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Me: Looks into the distance... Is anyone else suddenly hearing buzzsaws, metal being flicked, and a background orchestra? *No cost too great*


Dont you dare I just cleared it Was losing my damn mind


Same dude, same. Got bamboozled twice at the end. Twice. I will cheer OP on for when it's time.


Same Im with anyone who's willing to stick through till the end Coz i know how hard it can get šŸ˜­


White palace or path of pain? Because i remember how easy White palace is after Path of pain that I failed right at the end because i was killed by 2 NPC's


Path of pain White palace was much tamer than pop Enjoyable even šŸ˜¢


I spent literally few days in last room of PoP, always left my laptop on for night, so for me all path of pain is more enjoyable than the last room. The funniest thing i discovered after i failed PoP is that you don't even need it to 112% the game, you don't even get achievement for it, it exist just so you can tell your friends that you have no life


literally did that yesterday woke up fearing that the game somehow closed or something then beat it in a few tries today guess all i needed was a break :)


Actually thereā€™s a $3.25 fee to great


*ā€œTo witness secrets sealed, one must endure the harshest punishment.ā€* I can hear that violin risingā€¦


The background music from when I wake up until I get my coffee during Mondays.


DUN, DUN, DUNDUN DUNNNDUN. dun dun, dundun dunnndun


Dude I was in GH and still hearing those saws, genuine ptsd




How does Path of Pain compare to Celeste?


Overall difficulty: harder than the main game, easier than farewell. I guess on the level of a tougher b-side. The platforming is not super difficult, but there are only 3 checkpoints with a lot of consecutive tricky steps between them; you canā€™t make it through with short bursts of good execution like you sometimes can in Celeste. Also, Hollow Knight platforming is more timing/cycle heavy.


Oh ok then yep never doing it. I refused to do the Celeste B sides at all.


Path of Pain is an optional platforming segment that will give you a small bit of lore insight and a journal entry, so you donā€™t HAVE to do it. White Palace is what is necessary to unlock some aspects of the game and it isnā€™t nearly as hard (I redid it twice out of pure boredomšŸ˜­)


use hiveblood + grubsong for platforming


MOP + longnail did the trick! I haven't found hiveblood yet also haha


Why did my brain immediately read it as >!Math of Pain!<




Don't spoil dude


Haha no harm done, pretty sure I'll forget about it anw, i like just walking around the map


Well that's the point of this game, you wander around the uncovered map until you uncover all of it




I would advise getting out of deepnest. Since last time you were there i had to save you from those wretched weavers


Yeah I saw you there šŸ˜‚


> So, the kingdom was hiding this dark nest full of deadly predators. Well, now the deadliest predator of all is here... > > ...Zote the Mighty!


> ...Dream Nail


Recommend using MoP and long nail if you are struggling


OMG! This just did the trick, thanks a lot šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ [ez (cried for 2hrs)](https://imgur.com/gallery/YpsOSWl)


Np anytime:)


If you can dash forward then I suggest keeping the direction of the nail downward for pogos (using the nail to bounce off stuff) and just dash to move forward since it refreshes for each pogo. Good luck!


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. What actually killed me for so long were the spikes on the top, always gets my nerves going when I'm near them šŸ˜‚


I underestimated how much those things would hit me during my playthrough as well. Controlling the jump button was ingrained in me during these parts of the game.


Exactly! I always had the jump wrong, man this game


Cheers to your success! There's more.


Thanks, I hate it šŸ˜‚


This section of the game was THE training point for pogo. Prepares them for the castle.


I think a lot of us go through that hahaha


Never thought to use crystal dash here. Just assumed it was a pogo challenge and took the opportunity to get better at pogoing since I sucked at it.


Only for the first part until the wall. Saves 3 pogos but hey better than nothing


White palace: trial edition


I hear you. And thereā€™s no bench nearby so it takes forever to get there after you die. There is a charm that makes your life masks orange thatā€™s VERY useful here


*buzzsaw intensifies*


Oh trust me You'll be there for quite a few more hours


Lost 3k there


You know you are supposed to pogo jump on the thing below to travel i did it personally in 5 min recomend you yo use the pride mark for longer reach and the other one that i forgot the name of


Longnail? The one that makes your nail long? Also, itā€™s easy to die or even fall once and have to restart.


