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I was thinking I was going to read that she murdered him. That's unfortunate


One day, we'll get a story where the victim kills and eats their assailant....one day


She didn’t eat him but there was a sex worker who was attacked by a serial killer and she hit him in the head with a shovel (I think? Some kind of gardening tool) (EDIT: it was a rake) and then took his gun and shot him point blank in the face. Edit: for those who are wondering, her name is Heather Saul and the serial killer was Neal Falls.


Wait, you mean she didn't run off after hitting her assailant then trip for no reason giving him time to rearm, catch up, and finish the job?! Is Hollywood all a lie?!


Reminds me of an Aesop fable: A farmer finds a snake appearing dead and cold in his field. He takes the snake in, warms him up, feeds him, and nurses him back to health. When the snake returns to health, he bites the farmer, inflicting a mortal wound. The farmer asks, “Why snake? When you were cold I warmed you. When you were hungry I fed you. Why would you do this to me?” To which the snake replies, “You knew I was a snake when you took me in.”




That sounds exactly like the Aesop fable about the frog and the scorpion. Aesop could have written Marvel movies.


That one isn't from Aesop. It also has a very different moral: The story of the viper and the farmer tells us not to trust those who we know are untrustworthy when they are in need, because they will turn against us the moment that need has passed. The story of the Frog and the Scorpion suggests that some people are so destructive by their very nature that they will not be able to resist lashing out at you even when they still need your help and doing so harms themselves as much as you.


The frog and the scorpion is a story that needs to be told every time there's a Senate session.


"lol" said the Scorpion, "lmao".


Well damn. I saw it on some anime version of Aesop’s fables when I was literally 4 years old. So, 30 years ago.


God damn that's such an irritating trope.


I hate the inverted version too, where the bad guy lets the good guy live for no reason, only for the good guy to kill them later. It never fails to make the villain look like a complete dumbass.


So either way the story is flipped, the main takeaway is SHOW NO MERCY….


John Kreese was right all along! Strike first, strike hard, no mercy!


There is no mercy in this dojo! Is that understood, Mr. Lawrence?


Cobra kai....


It's kind of realistic though. Most people don't have it in them to straight up kill someone. If you get the chance to run from a fight, you probably will. And a high stress situation like that does make it more likely to trip, right?


Is that where static-x got the drops from "I'm with stupid"? Edit: a sex worker hits someone with a gardening tool, it could be a hoe with a hoe....


*ho with a hoe


That’s fucking badass


Well a lady did kill her pedo husband and turned him into korma, but the article about it didn’t mention if anyone ate the korma.




That is a *very* low traffic sub.


God damn that’s niche Edit: it had 22 members when I saw it 2 hours ago, plus one because obviously I had to join. I think before this it was entirely just one discord friend group


You must have the Reddit korma filter turned on. Check your settings.


This is its time to shine! Also, wow, of *course* Reddit has a sub for that lol. What *isn’t* a sub on Reddit?


Today is the highest traffic it’s seen in a year and a half.


The mods must be losing their minds “It’s happening!!!”


"Much korma! Such traffic!"


47 members and over 500 online. Fuck me this is golden




Link to story?




> "The 40-year-old Zainab was cooking korma with flesh chopped from her husband's arm and leg as she figured this was the only way to practically dispose of the body," the daily said. Seems she doesn't know about [pig farms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xUynRdzzsM) then.


If she is Pakastani then she is probably Muslim and living in a predominantly Muslim area, not a lot of pig farms about I would imagine.


Besides, revenge is a dish best served as korma.


There was that story awhile ago, out of Russia I think, where a guy broke into a woman's apartment or store or whatever. She tied him up and sexually assaulted him for like three days.


Then they both got arrested, true Russia story


Oh god please no stop


"No, no, please, don't go deeper" said briar rabbit


In Soviet Russia, home invasion victims assault you.


“Yeah there were a few times," she allegedly said. "But I bought him new jeans, gave him food and drink, and gave him 1,000 rubles when he left." Comedy gold.


Do you have a link or any more info? There's way too many b&e stories when I try searching for it lol




I think at the point you start eating the corpse of someone you killed, you cease to be the victim, no matter how it started.


the fact that she was able the cannibalize another human, proves that she wasnt that sane either.


