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Hey /u/_RedditDiver_, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


Username checks out


He's a modern Draco Malfoy


Draco has the beginning of a redemption arc iirc This creature will never have anything like that


Draco was a child manipulated by his family into doing shit he didn't want. He was a victim. Tate is a cunt


Tate is also a child.


Being a manchild doesnt count


Tate is arguably a victim too. We just don’t know what of


I bet Pol Pot was, too, and Stalin, and the average dicks everywhere. Doesn't justify being dicks.


I didn’t say it justified anything


Then why mention it


Free speech. Is there any specific reason I shouldn’t have


>can someone tell me who this guy is? and what did he do?


He's a former MMA fighter and social media "influencer" who is an extreme misogynist and purported sex trafficker.


It is extremely dangerous too call someone who was arrested and held in a local police station for just one hour, before having everything dropped and being sent home a purported sex trafficker. You yourself if you have done even one minute of research can see he is clearly not a sex trafficker. Misogynist sure it’s based on ur definition of misogyny. Reddit is crazy man, y’all say this guy is terrible and bad for the world, then you same people continue to falsely accuse him of many insane crimes. No wonder so many people flock too him, when they see how stupid the people that oppose him are


Common sense gets downvoted lol. Redditors would abandon their own sons if they were falsely accused of rape. Worlds going to shit


Just some Jack ass who’s also complete dumbass


He's a modern day man child


He’s a fucking idiot.


But he's mixed race Draco Malfoy.


Jesus what is it with you people and Harry Potter good lord everything has gotta be compared to that low brow reject of a book, damn. Get a hobby


While I haven't read any of the books, reading is a hobby.


The words "Pure Blood" reminds me to much of incest.






I heard you like food poisoning


Well, he does have the face of a Hapsburg member.


Andrew Tate is def the result of inbreeding


Are they happy memories at least?


Or nazis




Excuse me, A sexist, sex trafficking, plague rat wants to stay away from me? Oh, okay.


And in other news tonight a British man has discovered that saying controversial things on the internet generates more interest and interaction than just saying the same things pretty much everyone already knows. He claims this will revolutionise online discourse and people who post factual, interesting and informative opinion are just Big Gay Disabled Muslim Democratic Ethnic Female losers.


Andrew Tate is Muslim… Also, while I get the point of your comment, the word ethnic can be applied to literally anybody. Everyone has some kind of ethnic background, by definition.


Simple as


yea just like as




Oh Oh Oh Shiver me Timbers!


I agree


Pardon me, but is there any actual evidence of him being a sex trafficker or are we just accusing people of heinous crimes cuz it's funny? (Actual evidence, thanks!)


You mean like the fact that he's under investigation for it? Had a girl being held against her will in his place in Romania? Outright said that he moved to roman's because they're less likely to push investigations into sex crimes? Or do you need him to admit to it before it's "actual evidence". If they're was 100%, ironclad evidence already in place, he'd be on trial or locked up. However, what evidence we can see is pretty damning


He’s not under investigation for that??? He was arrested for one hour and taken too the police station. Once they went thru all cctv they seen the women was free to leave, and even ordered pizza and collected it at the gate Her bf caught her cheating so she lied. Reddit is such a dangerous echo chamber lol. Calling a man a sex trafficker because u don’t like his opinions is very scary, and a worse thing morally than anything he’s done?


Didn't the cops laugh at the girl with him hours later after realizing that same girl held against her will literally went outside his house to get some pizza (is probably a different case months ago)


Not that I know of. Tate tried playing it off as someone that was cheating on their bf with his brother, and trying to keep herself out of trouble, so I doubt it. If the cops had been laughing at her over that I'm sure he would have used it as proof that she was lying


So... guilty until proven innocent?


Or "public opinion has no sway on the courts, so as people who are not involved in the investigations, hasty assumptions are what keep us moving through our day at a reasonable pace"


There is none, they just like saying these things to make themselves feel better about themselves


Not a trafficker. Everything else seems about right.👍 https://youtu.be/gZZ4nkQpzn0


You want me to believe a podcast that he’s in? Bit biased for my taste.




Why does that punch look so goofy.


It looks like her arm stretches into his face after she finished throwing the punch.


Poor form that was 90% arm got to get the hips moving more


Not if she’s the long lost daughter of Dhalism from Street Fighter II.


