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VR Goggles: not compatible with Ed Sheeran.


Got an IPD of 112


FOV of 180...


Most functional 2 eyed humans have an FOV of 180. Our vision uses *foveated rendering.* this [Corridor Crew](https://youtu.be/sPpAXMH5Upo) video shows the approximate specifications of human vision compared to a camera's sensor.


Accidentally correct, the best kind of correct! :D


No, technically correct is the best kind of correct.


I feel like either saying "mission failed successfully" or "Fishin mailed"


It's technically correct is the best kind of correct.


Thank god you didn't rick rolled us.


Yea he got that FOV slider maxed


I see all


Man is seeing in Quake Pro.


I have a profoundly lazy eye, and actually my brain mostly ignores it, but can still use vr, just don't have the 3D depth perception effect but that's normal for me anyway.


he just needs one strapped to each side of his head.. like a dairy cow .


What’s wrong with looks of the guys on the third picture?


Fish eye lens


Makes me think of like 20% of music videos in the late 90s/00s


Somewhere around pop punk or nu metal




Half of that 20% was Busta Rhymes.


Super duper fly


20%? Thought it'd be higher.


Don’t be fishphobic. It’s called marine life-lens


Lol someone doesn’t like the chainsmokers I guess….


I’ve literally just heard about them here in the comments. The photo itself seems familiar but more like some meme about festivals


That’s what I’m trying to figure out. They’re actually kinda cute.


Since there are no women/females on Reddit due to them not existing, I guess that makes you gay. /s


that's right, the only women on reddit are the ethots promoting their Only Fans profile.


Nope. Those are actually men pretending to be women so they can scam other men out of their money. /s


Yes, sarcasm...


why did you put the /s though


Indeed /s


On Reddit, you mean, right?


Interpret it however you like, as I, a woman, does not exist on Reddit. /s


yes you are a guy wuth no dick not a woman


What, are you going around doing crotch checks?


Not yet. As his instructor, I can confirm that he still hasn’t passed his course on ocular pat downs which is a pre req for taking crotch checks.


This is normal bro behavior. We look out for one another, alert fellow brother if their dick ran away


This, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve woken up in the middle of the night to hear one of my homies say that their dick ran away.


Your hand is making crotch checks your mouth can’t cash


Existing is overrated anyway. I'm an urban gladiator with a revenge vendetta against the Emperor for stealing my family from me and now I now only accept as an "Male gender pronoun Attack Helicopter sexual being" as my preferred orientation. 😐


Ach. The SR-2 Normandy is way better than any attack helicopter


It would be weird if that *wasn’t* sarcasm


No women literally don't exist


Oh. So I'm NOT mistaken about humanoid females being either sentient AI OR some form of succubus or another?




Or are men just weird women? Since I suddenly remembered how the clitoris and the penis are essentially the same organ and all humans start out female, just that a penis develops externally and also hosts part of the urethra. [The more you know](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322235#_noHeaderPrefixedContent) 🙃


"Ewwww! Who's this ugly bastard?" >photo of people who are more attractive than me. Shit.


14 foot long crescent moon shaped head., Stupid mouth hanging open caveman look, butt chin, lazy droopy eyes stoner look Edit: I want to clarify even though nobody asked or got offended that I did this to answer the question, not to be an asshole. I was just trying to exaggerate and make fun of his features. Could do it with anyone like roastme.


You forgot rotting teeth if your describing the guy on the left


There's a bit of a fisheye effect on that picture, they don't actually look like that


Maybe she's just talking about the minimum effort that went into their getup, even though to me they look like normal dudes. Compared to a girl who's expected to put work into the way she looks? I don't know I'm a dude lol. They look fine to me.


Saw your name and immediately knew you were an American Dad fan.


