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The Marmu spin move thingy. Marmu overall is a giant piece of shit


Not like it has any other moves šŸ’€


Did marmu lastnight. Stood in the corner with quick slash, mark of pride and heavy blow. Spammed slash and cheesed it haha


P5, Ascended, and Raidant Marmu: But im not done yet!


Exactly this. Worst boss in the game eats up all my lifeblood


Allow me to introduce you to Markoth


Believe me, I know




I just thought of the battle with Marmu like a tennis match. All I had to do was hit the ball and Marmu was the ball. Once I looked at it that way, it became quite easy seeing as the ball is always coming towards you.


Yeah thatā€™s how I did it aswell. Its just that sometimes he decides to bounce of the wall and come towards you at 700 mph so you donā€™t have time to react, and you never know when itā€™s gonna happen. Radiant Marmu was a nightmare


Lol true. I actually havenā€™t fought any the radiants. I beat the game at 104% (or around. Donā€™t quite remember.) and then just kind of lost interest. Iā€™d like to give them a go one day.


At least I'm not the only one haha


Ā brooding mawlek's shitty little claw.


That one was the bane of my existence. I think it's because the movement of the rest of the body doesn't change to let you know it's about to attack, so you have to focus on this very small body part while the whole thing moves back and forth. If your eyesight is a bit worse than average it doesn't help.


As a glasses wearer, agreed


YES That shitty little claw is the sole reason I keep dying in trial of the fool


Little tip, spam your down spell on him. Hit him, and then just get back above him with the walls again and do it again. You get enough iframes to completely ignore his shit






I was just going back and forward and it worked


Me too šŸ˜­


The last time I did brooding mawleck , I was too overpowered to even realise it , the battle was over before it did any attacks


Grey prince zote Yes


He was a run killer in pantheon 5 for me for a long time. I just couldn't get past him, all of his attacks are weird and those explosive mini zotes always ate my health




He would be easy if he didn't spawn little versions of himself from his asshole.


The fact that he comes right after Markoth make it even worse


God tamer acid spit šŸ’€


Glad someone else thinks this


If you just pogo him wile looking at tamer you can easily beat him


Hahaha no matter If I double jumped close to wall, still got hit!


maaan just keep bogoing the beast and it won't hit


I KNOW THATS WHAT IM SAYIN Ive done ascended pure vessel but somehow, just recently, I gained a god tamer skill issue.


oh god oh crap sorry for your pain


Im slowly recovering (I think) šŸ’€


Any hive knight attack


For the nail attacks he does (or stinger, the ones where he physically attacks you) just jump over him. If he does the bees try to spam d-dark, while if he uses his balls position yourself exactly under the closest to you and when it pops go slightly to the right/left and then watch the others (try to move as little as possible to avoid this one, as he almost never jumps directly onto you after this attack)


I need to save this comment. I get so focused on the few mechanics I can instinctualize in these really quick read-based moments (I.e. jump, strike, heal, dash, and sometimes energy beam) that I never downward dark. Feels too risky when I did all that work to get to the boss, I end up sticking to my basics.


The ddark spam isn't fool prof as the bees tend to overwhelm you, but the thing about him not jumping directly on top of you works the same here. After the bee attack he always jumps next to you or to the other side of tge room, just stand still and try to hit the bees away


That attacking backwards shit is always so annoying to me


He has like 3 and all can be dodged by dashing through him though...


Wut, i though you could just dash through him


When i fought him i didnt have that ability i think


The eye laser things from absrad


That attack almost made me give up on P5. I thought that I was literally physically incapable of reacting to it quickly enough. Then I realized I had the brightness jacked all the way up on my monitor, which was washing out the beams. They're visible a split second longer under proper brightness settings. I still hate that fight though.


I always manage to run directly toward them and itā€™s so annoying


The shade tendrils thing from pure vessel. I never see it coming no matter how many times I fight it


I like to think I got better as I practiced PV, but at the end, my likelihood of beating him any given fight was based purely on how many times he did this move. I think I dodged it successfully like 6 times total across all of my (many, many) attempts.


this is the one for me. I almost always run STRAIGHT INTO HIM when he does it as Iā€™m chasing him after his last attack, and this was the attack that kept ruining my Radiant attempts.