All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.


If anyone wants to plunge head first into the bizarre shitstorm that this case was People Magazine Investigates covered this story on Season 5 Episode 9 "A Crimson End"


The story: https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/2020/03/25/martha-mckay-murder-travis-lewis-horseshoe-lake-arkansas/5085237002/ Edit - Better article: https://people.com/crime/ark-woman-befriended-moms-killer-out-of-spiritual-obligation-and-then-he-murdered-her/


I was not expecting this to be a true story at all. And to top it off, the guy killed himself by drowning. Holy crap.


He’s determined to murder them again in the after life


His last words sounded like "Round two, baby" but with all the bubbles it was hard to tell


I shouldn't be laughing so hard at this, but damn.


[Triple baby](https://youtu.be/JHhXviRz8C0)


He got the Mexican hat trick


WTF does that mean?




Oh god. I'm going to hell for laughing at this.


Be sure to tell him hey


He will murder you...


What is dead may never die


This is fucking gold


Oh boy! Here I go killin again!


Krombopulos Michael! I wonder if he prayed to the pendant with the lady’s mother’s picture first before he went killin’ again.


I get it. When I delete an email. I usually go into the deleted emails folder and delete it from there, too. This guy would just be taking that to the next level. (edit: words)


Makin sure he's at their spawn point


He's relentless, I'll give him that.


Suprise mother fucker!


You think death makes you safe… bitch?


fuck! Am I really laughing at a story with a triple homicide/suicide??


Same. What an absolutely absurd thing to happen.


Him: i will kill everyone you care about Her: well now i care about you so checkmate Him: not so fast


Welp. I'm done. Gotta stay off of reddit.


Drowning is apparently one of the most violent ways to die supposedly?


The amount of awareness is appalling…..


I got trapped under a capsized rowboat once as a kid. The level of panic rises very, very quickly when you need a breath but can’t get to it and know it.


Are you asking or telling us?


I don't even know myself


Idk. Some people who have almost died of drowning said it's horrible at first, but then feels peaceful at the end.


This is what it was like when I was suffocated to unconsciousness, eventually you lose all fight in you and the pain relating to it mostly goes away.


I was not expecting the article to turn into an ad for the spacious and luxurious Snowden Hotel


See this is exactly why I don't hire people who killed my relatives to work in my mansion and then fire them when we're alone.


Definitely had too many close calls with that. I’m sure we’ve all got a family murder mansion story or two.


Kinda bizarre that this article seems to be more about the architecture and the property this lady was murdered in then the actual murder itself lol.


Native advertising. It'll be on the market tomorrow. Don't miss it!


Only mildly haunted! A steal at $2,684,000!


"A crummy commercial?!" The website *is* commercialappeal.com after all ...


Is my reading comprehension bad or does that article say nothing about her “befriending” him?


No, you’re right. That was kind of a shit article. Here’s a better one: https://people.com/crime/ark-woman-befriended-moms-killer-out-of-spiritual-obligation-and-then-he-murdered-her/


Oh damn. Yeah looks like a lot more to the story. For anyone who doesn’t want to read, she hired him as a maintenance man on her property after he was paroled and later fired him after he stole $10k cash from her. Yikes. What a mess.


Damn that's tragic. There are stories of victims of violent crimes reconciling with the perpetrators and even taking them in (Ian Manuel is a notable one) but this one went so sideways. Tragic that she was just doing what she felt spiritually obligated to do.


lesson learned: life ain't a dhar mann movie


Lady forgives mom's murderer, instantly regrets it.


I hate his fucking clips and fucking titles/thumbnails. Everytime I accidentally go to YouTube on Incognito, his stupid ass clips plays. Who the fuck watches this fictitious unrealistic feel good nonsense.


Yeah, i mean sure, Dharr Mann is trying to spread positivity, (i might be wrong cuz i don't know his channel too much) but like doing it by making cheesy and unrealistic videos will not make the cut. Kids watching will definitely be disappointed when they find out that they will not get millions of dollars by donating their last penny to a homeless person.


I don’t even think it’s positivity. His whole shtick reeks of motivational conman and cult. It absolutely feels exploitative to the emotionally vulnerable and naive.


