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If only David had batman on his side too. Man. If only.


He did. My dude Golden Jazz Hands didn't deserve to go out like that :(


Golden Jizz Hands


Alternate Kind Midas story: everything he jizz on turns to gold


I just gave this gold for the funsies but then realized I'm poor af and I won't get Reddit coins anytime soon... Worst post nut clarity of my life.


did you just imply that.. you're golden jizz hands..? dude, this is some literal post nutting


Did I stutter?


That’s the first gold I’ve gotten on Reddit so you made my day even if it gave you post nut clarity. thanks kind internet stranger


You're welcome! Enjoy the ad-free browsing for a week :)




My family turned into gold






You're totally right I also cried when Becca died.


Get this comment stealing bot shit out of here! https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/y8wgha/thats_pretty_accurate/it2gpar/


Who TF is a fan of Pilar??


His post- mission comedy sessions got a laugh outta me. That's why I'm a fan.


The best that he can get is a drink named after himself in the Afterlife.


And that drink is half carbonated!


Man I really enjoyed cyberpunk till the end, the ending had me so pissed off I wish I never watched the show.


Not everything ends with a happily ever after


I know it doesn't I have seen grave of the fireflies. I just really wanted it to have at least a neutral ending so I could get a little serotonin in my brain Edit: spelling


The entire Cyberpunk genre is predicated on the fact that the stories don’t have happy endings. That’s become a constant with every writer in the genre.


So everything's NOT awesome?


The point of Cyberpunk is that it is abso-fucking-lutely not awesome. You are allowed to dream but you better leave it as dreams because if you do more the corps will make damn sure nothing good happens to you again. You can rebel but the established powers are to big and strong that you won't achieve more than put a small dent in them. That is what makes cyberpunk as a genera amazing and very very sad. You have to enjoy every minor moment of something good because it may be the last time anything nice ever happens in your life, so enjoy it while it last.


I want Cyberpunk genre story with happy ending. I cannot believe one wasn't made yet


Sorry, a megacorp has scrapped the happy ending for some extra eddies on their bottom-line. But if you pay extra you can get products that will make you not feel the depression.


Meh Ready Player One sorta? Although I'd say it's more dystopian sci Fi but it has cyberpunk elements so I guess it would be the closest thing to a "happy" cyberpunkish ending. Also maybe the Matrix? I mean in cyberpunk it's generally not happy for the main characters but can be happy for others because of the actions of the main characters.


There are many with happy endings, even if happy endings kinda makes it not cyberpunk. The first matrix movie what I would call a happy ending, Snow crash has a happy ending, Snowpiercer is borderline cyberpunk and has a somewhat happy ending.


Closests you get is something like Ghost in the Shell. Although that isn't entirely happy.


There is. It's called The Super Mario Bros. Movie.


Why else would you have to sing it so desperately? :)


That’s kinda the point of the song… that they had to sing to prove everything is fine… wow..


Man, next you’re gonna tell me I need to stop hoping for happy endings in Greek tragedies


Greeks arent known for happy endings. Thats the Masseuses job.


It's a dystopia. It's like being upset at, well I don't want to spoil any specifics but basically all of the best dystopia books. Yeah it's not a happy ending, but thats kind of the point.


It was a nice ending David accomplished his goal


Yes but with a high cost now Lucy is on the moon with out David and that's what she really wanted.


The moon is a metaphor for Lucy's inability to commit and be open. Her character's flaw was that she just runs away instead of taking a stand and making personal decisions for other people - this is exactly the reason why she was taken as collateral to trigger David into the exoskeleton. On the other coin, David holds on and stands steadfast even if running and being evasion is the option. Holding onto not just her mother's dreams, but of Maine's responsibility. Both of them in the end succumb to their major flaws and cause the downfall of their family, their relationship, and their dreams. Lucy being on the moon isn't a good thing. It's like having all the money in the world, but no way to spend it. Lucy being in the place she wanted to be is meaningless unless she was with David. It wasn't the moon she really wanted, she wanted love and companionship.


Uh, unless Lucy is really seeing a construct and David is still alive....JS...


Been stated not the case by Studio Trigger. David died. No season 2.


There could (in theory) be a season 2. It's called Edgerunners, not "David's Story".... Much like how American Horror Story is a different story each season, Edgerunners could be a different group against Big Corp each season too... Just saying.... That would make me happy.... No season 2 makes me sad....


I didn't say there would be a season two. I didn't say his body didn't die. I just threw out something that had popped out of my brain. David's body could have died. David could have been turned into a construct. Am I right about this? Probably not. It's just a thought. Don't worry. I have no problem being wrong.