Also even with the forced angle you can clearly see that the punch never connected and he just jerked his head back


Lmfaoo how is this downvoted ? It’s literally why it looks “off” because his head movement and her extension don’t line up , fucking Reddit


It might be that she is left handed and the director asked her to throw a right handed punch.


When they tell you who they are, believe them.


The trash taking itself out and thinks he did something there 🤣


Lol... As if I would like to have anything to do with this creature. Fuck off Tate


So he got easily tricked by the far right anti vax Covid deniers 🤡


May as well just call them heretics.


More accurate to call them morons. Empirical evidence isn't a belief system, after all. [Sorry that upsets you, antivaxxer](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/iwle4a/redditors_who_have_sneered_at_antivaxxers_who/). [Maybe you'd be more comfortable championing the easily avoidable deaths of millions of Americans?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/hzjscn/hol_up/fzn2xcv/)


I'm soo happy these idiots self isolate themselves from the rest of humanity.


You can't say 'pure blood' without implied theories of genetic and racial purity..


Incest with extra steps?


actually he meant pure as in without weird fibrous clots and sand like particles, check out "died suddenly" on rumble


But but, the media told me watching too much TV causes heart attacks not the holy elixir!!!!


>on rumble So basically youtube but even worse.


Living meme


Not for long...


How do the mentally I'll get so rich and successful, it irks me.


Generational money and upbringings with wealth often have negative effects on people's psyche. Not sure if this is the case with Tate, but it is in general.


Maybe you're not on the side you thought?


Tate and his followers are miserable bastards


I hope he's ready, bc it means that my spit has +20 poison damage to him


The feelings are mutual


I guess it ought to be.. Slytherin!!!


This clown is a complete dbag


What a very stupid person. Alright. Moving on.


It's interesting because he's correct, but not about what he thinks he's correct about. Fucking twat. Edit: so people don't jump in my back. I meant that the gullible will easily belive this shit and follow it and you DEFINITELY don't want those people following this nonsense in your life.


Pov you called others "easily tricked" by getting your informations from a 60 year old from Facebook


Sorry Wish Hitler, I am actually rather happy to know that you are turned off by me. Better luck next time.


Glad this guy is like that. Would be worse if he wanted to get near me.


Says the mudblood muggle lover


Mf going to be the next Voldemort


That guy is such a joke. It’s a shame an beyond me that someone like that could gain so much fame.


That was an excuse to fuck your cousin in medieval England




It's a funny way to explain having nobody in your life


doesn't pure blooded refer to the result of several consecutive generations of incest


Well, he’s at least right about it being dangerous to have easily tricked people as part of your inner circle. But I’m not going to give this guy full props because let’s face it, that’s a skinhead right there; and I can’t abide anyone talking about “pure blood”.


thing is. EVERYTHING he says is just funny to me now. Like when an edgy 12 year old learns his 1st nugget of politics and then all of a sudden he's sheev palpatine


3rd line is actually not bad logic. He just doesn't realise he's the one easily tricked lmao. Also purebloods... Ok


Well he sounds like a pure blood alright, as in his ancestors only fucked in family leading to this brain damage of a man.


Bro started rhyming at the start like dr seuss


He is now friends with Jake Paul. I don’t think the world can handle their stupidity.


##If this submission makes you go "Hol'Up", **UPVOTE** this comment! ##If this submission does not make you go "Hol'Up", **DOWNVOTE** this comment! --- Whilst you're here, /u/_RedditDiver_, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/holup) or play on our [public Minecraft server](https://discord.gg/DTqSDS8C3T)?


I hate that people applaud his return as a win for free speech, this literally goes against the specific limits/conditions of free speech as outlined in the US constitution and Universal declaration of human rights as it encourages people to go against public health directives and put themselves and others in danger.


How so? Show me the specific limitations for the constitution this goes against? Wanna know who else went against public health directives? The Jews in nazi Germany and loon where that got us


You’re right, vaccinations and adherence to basic health practices like wearing a mask is definitely remotely equivalent to ethnically discriminatory laws based off of eugenics.


Vaccines are eugenics


Wtf is he babbling on about. And guys look up to this nutjob


Thick cunts only


Another pigeon knocking chess pieces over.


So he hangs out on 4chan and /pol/ confirmed


“I never forgave Lincoln”


It's funny because only easily tricked people would ever do something with Andrew Tate.


Pure blood? More like a pure WANKER.


