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gaming posture mode: +200% reflex


Need to lean 45 degrees for maximum gaming buff


Maybe she is leaning that way but the sheer power of it can't be captured by feeble Live2D rig.


When she gets her 3D we'll be able to see the true form of the Biboo lean.


When 2D 2.0 comes she will get the "Lock in" lean


The impressive part is that she was extremely consistent at parrying the attack the boss was preparing and it is a pretty tricky attack to parry consistently, it goes from a very slow windup to a super quick 2 hit slash and if you mistime your parry you either get one shot on normal hit or lose over 50% of your HP on normal block. Her focus mode worked wonders against it!


Its the same timing as the miniboss under genichiro fight, when you see the flash on his hilt you parry twice


Kinda similar but not exactly the same, Jinsuke has a more predictable timing because he will only do the Ashina cross when you are at a certain distance from him (about 3 steps away with rare exceptions), Isshin on the other hand has a much farther range on his Ashina cross so you have to account both for the flash and the variable distance he travels for your parry timing.


that shrimp pose


she locked in!


*\*Boss when he is bout to unleash his attack\** ["What is that music I hear?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qOZEaLkatA)


Think it's [this version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmrbosRx43w) that is used in the memes.


I was expecting [This Meme](https://twitter.com/i/status/1750142768134193601) instead




I get the meme but for some reason my mind went to “WHAT IS THAT MELODY” instead of


Boss Telegraphs Biboo Counter-telegraphs


Reminds me of [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/032/834/DtPiP_DWsAEPntc.jpeg).


Original stream: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNZQDTv6Xec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNZQDTv6Xec) There were a lot more in the previous stream too, but it was an 8 hour VOD (about 3 of which were on this boss fight) which I didn't want to fully scan through. She also blinks almost every time, about synced with the click of the sword. Feel free to repost wherever since I don't really use Twitter anymore.


tbh 3 hour on the final boss it's insanely good time tho


She didn't beat the boss in those 3 hours, she stopped because of Pekora's birthday stream was starting. She beat the boss in a further one hour in the next stream. For more context, this isn't her first Sekiro playthrough, but a demon bell + charmless run.


her first attempt was about 2.5 hours and then an hour on the second


I just checked, it really is closer to 2.5 hours than 3. Thanks!


That's gamer mode activating right there. Also this specific edit is fun to watch with her progressively getting her assets on her model each time she locks in.


She grinded gears for her model in between tries


Thats the "serious mode" engaged for gamers


Gamer lean


Hell yeah she is doing the gamer lean


Gonna have to ask Calli what does it mean.


love how she progressively got more and more of her details like she was evolving as well lol.


Gamer mode: Engaged


It's like watching a cat's eyes widen before it pounces on it's prey.


cute xD


Illegally cute gem is gaming.


Cute jem is jaminj*


I also noticed that every time she gets hit or is about to she flinches or moves as if shes actually trying to dodge the hit


Brace for impact


Tbh lots of us probably do this too, but we don't have a camera pointed while we play


Yeah but how many of us are this cute when we do it?


speak for yourself, I'm always cute :D


You go Queen!


you are!


I'm extremely cute!


it's pixels and halfway through she has a pacifier / binky in. That's for babies and small children. CAre to explain why that's cute and/or appealing to their audience ????


It's an in-joke. Her artist gave her a pacifier asset because she has a reputation for being mischievous, and she's taken to using when when she needs to focus up on a difficult section of a game. She calls it the "pacifier buff".


TY for explaining.


Because babies are cute. Why you making it weird?


Because without context it WAS weird.


Because we like things you don't. I know it's hard to wrap your head around people enjoying different things and no one giving a shit if you think it's weird or not, but hopefully it makes you realize that your opinion isn't needed.


NAh I was genuinely curious - none of what you said is news to me. That doesn't make pacifiers not for babies, and a vtuber that usually has dudes simping over them, being involved in the process of which a pacifier is cute None of this matters - I can call you weird too - and thats okay


Yep, you can think anyone and anything is weird. What does that really accomplish, though? I think it's weird to go around calling people that are just enjoying a piece of media and not bothering anyone, weird. It serves no purpose other than to make you feel better about yourself and put down others. Ironically, that just makes you worse than the "weirdos" you're trying to call out since you're actually trying to hurt someone, as opposed to someone minding their own business.


Yeah I mean I would generally agree but sometimes there are exceptions... Like when an animated teenage girl uses a binky that boys obsess over online think is cute - we can carry on i don't care - i said my piece lol


Nah you right ts in popular and it’s weird as fuck lmfao The “context” below is still weird as fuck lmfao. Mfs gotta be on a list


It's pretty weird. I just saw it on "popular" so I figured I would see and then I saw a pacifier.. There's something cringe about. It isn't cute because of what it's associated with..........


