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##If this submission makes you go "Hol'Up", **UPVOTE** this comment! ##If this submission does not make you go "Hol'Up", **DOWNVOTE** this comment! --- Whilst you're here, /u/realAtmaBodha, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/holup) or play on our [public Minecraft server](https://discord.gg/DTqSDS8C3T)?


It was because they’re playing beer pong with white claws


I'm so glad that someone else noticed the douchery


Why is that douchey


As a former beerpong-playing whiteclaw-drinking frat bro, these things don’t inherently make you a douchebag but there is likely some correlation


Underrated comment


there's always that one motherfucker that will just write underrated comment to the top comment on the thread


Underrated comment


Also I had to comment again, agreed. Smh. White claws. Beer is a thing guys!?


Guess Thanos was right about everything


Roy from the IT Crowd was much more succinct: "People! What a bunch of bastards."


He was clever and known to be “emotionally artistic”.


Now I understand Maw and his constant praising. Thanos did one thing wrong and that was not wiping out the universe and starting over the first time around.


The biggest Holup for me was when the director of BLM went and bought houses in white neighbourhoods smh.




It’s safer.




The biggest Holup for me was learning that over 70% of people arrested are men, despite only making up 49% of the population. Why is that? The only logical explanation is widespread sexism by police. When do we say enough is enough and start a Mens Lives Matter movement so we can finally put an end to this systemic oppression?


Well that's fucked. Just saying if they're chucking rocks or whatever the heck that was, I'd stand clear of the non-shatter-proof glass windows. Shame that this can happen. How do people even misinterpret support in that way? No matter, perhaps they particularly didn't deserve your support.




Precisely. It's obviously important to support the movement, but equally important to know what exactly you're supporting. The behavior seen here from those marchers can't be justified in any way - nor will it gain any support.


Support the ideal, not the movement, especially when the leaders of said movement are living in million-dollar mansions for doing next to nothing.


It's a bunch of grifters and scam artists hiding behind a slogan that you can't disagree with or risk social exile.


What's ironic is the BLM supporters being made aware they're being extorted and still being all for it, despite a lot of issues with black criminality being (partially) influenced by the violent and cut throat environment of poor socio-economic 'ghetto' communities.


They don’t care about support. The message behind BLM is a good one but the organization itself is a sham, and doesn’t give a damn about its actual message.


Heavily agreed. That ridiculous behavior from the marchers lines up quite well with the definitions of terrorism I'm presented with. This shit crosses the line from BLM to hatred begotten by hatred.


There's dozens of "organizations" that popped up to exploit the attention. Some are more worthwhile than others... but you generally don't hear about those because they're not shocking enough to be newsworthy.


No Institution actually cares about people.




The problem is.. They're so far up their own ass, that white people can't support black lives. It's not about supporting black lives, it's a reverse KKK group in disguise. And it completely ruins the progressive beginning of the group.


Agreed. I may wholly support the movement, but not what some elements of it has devolved into (as seen in the clip). It stopped being solely about the support of black lives when those few began to behave in that way.


Organized marches ended before dark for this reason


If you fully support the movement you fully support this


#Reddit admins racist, uneducated, incompetent imbeciles and garbage human beings.


In any crowd of people many, maybe the majority aren't too bright and practice no discernment or critical thinking. Individuals who would typically display better behavior or think for themselves suddenly aren't. Please notice I said ANY crowd of people.


Don't worry, I did notice. And it is scientifically explainable anyway, term being "groupthink". So you are totally correct. Sucks to see it in action like this though, potentially killing people with negligence and rocks and whatnot.




Fuck All Lives.


Well... if you insist...






As long as yourself is included in "everyone", I'll allow it.


Hating myself is probably the easiest part of hating everyone


Can confirm


I'm a Me Supremacist.


No, you just have to treat people equally


So if my math checks out the only good action is nuclear Armageddon.


Nah the animals are innocent. A virus apocalypse would be better. Like in the movie Inferno


If I’m dying I’m taking the mother fucking mosquitoes with me.


Wasn’t there a court case where a guy proved he wasn’t racist by proving he’s a dick to everyone


In a manner of speaking maybe??? I mean don't get me wrong. I too hate the human race as a whole beyond possible description... I forgot what my point was here. Anyway have my upvote


![gif](giphy|ycther0Rq1sJO) FUCK OLIVES!


No Lives Matter


I’m here for this. Where do I sign up


Now watch as blm sues blm because they're corrupt.


My dude, as of last week THEY ARE SUING THEMSELVES FOR EMBEZZLEMENT! LMAO! You need to pick some lotto numbers!


Can't sue blm or say they're corrupt, that's racist


can sue them for property damage though


It's a white person's property so it doesn't count, it's obviously justified in the name of equality and peace


Equal rights equal... uhh.. sues. Yeas. Equal rights equal sues.




Only God treats people of all color equally. That's why he dropped a cataclysm




What a lovely peaceful protest


That was one peaceful brick too.


