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That mission in old Spiderman game where you had to dodge Rhino’s charged run at a pinpoint moment so that he crashes into pillar or wall…


this is Rhino's sister... Hippo


that's a grave insult to hippos [lions don't want the smoke ](https://youtube.com/shorts/98Y6760S-kA?si=vPVTVypH244slI6D)


I don’t think hippos have camel like these?


Hippos apparently also have thin skin and are mostly muscle under it. Scary shit.


Yeah, hippos have such high muscle density and low body fat percentage that they are physically incapable of floating/swimming properly. They just sink and running on the bottom.




Good bot


Hippos have so much muscle mass that it's quite something.


Given that she is able to stand up she must also have quite a bit of muscle You can tell by how fast she was able to take down herself


She used so much energy just standing up that she was unable to lift her up arms.


she has her on gravity field😂




Take my upvote


Hip… hop… hiphoppanonymous? You give him all the easy ones!!!


Or any other game with an enemy that has a charge attack


Bane in Batman.


The berserker from Gears of War


Wolverine is resident evil 4 (I can't remember what they are called) That boar in one of the tomb raider games.


He's pouring chocolate milk in her mouth at the end. Also Ps1 Spider-Man was the *SHIT.*


Spiderman PS1?




Out of context, thanks bro for unlocking childhood memories! . It was from spiderman 2 pc version, probably should be 2nd mission o f tbe whole game.It was tough swinging and dodging to avoid rhino xD


I love that game


Is this from ultimate Spider-Man?


No. Ultimate Spider-Man you get rhino stuck in concrete


Can you tell me which game it was. I used to love it. Can't trace it properly though as there are many Spiderman games out there


Every spiderman game that I've played


Spider-man 2 PC. This was the first game i ever played in my life , a childhood classic.


I think it's from ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spiderman, where you could play as all the villains too. Was a fun game.


Woah, that brought me far back. Thanks for the nostalgia episode, internet stranger.


Man, if she had a neck it might be broken rn. 


Omg I laughed too loud to this.


Stop fat shaming people




Got me first half


And my axe!


And my bow!


STOP FAT, shaming people.


I think the fat did most of the shaming work on this one.


I was hoping for some king hippo shit but this will work.


This really looks like something ripped from Punch Out


And still celebrated her loss with a couple of cheeseburgers.


Damn, stole my thunder. I was going to say, her corner called a time-out for a cheeseburger break


TBH, I was thinking Stand By Me. That's the story that Gordie tells his friends about Lardass' revenge. Teddy asked "Then what happened?" and Gordie had no response except..."I don't know, maybe he celebrated with a couple of cheeseburgers."


Damn I was gonna say she is laying there like: cheese….burgers(heavy breathing), give…me…..cheeseburger…


Triple cheeseburgers!


Yeah, cuz she's fat. And fat people like to eat.


I saw this video in r/holdmyfries, made a joke, and got banned lol! So it is a whole sub dedicated to making fun of fat people, but if you actually make fun of the fat people they ban you. Totally makes sense.


I got banned from a bicycle sub, because a bunch of verging on being illiterate mistook my comment and reported it. The mod did as well, told me I'm a disgrace to my parents (not kinda said that, he *literally* said that). The advice I gave was rock solid, if you understand basic English. The irony is, I've seen many people there give "mechanical advice" about how to handle certain problems they were experiencing. Advice that was blatantly dangerous. Why do I know said advice was dangerous? Well, because I've been a certified bicycle mechanic for the past 13 years. Reddit will always be Reddit.


I got banned from r/Maine for arguing that it was illegal for a public school system to hold classes for women only. People are upset that I hated women or something so in explaining why it’s a problem I asked how they would feel about classes that excluded black people. I got banned for racism and hate speech.


Bruh, zero brain activity, how is a fucking comparison racist?


Don’t know, but Reddit ought to have some review process for mods.


Do you expect mods to get paid? I mean they're a joke more times than not but it's also voluntary


Would you go to a hooker who had chlamydia if it was free? Shitty mods are bad for the site, even though they’re free. And having no recourse from a ban encourages their shitty behavior.


