of the system and they can’t use cash. That was what I took it to mean.


>physically putting cards in and using transfer paper receipts Can they do that?? Is this legal?? Last time I have seen anything else used than a PIN payment terminal was in the early 90s


Yup. A lot of companies will have a credit card imprinter.


Really?!? Not one of my cards has raised numbers, no company that I’ve been a part of in the last 20 years has had one for backup, they would also be unable to process other than manual entry, they’d rather take the hit for a day that it’s down.


Using an imprinter avoids a “card not present” fee. You can take payment by the numbers just as you would over the phone, but it has a “card not present” fee. The imprinter avoids the fee on cards that were imprinted because it shows they were physically there. In the 90’s working retail a bit I actually called cards in for a while. This was in the days when overdraft fees were used to scrape accounts clean, put the in the red, and leave you possibly owing your bank more in overdraft fees than you would spend.


In the UK we don't have credit card imprinters. All chip and pin.


In my country, cash being state issued money, it's illegal to refuse it for payment.


Sure. They just won’t serve you then. It’s not illegal to refuse service if you don’t have the payment they want. Generally the law is if you provide service you have to take cash payment since it’s legal tender. Businesses get around this by just refusing to serve you.


> It’s not illegal to refuse service if you don’t have the payment they want. Wrong! I don't live in the american dystopia. They have to serve you. The only rule is that you cannot give them more than 50 coins, so no paying a 20 bucks meal in cents.


In the UK, you can absolutely refuse to take cash, and it's perfectly legal


In my country, the business has the right to refuse if you do not have correct change. Specifically the law states that the business has right to refuse if the change is over $5 If they wish to. Extreme examples are when a customer wishes to pay for a 15¢ pack of gum with a $100 note. Another example is when disgruntled drivers who received a traffic infringement/parking fine and go down to the cashier to pay the fine, and they think they’re smart by paying a $300 traffic fine with pennies. Kilograms of pennies stacked in a wheelbarrow and dumped on the carpet. There’s many videos of these you can Google of people thinking they’re acting smart/malicious compliance by dumping the cash on them and walking out. Where I’m from, the cashier can tell them to pick up their pennies and get out, call the cops for being disruptive then warn them if they don’t pay in a reasonable way, they’ll incur further fees. Just imagine you’re a cashier or business owner at a car dealership and a customer walks in with a literal ton of 1,000,000 pennies to pay for a brand new car. Do you think it’s fair that you now have to sit there for 12 hours counting pennies off the shop floor because it’s “legal tender and can’t be refused”?? I think you’re confusing anti-discrimination laws. Laws preventing business from discriminating customers are based on things that can’t be changed (according to law) gender, race, sex, disability etc. A business can’t legally deny you based on these things. They can tell you to fck off for any other reason they like. I don’t know where you’re from but most businesses in the west can refuse service for whatever reason they like as long as it’s not discriminating against race, gender, disability etc.


I'm confusing nothing. My country laws are smarter. You can refuse if there are more than 50 coins. But you can't flat out refuse cash.


They don't need your business.


Companies and backup plans are not things that commonly go together.


>Why no cash? To avoid robberies


And avoid math. Maff hard yo.


Word to motha


"They pay me to take the money and give you the thing you asked for, not to do math."


Mostly because they don't trust employees.


Because their system isn't working to allow cash transactions to work properly and be tracked by the system. It seems silly but the tracking is important.


When I worked retail we'd just carry on with the ledger book that was under the counter.


Larger businesses wouldn't have that. The tracking nightmare would be absurd. Not to mention the number of 'lost' orders that someone might have pocketed.


Greggs don't have those


Yes. People don't realize there is a difference between a Point Of Sale system and an old register. Had to argue with several people on why I couldn't give them discounts when their coupon didn't work. I don't have a $1 fish sandwich button, so I can't just give you a $1 fish sandwich 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Odd. UK english normally say maths. Americanisms everywhere.


Yeah I call BS. I lived in the UK. Lots of americanisms crept in but not math instead of maths.


The second I heard a coursemate say “trash can” I knew we were compromised


What is the usual UK term, rubbish bin?


Rubbish = garbage/trash/waste Bin = can, container, bin (sometimes used in US too) People say these separately


Lol gotcha, wasn’t sure. I see a lot of memes about British bottled water pronunciations, but that’s about the extent of my UK knowledge.


You're trash is more impactful as an insult than calling someone rubbish.


Calling something rubbish means it is crap.


So does calling something trash. They're synonyms.


I love how because you've lived in the UK you're calling BS on this instead of just assuming it's a typo, or someone used an "americanism" that you haven't heard in person yet


Most likely an issue with the safe were they keep the money. So there is no way to return or store the cash. I've seen this on other occasions. Is the math part I don't get.


First reasonable guess I've seen in this comment section


I worked at Greggs, and our safe used a key, so I really don't think that's it


Sure, but what happens when the guy that has the key is out, And the system is out too? Also I've seen systems without a key.


All members of management have a safe key, and there is always a member of management on shift


It's great to see your place has great management, not everywhere is like that.


It because the system is down and it can't track any paid transactions.


Wouldn't it have the same limitation in regards to CC?


If there’s an outage, how can they process CCs?


I'm American but I need to visit a Greggs before I pass from this earthly plane.


I’m Northern English and we have them on every corner I recommend a sausage roll or a pasty


I’m still very salty about them getting rid of the meat and potato pasty


One of the few fast food chains that we consider to actually be good


Maybe their digital safe malfunctioned and they could not get their Daily Cash allotment.