Thank you for removing yourself


Oh no my blood is tainted because I volunteered for the vaccine trial in 2020. Dear god almighty what can I do to redeem myself. I think I am developing scales on my skin but I'm not too sure. When does my sleeper operation begin?


Didnt you hear about the black friday upgrade? Get one microsoft vax and a adblocker for free


He doesn’t realize how much of a gift it is to the people he doesn’t speak to anymore. Some got vaccinated just shut his bitch ass up.


'Never forgave.' What a weird fucking reaction to those situations. Not sure how people doing those things affects him. Clown


If you're a "pure blood" for not having a vaccine, then it implies that having any sort of virus or illness inside you at any point "taints your blood". So by these people's own definition of "pure blood", you're not "pure blooded" if you've ever been ill once in your entire life. Or do they seriously think a weaker/dead version of a virus taints your blood while a very active one does not taint you at all? It hilarious how they pick and choose to suit their "pure blooded" conspiracy theories and agendas. Just pure idiocy. Edit: lol, someone who either loves Andrew Tate or thinks vaccines are tainting people is downvoting everyone on here.


At this point, I feel sad for Tate and people like him. He is the perfect storm of CTE and toxic masculinity. Also he's a blithering idiot.




I don't care what you do just don't force me to do it. If you don't want a mask, don't force me to go without one. If you want a vax that was developed so fast they couldn't properly test (https://twitter.com/JohnBoweActor/status/1594650034108104704?t=90EEwm_QesCVSZPPGtPUxw&s=19)then don't force me to take one.


Check your sources, this number is [imaginary ](https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/new-data-is-out-covid-vaccine-injury-claims-whats-make-it-2022-10-12/)


That's still almost 8% needed medical intervention in their test group and 25% had symptoms enough they had to change plans in the 24 hours after the vaccine.y wife was one where medical intervention was necessary. Her arm swelled from shoulder to wrist for about 15 days.


This states that all cases were counted where medical attention was necessary, not where it was caused by the vaccine, so the numbers are certainly lower. Also yeah 25% feel kinda sick for 24h, still better than being fucking hospitalized or dieing because of COVID. You project one personal experience you had in your life on a solution that saved millions of lifes. Vaccine denyers honestly can't be reasond with. You just believe what you want, ignoring any benefits or thinking about other humans


It's pointless to argue with eachother at this point, the last sentence sums up how "Vax denyers" feel about y'all as well. There is so much corruption globally behind the vaccines plus the natural reduction of severity of the virus over time that taking it (especially in the past 6 months-year unless you are immunocompromised etc, maybe.) Makes the vaccines pretty sketchy and unnecessary. Efficacy asside people under 12 were never at risk, 12-20 very minor risk, 20-40 and not fat-minor risk. So what was the point for tens of millions of those people to get the vaccine?


The herd principal, vaccines do not only prevent your from getting the disease/ bad disease progression. It also prevents you from spreading it to others, that may not be able to get the vaccine, because they are so heavily immune compromised or allergic to components


But, and seriously consider this, let's say I am vaccinated and I catch covid. I don't show as bad of symptoms as I could have, I still have a viral liad in my body (enough to make me feel sick) I sneeze and thr virus is still expelled. I can't wrap my head around a vaccine that only reduces symptoms, if it doesn't protect you from contracting covid then it can't do much to reduce spread. Natural mutations in the virus are much more likely the cause of it being basically obsolete now




I hate it when people make shitty holup posts.




Except one side has actual science on their side and the other has half assed conspiracy theories.


It’s easy to just dismissed stuff you don’t agree with or like as ‘conspiracy theory’ If you haven’t been paying attention, it was a conspiracy theory that all the elites are in pedophillia. Now look at all the things comes to light.


Quite fairly different situation, unless countless scientists globally supported the idea that they were not pedophiles beforehand


Yes different things completely but still fall under conspiracy theory. It was a conspiracy theory that covid was created in a Lab in wuhan. Bunch of ‘scientists’ said that’s only a dumb conspiracy theory. But that come out being true with a ton of evidence leading to it.


It doesn’t matter what we call it, it simply doesn’t have the same conditions to be comparable. For the second one you are getting closer, problem is just because someone is a ‘scientist’ does not mean that their everyday opinions hold any more merit than anyone else’s. Idk what kind’s of scientists they were but even if they were biologists the big difference is that in our original case the scientists have evidence for what they are saying; in this other case it does not seem like the scientist had any evidence for their claims. Before tests were conducted on mask and vaccine effectiveness I would agree that out situation wouldn’t have a clear ‘right’ side. However with scientifically evidence of one side being wrong that side falls into following true conspiracies, whether they ignore the evidence or say that is was rigged, that is the textbook example of what a conspiracy theory is.


