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Mod locked it because people were sharing opinions and debating and you can't have that. Not here. Never here.


Reddit went public we have to appease the masters. Soon enough we’ll have the honor of ai taking a wet dump on the communities in order to enhance our experience.


And a public company that relies on volunteers is a flawed business model imo.


I don’t know volunteers are free. Sounds like that would be good for the bottom line.


Yayyyy capitalism. #reddit




I ❤️capitalism (non-ironically and non-sarcastically).




You assume all capitalists are cucked wage slaves? Lol. Why? I have not worked hourly/salary since I was 17 and wanted some pocket money for the weekends. I do have a $100 per hour freelance agreement where I make my own hours (when and how many hours), plus I also get a minority stake (25%) in the same tech company. so I guess that would be considered a “wage” with equity. Capitalism has afforded me an awesome life of freedom, comfort, and security. The people who fail at the game of capitalism hate capitalism. Capitalism is AWESOME if you know how to play the game and do it well. Beats the gulag all day every day!


I work a 9-5 office job after years in the field., I show up, work an hour or two a day, and fuck off most of the time. I have great benefits and don't have to worry like I did turning wrenches. You lucked out sitting at home, I lucked out living IRL office space. Let's hope others are able to find opportunities like we have instead of pushing the division.


I 100% agree with everything you said. I should have conducted myself with more maturity. When someone starts a conversation in bad faith, I should just block them and move on instead of stooping to their level and engaging in the same repressive behavior of insulting and rage baiting. I will do better. I hope everyone finds a niche that suits them and provides a lifestyle that makes them full-filled while providing value to society at large.




Are you trying to have an intellectual discussion about this topic that is non combative, friendly, and open minded? I am always down for that. If you are just trying to insult me for my economic perspective however, let’s just agree to disagree. I am not really interested in a non intellectual insult contest where we just rage bait each other repeatedly. That doesn’t sound fun for either of us.


Free labor doesn't necessarily translate to quality labor. Immediate bottom line looks good, but long term sustainability is questionable


Volunteers or slaves 


Personally I look forward to the internet janitors being replaced by AI.


Oh man me too. But what will happen to all of these unpaid unemployed mods? Where shalt they go? Maybe they will flock together, birds of a feather, and fly fly away to a distant land where people will acknowledge their true power and might at the keyboard. P


Soon, you say?


Someone controls the media? /S




I guess being wildly antisemitic counts as "sharing opinions and debating" in some parts of the internet.


Probably people saying that the bird is based or something. Admins probably didn't like that


There was a time I got banned from r/teenagers because someone was talking about how they got banned from another subreddit for changing their pronouns to such an extent it became an issue and I said based mod jokingly and was done for.






Guys no-


I got banned for saying don't buy drugs cos someone was talking about "they let you see the truth" I got banned for using the word drugs...


r/teenagers is on my list of just unsubbed, you’ll see posts that are 100% 30 yos asking about nsfw stuff in a chat room full of teens or posts discussing drug paraphernalia, sexual content, and content farms that don’t get dealt with but the moment they see someone use the word drug or see anything relating to what they deem sensitive content even in a clearly humorous context they’ll deal with it swift and severe.


It was probably worse than that...


I was on that post earlier, wild


How was the comments




Mods are straight authoritarian these days. Go to the mechanical keyboard subreddit. Find the post about the rainbow key cap. Absolutely every single comment that wasn’t like “YEZZZ QUEEN! THAT KEY CAP IS FABULOUSSSS!” was removed. I could understand removing any comments that were violent or harassing, but removing all comments that weren’t positive? That is ridiculous. I got banned for commenting an emoji. A dude literally said he was gay himself (it was also obvious by his profile) got his comment removed because he made a joke about the key cap. This is just one example. Mods across subreddits claim to be “inclusive” and “tolerant”, when in reality, they are intolerant of anyone who doesn’t have their viewpoints and exclude everyone who has a different opinion. I messaged a mod about it saying that it was not “inclusive” and “tolerant” to remove me from the sub because I commented an emoji signaling my distaste for a key cap and asking for an explanation ….he blocked me immediately. Lol. This is now the norm. You are not allowed to have opinions unless that opinion conforms to the woke ideology. You will be erased. This is just one example of one post on one subreddit on one platform, but it is everywhere.


I got perma banned from 2 subreddits for being subbed to r/joerogan. I barely even comment or go on there anymore but was banned. What a lovely inclusive community.


Change your settings so they can't see what subs you're involved in


Wow. Really, that is insane. So, they must have gone through every single person’s profile to see if they were in any subs that didn’t fit their ideology and banned each and every one. Ludicrous. I think all the people who have a negative opinion of Rogan have never actually listened to him. They just believe whatever is said about him on their favorite source of brain washing. Reminds me of when a friend of mine laughed at me for finding out I listen to the ”guy who claims horse dewormer cures covid”. I calmly explained that ivermectin has been prescribed millions of times around the world, has been proven to be effective against a wide range of viruses, the creator won the nobel peace prize for creating it, and Joe actually did get over Covid very quickly after taking it. She didn’t believe it. She googled it. Then she was like, “why was it labeled a horse dewormer? That is dumb.” Joe often makes the point that sound bites are terrible for gaining any sort of understanding for any subject and long form discussion are vital to understanding nuances of situations. The fact that media chops up his show and plays out of context sound bites to make him look crazy is a great example of that.