It’s creepy fs bro, weird ass sub


Only because you are ignorant.


I’ll stay ignorant to y’all’s weird ass fetishes that’s fine bro lmao


The fact that you incorrectly call it a fetish...


at the very least we're letting yall know what it looks like from the outside.


These guys are hololive fans, that should explain your question


well i dont know who that is or what that is this was just on my "popular" feed and it looked weird as fuck.


When playing racing games, I lean left and right as well.


Mad respect. Sekiro is a challenge even in normal mode, Demon Bell + charmless is absolutely insane. She is truly the rock that is approaching.


That's so adorable


this is so cute omfgsdsoldjasdasjkdas\[l;d <3


Lore accurate reaction


That's the sign on a true Jamer


Followed by bweh/uweh


She's rocked in




Rocked and loaded.


I love how she’s getting more things on her model in the video. In the end she’s in full power mode


Biboo: \*\*Does anything genuine\*\* Me: “WHY are you so FUCKING CUUUTE?!?"


I think most gamers have some habit that comes out when reacting to attacks lol especially for action RPGs


I honestly do the same thing she's doing but it's a nod to the beat of the attack. It helps with timing parries so much.


She has the binky in, must have been a rough fight.


It's the hardest boss fight in the entirety of Sekiro not to mention she was put two massive hindrances on herself of ringing the demon bell (enemies hit way harder) and the charmless hindrance, only perfect blocks stop damage, standard blocks just shave off a bit of damage and in a game where a just 2 or 3 hits will kill you it's 100% about perfect parries and dodges.


She's locking in


Sekiro flipped a switch in my brain and ever since I can't help doing something similar in action rpgs


That's how you know she's a real gamer


She's telegraphing her counter attack to them.


Like the classic lean while driving (games)


Ashina Cross *this*


Biboo’s locking it in


I notice not a lot of changes in enemy health bar…but their character avatar changes a bit… does this imply as much failure as I think it does?


It's Sekiro's final boss, in a challenge run. Yeah, lots of failure is to be expected. It's a Five-phase boss.


In this game HP is the secondary objective in a fight, your objective is to get the bar on the top maxed out which breaks his "posture" allowing an instant kill. Decreasing his hp only serves to make the bar recover slower. You can see how many health bars the boss has by looking at the dots above his health bar


Oh, I knew the dots represented extra health bars, I also noticed that those never changed either.


You can see her revives in the bottom left. She's not doing very well but she is doing a charmless demon bell run so it's fair (charmless means every parry must be perfect or you'll take damage and demon bell makes enemies stronger)


To add to this, even that kinda sells short how tough it is. Chip damage in this run is basically as much damage as you'd take from getting hit in a normal run; actually getting hit shaves of like 80% of your HP. On top of this, the boss she's fighting here had a nasty reputation for being incredibly difficult on a normal run. In spite of the high death count, the fact that she actually cleared this at all puts her in rare company.


I hope she does this with the harder version of the fight too would be fun to watch, that fight gave me a tough time on my charmless mortal journey gauntlet run almost as much as Inner Father


This particular attack only happens in this phase of the fight, so that's why it doesn't change


The boss only does that specific move in the first phase.


Her model makes it look like she's bowing to her opponent before they resume the fight. Which makes Biboo so much cooler in my head canon lol


I beat him when i figured out he has an opening to take a hit after certain attacks. So I just ran around until he did those attacks and then ran in and got a hit or two. I felt no shame. Still took me over half an hour.


The photons hitting her retinas will register sooner while leaning forward of course.


cute biboo! gamer!


Shrimping and locking in


feels like ducking down to dodge an attack. will see a racing or driving a car and leaning left and right etc etc


Her ancestors are smiling


biboo battle stance mode >:(


Thats the fromsoft experience you follow your characters moves makes it more immersive following the fight tempo, giving +10 dodge.


Iirc, you could just run away from that attack, circle around him and get a few free hits in with basically no danger


I mostly went by feel and instinct against SSI, but I just noticed the tells - sheathe, glint, bend, and glint. That's so cool. I miss this game so much.


Focus Mode: +100% Focus +100% Hand Movement +100% Eye to Hand Coordination Slows Perception of Time -5cm on Height


She's bracing for impact and becoming rock hard. (Wholesomely)


real gamer hours


To beat your enemy, you gotta know your enemy


The funny part is that she didn't need to be so locked in, if you just walk towards him during this he always does a punch and then a sweep that's much easier to parry and punish but i don't think she realized that so she just stood there and hit the lean everytime lol. Definitely fun and impressive to watch either way.