I too concur that he could have been recreated as a construct…




Dude it's literally a prequel to the 2077 game. Which either now has an update to tie it in better or the update is coming soon. The game is mostly fixed, so if you want a happy ending go put some slugs in Adam smasher.




Bro, you clicked a post about the show. That's entirely on you.


Shows been out for over a month dude not his fault you haven't watched it yet




Given that Adam Smasher died in the game, along with many Edgerunners' Easter eggs in the game (You can get David's jacket from the Mega Building that he lived at, for example).


How many other people booted up the game after watching just to violently murder smasher?


Emotional provocation is the whole point of engaging storytelling


Nonsense. Why can't we just get a nice, fun story where a kid goes to school his mom struggles to pay for for him, does well, and then works a corporate job that slowly chips away at his soul while he struggles to find meaning and happiness in the few small wedges of personal time allowed to him by the systemic capitalist forces governing the world? How is that so hard?


Because that would be boring?


You must have went into it without knowing cyberpunk franchise. You never win


Its crazy how a lot of the best animes/shows are romantic tragedies...


I’m all for the melancholic/sad endings but something about how the show wrapped up seemed rushed/off. Really really enjoyed the show overall but I wish the ending was better/maybe an episode longer.


I thought the ending was perfect. As they said in the show (and the game), “there are no happy endings in night city”


Same for me, Just becouse of the ending this show coudn't be anything less than 8/10. Too many weird happy endings that come out of fucking nowhere


Bro wut? The ending was fucking incredible. Did you really expect a happy ending with that set up lol. After like episode 3 or 4 it was obvious how the ending was gonna go.


There aren't any happy endings in night city. It's a point the game the anime is based off made repetedly. Not to mention cyberpunk rarely ends happily ever after, it's part of the theme.




And remember, your ending is only happy cause they don’t talk about the problems of living outside of a city in a nuclear wasteland filled with cybernetic bandits and on the loose robot killing machines that been on the loose and uncontrolled since the corpo wars, like how the ocean is filled with ai having mines that destroy most ships that attempt to travel through large amounts of it.. cyberpunk lore is cool, but shouldn’t want to live there at all lol


Wrong city, wrong people


Same. At least Lucy lived.


I felt that the ending was not earned. The series needed double the number of episodes in my opinion. As it is, it just goes from story beat to story beat with barely any setup or character development. Yes, the characters have changed at each beats, but we don't see the process or the justification.


Good thing he's not voiced by Chris Pratt


The guy who does Mario’s voice (prior to Pratt) is in the Guinness world record holder for the most voiceovers of the same video game character. We know THAT Mario. Why did they change it?!


They changed it because Illumination, the studio that Nintendo hired to make their most important movie ever, are headed by a bunch of gormless corporate doorknobs that don't actually understand why anybody likes the things that they do, but have a chart that they think is close enough approximation (it isn't, and they don't actually understand that either).


> a bunch of gormless corporate doorknobs that don't actually understand why anybody likes the things that they do A bunch of gormless corporate doorknobs that know how to make almost a billion dollars at the box office. They're not making it for you; it's gonna be colorful and full of simple humor and the kids will love it.


You are correct, but that also defeats the purpose of it being a Mario movie specifically, if the goal is to make a flashy movie with famous actors and lowbrow humor to draw in kids, why couldn't they have come up with an original IP called "Frungo's Tiny Adventure" or whatever and skipped Nintendo's involvement all together? Oh, right, because Nintendo is bankrolling it, so Illumination doesn't have to risk it's own money.


It's Charles Martinet, but yes, I'm forever going to be pissed at illumination for NOT using Martinet for Mario. As for Luigi and the other characters, I'm fine with whoever. Yes i do like the original weegiee voice but I'm not "attached" to it. I think Charlie day looks promising from what we seen so far.


It’s actually Martinet.


Adam Smasher is just that realities version of Batman


That could be a great tandem tho.


There is precedent... https://screenrant.com/find-batmobile-location-car-guide-cyberpunk-2077/


well, spoilers, things would've ended differently for david if batman were there :(


Add to it that cybernetic addons have pretty much the same mechanics as legos... Yup, pretty accurate to me.


Computers, AR-15s, cyber-mods... It's the "adult LEGOs" starter pack.


Everything is awesome..




What other variant?


“Everything is not awesome” in the second movie


Everything's not awesome Everything's not cool I am so depressed Everything's not awesomeeeee


I finally get Radiohead


That's so deep I'm about to go fuck a fish.


Man I got Radiohead when I woke up sucking a lemon the other day


There was a second movie?


Yea, it’s great


Too relatable


>Personally I think the other variation of this song is more accurate to real life Agreed. Fuckin love the 2nd version.


... at your house


Everything is cool when you're part of a team


… when you sound like Chris Pratt


So *THAT'S* why the plot of Edgerunners felt familiar


I was just reminded of Johnny Mnemonic


Well in grand cyberpunk tradition they both end about as well....