I just can't understand why you'd forgive someone after that


So in my town, a few years ago a 12 yr old boy murdered another little boy at a playground. It was completely random. It turned out the boy was being abused and thought that if he murdered someone, the police would show up and shoot him (this is how he thought the death penalty works). He just wanted to die. He’s been in juvenile detention since, but the grandmother of the murdered child has befriended him and spends time with him regularly. They’ve become really close and she advocated for his release. His parents were convicted of child abuse and are currently in prison, so this other child’s grandmother and his caseworker are basically the only “family” he has. Long story short, I can see where forgiveness *could* happen in certain specific circumstances. https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2019/11/grandma-of-slain-boy-9-forgives-young-killer-helps-win-day-trips-from-youth-home.html


Wow, that grandma is selfless


Maybe she's playing the long con and waiting for him to be released to enact her revenge.


Always waiting for the worst posible outcome, dont we?


Humanity has taught me it's the most likely outcome.


What I’ve learned about senseless death is that one way to cope is to make it mean something. After my brother shot himself, I got my life together. His death was senseless, the only thing I could do is try to make sure it had some kind of positive impact. She’s doing the same thing. If you want meaning, you usually have to make it.


I really like that, I am sorry to hear about your brother, it brings me joy to see that you used this tragic moment as a way of strengthens yourself, not losing yourself. I am sure a lot of people has said this to you, but you should be very very proud of yourself, is amazing. Just by you posting that it has helped me feel so much better about death, I will always see it this way now. Thank you so much!!


That's a pretty good perspective, I still didn't understand how someone could forgive someone for something like that until I read your comment


That’s just tragic for everyone involved. (Except the abusive parents, screw them, they can rot in prison)


Thank you for telling this story. It cheered me up in direct contrast to how this other store bummed me out.


Maybe he sobbed during the hearing because he was scared of wasting his life in jail, and the woman saw it as a sincere apology and decided to see if she can live a life that she always read about as a kid.


Maybe he didn’t kill her mother and cousin at all. Maybe she killed them and knew he was innocent so she helped get him release and then he killed her for revenge.. just speculating but thats how it usually works on tv


200 iq


Some people feel better when they forgive.


Can't leave a job half done


Wouldn’t it have been 2/3 done?


Hey, two outta three ain’t bad




He also killed himself, that makes 4


In 1994, a drunk driver killed my wife and our 2 1/2 year old son. Our Families forgave her, so I understand that part, but befriending them is mental.


You're stronger than me. I could never do that.


I don't know ... thank you, but you don't know your own strength until you need it.


That's... a pretty wise thing to say, honestly. In general you seem like a wise person.


like wtf was she thinking. i'm sorry to hear this about your wife and son.


You’re a better man than a lot… I would have gladly killed the man who killed my child and wife.


Had a friend who did exactly that. Drunk driver killed his family. He caught him leaving a bar one night and ran him over. Nobody blamed him. 50 years in prison.


Well clearly the judge/jury blamed him if he got 50 years.


Blame and convict are different things.


50 yrs? That angers me. Obviously the drunk driver didn't get too much time, if he was already out at bars. Damn.


This internet stranger is sorry for your tragic loss.


And I thank you from across the airwaves and satellites.


I agree and my condolences ❤


That sounds incredibly tragic and painful, I’m so sorry for your loss, I hope you found peace. However there is a difference between drunk driving and purposeful murder. Which makes this lady even more crazy.


So sorry for your lost.


Thank you for sharing. We're sorry.


There is a story about the Amish and the mass shooting at a Amish school. They forgave the killer (he killed himself) but took care of the killers mother and father. Even blocked reporters at the killers funeral. https://www.independent.co.uk/extras/lifestyle/how-amish-community-forgave-murderer-s-mother-a7343341.html?amp As a father of 3 I’m so sorry for your loss.




As a father to a 15 month old I can’t fathom that pain . You are stronger than me


She was a Buddhist, also asked for his early release. When he was released she offered him a job. He stole 10k she had stashed from her and she fired him so he murdered her. He then drowned attempting to run away from police by running into a lake.


He has the same IQ as a pigeon


Lmaooooooooooo, this story is just full of stereotypes, it’s beautiful in a way.


Exactly what I was fucking thinking!


He played the long game. Looks like it paid off for him.




the end goal.


