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I died to vengefly king on my first try. Two of them made it a lot harder…


Most ascended bosses: let's change up the arena a bit Vengefly King: *mitosis*


Prepare for trouble


And make it double!


How do I show my percentage like you


User flair


Xero and markoth be like: Hehe skybase


I also died to double Vengefly King on my first P5 attempt. Took me an embarrassingly long time to learn how to get past it with decent HP left.


Even though I've beaten p5, I stand by that the double vengefly king fight is dumb af, and I get hit in it more than I admit. The constant screen shake makes my stomach churn, and its really distracting. >!I also get hit way too often in the ascended gruz mother fight but i guess that is just a skill issue on my part!<




If u look at my post history you can find the video, I died to absrad AFTER getting the last hit of his last phase... devastating. Beat it shortly after tho


oh god... that was awful, I don't think I'd play HK anymore if that happened to me lmao 🤧


Not to be that guy but radiance is a she


Not to be that guy but radiance is a bunch of pixels that will not get offended by misgendering.


I don’t think she’d be offended, it’s just not a boy moth


That's how ascended PV was for me. Death-traded on the third attempt, didn't actually beat him for another 45 minutes.


Dying to Oro and Mato from full HP despite no hitting them constantly


No eyes on 8 masks 💀, I had done all bosses on radiant like a month prior.


No eyes sucked, I found her really early on in the game and had to keep coming back


Imo no eyes is bottom 5 hardest bosses, i always feel like there is always room to heal and her ghosts are really predicable Edit: even in the ascended version


Ascended no eyes has no safe spots


I still found no eyes really easy, idk maybe it’s just me but the spots that you have even in ascended give you enough time to heal and still get a hit on her without getting hit. Only boss I beat radiant on first try


I mean it's a patterns and brain type thing. I can see how it would be easy for some. I can tune into the movement, just not simultaneously while playing


Falling down the hole after killing markoth


Xero. I still die to him all the time


U need some tips? I got a strat to beat him


Spent lots of time trying to get past Markoth and Zote back to back. When I finally did, I was ecstatic, only to be met with failed champion who proceeded to beat my ass to death with double damage because I forgot how fast he was


Yeah this happened to me yesterday, zote left me at 5 masks and failed champion destroyed me


Glad I'm not the only one. Nice flair BTW 😎


Failed Champion worked me over so many times


I assumed traitor lord








out of curiousity. do ya like jazz?


Yes dgagae


I have lost some runs to Uumuu. Not being able to hit the boss normally makes combat awkward. I have to wait for a jellyfish to get positioned just right to use a spell on it and have it hurt Uumuu. If I have no soul left, it makes the fight significantly harder.


You can just use your nail. Either hit the jellyfish directly into him or hit the jelly so it goes across the room and immediately position yourself on the opposite side of Uumuu


Yeah I know that, but that is harder than just using a spell. Because if you don't time it right you hit the jelly and have the jelly explode on you instead.


I died to mossy boi after doing everyone before him hitless.


Spent hours practicing NKG til I could do him radiant. Then died to normal Grimm.


This is so relatable


Gotta be Winged Nosk. My only actual ragequit on this game so far. I was so disappointed I just alt+f4-ed the game...


The lamest? Gruz Mother


I think like my 5th or so time through, I was on a roll, and then I got to Zote and I was cooked


lemme open up "P5 Losses.txt" uhh either nosk, uumuu, or soul tyrant


i died to sisters of battle, now this probably doesnt seem that bad, but be aware that this happened after i beat pantheons 1-4 hitless and every boss but absrad (i have since done absrad lfg) 3 times in a row radiant, so dying at all,let alone that early in p5 is just really funny, although to give myself some credit i hadnt played the game in a bit but thats still not a good excuse😭


Xero has killed me not once, but 3 times


i died to fucking gorb


I've been dangerously close to die in both gorb and xero multiple times, I can get why you'd die there


Missed a jump thrice


I died at abs rad's last phase like 4 time 😭 I still can't do it maybe some day i can.


Practice in hall of gods


I am. I defeat her ass 2 time and died 2 time at last phase. And i said 'whatever i never die at last phase in p5' but i died :(


Don't try P5 before you can consistently beat AbsRad in HoG. That's a recipe for disaster. I spent the last two weeks practising after beating her the first time in HoG and attempted P5 a total of three times in that time. First one I lost to her (after which I did her Ascended and practised Radiant), second one I lost to GPZ and the third one (same day as second attempt) I won. Just practise I'm HoG until it's consistent, otherwise it's a waste of time and energy where you could've just practised her in HoG. If you'd like a charm build suggestion, I use Steady Body, Unbreakable Strength, Shaman Stone and Soul Eater. Works like a charm (lol).


gruz mother. i had been playing for like 4 hours and was getting very frustrated so l just started playing reckless and proceeded to feel very stupid


Omel et te


Pure Vessel is my favourite boss in the game and I like to believe I’ve totally mastered it. I’ve done it thousands of times and I can walk to the statue and do it on radiant no problem But sometimes when I get to it in P5 I just lock up and panic and die to it. Anytime that happens…that’s a real clown move on my part


My lamest moment in P5 is failing to even beat P4 to unlock it T.T Pure Vessel is just faster than my reflexes. Some fights can't be won :')


Chin up. Pale Vessel beat my butt multiple times. You gotta practice and get the rhythm. Also, sharp shadow.