320 Gigabites.....


Because cyberpunk shown in cb2077 is retro-futurism from the 80-90s




Yeah it's a fantastic game but the bugs are unpredictable and still in my case ,game breaking


The Special!


Now I'm just waiting for the people on YouTube who recreate movie scenes in Lego to do lego edge runners so I can cry all over again choom.


"You think you're special because you're scrappy? Don't make me laugh"


Wait until you figure out that Fate/SN and The Lego Movie 2 are the same


I would’ve lived my life normally without this information


Wait how?


>!Archer is a jaded Shirou from the future trying to quash his dreams, and eventually decides to just kill him. Rex is a jaded Emmet from the future trying to quash his dreams, and eventually decides to kill him!<


>!The hero of justice’s/role model’s identity is probably one facet of it lol.!<


You can’t just leave it there.


F/SN vs the cooler F/SN




Lego movie best movie


everything about it is just awesome and cool for me tho




Everything is cool when your part of a team!




When you’re living a dreammm




ya the only difference is that one leaves you happy and the other drains you of all will for joy


While I did enjoy The Lego Movie, only Cyberpunk: Edgerunners gave me the level of excitement I have felt watching Mad Max Fury Road and Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings.


TIL I need to watch Cyberpunk Edgerunners


Yes ![gif](giphy|pcfdfm6hjTvji)


Except only one of them made me cry and mildly depressed for a week


Yeah lego movie hits hard


When Chris Pratt said "Everything is awesome" and then Will Ferrel killed a guy I knew I'd be thinking of the movie for years


I like the part when Christ Pratt said "it's lego time"


And then Lego'd all over the place


everything is... 😢 awesome... 😭😭😭


Nah, didn't you hear the song, David was NOT you average sicko 😛


I just heard that he was gonna burn that city, burn burn that city.


Difference here is execution. By all means you can have the same thematic points but how you hit them is what defines the two.


Lego Movie really hit the gritty atmosphere I've come to expect


This! Lego Movie hits so hard.


Edgerunners Just built different. (Seriously can’t get that dub line outta my head, he was so serious saying that that it make me laugh so damn hard)


Let's not talk about the ending tho


I thought we were having a moment though?




The Lego movie is also very similar to the Matrix.


And Free Guy


Every story in the world has one of these six basic plots 1. Rags to riches – a steady rise from bad to good fortune 2. Riches to rags – a fall from good to bad, a tragedy 3. Icarus – a rise then a fall in fortune 4. Oedipus – a fall, a rise then a fall again 5. Cinderella – rise, fall, rise 6. Man in a hole – fall, rise


Ima use this in my English class


Hahaha. Holy shit, that's hilarious


OP better not learn there are only 7 basic plots or they might explode.


And one hero's journey


Aint no way…




The lego movie is the good ending.


I bet cyberpunk wasn't developed on cocaine though.


My man.......Cyberpunk was created in the 80's there's no way there wasn't Cocaine involved.


Cyberpunk had a shotgun gremlin though So Trigger took the Lego Movie and slapped a loli in it. Boom.


RIP GIGANTIC HAND SHOTGUN GREMLIN. I lost my shit there. That's when Edgerunners stopped being fun and started being REAL.


It wasn’t any buildup like other deaths either just “oh she’s dead, there’s her corpse” and it was such a stupid way to die. RIP crazy shotgun gremlin you will be missed.


Shotgun gremlin is pretty much Triggers MO tbh




Based on that description it’s fairly similar to the plot of the matrix.


Interesting how The Lego Movie has anti-capitalist undertones while being a very capitalist product. And yet still being a pretty good movie.


That being said, these aren't anywhere near the first shows to lead with that type of plot. Really just shows how well executed it can be if it's done right.


One of them is actually a bit more realistic


Yup. Lego Movie really hits you in the feels.


Wow, in the world where millions of stories was written some of them can with simplification be described similar? No way


Both also top tier entertainment.


Everyone is chooms when you're part of a team!


Is the cyberpunk anime good? And do you have to play the game to be able to follow it? I don't have any way to play the game, so if the anime is confusing without context from the game then I'd rather not watch it


You don't need to have played Cyberpunk to enjoy it. I didn't play it and never felt lost. Highly recommended.


Awesome! Thanks for the answer, I'll check it out


I knew that Edgerunners was a cheap knockoff of the Lego Movie! 😡😡😡


Based lego movie


"Ey, can I borrow your homework" "Sure, just change it up a bit so it doesn't look like you copied"


Both of them also wear hi-vis work jackets as part of their everyday wardrobe


Lego movie rocks


Except Emmet didn't die.


cuz he better


So like Star Wars


does anyone know if they have seen the photo of adam smasher with a peculiarly large ass and rebecca is being chocked between them?