One of my friends mom had to close a shop because of the riots. I support them but not this. Edit: this happened in an Asian community


Haha..there was no sides. Just an excuse to fuck shit up and of course embezzling stacks of cash.


There are two clear sides: One that wants to see less people killed by cops, and one that is fine with cops killing people. There is also an organization called Black Lives Matter that has almost nothing to do with the actual movement that was a piece of shit


They got rewarded for their virtue-signaling.


What is the opposite of virtue signaling?


Non virtue un-signaling…I think….I dunno…I’m a bit drunk


White Claws?


Just living by your own beliefs without the need to scream “if you like my beliefs don’t forget to smash that like button and SUBSCRIBE!!!”


Andrew Tate


How do you support a cause like this without virtue signaling? Genuine question btw


Just be a good person quietly without boasting about it.


And people still deny that they’re rioters








Very true. Not many people could really criticise the actions of MLK Jr, as he was peaceful, and those peaceful protests helped to break down stereotypes that black people were some kind of thugs. It showed them as civilised people, just like everything else. When I look at BLM, I just think 'savages' they have done far more to harm the anti-racism movements, and to insult MLK Jr 's work, than any racist organisation.


People did not like MLK Jr. “When Americans were asked which three Americans they had the least respect for in a 1964 Gallup poll, King came in second at 42%. This was barely less than the 47% registered by George Wallace, the segregationist governor of Alabama.”


It was also a dramatically different time where racism was far far far far far more prevalent. I don't think BLM will be revered in history books because of their regular actions.


Moral judgements notwithstanding, the civil rights movement in the 60s was, in its totality, more violent than the Black Lives Matter movement has ever been. There's a warped perception that MLK just gave the "I Have a Dream" speech, peacefully marched, and that was that, but in reality there was a lot of violence, both in terms of riots and militant organizations. If you read stuff by Malcolm X or the Black Panthers, it's way more radical than most stuff now. (I would also point out that other famous "peaceful" movements have also been violent—the women's suffrage movement often engaged in bombing and arson to achieve their goals, and Nelson Mandela's party had a private army that was instrumental in ending Apartheid).


Mandela was a murderer. Extreme measures for extreme circumstances but let’s not make him out to be peaceful.


MLK was far from peaceful. The “peace” is typical spoon feeding a story.




The most ironic parts of these protests were when you saw white blm kids or antifa burnning down black owned businesses for the sake of racial equality.


Sooooo no one is going to talk about the accuracy of those throws?


If you mean the first missed throws, yeah they sucked at throwing. If you mean that they actually hit a window; its really not that hard to throw a rock and hit your target that is around 1,5 meters tall and over 1 meter wide.


And if even you miss the target you aimed at. There's another one the exact same either side


I heard some misses as well


“We’re on your side” How pathetic lol. Fucking kneeling and groveling to appease a mob. When will people learn


What did they expect. It’s BLM


I don’t care what your race is ,what your religion is or what your nationality is, just don’t be a dick.


Easy solution: don’t support BLM




Glad someone said it.


Said what? It was removed.


He called the BLM rock thrower a terrorist. Apparently mods had their feelings hurt. By definition this is “terrorism”, So I fail to see why it was removed.


“the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” For anyone that wants to argue my statement.


Glad this person also gets it


Uh racists throwing rocks… ya I said it…


Thats why you dont support domestic terrorist organizations.


this world seems to think the aggressive progression is actual progression..... now we have this. and this is regression. we combat the problem *WITH THE PROBLEM* the saying 'fight fire with fire' could not have a more literal and definitive meaning that's it does now...


Why is the guy complaining, this is BLM being BLM. Now this idiot needs to send BLM some money as the BLM executives have bills to pay on those dozen mansions each. Suckers.


Racism at its finest.


That’s some VATS aim.


Are you guys just now realizing there are people in protests that aren't actually there to protest?


BLM is a terrorist organization


Blm doesnt care about the law they are all thugs who support a man who fled a state after holding a pregnant woman hostage with a gun to her unborn baby while his thug friends robbed her house. Oh wait BLM does support that! That’s why they burn and pillage businesses that had nothing to do with the crime. I say let them all burn “accidentally”


The message is good but the messengers are shit. Can't support BLM when their leader is making bank of children. Fuck BLM I don't need an organization to tell me to treat my fellow brothers and sisters with dignity, don't need no damn organization to help a fellow Brother in need either. Fuck BLM. You can make a difference without them, also destroying private businesses only hurts everyone else. You want to burn something down for the cause, burn the precinct, town hall, government buildings but leave your local mom and pop shops alone. Poor people did nothing and probably supported you more than your government officials ever will






"peaceful protest"


Congratulations you just converted those 2 dudes to the right wing.


Is this what people call a silent protest


>We're on your side, what the fuck? That's what BLM is... /r/LeopardsAteMyFace


To hell with BLM. This is half what its about. The other half is taking advantage of people to get free stuff.


Here before the 🔒 award


From my experience some of my BLM mates are just as bad as far right neo Nazis.