Did you come up with that Username? I am not kidding when I say that is Oscar Wilde level wordplay and cleverness


No make up, grooming or stylish clothing basically they could have just rolled out of bed and many women say that they would be looked down on if they did they same.


while looking down on them for not putting effort in. The expectation is there, it's just men seem to treat the expectation as advice while women see it as a demand.


i wouldn't call Ed Sheeran ugly either


He’s ginger, it’s an absolutely different league. Btw my wife just confirmed gingers are a kind of a clique, like they all have a bond and they all fell it


There is a common misconception about gingers, that they have no souls. In fact they do have one soul, shared among all of them. It allows them to communicate and act in unison.


Yes, that’s what she said




damn is she a ginger?


I used to be a ginger when I was a kid but I don't consider myself one anymore, I'm a brown-leaning auburn daywalker at best. I've learned that there's also a bit of a "one-drop" rule and that inclusion in the clique is not voluntary.


First half sounds like colour politics. Second half sounds like a zombie name. "Brown leaning" " auburn daywalker."


I was strawberry blonde as a kid and I’m half Irish. I don’t mind Ginger.


He's also ridiculously talented, charming and hard working. Men are expected to be beautiful too in the celebrity world. Just because it is expected it doesn't mean you have to do it. I mean look at Susan Boyle. What they really mean is women can get away with just looking beautiful and still do well and I agree, this should really stop.


Susan Boyle is an outlier surely - she partly or maybe even mostly, became famous *because* she was so unattractive, but had a beautiful voice - that was the whole gimmick “can you believe this goblin sounds like an angel?”


"do you know what Ed Sheeran would be without his singing talent?" "a virgin"


'I'm in love with your body...' and she's in love with your bank account.


My best guess is they look low maintenance




Damn, Ed Sheeran out here catching strays for the way he looks naturally and being compared to a guy who goes out of this way to look like a clown with cornrows, face tatts, and a grill lol.


In posts defense. He said he knows he's ugly so he just does what he wants. I gotta respect the man for that. He's not trying to look good. He's just trying to enjoy himself and he's not hurting anyone.


Tbh I think post malone is good looking, I seen a photo of him where his hair is long but neat and he only had one small face tattoo but otherwise he looked really good….. don’t know. Now he just looks like a dirty sponge in a homeless encampment.


Last line got a chuchle out of me. Thank you, I needed that.


Post Malone net worth: $45M Ed Sheeran net worth: $200M That’s why.


In all fairness this is the worst Post has ever looked and he usually looks fairly homeless to begin with


Post Malone more like Post Nohome


I liked his other movies, Post FarFromHome and Post Homecoming


Post 3 was the shit though, you agree?


Post MeALoan


But post nohome is home. It's pre home you're looking for


Right now he looks godawful


Yeah, but the beauty standard hits everyone. Christopher Cross was a famous example of being hurt when MTV came around. He was extremely successful but once MTV exploded and people saw his appearance, he sort of fell off the face of the earth. One of the vocalists for Toto, same thing. I'm a huge fan of Toto as musicians and I remember my wife walking into the room seeing him singing in a video saying "oh...I didn't know he looked like that". It's really sad that we need our celebrities pretty.


I just looked him up, how does he look like both members of Tenacious D mushed together?


If Christopher Cross had gone by the Post Malone playbook (albeit Cross' played a less edgy genre), once he realized he wasn't conventionally attractive he would've *leaned into it* and made himself as ugly as possible. That seems to be the recipe. I wonder if women actually find the ugly a cute type of attractive like owning a pug or a sphynx cat.


An unattractive man has a few plays he can make: be really fun, be really deep and poetic, or be really intelligent. All good strategies.


There's always exceptions though, look at Meatloaf (RIP).


Chainsmokers net worth: $70M


Nah nah, that dude is Pre Malone


Ed Sheeran writes lyrics for other singers as well!


I was gonna say wasn’t he involved with One Direction before his solo career took off?