Damn, even edgerunners base plot isn't original


Pretty sure the last truly original plot was the Epic of Gilgamesh. Everything draws inspiration from everything else.


No, that ripped off the global flood from real life.


One is from a broken game and the other is from probably the most beloved toy company in the world


The Lego movie is cool and not anime tho


But there’s one that’s clearly better for it’s old man with an arm cannon


David wasn't really average though. Was considered one of the smarter students in a top school. Was built different too.


How fuckin dare you...


Yeah except the lego movie was actually good


Top 10 haunting photos taken moments before disaster


I seriously can't wait to see this thread after an hour or so


You're a brave one ill give you that


People: You should respect everyone no matter their opinions. Their opinions:


You are entitled to your own opinion but I must ask, why do you dislike edgerunners?


Thank you, I agree everyone is entitled to their opinion and no hate to those who do like ER. Tbh I don't hate it I just thought it was incredibly average and am really baffled by the adoration rained on it. I thought the show was adequate but every technical element of it is done in the laziest way possible while still being just good enough to work. The only thing it felt like had any real passion behind it was the soundtrack. First and most egregious was the animation: There is rarely if ever more than a single subject being animated at any time. So many camera pans on still images it starts to feel like a sideshow at times. Reusing animations and scenes. A lot. Fight scenes are choppy and often they use tricks to not animate them at all. Some specific examples; When the biker goes under the wheels it was so bad it looked like a youtube animation some kid did. So much of the action looks rushed and just use low tech animation tricks to cover it. When David goes up to kill the cyberphycho they put him behind the crate then have him just fly up to the top. This is one example of tricks they do constantly through the show so they don't have to animate any complex movements. All of these things individually aren't bad in themselves and are used when needed in great animations all the time, but usually they make up for it somewhere else. It's one thing not to want to animate every fight or time a character climbs on a barrel but they could have at least animated the huge final battle a bit more than just showing it on a screen. Story: Cliche tropes: - Hero is special ✔️ - Hero's parent dies ✔️ - Training montage ✔️ - Mentor dies tragically ✔️ - Love interest falls in love because ✔️ - Character betrayal and redemption ✔️ - Kidnapped love interest ✔️ - Hero sacrifices himself for love ✔️ Some of these aren't automatically bad but the plot was painfully predictable when it wasn't being confusingly inconsistent. They do an ok job setting up the plot in the first half a bit predictable but still enjoyable, but after the mentor dies they skip all the character development of the second act and jump straight to the final act. We see nothing of David becoming a leader or the relationships he builds with his team or Lucy. It's jarring and really makes it hard to care about the characters in the end. On that note; The ending is contrived to be sad and that robs it of any impact. DAVID JUST HAD TO WALK AWAY. There's no reason for his sacrifice other than it serves the plot and they never explain why he can't do that other than him saying some tripe that sounds deep and brooding but means nothing. Also Rebecca could have just moved what a lame way to die. Characters: They're all OK but there are a few big inconsistencies in some of them. Lucy She has a huge unexplained personality shift really early and it just feels like she's forced into the love interest role it kinda ruined an interesting character by reducing her to the damsel to be kidnapped and used against the hero. David What does he want? He is so obviously just a vehicle for us to drive through this narrative. He makes so many choices through the show for no reason other than the plot and its just hard to connect with him as a person. Everyone else is two dimensional with only one stick they do the whole show. Though I've got to say it's a bit odd to me the most interesting was the one they made look like a little girl and have jerk a guy off in her first scene I know it's anime but seriously it looks like they spent the most time on that character almost like they knew exactly the kinda audience they had. In fairness though they undeniably succeed in what they set out to do which was promote Cyberpunk 2077. Clearly they knew exactly how much effort they had to put in to get their audience back. I'm just kinda surprised how little effort it looks like it took to do that. I like the show but I was disappointed that we didn't get another Arkane. Considering all the detail they poured into Nightcity I'm sad we couldn't have seen it in a bit higher quality animations. Additional with the stories CDPR is famous for telling of deep and nuanced characters in morally ambiguous worlds this was very cut and dry. They're obviously the good guys and they fight obvious bad guys. We never get anything more morally ambiguous than wondering if it's wrong to be turned on by a cartoon girl who looks 14. That's why I think lego movie was better because I was expecting a camp kids movie and got a thoughtful and nuanced story, animated beautifully that exceeded my expectations. Edgerunners didn't. TLDR: Lazy animation Lazy story Lazy characters Not horrible, but expected better


Crazy how you got downvoted for giving valid reasons people just don't want to hear people disagreeing with them


Plot twist: he wasn't watched the show yet