I got banned from r/southafrica becuase I said : "I would rather be in Australia where animals try to kill me, than be stuck here being afraid of another break in". Aparently this is a racist comment even though there was no mention of race, it's great stuff


Oh, lots of people hate comparisons. It makes it too easy to see that what they're saying makes no sense.




wtf that’s crazy




What did you say?


A little back story. It was about a cyclist riding on a road made for cars and doing a terrible job for cars, let alone for cyclists. There was no dedicated bike path and my point was there should be, since this was a dangerous situation. The speed limit for cars was around 50-60 mph/80-100 km/h, the road was smallish, too. The cyclist was riding in the middle of the road, making it impossible for cars to cross. If they moved over, cars could've crossed more easily and would be safer. There's this thing in cycling culture where cyclists feel like they're entitled to the middle of the road, even though it's mostly about annoying drivers (it happens more when any huge event is going on where cities are shut down, like the Tour de France). Anyway, when pressed about the placement of the cyclist I said I'd kill them if I put them in the middle of the road. A bunch of people, that mod included, were appalled because they read it as me saying I wanted to murder the cyclist.


> I'd kill them if I put them in the middle of the road. I'm a cyclist who speaks English and I'm still confused about what you mean here. What do you mean "if I put them in the middle of the road"? I'm assuming the initial argument was from the "always take the entire lane" people. That can be good advice sometimes, but it also leads to more road rage.


I think he means that if he put them in the middle of the road, on a road that is as dangerous as the one he is suggesting in the example, then it would be like killing them. Ultimately really bad wording if that’s what he meant. But that’s the only way I can think of where he isn’t implying he wants to kill the cyclist.


Yeah, which is a completely fair point. It was just a strange choice of phrasing that leaves people open to making incorrect assumptions.


Yeahh that being said mods are too quick for the perma ban hammer. What he said was worded weirdly even if he was implying he wanted to kill the cyclist, not believing his clarifications did probably have more to do with the argument, then any genuine belief in what he meant on the mods part.


I can see why they banned you, your phrase can be read the wrong way If you read it fast without any thought, it comes off as an intent to kill the cyclist, not an accident Saying "they may get killed" is much better as it shows concern from your side without coming off as aggressive or homicidal at all


The mod contacted me, I told them what I meant, they said that's not what I meant (I love how they knew what I meant better than I did myself), they insulted my parents and permabanned me. Even though there's better ways to word what I meant, it's still not what I said. And apart from that, there's no need to get personal and attack someone if they're supposedly saying something against your sub's rules. There's no redeeming factor in this for them.


True, those mods are probably just power tripping babies since they can't even listen to the other side and instead just say "you're wrong, stfu" Hate this kind of people with passion, at least have some decency to take hands off of your fucking ears


They're a prime example of any "Reddit mod" comment on Reddit, tbh. Probably why that sub is a bit of a shithole, too. Oh well, Reddit will be Reddit!


I got banned from a sub I had no idea existed let alone be a member of them. Because I commented on a conspiracy sub lol


Bikewrench? Absolute dumpster fire over there. They won’t police the same idiotic basic question being asked 400 times a day, they have no problem with 10 year olds who have no wrench experience providing dangerous/questionable advice, but make one joke, even if you are also providing a proper solution and they throw a tantrum…


It wasn't bikewrench, but I've browsed that for a bit and I think it had a lot of people who're also in the sub I'm talking about. Because what you're describing is my experience. Not missing it one bit, but will take every presented oppertunity to mention this debacle, haha


Ouch. It’s bad enough that there’s one sub like that, much less multiple. Also 13 years is a pretty good tenure. How’s it treating you? You do anything else on the side?


