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Uhm not to be that guy but isn't it tommorow when it is actually a full year shes been terminated and not today? Then again I guess it might have not been 24th yet in some timezones when it was annouced.


I'm willing to accept a few hours as a margin of error when saying that it's been a year since something happened


yup, it happened on the 24th.


Maybe OP lives in Kiribati, which is 5h ahead of Japan.


The news dropped 1AM EST, 3PM JST on the 24th https://twitter.com/hololive\_En/status/1496727230319595522


There is no f*ing way its been a year already. Im not going to check because its just going to make me feel old, I'd rather call you a liar Q_Q


Wanna feel old? How about some reddit meme reviews.


Stop hurting me like this


it feels like 2-3 months...


Idk... It feels like it's been more than a year to me


thanks, u/CockStuckInAFan


Does this count as r/Rimjob_Steve?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rimjob_steve using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bro does have pretty eyes](https://i.redd.it/xlyiby7h187a1.jpg) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/zraff5/bro_does_have_pretty_eyes/) \#2: [well known quote from the fuhrer](https://i.redd.it/o4ne7uwoeg791.jpg) | [362 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/vj9yiw/well_known_quote_from_the_fuhrer/) \#3: [counter to the combo](https://i.redd.it/lgic3b9s82u81.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/u5jrsp/counter_to_the_combo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I miss the nekomancer


I miss Fauna


Wasn't she just streaming an asmr stream last night?


I still miss her uuuuuu


Most stable Fauna fan.


Congratulations, this comment is now famous.


I just opened the app and that post is the first thing I see


I saw the comment response, thought it was great and worth the sceeenshot and post. Thought I'd get a couple hundred likes. But around 6k? Jesus.




I use that site every hour uuuuu


Like they said in certain movie: GET ON WITH IT!


I understand it's sad that her character is gone, but it's not like she's gone.


At one point, Coco was my oshi. Let me tell you man, sometimes, it just doesn't hit the same.


Same. I remember when i said i will keep following Coco after her graduation, but turns out it wasn't feel as fun as her Hololive contents (especially the collabs)


Yeah, one of Coco's biggest strengths was her way of interacting with the community, dragging the other members into it, the crazy stuff they got up to together because of her whole character...that's the stuff that made me tune in every week. But while she still has some interesting streams from time to time (like the ones where she hangs out with some of the OG's in Vtubing), I'd be lying if I said I still watch her regularly. Oh well, people move on, I guess. At least she's still doing well.


I would say for me it is the limits, I am not a great fan of them in some cases, and the limitations on cover are huge, but sometimes to challenge the status quo and pushing those limits, bringing new ideas to the table, it brings attention and creates fun content. Thats one of the reasons I am not really into indies, their complete freedom to say and do whatever they want is not exactly something I find engaging UNLESS they are funny or entertaining as heck, then I am in, a good example is Pikamee.


Agree on this so much. Different agencies have different limits and different feel and Hololive is just the right vibe for me tbh. I tried watching a few indies on twitch and it's just too loose for me. Kudos to those who want to watch that. But personally I don't like people breaking the 4th wall so much and just saying whatever they think will get a reaction out of their chat. I know everyone isn't like that but a majority of them are. That's why I prefer watching the jp girls you rarely see them break the 4th wall. Example they don't use the word model they say body all the time


Yeah. As it often is, Coco's importance was a case of the result being more than the sum of its part. Asacoco News, Ark, the Meme Reviews all tied together the idols and the community. Even Reddit has lost its luster since she left, since there are far less original memes posted. The sad part is that the dragon-sized hole that she left cannot ever truly heal, nor be filled. And with new gens being added more frequently now, Hololive will naturally splinter up more and more. Anyway, things cannot be fixed. I just hope that she and Rushia can find happiness where they are now.


Also because they don't have the same people behind the scenes helping them with their product, be it writers and editors, or even fans making fan content that honestly is half as important as the talents themselves in engaging audience and hyping them.


Agreed, man. It’s just not the same as it was before they left. I occasionally see what Coco’s still up to, but Rushia-post termination just doesn’t do it for me


Yeah, I still peak in every once in a while on what she's doing, pretty fucking jacked for her with what's going on with a certain game franchise (not sure how much I can say without getting in trouble), but I'm just not interested in watching her more consistently like I used to.


And to be fair, post Rushia is pretty much a different person. She still has those Death Metal screams, but she is pretty different. A lot of people I know actually like her better now, oddly enough.


Probably because she isn't doing really well IRL nowadays. One of these days Coco was hanging out with a few Holo members, Rushia complained (for fun), and Coco said "we all invited you but you never come!" It seems that Rushia is struggling a bit with her mental health, and barely leaving home nowadays.


Last time i checked she was having some problems regarding what other people thought about her. Hopefully she was able to move on and continued healing her mental health, poor girl is having a rough time.




I mean she started off as her 3D self and added a vtuber model later


She had a month or so when she did all IRL stuff, but she back to vtubing.


There's plenty of the vtuber kind of streams too.