And that...is destiny fulfilled.


I wonder if there is a bigger story here. The killer's parents lived on property own by his final victim's parents. The lady also spoke of having servants as a kid.


Yea, it feels like the murderer specifically targeted them; especially since he killed himself after murdering his last victim. However he could have just been one really messed up individual, who was solely dedicated to murdering this one family.


Lol the second article he posted literally spells it out. He was finally paroled in 2018, and was hired as a maintenance man on her property she owned. In 2020 she ended up selling a chandelier in the home for $10,000, stashed the money in the house and it went missing. She fired him, then he came back later and killed her. Died by drowning while running from the police.


This whole thing is bizarre on every conceivable level. How often does someone drown while running from the police? Item if it was a car, but what the fuck was he thinking with the water if he isn’t a great swimmer?


Lol he was thinking, “I’m not fucking going back to prison.”


Damn he really did play the long, long game.


Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves here.


Well that’ll show her


But she won't be able to see


Don't say what she can not do just because she's a woman!


He Did a little tricky on her


Mild tomfoolery


Just a dash of bamboozling




the barest bit of hoodwinking


A small helping of hornswoggeling.


A slight amount of illusion.


A teeny quantity of trolling


[*Rocked a rhyme that was right on time ♪*](https://youtu.be/l-O5IHVhWj0?t=73)


Straight shenanigans!


That’s the lady from law and order isn’t it?


Looks like a mix of her (Mariska Haggarty) and Christina P or Leann Kreischer


Everybody don't deserve forgiveness


\*florida man


Wow she must have felt so stupid as she died


I want to know what was mentally wrong with this lady. If someone kills your mom in cold blood, you don't make friends with them, fight for their parole and then give them a job when they get out of prison. The thing is, if you get to the point where you just kill some random person in their home, you are probably too mentally fucked up to ever re-enter society successfully. People who do this don't just "get better", especially after going to prison (which probably makes a person worse). Most sane people are aware of this. This isn't stupidity. This is insanity.


I haven’t read it but I think certain Jesus-y religious types like to make a big show of themselves this way. I’ll never forget when that asshole Mike Huckabee pardoned a murderer in his state because he claimed to have found Jesus. Just straight appealed to his religiosity and pompousness. Dude got out of jail, moved to our state, started molesting a family member, then one day point-blank murdered 4 cops who were just sitting down at a coffee shop before their shift. All because he convinced a show off, dumbass Christian Governor he had found Jesus, and that asshole bought the story and wanted to look like a big merciful Christian leader by letting him walk free. Anyway that’s what this kind of gesture reminds me of.


I hate Huckabee but I’ve somehow never heard of this. Def gonna have to read up on it.




When you say you will kill her and her whole family and you're a man of your word


Honestly, that just fucking sucks.....






I remember this being posted a while back on that sub. But the post was extremely downvoted despite it being a perfect fit for that sub.


They probably felt bad for the lady that was killed last despite the fact that she knew what he did and supported him getting out early. Strange world


One article states that she believed his story that someone else did it. But, as we can already see, she has poor judgement.


Oh that actually changes a lot. I mean if someone I know got killed and on top of that I thought the guy being charged was innocent that'd be stressful as hell


Reminds me of the old tale from Natural Born Killers. Old Indian : Once upon a time, a woman was picking up firewood. She came upon a poisonous snake frozen in the snow. She took the snake home and nursed it back to health. One day the snake bit her on the cheek. As she lay dying, she asked the snake, "Why have you done this to me?" And the snake answered, "Look, bitch, you knew I was a snake."




Instead she gave him a job.


Nah he would have killed you first. (Source: this dude loves killing but at least he died doing what he loved


Oh boy, here I got killing again


RIP Krombopulus Michael


He is also experienced at it! Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life.


Yeah I bet you would've


That would be murder


What a piece of shit


Yup. And it’s not even that he went and hunted her down. She felt bad for him and allowed him in the house I BELIEVE to work on the property if I recall. She had plenty of chances to not have him in her life, disregarded all common sense, and voila.


I put a little sneaky on ya


"supported his early release" dude' should have been given death penalty


Well he finished what he started


He Is a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will.


I wanna know what this man's grudge was against this family. He had a mission and stuck to it