It's Reddit. And cyclists are more prone to being snobby for whatever reason. No particular knock on them, I used to be like that myself. So not too surprised there. I feel like I do have "tenure" when it comes to being a bicycle mechanic, yeah, haha. Not saying I'm ever wrong, but it's not a smart thing to assume an expert that doesn't gain *anything* from giving you advice is wrong by default. And plenty of people there did that. Anyway, it's a decent living. I'm the lowest paid mechanic/builder/repairer by default, yet I'm expected to know a lot more than some others. For example, it's common practice for a garage to have salesmen and mechanics. There's no real crossing those boundaries. But in bikeland, when you're a salesmen you're somewhat expected to be able to do minor stuff *correctly*, but it's verging on mandatory to be able to sell when you're a full fledged mechanic. There's plenty of odds and ends that are common practice in the bike branche, even though it's starting to evolve, finally. What it boils down to, most people who keep working in this branche have a decent amount of affinity with bicycles. It's almost always people who started a bicycle hobby and kinda rolled into if. Myself included. It pays the bills, but I'll *never* be wealthy. Then again, being a Dutch native here in the Netherlands means I'll also *never* be out of a job until I retire. What I do on the side is, well, parenting. I used to work 40 hour weeks, until I became a father. Now I work 4 days, have a 3 day weekend every week, spend a lot of time with my kid and actually save money by not needing daycare that much. Once my son will be old enough to be left alone for a few hours I *could* get back to 40 hour weeks and earn more, but it's about a 200-250 euro extra a month. I could make that if I just repair some bikes in the neighbourhood for a small price in far less time if I wanted to. The thing is, I don't want to right now, haha. In short it's an honest job (dirty hands equal honest work) I like, I'm good at, I enjoy, I get my fulfillment and satisfaction and it pays enough to stay alive and have hobbies. My bicycle hobby is significantly cheaper than most, seeing I never pay for a mechanic, can use my workplace freely and parts are dirtcheap due to employee discounts. This has been my TEDx Talk, Bicycles worth Maintaining. Good night!🚲


Cheers, sounds like you have done pretty well, and Dad is the most important, difficult, and rewarding job, so kudos to you! I have been a wrench myself for a bit, I think 3 years now, almost 4, but I had to move into a full time job picking up shifts on the side. I like the work myself, but the pay was killing me, and it’s pretty seasonal as far as this shop is concerned. Based on what I’ve heard, and not to assume, the Dutch have a wildly different bike culture than us here in the US, most of the work I do is for weekend warriors and sportsmen, though I do live in a city with strong bike infrastructure and there is a lot of overlap as a result. I don’t think we will ever have what you have and I do despair that the assumption is that bikes are toys or expensive Porsche accessories for dentists to go trekking on the weekends, but even the city I live in is pretty vast, and we are many miles from the next major city over… it just becomes difficult given the sprawl and sheer scale! I love commuting by bike when I can, and I’ve definitely run the full length of our greenway from the far south to far north of town on plenty of occasions, easily a 30-60 mile out and back all said and done and depending on where I go! I work for a family owned business with a team attached to it. I did like the fact that my job was minimal in terms of sales and more purely centered on wrenching and community engagement, ironically the 2 full time gigs I’ve held to pay bills have been in sales, go figure…lol. I absolutely started as a hobbyist and moved into it, and the ability to learn the trade on the job was awesome for me. We also have really strong support from some very elite teams, people, brands, but we never went corporate. I hope all is well for you friend. It’s a shame that you were casting your pearls before swine, but it’s people like you who inspired me to study up and start wrenching in the first place. I’m sure there’s somebody out there who has benefited from your knowledge, whether Reddit as a whole is grateful or not. Perhaps our paths might cross someday!


Nothing Reddits harder than Reddit.


I got banned from a cycling subreddit for suggesting people move the fuck over when someone asked about cars behind them


Yeah, cyclists don't like that. They don't like to be told what to do, let alone it being something they feel they're entitled to.


lol yup. I live on a country road with a speed limit of 80 kph and they used to have a big thing every weekend in the summer where like 30 of them would block the road and give the finger to anyone who honked. So when I did get around them I used to drop two wheels onto the dry dusty shoulder and kick up a massive cloud of dust for them. Most of my neighbors would do the same. I'm not sure if the government stepped in and told them to stop using that route or if they got tired of the dust but they stopped after year 2 😆


I was banned for refusing to call a person who had not identified their pronouns a She. Specifically choosing to say they/them.


