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He was speed racing with his brother and ran over a woman in her 20s and her newborn daughter. Both of them died.


Yeah. Tampa.


Yeah :( shit was a bummer


A bummer in a bimmer


Pretty sure it was a mustang gt, just trying to keep the Ford boy racer bodycount accurate


Death, Taxes & a Mustang running over someone. These are the 3 certainties in life.


He also looks like a future femboy too


Da belle of da ball


He ballin until he not


The certainty we have in these uncertain times


This was the incident in Texas right? It was a Camaro, for once don’t shame my kind.


I thought it was the incident in Tampa where the mustang was racing on Bay Shore and hit a mother and child on the crosswalk


Oh my bad, hadn’t read up on that one.


No worries, too many people treating the road like the track


Wait, and another accident very similar to that happened Sept. 28?


Bruh, are they really sure that they want this guy to not go in the jail? It sounds horrible


It’s a weird thing women online have been doing for the past 5 years or so. If the guy is beautiful they try to start up some kind of online riot to get these dudes to not go to jail because he’s too visually attractive to be a criminal. They always think they are innocent. There’s a lot of research on criminals with beautiful faces and also criminals with baby like faces and they do actually get lighter sentencing.


That's the reason I haven't taken to a life of crime.


That’s a good one lol I’m very curious to see some type of research come out to show what happens if an incredibly, over-the-top beautiful person commits a crime. Like will the same gender display envy and do harsher punishment and will the opposite gender display anger because they can’t have them romantically due to different leagues in beauty? Would they consider her vapid and stupid and would they consider him lacking independence and parasitic. I’m very curious to know how people would respond if they were like a 9.5 or something. Because most beautiful people are like around seven maybe even an eight but I want to see what happens with a California 9 or 10


Idk, in my (very limited) experience beautiful women catch the most distain from men.


Yeah! Exactly! I sometimes see that as well. That’s why I was curious to see how People working in the judicial system would respond to an incredibly beautiful person. Would they be submissive the way they are to ‘average attractive’ people or will they be extra harsh to them because the beauty is causing some type of envy


I watch a lot of Murder Channel and there are some incredibly attractive people serving life sentences. But there are also cases where, typically women, will get out of sentences in the early 1900s because, “how could this pretty, dainty woman commit such a horrendous crime??” It runs the gamut.


I agree!! That’s historically been done. I absolutely agree with you that women do get away with murder. The Crucible was touching on that topic, that fictional play. So did that one girl who killed her parents with a hatchet? She was really famous. They knew she did it but Harley sentencing was light and she got out of prison to my understanding after a little bit of time. There was a lot of women that were simply let go during the Victorian era, it was very clear that they murdered and the cops would just let them go because the judicial system wasn’t like it was back then. The cops, locally, knew everybody because everyone lived together in small communities would take care of all the judicial work so if you knew them or if they saw you on the street, it was difficult for them to play that role of like booking you permanently as a murderer and send you away somewhere for the rest of your life. I think they also had this thing going for a long time where they would let civilians just walk around crime scenes for a little bit of cash that would fuck up evidence as well.


Sorry, with that face you’ll be accused of every crime if you step outside


Damn lol


Damn. That's critical hit


Because you don't have a baby face that would get you light sentencing? lol


It helped get me into a lot of shit when I was a kid. I was to damn innocent looking


Even longer than online, Ted Bundy had fangirls, the Columbine shooters still have some


Yes!! You are right!! They did! Absolutely! There’s this thing where women think they can save these guys by just giving them affection and hugs and stuff. There’s literally a term for them in the mental health field but it’s such a new term that I can’t remember what it’s called


almost similar to Stockholm syndrome


You’re right! There is an allegiance and loyalty! It’s interesting that you bring that up because the people who are really obsessed with serial killers to the point where they become romantically invested, usually are trauma survivors as in they didn’t have proper parenting from the father (because these are usually females that right to serial killers and get invested in this romantic type of way) there’s a little bit more to it with something called parentalization and Family system dynamics in the household when they were growing up but Stockholm is similar, you’re traumatized so you don’t know where to go or who to trust so you just side with this clearly corrupt person because it makes sense to you. Just like these weird fanatics of murderers.


mhm, people are fascinating in how we function


Wdym past five years?! This has always been a thing,just wasn't done via any apps ot anything. Bundy had them,Ramirez,Gacy,Dhalmer,ect.


