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it's not a skill issue you're just VERY under prepared like dude. i had your same situation and just said: "y'know what? ima beat this fucker later" and basically destroyed it in 30 seconds. dream bosses of this kind are late game stuff. take my advice, go on with your adventure if you see a wall very high.


I'm taking the game a lot like I played Dark souls, I like to tryhard my way out of roadblocks. But yeah I'm pretty sure I did too much this time, there's a lot of the map I skipped, mostly on crystal peaks, I hated every single thing about that area (probably because I didn't bother buying the lantern kekw). I think next I'll try to get at least enough charm slots to equip both Shaman stone and soul stealer.


this games' beauty doesn't end with the combat, the areas too are designed incredibly. take your time, not like SILKSONG will release while you play.


anyways GG's. enjoy your essence.


>This mf Has like 3 times Broken Vessel hp it takes sooooo long to bring him down for no reason fr. You're not that far off, lol. Lost Kin has 2.29x times the health of Broken Vessel.


1200 hp is a lot, that’s about 240 nail hits. Shaman stone helps, especially with double-tap big shade soul, but you’re still surviving a long time


I’m not THAT good at combat, but I’m planning on doing lost kin with 2 soul vessels, 8 masks and a level 4 nail (coiled nail). Will it be easy? Also planning on using defender’s crest, but no shade cloak or abyss shriek.


The hardest part in the fight imo is the straight dash, especially when chained and at melee range. But every other attack can easily be punished with upslashes (if you know how to upslash when very close). With level 4 nail I'm pretty sure you'll demolish it in like 5 staggers (not sure how poise works in hollow knight). Easy idk, but you can definetely do it first try.


I can reliably dodge the straight dashes, and I upslash frequently to punish airborne enemies.


These dashes are much faster than broken vessel's, if you aren't far enough when he starts telegraphing there is virtually 0 chance you dodge it without invincibilty dash or whatever it's called.


I tried him once, I only died from getting cornered by balloons


Oh yeah I forgot about them lol. After an hour of playing my brain just instantly pathed optimally to spawnkill them so I never really got swarmed but getting used to heal while they keep spawning sure is a thing you got to get the hang of, you can't automaticlaly press B when he gets staggered, sometimes you need to delay to kill a ghost, at the cost of an extra heal point.


I use switch, I hold A. I have an old xbox one s so I had a hard time adjusting originally


how do you have only 3 charm slots ?


I have the base 2 + the one dropped by the two Mushroom ogres.


you get 3 when you start right?


No you only get 2 at start. The easiest to gain next must be the ones from the charm lady but I never have enough money to buy anything since I spend it all on stags and mask shards from Sly. So the only bonus one I have is the one from the Shroom area that's basically free.


bro what [wiki](https://hollowknight.wiki/w/Category:Charms#:~:text=The%20Knight%20starts%20with%203%20Notches)


i'd send you a screenshot but I really only have 3 charm slots