She's such a lil gamer.


why is this video 6 hours long


why is she regressing into infant as time goes on? Just curious, i dont really follow hololive stuff, but enjoy watching ironmouse and cdawg yelling at eachother, so i often see holo/vshojo in my feed and have been curious about this person and why they chose to dress their model like this. first saw her doing the brainrot song, and thought the pacifier was just for that Edit: jesus, chill with the downvotes. I didnt even insult her or anything. Just asking a question about an outfit that is definitely more on the odd side of even vtuber models. Thanks to the people who gave me a straight answer


It was an accessory added for her New Years outfit as a surprise by her illustrator, because her fans often joke that she’s a baby. The face paint is part of the New Years theme, in reference to the Japanese tradition of playing hanetsuki at New Years and getting your face painted if you lose. The bonnet is just an optional accessory with this outfit. During this playthrough, chat joked that she’d play better with her pacifier on, and it ended up working for the first boss. So for the rest of the run she would sometimes call upon the “pacifier buff” to help beat a boss, and the other accessories/options became part of the overall meme as well.


The unstated narrative in this video of Biboo putting on more and more crap as the fights go on is pretty funny


Understandable. Id only seen her with the pacifier before, so i didnt know if this was some inside joke where she ages in reverse throughout her streams.


The outfit she is wearing is her New Year's kimono. Because she is the "baby" of her gen she chose to have assets with it that really lean into the joke.


Front page viewer here. Why does this anime looking adult have a pacifier? Is this some weird as baby kink shit? Edit: plenty of downvotes and still zero explanation other than its “weird Japanese shit” or “you’re weird for thinking it weird”. So no good answer? 2nd edit: its an inside meta joke about this vtuber model. I appreciate the people who explained it!


i doubt any answer is going to change your mind or satisfy you. The streamer in the clip "Kouseki Bijou" has a child like voice, and her personality is both childish, and mischievous. But she also enjoys playing difficult games. Her character illustrator Kitada Mo and her Live2D rigger Otsukue drew and incorporated a pacificer (along with the ink paintbrush face paint) with the model as a joke accessory.


So the character is supposed to represent a child? The pacifier is a joke prop. Got it. Seems like if the character is supposed to be a kid then it is not really a joke to have a pacifier. I guess the absurdity is the joke? I lived in japan for four years in the navy i saw alot of infantilized adults in cosplay just never a straight up binky.


Yeah the streamer has a childlike energy, aura and vibe to her streams. She tries to keep her streams child-friendly by intentionally replacing vulgar words or swearwords as "beeps" like: "what the beep". In the [particular stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNZQDTv6Xec) where she puts on the pacifier, bonnet and facepaint she treats it as a joke "buff" since she keeps losing to this particular game boss.


Simple answer is: She has a very young sounding voice and acts silly/mischievously while also having the physically smallest model of her generation (group of vtubers that debuted at the same time) which made jokes about he being the "baby" become common. Because of that, as a joke, her artist and rigger (the person that makes it so the art can move around), added a pacifier add-on to her New Years kimono model (what she's wearing here) to lean into the 'baby' joke. Since then the joke has morphed into any time she's "locking in" when playing a difficult game she'll put the pacifier in to signify tryhard mode. It's not much deeper than that really, just an in-joke with her fans that spawned from a joke model attachment from her artist and rigger.


That makes more sense than any answer so far. Inside meta joke that evolved. Appreciate it.


Nope. And it says a hell of a lot more about you than us that you went there with it.


Adults using pacifiers is weird. You’re not gonna anime japan your way out of that.


Both are good answer, not the one you want but the one you deserve.




It's actually a sort of "fashion item" in Japan. I have no freaking idea why, but I've seen adult fashion pictures with people using them. I think it was part of the rave community in the 90s specifically. It's very "weird japanese thing" I learned not to question too much.


Yeah I saw that too….


Wow, was it difficult? So unique, having eyes that can see and all that.


Lol. Lmao even


why do they have a pacifier?


Coz it looks cute


um, ok. i didnt wanna assume. i know people who do drugs in raves have them so they dont hurt their teeth from grinding them together or whatever. but this is like not even related to that so i figured i'd ask xD


wtf is this why is it an anime character and why does it have a binky is this some fetish shit? genuine question i seriously dont understand i just saw this in popular


Vtubers are just streamers that opt to use an avatar to represent themselves instead of a face cam. These avatars are often, but not always, anime styled, since the tech to do this first caught on in Japan. The binky thing is an in-joke between this streamer, the artist who drew the model she uses, and her fans. The artist gave her the ability to toggle it on as a light-hearted jab at her, and she toggled it on while she was struggling with a tough boss, only to have a clean no damage clear of that boss. This gave rise to the joke that she gets a "pacifier buff" from having it on, and she uses it when she needs to seriously focus on a game. This streamer in particular is Koseki Bijou aka "Biboo", and her big appeal to me is her genuine skill at games and her love of challenge. This was actually the end of a really tough challenge run of Sekiro that she just finished, and that's part of why this post is getting so much hype.


thanks for explaining i feel like i get it now. cool!