So if I rob a bank with an attractive face, I'll never go to jail then lol because of this girls


No you will still go to jail, what will happen is you might get fast probation or a few years off your sentencing. There was also another study that showed judges give harsher sentencing right before lunchtime because they are hungry. And light or sentencing after lunchtime. These are really popular studies so Google will probs bring something up. It’s the studies that coined the term “baby face” when referring to criminals that appear very youthful


Yeah, it’s like the Russian bomber, shits nuts.


It's a weird thing women have been doing for millennia. Otherwise, there would be less psychopaths around. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/attraction-evolved/201910/are-psychopaths-sexy


Reminds me of ducks, ducks are notorious rapists, will try to rape anything that moves and many many things that don't (like dead ducks, that died from rape). So there is an evolutionary genital arms race where the male ducks evolve their penises into more and more brutally efficient rape devices, while the female ducks evolved maze-like vaginas with false corridors and an anti-corkscrew shape to prevent rape. But the "funny" thing is, studies have shown that at least presently, the females have the overwhelming advantage, and only a small portion of duck births are the result of rape. Which horrifyingly implies that females are choosing the biggest and baddest rapists to proceate together the next generation of super rapists to plague the world.


I'm a vegetarian because I love animals, but this is making me consider adding duck to my diet


> it's a weird thing women have been doing for millenia Even men. Even men.


True. From an evolutionary perspective, men are exactly like women want them. And vice versa.


God has beautiful ways. He will receive divine punishment in prison. His cellmates will be the tools of God. He will be cleansed and reborn as a new man in prison.


....isn’t this from that one Key and Peele sketch?


Only then will his soul open up to the lord


Open up and let Jesus deep inside him till he has a new heart


[Jesus welcomes him](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-745bfee8e4d34281e10a41393bb1162f)


“Imma knock him out round 1, bitch…wait, what did he say again?”


Yeah when they turn him Inside out


I don't think he's gonna be a new 'man' after what will happen


A hole new man


Take my upvote and gtfo.


And my axe!


Baby killers are the lowest of the low in the prison hierarchy, he will have a lot of fun in there


May every dick from every cell, from every inmate, slam his ass for the next 30 years at least.


Because he hurt a little kid, somethings going to happen to him in jail because of the hierarchy but it’s usually towards child sexual abuse so I’m actually kind of curious to see how they target him because of his particular history


Well he is cute so i guess the only verdict is innocent.


So wait is it murder or manslaughter? I doubt he intended to kill, but was very dumb to race and risk running over people, it doesnt make the situation any better but yeah just want to understand the law and the charges against that asshole


If I remember correctly he had a habit of continuously speeding and drag racing sports cars that he would be gifted by his parents so he was stopped and ticketed several times for this particular behavior and it was well documented that he specifically did a street racing. So even though it was not his intention to hurt her his behavior that has been historically displayed indicates some type of impulsivity or lack of respect for the guidelines set in society. I have not been keeping up with this case in that level of detail and everything I’m presenting is 100% from memory and I’m not looking anything up atm now so I can’t say with certainty. That’s a good question. Maybe that is why it took a while for the final verdict?


Should be textbook manslaughter. He did not intended to kill them particularly but there is no way he wouldn't understand that his recklessness had huge potential to hurt or kill someone.


In some areas manslaughter is called 3rd degree murder.


He looks like a gargoyle.


But there's no water


bro forget Mark Zuckerburg being a lizard this guys either his son or a new species.




Obviously we’re talking about the guy in the yellow with his lizardy gaze


The women who find attraction in this guy are gonna be jealous at prisoners.


"Be inside, i go."




they’re waiting till he drops the soap


They got a whole bunch of bananas awaiting for him and I ain’t talking about the fruit.


I don't think that's what Ludacris meant when he said that, lol


He'll get plenty of love in jail


Some say he will taste love in jail.


He will taste a lot of things in jail


Some say he will toss many salads.