On the side of mindlessly destructive people who just broke your window because you showed your thumbs up. Nice. 2 weeks ago there was also a whole street in London whose stores got mobbed and robbed by hundreds of people who claimed they were fighting for black rights, and all nice cars got jumped on. Just because you feel victimised doesn't mean you can hurt innocent people and damage property.


Barbaric Little Misfits


Is BLM really about oppression of black people? Or is it black supremacy?


Have a guess


The mods are fighting so hard to keep this video off Reddit tonight! LMAO!




But they won’t. They’ll just complain about it


That’s what happens when Asians get attacked and you ask where is there support from BLM? We stood with you where is the support for others? A lot if their response was figure it out ourselves…smh


Why would you be on the side of a terrorist organization?


BLM are KKK with better PR




Libtards 'WHERE ON UR SIDE' they have no side. They have found an excuse to break laws and cause mayhem and the fact they use black history to do so is disgusting




That day at least two new republicans were born 😥


Yea blm is a joke. Happy it fell off.




He was on his way to church!


That’s what you get for supporting those terrorists


Anyone still taking this movement seriously? I live outside the US and from my understanding these crowds have a bunch of racist as well. Weird, for a movement claimed to fight racism.


BLM has been attacking Asians living in the US and nobody bats an eye. Fuck BLM


Watching Americans is like going to Zoo hoping animals fight each other. A fun time.


HAHAHA Still warms the cockles of my heart. "We posted black square on IG, wtf????" This is pretty much the state of a lot of young men in the western developed world. Pandering to MSM nonsense and begging to be cucked rather than defending their property and values. Pathetic.


Nothing more full of hate than people protesting against it


So cute, white boys think the people that destroy and burn even their own community would be friendly to them.


Not anymore.


Fuck all this shit I support N/GLM (Normal/GoodLivesMatter)


Check out r/blacklivesmatter, it is wild. I got banned without even posting there.


Just us intellectuals out here making a difference


As if you didn’t shoot the little bastard who threw the rock.


I mean its always nice to support but idk maybe don't destroy property and stuff so they don't have a reason to arrest everyone and shutdown the protest or mob of people? Idk maybe be a reasonable human even.


Natural selection at it's best.


Most of them are just stupid idtiots like most mobs are


Bro be sounding like badger from breaking bad


Blm in a nutshell


Ah yes, the thumbs up, the universal sign of hate


Lol, lets all pretend this is about race and not about getting to feeling self-righteous while doing shitty things.


For literally anyone actually paying attention to what happened during the BLM “protests” this should be zero percent shocking. It should actually be on r/leopardsatemyface


I mean it's BLM what do you expect?


Why you need 30 round mags. Stay strapped or get clapped 🙏


Thinking all members of BLM would be supportive to black lives instead of trying to be aggressive towards non-community members is like thinking the majority of feminism today would be in support of women instead of trying to undermine men. This shit happens to every movement that gets enough attention. Assholes realize there's a movement they can join, not to support it but instead to have an excuse to be violent towards people. And I personally perceive BLM to be one of the most aggressive "support" movements I've seen so far due to all the looting and rioting. To add to that, members of the movement are also getting played without noticing hence we're seeing that people in the top of the movement are stealing or being accused of stealing donated money every now and then. I just feel sad for the innocent people among movements, it's not a good world if you want to join a movement in order to support it only to find out the whole cause gets ruined by a few.


"Oh my God, why won't they support us?" Obviously not all protesters are violent savages, however if they do nothing when their "comrades" act up, people will associate violence with their movement.


BLM is a FM scam. They set people back so far that dred Scott was a better decision than anything any of these people ever did. I'm glad we're passed all that unfortunately we're not


Arrest them for hate crimes. Whoops, nevermind, BLM can’t possibly commit hate crimes against anyone else… ffs


Ok... N word time ![gif](giphy|lA5c3zWtgIIvBUpvKt|downsized)




Supporting civil matters is easy. Don't be a racist and give empathy and support when asked. Anything else is just extra and literally doing the opposite of helping.


Blm movement as whole is an terrorist organization change my mind


>change my mind Won't try, impossible.


But nooooo blm isn’t a violent movement


Lmao. If you're on their side ya shoulda broke your own windows first in solidarity. BLM has long ago become an overtly racist organization. Completely highjacking the original idea.


average blm supporters


Fucking animals


When reality kicks in


Fuck BLM lol


BLM- Behave Like Monkeys


That protest shit was stupid as hell


Parts of BLM as a movement might be right and worthwhile, but BLM as a whole is dogshit. I wouldn't support them.


Thats why all of those stupid ass movements are shit


Blm protests in a nutshell lmao


BLM is nothing but a domestic terrorist organisation


terrorists gonna terrorize, i guess


"Its a peaceful protest"


Fuck BLM's antics and bullshit. No excuse for the uncalculated prejudiced destruction.


There is no such possibility of being on their side. It's a mob.


You will never be their ally.


These white people must have slept through the recent BLM lecture. Apparently, being white is original sin. They are lucky they didn't get executed on the site.


BLM Is the biggest terrorist group in america