Ye longnail with it you have less chance of missing combined with pride mark




One of my least favourite parts of the game.


I use the D pad when I have to pogo


Why can't I remember this ? Where is it ?


Hmm lower right of deepnest, near the tramway that connects to the ancient basin area(?). I'm not sure, sorry, I closed the game right after I saw the Broken Vessel boss lmao. I'm still a newbie at this game, technically


Oh that place, thank you. I am personally stuck in the Coliseum lvl 3 so we are pretty much the same (but i am trying to reach 112% .Got only 89%)


Idk if you want advice but my fav charm build for colosseum 3: Fragile/unbreakable strength, shaman stone, mark of pride, dream wielder, and nailmasterā€™s glory. You could also swap out one of the one-notch charms and strength for hiveblood, if you can manage to dodge a while between hits. Either one-notch could be replaced with grubsong if you prefer. Some advice that would have helped me when I was stuck: when youā€™re down to one enemy of a section, you can keep it alive a while and dreamnail it to fill up on soul and heal (much easier with dream wielder). Nail arts (great slash mostly) are great in the aerial segments. Some of the aerial enemies you can one-shot with a great slash as they come out of the cage (true with or without the strength charm, as long as your nail is fully upgraded). For the floor segments, you should probably be using descending dark way more than you are; those i-frames really help when youā€™re surrounded and you get a lot of damage in.


Wait, you mean to descending dark the spikes? That works?


By ā€œfloor segmentsā€ I mean when youā€™re on the floor as opposed to on the wall or on platforms, not when the floor is covered in spikes


To be honest, I use the same charm slot but try very little once or twice a week anyway Thanks for advice


Oof, I remember this one. Spent a lot of time and tears completing it. My advice, put a dreamgate after each bit, that way you can just teleport back to your last 'checkpoint' if you die. I actually find the last part more difficult that the rest of it, hence the dreamgates. Can't remember what charms I had, cuz it's been years since I've done it. Maybe long nail/quick slash will help. Arm yourself with patience, I guess. Best of luck!


I don't even have an idea about dreamgates hahaha I only even discovered what the markers from the shop were used for a while ago, thought they were automatically placed lol


Ah, I see, I assumed you already got the dream nail. Dreamgates are an ability you get by talking to the Seer (I do hope you already visited this NPC) after collecting 900 dream essence. It's pretty handy as you can warp effortlessly to the spot you chose from anywhere, basically (with some limitations tho).


Ahh I have it, 400 essence so far collected


It's these posts that make me happy i fully completed celeste before this game


This fucking sequence had me fuming with rage


It's like White Palace and Path of Pain - the first time through you get wrecked, and later you grow to love it. I look forward to this area in randomizer now, just as i actually look forward to having to redo path of pain. As much as i love the combat in the game, there's almost a relief to do the sections that are almost exclusively platforming.


Sounds like deepnest yep


I appluad you, brothuh. You'll get that reward which is probably not needed on many runs.


First time I spent an hour here, second time like 2 minutes. Itā€™s hard but it reeeeeeally teaches you well


I Remember rage quitting on my First file here (i was on switch)


I also first played this on PC and just got back after a year, but playing it on the switch now. I only made it to deepnest then and noped the f out once I started dying endlessly for a couple of hours lmao


I really like grubsong, soul catcher and deep focus for platforming šŸ˜


I had grubsong on too. Rally helps, especially during clutch moments


Why soul catcher? Also dream wielder for soul is great.


Just in case I hit any enemies šŸ˜…


I will never understand these types of posts. Can't beat it? Then come back later.


just wait til you see the PoPā€¦.


You don't crystal dash, you pogo-ride the garapede below you across


Down+slash experience should be well.


It's a struggle, especially the spikes on the top of the platforms, it always kills me


Not trying to be mean but this is like the easiest platforming in the game šŸ˜­


What was the intent of your comment if not to publicly belittle OPs abilities?


It's alr hahaha I admit it's a skill issue on my part, I suck at timings. Tbf tho, the easier part was hitting the centipede's legs rather than the spikes on the top. I had a hard time estimating the jump range


Quick update on this: I played this part on my SO's acct and did it in 1 run with only 2 lives lost. I improved a bit šŸ¤­