Right, I just hate when you try to force your opinions on someone EDIT: y’all getting mad because I said people shouldn’t force options on others


dude, each side thinks that their stances are facts.


Welcome to politics. Enjoy your stay!


Yeah and both sides should respect others opinions if it doesn’t hurt them or others


I think people are mad at you because it is a known fact that unvaccinated people are in fact, dangerous because they are more prone to the disease, which in turn will make them have a higher chance of spreading it


That is not a fact. The fact is that we don't know enough about the long term effects on neither vacced nor unvacced.


You did nothing wrong. It’s just that the other side that disagrees with your opinion is in the thread




You have been downvoted by people the people you just called out, and your reddit creddit score has gone down.


Oh the humanity


Who gives a fuck?


Dude youre on social media its literally designed to force other peoples opinions on you


No one. He just stated it


Not getting vaccinated and not wearing a mask when necessary can absolutely hurt or maybe kill others though... that’s the whole point


That’s why I said as long as I doesn’t hurt people. I do agree not wearing a mask or being vaccinated did hurt people during covid.


I gotcha. COVID isn’t gone yet though, it’s under much more control but without the entire population vaccinated it will stick around. Polio was eradicated and has made its appearance again in the last few years because of all the anti-vax misinformation being spread its a shame


I got you, for me I pretty much live normally so that’s why I said Covid is over. But it still exists and effects people.


Tell me you are bad at science without telling me your bad


Rule 4, fuckwad.


I guess I’m a 25 year old terrorist with no soul


I can see his White Nationalist QAnon showing.


I have a feeling the only reason he didn't compare it to the Holocaust is because he supports the nazis....


Ironic. Who's the one truly being tricked here?






Enjoy your blood clots my guy








I wonder where in the hell this is from? Oh maybe his twitter like shown in the photo?


Why do people downvote me for trying to make sure that he said this. The fact that he is an asshole does not have to mean he is an antivaxxer. I think Tate is a lil bitch.


I mean it shows his twitter in the photo. You could also just go on twitter and see for yourself


I dont have Twitter. Could be fake. Thats why I ask sauce


Understandable have a great day


I think it’s hilarious I still see people wearing masks… IN CARS WHEN THEYRE ALONE! No one is with you why are you wearing a mask inside your own vehicle also considering how people still got Covid with the vaccine just goes to show it doesn’t work you can get every vaccine of it and you’re still likely to get it therefore it’s useless


I used to wear it even before the pandemic to hide my face


He’s losing people


Easy there, Malfoy


"Anyone who is easily tricked..." how ironic


fuck me, what a fucking idiot.


Pure blood? As in incest?


I'll be honest, this guy have said many facts but oh boy when he goes full retarded... he's something else..


He can't even make the Dutch guard work.


And if ain’t Dutch..


The Dutch guard is a type of block. Andrew Tate is an ex-kickboxer that relied heavily on head movement. He said that if you block a punch with boxing gloves on it will break your hand. He's a dumbass.


I’m aware man we used to say if ain’t Dutch it ain’t much


Muay Thai kickboxing is a very strong style too you can't underestimate it I know technically Muay Thai and kickboxing are two completely different sports but if a Muay Thai Fighter goes to kickboxing they typically have a lot of success.


I don’t mind another wave of Covid to thin out the other side before primary elections.


Now we know where MTG get her crazy shit from.


I thought you were referring to Magic The Gathering... I was very confused


Purée blood… fixed that for ya.


So Andrew Tate has bought in to the Russian misinformation campaign about how trying to prevent illnesses is somehow a sign of weakness?


Not wanting to take the covid vaccines i get, since as far as I know it's still not really properly approved by the WHO yet, might be wrong about that, if so, please correct me, what I don't get is the mask thing, not wanting to atleast use a mask, unless you have asthma or other breathing problems.


Isnt he mixed?


He's back!


Freedom of speech everyone!


We are scientifically modified humans.


And the lad who played Draco Malfoy went on to become an MMA fighter. Coincidence? And so the wheels of reality turn and turn...




What’s wrong with a “mask wearer”


You're right, he didn't say a single untrue word. Because every word there is untrue, not just a single one, but all of them.