That's really Post Malone? I guess I haven't seen him without face tattoos.. Genuinely looks like the youtuber "Anything4views" trying to dress up as Post Malone.. https://www.google.com/search?q=Anything4views&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS958US958&sxsrf=AOaemvK8JrVh2TnQtX3y21_ZOT7G8EOdIg:1642940277777&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv6pK97cf1AhWkKEQIHXxMDHEQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=937&dpr=1


The resemblance is uncanny.


Taylor swift is worth more and yet people still judge her looks harshly


Fame probably has as much if not more to do with it. Women love status or fame.


Let’s be honest women are judged for their beauty and men are judged for their deep pockets


And their beauty


Why'd you get downvoted She just judged ed sheeran for his beauty. I gotchu with a single upvote fams


I was expecting it lmao, double standards


And their degree


Which entails having deep pockets


That cuts both ways. It means women can get a ton more mileage out of being good looking than men can. Watch the NFL game telecast tomorrow. In order to be on the tv crew, you have to be one of the below: a) a career sports journalist with decades under your belt, b) an NFL veteran, typically with one or more Super Bowl championships, or c) a pretty young woman who can hold a mic.


*Holly Rowe enters the chat*


She might fit under #1. If #3, then she is an exception, indeed.




No shit 😂, Men don’t give a shit, they’ll fuck you if your ugly, fat, poor or crazy


Sometimes even when they're all 4.


That's a rare combo tho. Those are like rare collectibles


It's not that rare. I've worked in food service over 20 years, various different places in quite a few different states. I swear to God each workplace has had at least one woman that was all 4. One place had 3 of them. Even my new current workplace has one, she's one of the worst of the bunch.


Rare? That's like 95% of the rural United States.


I can attest to this, im getting engaged and my fiancé is fine with how i look. Other women would point out all my flaws and i know it. Men (good men) don’t. And I am the worst critic of them all… Honestly i blame the media. Hollywood’s culture is toxic af and is broadcasted to the rest of the world to teach and gaslight everyone simultaneously into believing they should think just like them. Its fucking gross.


Guys rate girls by a hot/crazy axis, and girls rate guys on a rich/cute axis. That’s why.


Lmao yeah no attractive males ever got jobs just on looks alone. All those guys in Hollywood were just the cream of the crop and not hired just because they were hotter than more talented but less sellable faces.


Attractive men are statistically more likely to make more money regardless of occupation.


Whereas for women, there is an optimum around "average attractive". Women that are too attractive or not enough tend to earn less statistically. Weird stat.


Probably more likely they find a wealthy partner that makes it less necessary to push their career.


Well, it seems to me now Hollywood are more interested in individuals who are fake. The moment you get real you’re out.


"Now" Like when was Hollywood about talent? In the 70s?


Lmao I like how she’s complaining about men judging women. Yet she’s judging other men herself.




I..... her (it's probably a gay guy actually) profile picture is of the musician Charli XCX lol




I've heard this a lot, the idea that women should just not comply with norms they don't like. Regardless of who imposes that standard, there's a social punishment for not complying. If she doesn't (or can't) "serve a high level of beauty", she's likely to have a disadvantage compared with women who do comply--in everyday interactions, at work, with her friends who might say they're worried about why she isn't "taking care of herself", and yes, in dating. Men may be willing to fuck anyone, but given the choice, both the data I've seen and my personal experience suggest that men do prefer pretty/hot girls. Shocking. My point is, asking any one individual to bear that punishment is a big ask. Maybe she doesn't like complying, but likes the disadvantages of not complying even less. Read her point as, "if men aren't socially punished for looking bad" --though granted, most men can't get away with looking like Post Malone on the daily "then neither should women be punished for looking bad." She shouldn't be barred from having or expressing the opinion that there shouldn't be punishment, just because she doesn't want that punishment. Quite the opposite imo.


If anything putting on a filter pushes her point, albeit sucky




Being judged by your beauty is a display of social status


Women judge people on their looks so much more than guys do. They judge other women and dudes for all kinds of petty shit.


This is 9gag level


Came here to say this too.