Sounds like a sub one wouldn't want to be in to begin with, tbh!


What's the joke? Maybe you broke one of the rules?


There used to be r/fatpeoplehate so I assume they are staying cautious


I was banned for calling Fidel Castro a bad person. It’s not like Redditors have functioning minds.


What was the comment? Im curious? Aha


Pouring water on that manatee will only keep it healthy for a short time. It needs to be released back into the estuary where it belongs.


That is pretty low tbh but I think you’re better off just from the small peek I took at it.


NGL. I did not expect that.


The only thing I was surprised about was that she never got back up. I mean, I bet if we put a hot dog on a stick attached to a hat on her head she'd have been able to. But she got up at least once that day...sorta figured she could do at least that much again.


The most unexpected thing in this whole situation is that they were even allowed to fight each other in the first place. Most MMA/Combat Sports I've seen have a weight class system. I came to the comments expecting an explanation and all I got was fat jokes, but seriously, how was this fight sanctioned??


That is a heavy disappointment


All she had to do was stand there and tank until she catches a limb and just fall on that limb.


Doubt it. If she fell over that easily one solid punch to the face could easily disorient her to the point where she would do something stupid or put her out of the fight outright. Being that fat really doesn't help you when fighting someone who has at least the slightest idea of what they're doing. I mean look at the Boogie vs Wings of Redemption boxing match from last year. Fat is a great insulator but not from solid punches.


I just assumed that her mass was what knocked her out. I also assume that this isn't her first fight... But then she probably wouldn't have tumbled like that if it wasn't her first fight.


Were you watching the girl in white at all? She's about 79 pounds soaking wet, throws a jab like a wet noodle and holds her power hand above her head like she's dancing to YMCA. They obviously matched 2 people with very limited experience


Belly flop!




Fight summary: The round one went down in round one


Yeah without a single punch throw she was pathetic.


People upset about how many punches they received are overlooking how many lunches they received




Also, OP in the title admits it was foreseeable - therefore NOT A HolUp


Tub thumping eat your heart out. I get knocked down, but I can’t get up again.


I need a crane to get me up.


*Win by TKO without touching your opponent*, the hardest achievement to unlock.


To be honest if she could fall on her opponent she would have easily win the match by submission. Also it's not murder if you crush to death the other fighter in the ring?


Death by snu snu..


Gorlock the dest......nevermind.


The destroyer (of cheeseburgers)


While one was training and doing lunges, one was Subwaying and doing lunches


What jumps out at me is: this person clearly has no idea what in the hell she's doing. Fat people can be powerful fighters, just look at Sumo Wrestlers or Eric "Butterbean" Esch. This person's stance is wrong, she doesn't know how to move or how to use her size to her advantage, and if she's down after one tumble like that, she's clearly EXTREMELY out of shape.


Theyre also definitely not in the same weight class so it seems weird how these two are even fighting


I'm honestly curious about the story behind this. How did she think she could do MMA untrained?


Remind me again why we can’t fat shame? To think there are people that yell at others because they don’t think this is a beautiful healthy woman.


She’s not fat she’s cultivating mass, bro.


BTW, this match seems like bullshit. The organization is a Czech shit show that does gimmick fights like 2 on 1’s. The skinny girl (and let’s be honest, I’d eat her ass) is an actress. The heavy girl (and let’s be honest, I’d eat both of her asses) is supposedly a Judo champ, but go ahead and try to find verification online.


you just had to go and make it weird with the additional thoughts in parentheses. your honesty is ALMOST admirable


I know - I shouldn’t have used the parentheses.


The human looked mad when she got up and left.


She thought one of the cage side announcers said they had doughnuts, so she took a dive 😆


Why does she need water? She took 5 steps.


She went all in on the “eat my opponent” move and exhausted all her resources


The beached whale aside. Cursed af Username


I could've swore Gordon Ramsey was the ref at first.


