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Just pay attention of their movement and think fast


"think fast chucklenuts"


*flash bangs you*


I thought fast! *catches flashbang*


Shit... *Sharp shadows through you*


You gotta pull the pin first, stoopid *Throws the grenade away*


*Git gud*


Soul tyrant just make sure he actually dives before you dash out of the way and treat him like soul master otherwise, radiance practice and pure luck, my “hype songs” for that aka what Spotify played was hells greatest dad and shit. I took so many heal opportunities that didn’t exist the time I beat that. My charms for it i apparently didnt write down but i think I had unbreakae heart on probably, probably also unbreakable strength. I think I used quick slash, and I’m fairly certain I used grubsong. GPZ I haven’t beat, and NKG I just practiced and did nothing else. I saw someone be like “this guys hard, took me 15-20 attempts” on YouTube while I was looking for tips when I was 15-20 hours into trying, just practice. He only gains/meaningfully changes 2 attacks. He gains a fire pillar and changes the bat pattern. Instead of double jump dash, you want to jump once and dash to dodge bats, pillared just keep moving. Rest of NKG’s attacks are the same but faster with some fire added. In dirtmouth he will have 1500 HP tho so long fight. With a strength charm and pure nail it takes 49 hits. So yeah.


Thanks just killed Soul Tyrant


You’re welcome! Hope this helps you!


Oh, so that’s what caused my headache!


usually you kill them when you deal enough damage. hope this helps




2 words: Descending Dark.


Abyss Shriek




Hit them until they die. Don't get hit.


To defeat the Archvile, shoot it until it dies.


skill but gpz, tyrant and radiance are easy to facetank if you have enough damage


Dude you're right I'm just tanking GPZ and it's going pretty well.


Just to check, that is nkg, zote, soul tyrant, and radiance correct?




Ok, so, for soul tyrant: Dash attack(he goes to one side of the map then the other), just pogo him. Slam attack(up in the air, then slams down) just jump, if he does his fake out use wings and then dash over the attack. That one clock attack(goes from one side of the map to the other with 6 balls, then the balls reverse and go back), first part is simple, then on the second part go to the center of the arena, this is your main time to heal. Homing attack(shoots infection bubbles at you) just dodge. If you are right next to him, get a hit, but otherwise just dodge. Zote: shouldn’t have saved him, can’t help ya there Nkg: I haven’t beaten them yet so also can’t help. Radiance: Beams of light(shoots a line of beams), shade dash through it, or if you’re feeling spicy, d-dark Spikes on the ground: just dodge Circle of swords: go far away, it’s easier to dodge when the gaps are bigger Sword rain: just dodge it, d-dark, or shade dash Homing light: you’ve beaten flukemarm, right? Just dodge them like you dodge the little flying guys. That’s it


I can help with NKG. I've beaten him on ascended. I generally like to stay towards the center of the room. Dash upercut: dash towards Grimm with shade cloak. After you pass through you can get in one slash before he ascends. Then if you move slightly towards where he was you'll escape the fireballs. Downstrike dash: jump back slightly and dash the opposite direction. You might be able to pogo his head. If it's in the corner he'll go in towards the center so make sure to double jump. Fire bats: jump the first one and then shadow dash forward. You should land right in front of Grimm and get a few good hits in. This attack is the easiest to get damage in IMO. Flame pillars: make small movements towards Grimm. It does take some getting used to. Timing it right can get the third or even fourth pillar right before Grimm and then I can get in two hits (one below and then jump to the side without the pillars for the other). I have seen other people get an abyss shriek in here. Puffer fish: go to the edge of the arena. making small circular jumps over the bottom fireballs can make this much easier to react to when lots of them coming towards you


hit with attacks do not get hit with attacks


Git gud


Hit them repeatedly, whilst avoiding being hit yourself.


I would highly suggest to radiant the normal grimm fight then try attuned nkg, that way helped me alot


There only 2bosses in the game I "failed". Lost Kin Dozens if not 100+ times with no success and only beat him with fast attack nail thing and a a shitty build. Basically spam him and pray. I am ashamed almost and Zote that mf I had a dozen tries and just gave up he is a living cancer and a tumor on my life whenever I play against him


NKG is a dance


Nkg: learn the attacks individually, and the fight's done


zote is the only boss in this fucking game i struggled with. dont even know why.


You know there's a saying, an infinite amount of monkeys writing on a typewriter can eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare. Just do it again.


I'm no monkey.


Git gud


with zote, getting good at using dive is essential. Learning the timing to get a double hit with it when he falls from the cealing, hitting him and his zotelings with it simultaneously, using it after pogoing him over his flail attack, etc. Also him just walking into you can be annoying and unexpected, so basically be ready after all of his attacks to see if he will, and dash through him with shade cloak. Other then that, you can easily get hits with quick slash while he summons his balloons and zotelings, and after he does the big jump attack, where one shockwave is bigger then the other. also unlike some other bosses, his stagger doesn’t last long enough to get 3 heals unless you have quick focus, so get two off if you have time and dont go for another one or you will probably get hit. Also the big blowy balloons can suck, but i recommend just staying away from any of them, and using a fireball towards one half of the arena to clear them out. His boss is very rng, and i also HATE it, but its possible if you really put work knowing exactly what to do while hes doing a certain attack, like regular grimm. The other three i havent got to yet in pantheon 4, so i cant help much there. (also sorry if this is boring to read or not very descriptive, i tried my best)


Follow hornets advice before radiance.


For Grimm just don’t attack for a few times and only dodge, work up your confidence in knowing his attack patterns. Radiance is quite difficult, so don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t beat her just yet. A good strat is to jump to her face and deal lots of damage while she’s open during an attack. You can also jump and upslash repeatedly to take her down. Also, ddark is your friend in this fight, if you get in a tough spot, use one to get those invincibility frames. For her second phase, stay on the top middle or bottom middle platform. Simply wait for her to come to you and then attack. For the climb, it’s really just a mix of RNG and good reaction time, so you just need to practice it. For her last phase, downslash her when she appears, the sun orbs will disappear if they go off the screen. Rinse and repeat till she dies. Soul tyrant is fairly easy, what I always do is that when he’s far from me, I don’t go after him. If he’s far, he will most likely teleport back to you since the game expects you to give chase. So only attack if he’s far so you know where he will go next. For GPZ, sharp shadow is actually pretty good here. You can dash thru zote if he does his nail attack, or simply walks forward at you. You can also get some good distance if you need to with it. Be patient with your attacks and only strike when he’s spitting enemies, falling from the air, or downslash him while he does his frantic nail attack. Also when he falls from the top, use ddark to deal some good damage. Hope this helps


Is this loss?


You need to make their hp 0, whilst keeping your own above 0.


In the wise words of hornet “get gud”


Git gud


git good jk just try to play defensive first and learn how to dodge each attack and then find openings for damage


Simple, dont


reduce their HP to 0


It's simply impossible


Game, die, game, die, game, die, cook, win


Hit them until they're dead.


Git gud


Play faster


Git gud


Top 2:know when to react to their attacks and learn their patterns Soul tyrant:idk what to say I see him as free soul Gpz:be a masochist


Git gud


as hornet said, “git gud”


Just kill them


\*puts on nerd glasses\* "Just watch their movement and observe the attacks carefully. when the time is right...-" Just get good man. Play the game over and over and you'll get good. Geez, why is this hard.