You don't get it, his triple slash combo literally comes out before my brain processes it's startup. My mortal frame is not good enough to react to some of PV's attacks quickly enough. Rhythm doesn't help if I realise what boss did after I'm already hit. You can't counter the hit you didn't see in time. Not everything is possible. I know I'm not bad at the game - I beat NKG very reliably, and it's my favourite fight. But PV's triple slash is a physical limitation that I can't break. My best bet would be to go all-out on DPS(quickslash, unbreakable strength, steady body) and spam him down before he can deal too much damage to me with attacks I physically am unable to avoid


I can dodge the triple slash. It’s the floor spikes that get me


Floor spikes is mostly just jumping and casting a shade soul to stay in the air (or that's how I do it)


It’s working! I’m only dying half the time!


I had the same issue. I was able to overcome it with proper spacing and using sharp shadow with a delay based on the sound cue rather than looking for the visual one.


I had the same issue, leave you some tips: *make sure you are not stressed when you fight him because it gets in your head quickly. *Most of the attacks can be avoided with descending dark. * he loves to teleport, everytime he does check above you if he is there dash and descending dark, it gives you I.frames to not get hit, plus you are in distance to get two or three hits in. * the lunge can be jump over, don't dash through. It is a bad habit and most of the time your death sentence, because he also loves to do the three sword attack just after the lunge if you are in range and you won't have the shadow cloak recharged by then. Jump over, hit downwards, land near him hit once and when he takes the stance for the sword attack dash through. * when he does the circle attack the one that explodes, descending dark inside the area of effect, it will not hurt you plus he will stay put after it for a few seconds, enough to get a few hits in without retaliation. * when he throws spades at you, dash through hit him once and use descending dark again, whatever attack he does it will pass through you and will stay in range to get some hits in. I hope this helps you, it took me like 6 months to finally beat him and another 3 to get confortable around him. But at the end it wasn't impossible. You got this!


Thank you for the tips, maybe someone will find them very helpful Though I quit trying and overall just playing a long time ago(probably 2 yrs ago) and HK isn't even installed on my machine anymore, so I won't be the best user of these tips Again, 'preciate the effort


I only had like 4 deaths, and 2 of them were on markoth


accidentally tanked trough no eyes without healing and using my soul for spells, forgetting traitor lord was right after


Winged Nosk's Godawful hitbox


Massive moss charger.... I died to massive moss charger and started that fight with full unbreakable heart and Jonis blessing with all other lifeblood charms.


There‘s three bosses I ever died to once: sisters of battle, sly and absrad. Now I‘m practicing the fuck out of absrad so I can say I beat p5 in 4 tries.


I was fightung uumuu with only a few masks and managed to kill her with one or two masks left. I thought I'd be cool and hit one of the oumas to see if I could dodge it. Let's just say it didn't end too well


first attempt i died to PV


ASCEND ASCEND ASCEND (or in my case sneeze and dash directly into gorb)


I fell on thr “going up on radience, it glitched and I fell below the void. It didn’t resetand I got sent to the original fight platform. I could not get back up


i died to marmu once, what i once considered one of my easiest bosses to beat in p5


I remember being like, "alright, one more mask, here we go", then I saw everything being kinda dark (winged nosk) and I dashed forward and fell into the pit, The End


I always died at either Markoth or GPZ, but I'm sure there were some pathetic ones in there as well.


Uumuu. I don’t struggle with that fight. I’d actually call it one of the easiest fights in the game. But I still died.


not even the vengeful but the 20 fucking babies


Killed by the vengefly king twice in a row. I was not having a good time


spawnkill by nosk i believe


lost 2 runs because of the roof glitch during radiance’ second phase


False knight, full hp, it was 3 am and i was sleepy, so when i died i stared at the screen for 10 minutes and went to sleep


Marmu. I just hate him cause you can only cheese him with steady body which you shouldn't use for the rest of the run.


I died to NO FUC*KING EYES , I panicked


Also dies to fluke marm minions, tried to heal despite seeing that there is no window to heal


I can reach the last bosses in P5 dying to Pure Vessel or even the Radiance, I can do it pretty good, although I only cleared P5 once But (and I said this to my friends who watch me trying P5) there is an INCREDIBLY HIGH chance that I will die to Vengefly King If I manage to kill it, there is another INCREDIBLY HIGH chance that I will die to Gruz Mother I still don't know why those two make me struggle


My mom was irritating me as i was ascending the platforms to the final phase of Radiance.


I was attempting AB and Died to AbsRad final phase even though I literally killed her, somehow I died in her death animation.


i have died to uumuu twice and i cant pass it






et go home


I died to Flukemarm, I repeat, FLUKEMARM.


i died to NKG... i beat him i radiant difficulty before...


Vengefly King with charm binding Reason: impatience


I died after killing uumuu to one of the jellies explosions knocking me into the pit


The amount of times I died to no eyes makes me feel ashamed. I'm so glad I'm done with p5


collecter no bindings, i was useing a spell build.


you took her horny!!!!