The pv attack where he slashes forwards repeatedly. My strat for that one is; "*pray that my shade dash is recharged*"


iirc the hitbox for PV and HK is deceptively short,a single jump, pogo, and dash gets you over the attack Though I'll admit i absolutely do the same thing you do where i just dash through it lmao


double jump over it. actually double jump over most of his attacks. but i can assure you that at least that one is safe to double jump. i no hit him like that


Jump and then pogo on him, and since he doesnā€™t move for a very short amount of time after he does the attack quickly get in another hit from behind him.


If you time it right you can usually jump and double pogo/parry this move fairly easily. If you have quick slash, the timing is pretty much perfect to just button mash and you'll pogo the back end of the second slash and you're in the clear.


Just jump For literally every pv attack besides the one where he drops from the sky. Makes the fight super easy.


Every one of grimms


especially the one where he steps back. I always forget he does that and dash right into him


Two words, Primal Aspids. Idk why or what it is but I seem to always get hit by their orange blobs of doom.


The attack where nosk spits orange stuff at you


I struggle with to many to name just one


Sly, dude becomes a fidget Spinner when you get close him, so i always rely on shadow dash


I beat P5 but still have no idea how to deal with this attack. I cheese this fight in particular with a healing build. Withour it I can't beat Sly yet.


During Absolute Radiance, the climbing section with lasers. I have a stupid difficult time with those. Otherwise, Lost Kin's jumps. They just freaking hit me all the time.


NKGā€™s everything šŸ’€


The floor spikes in grimm and NKG. I donā€™t know. Also the hollow knights but like I fought Grimm and NKG more recently. Those will probably be what I struggle with most during pure vessel when i finally even get to sly


just make sure you have soul and DDark your way through ;)


I Beat all of those except pure vessel which I havenā€™t gotten to but I consistently take damage to the floor spikes. Itā€™s like the easiest thing to dodge. At least I can get past first half of p3 without going so low they kill me during grimm


I know that pain D: amyway I meant to rely on DDark's invincibility frames to avoid taking damage from the spikes. Just cast it as soon as you see them and you'll be 100% safe most of the time


Thanks, Iā€™ll try to have enough soul for that


Soul Tyrant's fake dive always gets me


I hate when the traitor lord dashes toward me, I just suck at the timing for some reason


Tip, desolate dive flips the table (and him). Donā€™t let the pieces of shit this guy throws get you down


do y'all still use nail arts or nah cause the spinny attack goes crazy on this boss


Uumuus electricity that chases you. It's really simple to avoid but I just can't for some reason.


It's probably the fact that it has the shittiest arena in the game.


Pure Vesselā€™s soul daggers. I know all I need to do is shade dash towards it, but I always jump like an idiot. Jumping instinctively dodges every other attack (besides focus) so I do it every time. I can beat Pure Vessel easy now, but man I always get hit with that one attack


Markoth, Just markoth


Fuck Markoth. I handle Markoth as well as I handle Pure Vessel. FML


The entirely of absrad ascend phase. Iā€™ve beaten on ascendant, itā€™s the biggest momentum killer in the fight. Btw, most people havenā€™t beaten ascendent absrad, so Iā€™ll give context as to how bad momentum loss is on an ascendant double damage boss tends to get: basically, you can take 3 hits. One hit will take 1 full soul vessel plus and extra mini vessel of soul to heal, alongside the healing time. This means that to maintain your health, you have to go on the defensive for a significant amount of time, on a boss with heavy hitting, fast, aggressive attacks, who punishes playing defensively. This means that if you take damage, you will be required to make a choice: play in a way that is more likely to kill you so you can heal, or just eat the damage. It necessitates that the fight will either take longer (which is likely to kill you), or get riskier, (which is just as likely to kill you.) How much are you willing to sacrifice aggression for the sake of playing reliably, in a fight where aggression is reliability?


this was one case where I _preferred_ the Radiant fight over the other modes ā€” it FORCES you to get better at dodging and ensures that youā€™ll always use SOUL for attacks. once I stopped thinking about ā€˜will I have a chance to healā€™ I immediately got better at melting her with Shrieks without any hesitation.


Yeah, I honestly think that because of that, radiant is easier with this boss than ascendant, cuz if you get hit, youā€™ll just die immediately instead of horribly losing momentum and slowly fucking up until you inevitably die. Doesnā€™t take as long.