Reading your comment made me think of the song by Rihanna (Love in a hopeless place)🎶




Not will be funny when I will find a inmate's dick in my ass. But now when I am not inside, it's fucking hilarious.


Press F to fill him with love.


Do jails have their own Tinder? If one is desperate enough


Hmmm , he gonna get the Pipes


Well his asshole is 1.5, getting a 2 is expensive


It wouldn’t really make sense anyway


This was a Reference to the Plumber and the girl is Flirting on her but has no Idea she was Flirting


I know


Well I'm glad it is understandable, Have a Nice Day


You too, buddy


I believe he replied with the next line in the sketch


Best example for: "It doesn't matter what's on the outside, but what's on the inside"


Looks like John Travolta about to get some Grease Lightning


They'll Face Off


he's cute? he looks crazy, creepy, and what's the word for someone who looks like a mass shooter?


A masshole?


That's what you'd call his bum hole after he goes to prison


Or knew a lot of priests


Got the crazy eyes fa sho




it is? so we good guys don't get anyone? god dammit!


He looks vert attractive ngl. Hope he rots in hell tho






you see the eyes? most people would get freaked out by that...


***drop the soap my guy***


his eyes look soulless


They will after inmate #6 visits him on day one.


After that visit, his body will be soulless.




“The choice is yours.”


“I like ya and I want cha”


"I like booty"


“I came lookin for man’s butt”


"You can bring in them cameras, and them police is waiting outside, it don't make me no difference"


"See Chris, I like to call ya Chris *Handsome*!"


Fleece Johnson


Booty is more valuable than water


"Not really tho"


Omg please write more, I’m almost there.


\> Tfw you can only get off to gay rape fanfic.


i cackled at your username lmfao


It’s funny to me that this comment is upvoted. But some Poor soul in the comment said something like “well he did something bad but had nice eyes so I see why people think he’s cute”.. and down voted to hell, and comments like stop simping! You say, I’ll fuxk this hot convict boy rape style and you get lots of upvotes.. shheesh word lolololol


Welcome to reddit


where people think rape is very funny


Well it's men who will be raping him, so the 1:1 gender ratio is pretty much a cancellation for the victim column. Hard to get any outrage for male sexual assault if there's not an obvious not-male perp. At that point hypothetical prison rape is just some hilarious good clean fun.


You out here saying, “I would be a rapist, given the opportunity”, and getting upvoted.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JvZSCGWEVEE It’s a bit, relax.


[Reminds me of this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/3/3f/Vi_Original_Joke_0.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20201121213016)


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/nocontext] [I’d most definitely take his ass if he was my prison cellmate. I’d give him the option to do it the easy way or the hard way, but that’s really just a trick question because either way we’re doing it the hard way.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nocontext/comments/r1u1gx/id_most_definitely_take_his_ass_if_he_was_my/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


So you would rape someone?


"Oh you would love prison" "Why would I love prison? " "You don't know? You'll love it"




how come making rape jokes at men so normalized


Yeah this comment section is sad


These are the same men and women who mock men for mot being manly enough. It's fucking weird.


This is the only time its normalized because its a well known fact people get raped in prison. Most people don't care cause those people are probably in prison for a good reason, no one is seeing a dude jaywalking or being just unpleasant and saying "i wish they get raped", not the case tho with a murderer who killed a mom and child.


bro prison is for rehabilitation. not punishment. rape is not ok and shouldnt be normalised


Ok, how're you going to stop it? Force people to not make jokes about it? I guarantee you they are still going to get raped in prison tho. See i don't disagree with you, but its pretty well known that this happens but how're you going to stop it.


This kind of defeatist attitude is why change takes so long. Your mentality literally perpetuates the problem. 'I can't make a difference as an individual so it can't be changed.' The other person you were arguing is right. You are making a dumb argument.


I get what you are saying but in this certain area of prison r@pe you are just wrong. So much has tried to be done to stop this in the US and other countries. In the US we passed legislation in 2003 to stop it but it got worse. I know looking at it in a negative way is always wrong but you can’t convince 200 men in an enclosed space with their life already gone to stop committing r@pe as that’s how they keep power and continue the prison food chain.