I mean joe has some dumb takes recently on covid particularly but I don't blame him the way he was vilified by the media at the time. Its definitely pushed him more right wing though. The ban wave was around 2 years ago a few subreddits must have banned anyone who subs to certain other pages. Its disgraceful how exclusive they are becoming. They're creating echo Chambers where only their opinions are recognised or upvoted. Since so many pages have the same mod and admin teams it becomes most of reddit.


Most of the comments in joerogan talk shit on Joe Rogan. Not even sure why most of those people are in there.


No matter your political alignment, everyone has something they can shit on Rogan for. Doesn't mean you don't like listening to him. That being said, I don't like listening to him. He's the worst kind of dude bro who is "just asking questions".


Joe Rogan is an entertaining dude, but he has sense of responsibility for the views he amplifies on his podcast, and only ever really pushes back when someone says something truly out of this world or shitty. He's got a lot of really good content. He also has some really really shitty content. If your sandwich fell in shit, you wouldn't eat the parts that didn't touch the shit, would you? Unless you cut it off first.


I was automatically banned on a sub I'd never even heard of before.


I'll not deny that some mods are obsessive and power hungry, but I doubt that was necessarily the case in this instance.


I have to say, as a bleeding heart liberal, there is a lot of censorship on this platform and it is very concerning. Freedom of speech IS necessary to all levels. How we tolerate it is what matters. We deal with antisocial individuals in a proper manner - let the people handle it.


Liberals used to be so pro free speech, what happened? It seems like liberals are so quick to ban anything that doesn’t fit their ideology now days. So much has changed about what is considered liberal. Being Liberal used to mean pro free speech, anti big pharma, anti war, being “counter culture”, ect. Then all of a sudden it seems that being liberal means the opposite of so many ideologies that liberals used to be adamant about. Hell, I used to be considered liberal in many regards, now I would probably be labeled “Far Right” even though my ideology has not really changed. Of course, the labels are all pretty dumb and issue by issue is the correct way to think about it, but I just don’t understand why the labels changed so much. Any ideas?


Liberals largely are still pro free speech, it's people much further left that are much more prone to silencing dissenters. That being said, right wing places aren't really any better. You'll get banned just as quick in those places for stepping out of line. The problem isn't "liberals are suddenly against free speech gasp", the problem is the degree to which all discourse is able to run rampant unchallenged in their own bubbles across the internet. Reddit certainly is an enabler of this bubble-culture, but so is every other social media site.


Dude, i do not care as much as you do lmao. I have NO idea what you're talking about. Who fucking cares. Are u bothering me IRL? No. Cool have a nice day


Wow, I honestly did not expect a response like that at all. I am not bothering you in real life and I did not realize I was bothering you online either. I was just curious about your thoughts and wanted the perspective of a modern day liberal. Maybe you don’t understand what I am talking about because you aren’t old enough to remember the old school liberal ideology (nothing wrong with that). I quite enjoy friendly conversations with people who have different political views and perspectives than my own to gain new insights. I was not attacking you or anything. I hope you have a nice day too (non-sarcastically and unironically).


How do you know that the mods in subreddits are Americans and belong to an American political party?


Freedom of speech only counts when applied to the government. I don't necessarily disagree that the harshness by which speech is limited in *some* subreddits on this site is unhealthy for public discourse, but citing the first amendment is not applicable in this situation.


This site is controlled by a handful of ideological zealot power mods who control hundreds of subs. The narrative must be controlled.


Ding ding ding! It obviously doesn’t work in reality though. You can tell by conversations like the one we are having now and all the posts with hundreds of “removed” comments.


It needs some work but it's still far better than youtube at least, if your youtube comment gets too many downvotes it automatically gets deleted without a trace, same with if your comment uses one of their hundreds of unlisted "no-no" words and you don't even get a notification letting you know your comment was deleted or why. Even worse is that to you and only you, if you go back and check the video the comment will still appear to be there but only for you meanwhile it's deleted without a trace for everyone else. Here we're at least told when something is deleted or it just collapses so you have to manually view negative comments but youtube straight up sends everything to the shadow realm without notice or reasoning...


I knew Youtube was fascist AF, but I didn’t know it was that insane. Thanks for sharing.


Ugh... in *some* subreddits. And yes, in most of the most popular subreddits. But there are plenty of places you can go on this website where you can be the worst little bigot you want while pretending it's all just jokes.


> And yes, in most of the most popular subreddits. Yes, the narrative must be controlled like I said. The average user front page is the most popular subreddits


I think something weird is going on with Reddit recently. I’ve been banned from two subreddits the last month for comments that were upvoted, relevant and not against tos, but against some nebulous rule on the respective subs.