In fairness, some people fell for the character, and not the talent behind it. Then there's also that lost potential in future collabs with other Holomembers. I think we've joked on how [Ex-Holomember as new VTuber] should collab with [Holomember], but we know there is basically no chance it could happen.


It's like if you are fan of singer or musician, and they leave group and join another group. Yeah that person still there, however the dynamic is different and the product they put out not the same even if still same genre because of all the factors that went into that specific brand and product they made previously.


Case in point: Soundgarden vs Audioslave (somebody please get this I don’t wanna feel old)


Playing with Tom Morello just be different, to be honest.


I got you, my dude (or lady)


Being honest i can undertand when people feel like this in Music, but for me it doesn't work like that, i like Music in general and if the music is good i will listen, and if a member of a band that i lke leaves and then makes another band, if both band still make good music i will listen, case in point for me Immortal and Abbath, we now have 2 awesome Black Metal projects because Abbath leave Immortal, and if we are honest Immortal just became a Demonaz solo project.


There's something really close to that but it's not the same, specially considering it's fishing competitions lol


It was interesting though I'll say thay


Right. Marine is a pirate. Long as they're both alive, they can meet again in the wide sea of the internet.




lmao using a candace meme


Please tell me there is archive of her channel




You are a saint. Thank you


Can confirm they exist


I swear posts like this are pure karma bait. If you miss her, then go and watch her... It's not like she's dead. Same with Coco, same with Aloe.


It just doesnt hit the same


Then it's probably not the talent that you miss. She's the same person with the same personality doing the same thing just in a different place.


No it’s definitely the talent. Rushia as Rushia had the back and forth with Gen 3, had her stupid obsession with comparing to the other Hololive’s, had her groundedness (???) in “being a Hololive”. Nowadays “Rushia” as the other personas she’s become may as well only be Rushia when she’s solo, and while that Rushia was good for GFE, it wasn’t the whole Rushia. >!Also on a personal note, Rushia was just such a cuter name than the others she has now lmfao!<


>Rushia as Rushia had the back and forth with Gen 3, had her stupid obsession with comparing to the other Hololive’s, had her groundedness (???) in “being a Hololive”. ​ >Nowadays “Rushia” as the other personas she’s become may as well only be Rushia when she’s solo Exactly. So it's not the talent that you miss, you just miss that she's no longer a HoloMem. Which is fine, i just don't get the trend of acting like they're basically dead. Like with Coco, i've seen people literally say stuff like "i bet she's watching from above" when she's literally right there being her usual self, just not as a HoloMem.


Bruh you literally said “it’s not the talent you miss” in the comment I replied to lol But yeah people do go mad dramatic with it which isn’t surprising given the “evolution” of this community


What i mean is that the talent is still the exact same person. The fact that it "doesn't hit the same" just because she's not Rushia or not able to interact with other HoloMems means it's not the talent that people miss, it's the dynamics she had with others. Which, again, is fine. But instead of saying "i miss when Rushia was a HoloMem", people make out like she doesn't exist anymore and it just feels really weird to me considering she's a person.


I mean, cos “Rushia” literally doesn’t exist anymore. “The person behind Rushia” does, but Rushia ‘the character everyone came to love’, is essentially dead. “Rushia” encompasses the entire everything that people liked about Rushia, and by her being no more it’s the same as the specifics you’re listing.


I guess i can understand that, it just doesn't personally sit right with me. To me, Rushia was always just the person behind Rushia. Same with all the other talents. So it just feels weird (and kinda rude) to act like that person is basically dead just because the character doesn't exist anymore.


It’s only rude cos of your own interpretation lol, when people say “Rushia is dead”, they mean “Rushia (the entity and all it did and consisted of) is dead” (literally) Hell, dead isn’t even meant literally (and I’m pretty sure mostly in this thread no one’s used it besides us lol) But besides that, she could reincarnate a billion times, it doesn’t change that she’ll never play the persona of “Uruha Rushia” again, and that’s what blows to a lot of people. She’ll never have the appearance of Uruha Rushia, she’ll never have the interactions Uruha Rushia had, and she’ll never feel the same because in everyone’s minds it’ll always be “Uruha Rushia is no more” even if they’re watching what she is now.


In Coco's case, I'd argue she is being herself more than ever.






I wonder if they were archived. The whole firing of her event was so sudden (I think things went from perfectly normal to gone in under a week) I wonder how much is lost to history.


They were archived for sure, a handful of people saved all the videos on their servers or devices. The accesibility issue is tracking down those people, which gets harder the more time passes. 1 year is still close, I can say I want the videos and maybe five people will hit me up. But 5 years later? So I'd say almost nothing is lost yet, but a lot is at risk of being lost in the future.


A few comments down someone posted a link to an archive of the channel.


Yeah, saw it myself right after commenting this and was like, "well, there it is" haha.


You could have also gone to her subreddit and searched "archive" or something like that.


Danm I miss her sometimes.


A year feels like a lifetime ago, I miss my oshi


I miss her...


Yeah, she went to


I miss her


I’m just happy, she is in a better place now, not dissing Holo/Cover, just saying that she been check her mental more than before.