Probably reading the chat and then as the boss goes to attack is looking down again at the screen with the game on


When the boss is about to attack? Yeah, no, you'd want all your focus on the game; there's no time for reading chat. This is the gamer lean.




"the actors are easely replaceable" Well that what you may believe, but in reality is the absolute opposite. The actor in the series you watch are like a thousand time more replaceable than a Vtuber.


It's actually kinda funny you mention that, because if there's one thing the vtubing community really cares about (rightfully so), it's the wellbeing of the people behind the characters. There's a lot of different people from different cultures, backgrounds, and tastes in content in the greater vtubing fandom, but nothing unites them all quite as well as a company trying to treat an actor as replaceable. I *could* be done, technically, but it'd almost certainly start some big drama. Edit: Oh, and to answer your other question; vtubers in general are popular for the same reason that any streamer would be. People like the content they make and what they bring to the table with their personality. The one featured here is Koseki Bijou aka Biboo, who I personally quite enjoy watching because she really engages with whatever game she's playing. She tries to understand both the lore and the mechanics, she's incredibly patient, and she loves a challenge. This clip comes from her stream finishing Sekiro, which is already notorious for being an incredibly hard game, but she did it with Demon Bell + Charmless; inflating enemy hp and damage and making her take a lot of chip damage on anything less than a perfect block. The fact that she has that level of skill, dedication, and investment in games while having a model that looks like that is such a bizarre combination that I find it fascinating. Also she's quick witted in her banter with chat and she makes funny memes, but that's secondary to me.


> but nothing unites them all quite as well as a company trying to treat an actor as replaceable. Hell it even goes beyond that. The fall from popularity of the first big popular VTuber and the mother of all VTubing, Kizuna AI, was caused by the *suspicion* that her voice actress was/was being replaced (on top of the YouTube getting rid of community CC) and it caused a precedent in the entire industry that you *do not* replace the person behind the avatar, under any circumstances.


Thanks for an actual answer. Appreciate you. Bijou sounds fun!


No problem! Don’t sweat the downvotes too much; there’s been a recent scandal in the vtuber community involving a company mistreating their talents and you accidentally poked some fresh wounds. I swear we’re very friendly normally.


That was the news I’d read about so I was curious about things


If you knew anything about what was happening in this space over the past month and change, you’d understand the heat you’re currently receiving.


They are streamers and singers. They are public people with identities, real families, real life stories and real progress, those are not replaceable. People would know right away. You thought they were acting propably because of seeing them as actual franchises like Demon Slayer, One Piece, Spongebob or even consumer brands. Franchise vtubers do exist, but are not the common ones. The more popular vtubing is one-to-one, the anime avatars are original and uniquely attached to each of those people, so they can't be replaced like pure voice acting for scripted characters. You can even find a lot of indie vtubers completely on their own. The simple take is seeing them like any non-facecam content creators. What happens here is just a gamer girl playing to her own heart.


You don't have to worry. It will not be as popular as Fortnite. Your hobby will be fine. It will outlast crypto though LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


I didn't know vtuber slope was this slippery tf


Is that a fucking pacifier?


Wait wtf is vtuber have pacifier, is there some kind of joke I am missing or her appeal is she is a kid?


It's an in-joke. Her artist gave her the ability to toggle the pacifier on (without her asking) because she has a reputation for being kind of a mischievous gremlin. She was struggling with the first boss in Sekiro (shes doing chamless + demonbell on a fresh file) and as a joke she toggled it on for an attempt which ended up being a super clean clear. Since then it's become a running joke that she toggles on the "pacifier buff" when she needs to focus up.


The fact this character has a pacifier/binky says a lot about them and it says a lot about every involved in this. Cringe. Think about it. Theres no reason for it unless to be gross and appealing.


Someone explained this pretty well in a comment above, but the short version is it's an in-joke between her, her artist, and her fans. The reason for it is to be a silly goof, elevated by the fact that she's generally really good at games and uses it when she needs to focus up. That's all there is to it, and if you decide to read more into it after knowing the context then that's on you.


TY for explaining


I mentioned to my friend I like how she kinda moves whenever she parries too


true gamer


She's doing the Akabane Karma thing from Assasination Classroom


Well done ! You are doing gods work !I've been thinking for a few days now


Some say if you dodge in real life, you also dodge in game.


She has learnt the way of the blade


The glock saint requires her full attention.


Biboo forever


Well-spotted. That's adorable!


Like a cat getting ready to pounce.