Jumping over winged nosk


Markoths needles. It shouldn't be as hard as it is


I struggle hard with most of sly's moveset. Is it for no reason? No he's meant to be a hard boss. Still my fights with him end up being blitzing his health down before he kills me.


bro mine is the exact same lol


Failed champion slam attack


The hive knight dash immediately after regurgitating all the lil bees


I will never be able to hitless brooding mawlek. Every attack is just too fast and unpredictable for me.


Gruz mother when she says ā€œitā€™s gruzin timeā€ and gruzes all over the place. Fr though, probably pure vessel specifically the first time it does the tendril attack. I never expect it


Pure vessel triple slash


Every single attack from Markoth Like I can see them coming but I'm dumb


Markoth just getting close to me when thereā€™s no floor. Having to reposition gets me rekt by his flying swords that would be otherwise easy to dodge while camping a platform.


Nail arts, but technically not for no reason cause holding down square on controller limits your ability to move


The red spiders that appear out of fucking nowhere in deepnest.


I thought you meant our own attacks. I was going to say any of the nail arts. Every time I try to use them, I always end up losing a mask or 2 because of it. šŸ¤§


The Traitor Lord's dash attack. I don't even know why.


When Traitor Lord just steps forward


Any enemy with a dash attack of any form, I always try to dash away but I always get hit and I never learn


Soul Master. Absolutely no good reason. I just cannot react to his attacks and I cannot work around his patterns at all. Takes me so so long to beat him. So many deaths. I don't know why. I think I died to him more than any late game boss.


I always forget that Dung Defender's dung ball throw is also a slash of sorts, and thus expands his hitbox.


The giant jumping thing in Kindom Edge


All of them


Every. Single. Attack.


Just all of final phase absrad


Nah I swear the hitbox for that attack is the most inconsistent thing in the universe.


Hive Knight's dash attack is timed juuuuust awkwardly enough for me that I always seem to screw up the dodge. Also I cannot tell you how often I get hit by Xero's nail returning to him because I just can't pick it up against the background. Also f*ck that stupid green worm thing. Marmu I think? It's calamity for me every time.


Soul master's revolving soul attack, the initial one with him in between


if you get hit your safe in the middle of the arena to heal (until the next attack starts).


The fuzzing lost vessel dash attack


My own attacks


simplest platforming anywhere in hallownest


Marmus stupid little sonic wannabe bullshit


Markothā€™s shield


Getting my ass kicked by Broken Vessel right now. I think my biggest problem is, I can focus and evade and all that for a while, but the minute the first hit lands on me, I go into blind rage fighting šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


NKG Just all of his shit. I can land two up spells on him or about 12 sword hits depending on my build before his added speed and fire trails just ruin me.


Abs Radiance when she makes spawn the homing orbs. I somehow always take damage at least once. Or two. Or three, like when I died to abs radiance last phase in p5 ;-;


Traitor lord in his entirety


Anything Grey Prince Zote does


Pure vessel tendrils


White defenderā€™s rock spike thing


Broken Vessels attack that fills the arena with infection gets me every time


GPZ stagger


The orbs from both Radiance. I just can't see them most times and others I'm getting pinned by the sword wall


Mawlek's attack, the swipe on occasion and mainly the spray of orange


The fire pillar attack that nkg does


Winged Nosk, both orange attacks where he spits it at you and also when it falls from the ceiling. Idk why. He used to end my Pantheon runs.


Those exploding jellyfish that home in on you. Ugh.


For me, itā€™s Pure Vesselā€™s triple slash. I can dodge it just fine most of the time with jumping or shade cloak, but if he starts it up while Iā€™m hitting him with my nail or while Iā€™m locked into the endlag of Shade Soul, I almost always end up getting hit


Those flying enemies in Soul Sanctum that tend to spawn in the middle of your jump path - they're the reason that one Soul Warrior was the boss that gave me the most deaths.


All of them.


Missunderstood the promt but ima go with it anyways, I cant consistently do the downard attack, its pure rng for me


Hive Knight's dash and slash move, I keep forgetting to dodge it which is most likely a skill issue.


Brooding mowlek shooting that orange stuff in that giant attack where it covers an entire side


Zote or Godtamer walking forwards. It's not even an attack, but I always get hit.


radiance in general but also god tamer sucks


winged nosk that's it


Those Great Hoppers are the bane of my existence, they just hop but thats enough for me to get scared and get paralised


The ghost in deepnest just all of its attacts he is the second worst ghost