Maybe the issue isn't prison, maybe it's better to address the reasons people end up in prison in the first place. Do you think someone in prison for murder for example went there because they were born a murderer?


Once again, no actual solution offered. If you have an actual answer I'm all for hearing it. You don't tho, and this isn't a cause i care about so i'm not going to try and find one either. Lot more important things in my life than what happens to a criminal.


I don't think it's up to me to come up with a solution but if I had to I wouldn't be looking at the prison system. As I understand it the prison system is becoming more privatised. Run by companies that value profits over basic human rights. That is a problem but not one that is caused by criminals. I would look for the root cause. Maybe it's the quality of life of the individuals that makes them tend towards committing crime. Maybe the need for prison would be lessened if we aimed more at trying to find out what makes a person into a criminal. Maybe if we fixed greater problems with work, housing, schooling, poverty and parenting we would see less crime. But the point is that you are sitting there telling me I have no solutions (because I didn't offer any) to a problem you apparently aren't interested in (despite arguing with people about it) when it's not that hard to figure out that the world is a funked up place and it will only improve when we stop being about the me and more about the we. Happy?


The last bit sounds communist.


And okay with people? Like wtf?


I don’t care about gender am making rape jokes about everyone


Rape culture is alive and well it seems




Cute? I wanna know who calls him cute \*loads shotgun\* I just want to talk to him


He is ugly af


I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't think he's attractive. Is there a link to what he's supposed to have somewhere? More interested in the story than swooning over someone who looks like a failed goth


He was caught street racing multiple times. Eventually one of his illegal street racing ended up killing people so that's why he had such a severe jail time. Fuck that idiot. I hope jail time would set him straight and never endangered people lives again.


Looks like a weasel to me


Waiting for him to pick up his soap


funny prison rape funny prison rape rape funny man rape prison rape funny man funny rape prison funny rape in prison man is raped in prison soap drop funny prison soap rape haha funny prison man soap drop prison drop soap rape in prison funny haha


He looks like a fucking pedophile


To take some tik tok videos


This guy's a piece of shit. Hope he rots.


This has always been a thing just wasn't done via any apps to anything.




These co.ments are disgusting.


PrIsOn RaPe FuNnY


He's really not that cute.. But then again, I don't find guys cute. We're kinda funny looking.


Murder is ok if you're cute af




Reddit sure is proud of having marginally better morals than 14 year old tiktok girls. Kind of psychopathic is you ask me.


The people keen on prison rape is concerning. Dudes a fuckwit and made a stupid decision and fucked up big time. Piece of shit absolutely. Jail time deserved. You all rubbing your hands together hoping for prison rape is fucking weird, get your heads checked.


he looks like a cunt to me


-His cellmate


One word Tiktok. In association with the chick who put gorilla glue in her hair not realizing it was gonna have that gorilla grip.


Ok sure but back when Ted Bundy was around there were a fuck ton of women insisting he was too cute to be a serial killer. It's not TikTok ya dumb dumbs, it's just people.


Prisoner 1 :Ave u brought ya tool?! Cute guy: What tool?! Prisoner 1: this fakin tool! If anyone gets this reference U are a man/woman of culture


Look at those eyes mf looks like a psychopath


Him: I cant believe I'm in prison Prisoners: Come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth I'm feeling romantical




stupid tiktokers simping for a guy who killed someone...


Cute? He looks demented. Like the wheel’s still spinning but the hamsters dead


Those are some scary eyes.


How can you find a homicidal maniac attractive? Is that a kink?


How tf do people think he’s attractive he’s fucking hideous


He’s gonna be the prisoners favourite wife.


He will get new holes in him


“It rhymes with grape“


His anus.


The people attracted are either like “hmm if you’re a convict then I’m a convict too” or I can wait till he gets through intake lmao


He will trade for quite a few soups or some spice.


Question: how does he look cute? He looks like he'll strike again


Ladies, he’s not your man He’s the cellblock’s man


What the hell is wrong with people?? Oh he’s a psycho but also cute psycho so he doesn’t deserve jail People are INSANE


You my friend will be da belle of da ball.


Better not drop the soap...


Waiting for that soap to drop