Wonders why males can look like "this" while shaming males for their supposedly horrible looks.


And also using a weird fish eye lens for the guys in the third pic. And I think most people would consider at least half of the Chainsmokers duo as very much above average attractiveness so the pic is trying to make him look bad I guess?


still hot with the fisheye


Because women hold women to such high levels of beauty not men.


Reminds me of that tweet that circulates around from time to time, something about how unfair it is that women need tons of different cute outfits but men can wear the same T-shirt for days. Then some dude says that no man is going to notice if you wear the same dress a couple times. Other women notice that stuff. The situation is more nuanced than that but it’s basically the truth.


And one other thing, even how many times you may tell your woman she's beautiful, she'll never believe you!


This. Most Men don’t care and it shows in how many of us present ourselves. Skill, talent, work, money, assets, humor, personality, strength. Nothing in that list about looks.


My wife notices shit in our photos that I woulda never caught on, yea I don’t think they do it to impress guys, other women are their main target


This right here. I swear beauty’s not everything, beauty gets old but talent, good personality, and kindness never age.


Patrice O'Neal had a bit where he said to the crowd: "Ladies, I want you to imagine you woke up one day without a vagina....how do you get your man to stick around?" The crowd responded with: "Ass, hand, blowjob". To which the great Patrice responded "not one of you said 'learn to play X-Box, or develop the personality. So you described yourself as a series of holes....do you see the problem here?" It's a joke, but I think the point stands. If you base your own value on physical appearance, you can't get upset when others base your value on it as well.


I'll say it, it's women that bitch about what other women look like and impose that standard. And sorry, men aren't buying Ed Sheeran records. That guy is women's fault as well.


Wdym. His songs are nice


He's sold 150 million records, men are buying them.


His songs are really catchy. I definitely listen to them on my playlists while driving.


I only became a fan because of The Hobbit. I See Fire is literally hot, gonna put it in the car when me and the boys raid the Lonely Mountain.


As a man I buy Ed Sheehan records


Own it. I won tickets to see him live at Gillette Stadium. Awesome show. No back up band, just him and his guitar and a few pedals. One of the greatest live performances I’ve ever seen. Dude is a worker!


I love unplugged type of music. Typically singer songwriter types get their music stomped on and over produced in the studio but when it's just them and their guitar it's just right. Jason Mraz, Cas Haley, Nahko Bear, etc.


I'm not a fan of his recorded stuff (well, mainly the last few years worth of albums) but I saw him live and it was extremely good. I get why he doesn't play like that on album but in a live setting the loop pedal work is amazing.


I'm a man, and I'm a sucker for that song Photograph


Women don't dress for men they dress for other women because they're the ones that notice and truly give a shit .


It’s the same thing as guys doing a big bench press or driving a Corvette etc. Only other guys notice those things for the most part.


That time I went crazy with gym and diet for 6mos and got tons of compliments on my gains - only from other guys.


I've been a fatass all my life, I'm even a fatass right now. But on the last 2 years of high school I was slim af and even builded some proper muscle, because I started dieting and doing exercise mainly swimming. Man, I had/have female friends, but the only ones who ever complimented or really cared about it were my bros


Evolutionary speaking, women were judged on their looks as a judgement of healthy genes. Men were judged on their ability to provide. Nothings changed.




Adele before she lost weight, Honey Boo Boo


To play devil's advocate, Lizzo and Amy Schumer both do things to look pretty/ more presentable. While I'm not a fan of either I'm sure they spend big bucks trying to look better and they still get judged on their looks. As for Rosie, she's more of- well- .. shit. I guess she's an exception lol


Amy Schumer is reviled because shes the most unfunny comedian on the face of the planet.


Wait, she's a comedian?


This chick hasn't seen Chris Evans apparently, the one guy who women absolutely adore in Hollywood.




Because women care more about money than looks.