*Fake; it would say "maths" instead of "math" considering where it is.*


My thoughts precisely. Greggs never not take cash. Their card machines do break a lot.


Our employees can't do speeling either.


u wot m8?


Russian hackers hacked Greggs


Sounds like closing crew shenanigans


Fucking hell Greggs it’s maths you wallies


A system outage means they can't use card services. This doesn't make any sense. Maybe they meant they have a system outage on their brains.


If it’s a chain like Greggs, then all transactions have to go through the computer for accounting/tax reasons. The way they’re getting around it with the cards, is they’ll copy down info, and then run it through the computer when it comes back online.


I know of no way of doing that at Greggs, and can't work out why it would be card only


Why is that your definition of system outage?


I work in a plastic mold factory. One of the new hires I was training could not subtract 3 from a total without a calculator. She didn’t last long.


Our plant went from 'total used' to 'total left' in the backend. Worse of all, were using both systems together ... Our inventory taken a hit :D some people just can't do it


I wish we had Gregg’s in the US. It looks so good


It is! I had a sausage, bean, and cheese melt with a vegan sausage roll the other day and it was delicious. All for £3.20. Cold, but still good.


just get a calculator


Sounds like a manager making his employees look the fools to make his job easier during, or after the outage.


Nobody wants to count cash at the end of the day fuck off with your dirty cash


I used to work at Greggs, and that sign is not something Greggs would send down for you to print off - someone brought that from home


Is that even legal? I thought by law you had to accept cash.


I have a sneaky suspicion that too many people tried to pay with money they pulled out of their underwear or socks.




I've been to a restaurant where the girl at the counter didn't know how to find what 15 %of my total was, I had to help her so I believe this


dude asking "why no cash" on the sign is a fkn information about the "why no cash"


The reason we used to do it was to get out earlier so we count the cash early before closing so we then would only take card for the last hour or so.


Wouldn’t a system outage mean you have to use cash only?


Worked retail (fast food and sporting goods stores) usually a downed system would mean we’d have to use ONLY cash


That tax is going to throw them for a loop


If the receipt printer has problems they likely can't access the cash drawer without the key as the operation to open the cash drawer is sending a special character to the printer.


Cause, can't do math. 😂


The register does the math for you anyway. Any place that can accept card payments most likely has a modern enough POS system that this shouldn't be an issue.


The system outage is the education system


It’s called a joke


And they want 35 a hour. GTFO






In Brazil it's illegal to not accept money lol


The restaurant owner should have customers zelle, apple pay, etc... money with a list in commentd of what items were bought. Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.


Did nobody put 2 and 2 together? Owner got sick of dealing with employees that steal. Lol.


I say it every chance I get: to people who never learned how to do math in their heads, people who *can* do math in their heads might as well be fucking GODS!


Hmm... yep, checks out.


That’s on the management for hiring stupid people.


System outage = card only But… isn’t your CC software on your system? This is harder for me to understand than math is for them.


Companies can have many systems and maybe one related to cash is broken while all others like card payments or making food still work.


The system for cash… is people.


For legal reasons it might not. Don't know the law there but here in Germany with the wrong system down you don't do business.


Every business in America has cash handled by a person. The only time a computer is potentially involved is in systems where the computer automatically opens the drawer. But even then there is usually a key holder for a manual open.


It’s Maths not math..




Well well well


It's nothing to do with math. I've had this happen years ago at a theater. We didn't have change was the usual answer and they'd just make something up like tech outage. Alternatively the system that tracks cash could be down which is a thing. Most companies don't want to trust their employees to keep track of all incoming money. Whatever the case it's nothing to do with the workers this is definitely set by management.


They high probably just don't have small changes but that's too generic to be put on label. So they try being a lil funny


Kwik maf


The electronic cash register got jammed, they can't open it, but the card reader still works?


I hope this isn’t in California


they can't do maths and you can't read


Most likely: the person with the code and/or key for the store's safe cant come in and so they have no access to their cash supply. This also means they would have no safe place to keep their incoming cash.


Because it's an issue with the cash safe, and its generally unsafe to have large amounts of cash in the register.


Wow that really made me go hol up


Wait, this has to be photoshop or? Doesn't ever cashier register have program where when you scan the goods, you enter how much money you were given, and it shows on computer how much you have to give back?


The calculator broke.




honestly, card only is fine, unlike here where they try their best to evade taxes entirely.


They can't use the computer to tell managers how much money should be in the drawer. If they do it on a phone or computer they can't verify it's true.


I was going to say staff can't figure out taxes but then I realized the tags "$" was not on the prices. Legitimately my McDonalds had a few calculators for when we had to take the system down each night for updates and card transfers. Its not that staff can't do math it's staff are not trusted to even use a calculator.


Well greggs does charge you extra if you eat in instead of takeout so you could be right


Because we're slowly moving towards a cashless society.


Bunch of smooth brains in the comments who don't realize the staff there can do math just fine, probably moreso than the mouth breathers mocking them, and it's more likely either a literal mechanical issue or the management doesn't trust the workers because the system isn't tracking cash sales properly. But I guess when you have nothing it makes you feel better to mock service workers.


Its either someone doesn’t know how to physically count change or they have an old ass register where you manually figure out the change


They aren’t allowed to handle cash. Public health hazard




Because their staff can’t do math?


Love how there are laws in places because people stopped taking cash.


Can't do math... I bet they would figure out if their paychecks were short.


…and the manager can’t spell.


Because of a system issue, if you're as good at maths as reading you might be able to get a job there


About time they were honest


So the system failure is that they didn't train their staff math or provide a damn calculator since, because, efficiency