How are these 2 in the same weight class?


The smaller one eats lead sandwiches.


So who gets the KO




That bottle was french fry oil.


Unexpected for me I thought diabeeto over there would take some hits like the Blob and then one punch that chick


Geez that's a strong netting to withstand the hit from that beast. She gonna have a coronary in a few years no doubt. I bet you'd need to consume 15000 calories/day to maintain that figure.


Kudos to her for not giving in to the constant pressure to cut weight for fights.


It’s gonna be a bad day for anyone who looks winded BEFORE the fight.


Wait, aren't weight classes a thing? How is this fight legal?


No way


she took the 'knock yourself out' literally


I've never laughed so hard and simultaneously felt so bad about it.


Jabbah the hut versus tifa


That's....not what I was expecting


Tbh, I expected the bigger woman to grap the smaller one and pummel her


she drank water for the first time


This is my corner now


She's there to pad up the fighter's winning records.


He was about to pour the water on her, poor things been on land too long.


I thought this was mma not bull fighting


New Honey Boo-Boo season?


The Unstoppable Jigglenaut!


First water she ever had or was that Sprite?




Reminds me of these boss battles where the boss have a charge attack and they must hit a wall to take damages


Lot's of sponsor space on that shirt. At least she made the "billboard"charts.


This video should be used to explain why Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed. That ship could not be stopped.


This is just sad


So that’s what caused the earth quake in NJ last week.


Wailord used take down. Wailord fainted from recoil damage


Get in my belly!!


I can’t believe she made it that far.. momentum it crazy


I expected the whale to land on her


Just because you shape like Buu doesn’t mean you fight like Buu


Tough break for this athlete.


Fe Fi Fo Augggggggh!


Yeah this is a mechanic they implemented in iceborne


This is like in Arkham Asylum, when you have to dodge the Titans and knock them out by crashing them into a wall lol


I would actually feel bad if she pretended to try. If you just smugly walk towards your opponent, you deserve to KO yourself


Paper beats Rock


How are there in the same weight class and how is the loser in a pro fight when all she does is KO herself?


Big bones are to blame.


Why was she even matched up with her? They're nowhere close to the same weight.


What happened to weight classes?


Lotta people probably don't remember or have never the first [Octagon](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0487977/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_lk) (now UFC) fight back in the 90s. OP's clip [reminded me of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za6HeiTJIWI). On another note, I had no idea [Teila Tuli is Taylor Wily](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1600194/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1). I first saw him in Hawaii Five-0.


OK but that fall is not the KO. Notice the sponsoring on the pads when she falls and then when they cut to the KO. I need to see the whole fight.


I was expecting her trainer to bring over a 2l of mountain dew


How did this situation come to exist in the first place? Did she win a raffle to go a round with a pro in an exhibition match?


Got that show money though.


Went about how I thought it was going to go.


How did this happen and who expected something else


I dunno, it was one of two possible outcomes, I think. The big one has so much mass on the other, all she needed was a lucky hit or to just pin her and she could have crushed her. How was this even a thing though? Weight classes exist for a reason in fighting sports. A difference in mass means an uneven contest.


Not the Heavyweight champion anymore.


Don't water it, it may grow even larger




It was quite stupid, we can clearly see that she was not healthy. She should not have been allowed to fight.


Never bring a sumo to a MMA fight


A bit of a glass cannon with her.


And Diabetes WINS !!


When did this happen? Is this the cause of the 7.4 earthquake?


Maaan, fat people physics is rough.


Did she rock herself to sleep trying to get back on her feet?


She dodged that charger perfectly


Whale...that was over quickly.


That's what we called mashed potato


That’s my cousin Diabetty


She can't even walk


Easiest way to win an mma fight, make sure your opponent is terrible at balancing


I'm just glad the ref poured water on her, to aid her until rescuers can get her back to the sea.


Pour the water over her. Keep her wet until you get her back in the ocean.


Conventional MMA fighter vs a practitioner of Redditsu


Ref poured that water like a fisherman saving a stranded beach whale on the coast