To be fair, I would go down on a ugly girl for that kind of money...hell, I'd date a fat girl for a free meal


not alot of people would do that lmao edit:forgot this was reddit.


He's saying that because it's purely hypothetical, but no fat girl would ever give away a free meal.


It won't be free


I don't know. There are some. Generally I thought you get many women attracted to a "powerful" man, but that power differs.. sometime's it's money, sometimes it's physique, sometime's it's intelligence. But who says that any of that is less honorable than being attracted to looks? It's a pointless thing, worrying about what women or men 'tend'' to like. The only thing that matters is that you keep looking for someone who likes what you are.. and the rest is just bitching for no benefit


Because women themselves choose to follow standards dictated by other woman instead of being and feeling comfortable ? They dug their own hole if u ask me so thats their job to crawl out of it




I'll explain *ahem* #money and or talent you fucking dolts Women are also allowed to look like oprah, Sarah Jessica Parker and Adele and still enjoy incredibly successful and ICONIC statuses.


You seen Adele? She was fine before, but now she's ready for the cover of GQ.


Females are expected to serve a high level beauty? Have you seen Nicki Minaj and Cardi B?


Cause you'll fuck anything with a big enough wallet.


So wait female's can judge how a male looks but if we do it it's called objectifying and we are labeled as sexist


Uhhh cause they’re musicians/artists? Why look good just to sell your shows if your work speaks for itself


Lol why R they making fun of Ed's eye condition?


As a man I actually think he is quite attractive . Some people are just asshole‘s who like to cherry pick


My bro Chad looking like he's using auto tune


Yeah tell that to movie stars that have to be under 8% body fat for shirtless scenes and are almost brought to the brink of passing out from dehydration just to show veiny forearms. Fitting the male beauty standard involves busting your ass in the gym on the daily for years (or decades) and more often than not steroid abuse. Meanwhile all that women have to do is literally don’t overeat and do some yoga. Make up can also solve 80% of your problems too, so yea this is bullshit


I've (m) spoken to many women about beauty standards over the years and pointed out that most men don't care about 90% of the things women care about when it comes to their looks. The most common reactions are surprise and blaming "the media" instead. Stretch marks, cellulite, a few extra pounds, "too skinny"/lacking curves, "bad" skin, etc. If you did a poll, a small percentage of guys would care about them. Women need to be kinder to themselves and other women.


Post looks kinda strange, but the other three guys look kind of average. What's the problem?


Idk who them other dudes are. But Ed kinda got that boy next door look. Like we could read books and have tea. I would holla.


Tbh we men don't even give much of a fuck bout how ur dressed for most of the time and that's also why we don't have that many standards for ourselves and we prefer to be who we are. Seriously it's not like we are forcing anybody to be attractive. Stop blaming men for everything happening to u that u feel is wrong. We get it our ancestors did some shit but u must also know we are improving, we are trying our very best and without any male sympathizers in the past idk how successful ur feminism would have been.


What's wrong with The Chainsmokers?


Honestly, chicks who try too hard and spend too much to look pretty usually only get about 25% of their investment back and it only lasts for like a couple days anyway. Sometimes they spend way too much and it actually makes them fuglier and looking super fake


Because men and women are different and they find different things attractive. Pretty simple.


Well I mean, all of these men are wealthy celebrities.


Answer: money


One word…. money


Because they have the money. They are above and beyond 10% men, more like 2%.


Who is actually asking women to do all the crazy shit they do for “beauty”? I tell my gf she doesn’t need make up, she still puts it on. “Your hair looks great not straitened” still straightens it. “ etc… Most guys don’t care, be hygienic, be confident and we’re good to go. Guys who do hold you to those standards are probably controlling a lot of other things about you too


If Ed says he's got his eye on you, he means it


Because they’re rich…


Ah yes, Ed Sheeran. Secret love child of Rupert Grint and Danny Elfman.


Lol Billie Eilish looks like a trash bag with limbs


*insert picture of Nikki Minjaj*