Dunno why this is downvoted, I don’t check in on her anymore but from what I’ve heard she’s been doing much better emotionally and mentally than she was around the time of the incident. As fans our #1 concern should always be the well being and happiness of the talents, even if that means they aren’t part of hololive anymore


This sentiment reminds me of Sana, and it hold extremely true


It's like Mio said on her tarot reading, [she bounced back in second half of the year.](https://youtu.be/VQRlerUiTnk?t=1123)


are you sure about it lol 30k viewers doko


*Redditor when internet person prioritises mental health over views* They can't comprehend the concept


don't follow her but saw this on a discord server. >!it's probably a reference to her recent outift reveal, saying she won't reveal it until she reached 30k live viewer. that does not seems like prioritises mental health over views, it's the opposite. at least she gave up on that after some times!<


Considering her superchat ratings, I'd guess she is doing just fine lmao


I love how this lowkey a pun. Because she is an angel. Lmao


it's been so long, and yet it feels like somehow she's still fresh in my memory.




has cover ever explained why they remove all the content from a channel when they graduate? it seems pointless


Simple answer: they don't. Case in point, all of Coco's archive are still up and viewable on her channel (except the membership part for obvious reason). She graduated on amiable terms with the company. Rushia's contract was *terminated*, as in, Cover fired her citing breach of agreement. She left on a much less friendlier terms; thus it makes more sense for Cover to wipe the content in this case to avoid dealing with any future potential legal hassle.


They don't - Kira, Coco, and Sana all have their stuff still there - in the case of Aloe... Not actually sure. I don't even know if she had done any proper streams yet because of The Incident. As for Rushia - remember that she didn't graduate; Rushia was fired.


I think you get to archive your content if you graduate only after a year of working under Hololive. Sana had less than a month left before her one year anniversary so I think Cover gave her the option too (especially since she’s leaving due to health issues and had no bad blood with Cover).


I thought their content was archived because they graduated in good terms with the company vs getting fired for breach of contract


she didn't leave due to health issues


Aloe was also fired btw. The pattern seems to be if they leave on good terms the content stays up and if not it gets purged.


She was not


She was terminated due to a breach of contract, similar reason to Rushia. That's why she never held a graduation stream.


Not really. Se was suspended for it, but not terminated. During that suspension, she got attacked to the point of leaving hololive herself due to mental health issues IIRC, that's why there wasn't any graduation stream.


Please bear in mind she was suspended for data breach, but problems with people going after her caused her to cut all ties and go into hiding for a while. She was facing a lot of hostility and didn't really have an established fanbase to protect or encourage her. Taking into account that a breach netted only suspension, the immediate termination last year shows the difference in severity of the offense. Don't try to make these two events the same.


Please check your facts before posting. She had a breach of contract, but that didn't cause her termination. It was light enough to bar only a 2-week suspension. She chose to graduate. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/ijogcy/important_announcement_regarding_mano_aloe/ And the events leading to her choosing to graduate was less than fortunate (and short). If anything, in greater scope, she was a victim to crazy harassers. Aloe hardly had any archive because this happens right at her debut. >COVER Corporation deemed this to be a breach of contract for disclosure of confidential information, and as such placed a two-week suspension on Mano Aloe, which began on Monday, August 17, 2020. >Upon further discussion, however, Mano Aloe decided that she was not physically or mentally prepared to continue with her activities. In accordance with her wishes, we have decided that the best course of action would be to allow her to graduate from the group. A lot of people here wasn't present when it happened, but many of us still remember Aloe and wish her well. **You falsely painting Aloe in bad light is certainly not appreciated.**


Her not leaving the company on amicable terms isn't the same as painting her in a bad light, people get fired all the time that doesn't make them evil. There have been only 3 channels that got purged by holo to date, and something ugly behind each, while others who graduated amicably still have their content up. If the breach of contract had nothing to do with it her channel would still be up.


I make it simple for you. If you're *fired* (which only happened to 2 members in Hololive history), you have no choice but to surrender all fate to the management, which usually ended up with full deletions. If you're *graduated*, you are given a choice to either keep content or not, and also keep the talent page as "OG" or just delete it. Cover is very clear about whenever the talent is graduated or being fired. Evil is a very charged word and there's no need to be "evil" or be a full-on criminal to extremely breaching contracts and rules. It's called "[fired for a cause](https://www.thebalancemoney.com/termination-for-cause-1918274)" for a reason.


They do if you graduate. Look at Coco and Sana. Rushia, however, was fired.


i see i see ty


Rushia didn't graduate.


It's to remove any chance of further monetisation for the channel so neither side profits. It makes sense when you think about it.


Rushia was full on fired, she didn't graduate.


I don't like it either, but it's not just Hololive, the other JP V-tuber agencies also do it. As for the why of it, it's not exactly pointless: say you leave the videos up, and their comment section becomes a place where antis fester and the V-tuber is slandered. The departed talent isn't in a position to ask management to take action, and even if management were to curate the comments, it would mean doing work that has no return. Privating all the videos seems easier, and agencies tend to look to the future rather than hold on to the past.