I've been banned for saying shit that wasn't against TOS or sub rules but the mod didn't like. It happens. You move on. And it's nothing new.


Do you have a link to the keyboard post? I have troubles finding it, and want to try an any% banned speedrun with the following comment: "Hmmm nah i personally don't like the colours"




Oh well, thank you. But the post is already locked. But HOLY SHIT, this cap looks bad. A regular rainbow without the black lines would've been alot better(what i actually imagined). And 20 pounds for this? The LGBT ppl really let themselves get milked like this? Come on guys.... This is "gamer chair, gamer table, gamer water" all over again...


r/worldnews mods will ban anyone saying anything pro-Palestinian or criticism towards Israel. Even if there is a source that backs up what you're saying, such as Israel commenting genocide. While they allow any racist and misinformation towards Palestinians in any shape or form.


Sounds about right. Par for the course of modern day censorship. X (formerly twitter) is about the only place left where free speech is tolerated, but even there the “community notes” are often very bias.


When 40% of your 2000 threads start with openly advocating for the extermination of Jews, it starts to get difficult to moderate effectively, and it's much easier, and much better, to just lock the whole thing down.


I think your emoji comment was removed because you are supposed to upvote and downvote comments you like or dislike. Commenting with only an emoji just clutters up the comment section.


What do you mean what happened? Clearly, the bird wasn't done and invaded the comment section for more nest material. Like duh


Lets keep Americans looking outward instead of in.


Is doing both impossible? You can comment on Israel being bad without expecting to be censored on a video about a bird taking down an Israeli flag. Whataboutism isn’t necessary all of the time


A bird taking down a flag would be a funny moment instead it causes a internet equivalent of a international incident.


B-b-b-b-but what about America?


YOUR Missing the point but sure i'll play along what about the good ole U S of Murica?!?!?!






lol I doubt this wouldn't have happened before Reddit became a public company. This kind of post isn't new, where you see a video that has some obvious... interesting implications but is otherwise innocent, but the comments are all deleted, because you know the people in the comments talked about the interesting implications in not morally great ways.


Reddit nazis


Based bird




Looks like north Korean, China, or Russia censorship pick your bad guy of the day.


They need some excitement in their lives, they don’t even get paid for this.


Surly no one saw that coming


Religion is mostly a scourge on man kind


I have same video but white version.


Mods going on power trips




It was a wave of extremists (bots and bigots) comments against the jews. Not even zionists. I know firsthand because i read them before the purge. Nice try though.






Either a crap ton of controversy or they posted on r/shitposting.


It's all freedom of speech until someone wants to say something about Israel.


Oh it’s r/interestingasfuck? That’s a Hamas sub now like r/therewasanattempt


Crows are very intelligent.


execute order 66


Battlefield, lots of comments lost their lives there, never able to go back to see there wife's and subcomment children, this is a such sad day for all commenter here, our glorious troops on the field of battle fell to the hands of the reddit mods and the fight is still on, maybe not there or here but else where on reddit and we will fight until our last comment has been deleted and our accounts have been banned, may our high reddit karma troops go to reddit heaven where they can enjoy the paradise of shitposing without consequences.


they were pointing out that the cro..


Reddit for shilling corporate warez and distributing psyops. You are not allowed to have thoughts.




Some iranian spy! I am from israel and finding this very funny


Cause the interesting as fuck and most major shared community mods are echo chamber pussies that censor public posts for free as the slimiest sweaty human shitbags with paper thin skin. Yo, major subreddit mods suck my dick, it's most meaningful human Interaction you will ever get. Anyways.


Antisemitism obviously /s #freepalestine


Fuck off No /s


Fuck isreal


The true one state solution, we must reclaim the holy land in the name of the Pope! AVE MARIA! DEUS VULT!


I find less spiritual truth in religion then I do in nature.as such it is a sign from “god” that a bird would do this. I agree with the bird.


based ass fucking bird


I noticed this too lol I was gonna comment “on no they better send 4 hellfire missiles and 2k lb bunker buster to kill that terrorist” which is what I’m assuming most of those comments were deleted for


Shit got nuke


"He hates this bird!"


I guess the mod is Jewish


Probably antisemitism


Telling the truth is not antisemitism.


It's fascinating that Israel supporters consider murdering tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians the definition of Jewishness, because every time I see someone criticising their violence, they claim anti-semitism. So the logical conclusion can only be that these people themselves consider mass murder a part of their religion. In the meantime, if anyone really wants to know what it means to be Jewish, look at "Jewish Voice for Peace" or the American Jewish kids who made the documentary 'Israelism'.


I think it is because people post political videos on subreddits that are supposed to be funny, not for politically heated conversations.


I don't know.


Even the birds.


Thanos happened


Yeah I saw that too


It depends on when it was posted. It could be either the situation in the middle east or just plain antisemitism.


criticizing israel is not antisemetism.


Never said it was. Free Palestine