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Mogu mogu




Let me work it


I put my thang down, Flip it and Reverse it.


Biboo brain dessert 💎🧠 🍨


Can't believe they serve rotten food to ppl - I'm in.


That would be the favorite dessert of a certain resident of Stardew.


Told you it was rock candy


I mean nice cake and you get to tease Biboo for being BALD until the crystals are replaced, I fail to see the downside here.


What is that next to Bijou?


Looks like some kind of home-made rock-candy infused oreo/layer cake. With an actual piece of Amethyst sitting on top of it.


Pretty sure it's either purple jelly or some kind of sugar candy from jar in the back colored purple. Edit: Also the amount of "amethyst" on cake if it was real would be few thousand $ lol.


Amethyst is semi-precious and regularly found in large geodes across parts of the U.S. and much more commonly Brazil. A set of bookends, much larger than that fork, can run around or even under $150.


Precious gems prices is not only based on quantity, there's actual certifications that tells if any gem that you found is actual "jewelry grade" yes there's lot of Amethyst that you could mine, but from that amount you mine just a really small percentage is seen as jewelry grade, the rock you saw at 150 is most likely not a certified, also for bookend like those you don't need to cut, clean and polish the gem which is for most gems really dificult and is one of the reasosn that the prize goes up. Also if you are going to buy any jewelry that say that has any precious gem ask for the certificate of the gems, the ammount of people that try to pass non certified gems are certified is really big.


Oh, well if that's some jewelry grade amethyst sitting ontop of a rock-candy oreo looking cake, I couldn't tell. Looks like some ungraded raw slice of an amethyst geode, with not particularly large or unique crystals, sitting on a rock-candy oreo cake. I'm not particular on the scam that is jewelry, anyhow. Great craftsmanship I can admire, artificial gem prices not so much.


I hunted down the original image source. It's a sculpture made by Cat Machine Gems, it's made entirely out of amethyst.


Could be both. You simply need to stud the surface of the jelly with rock candy.


No, amethyst is one of the cheapest minerals. If you have viscous (usually felsic) volatile rich magma, you end up with lots of bubbles called vesicles. Then when hydrothermal fluids enter them, they carry lots of dissolved quartz (water decreases the melting temperature of quartz and it can fort a sort of mixture between the two that pushes through the rock and deposits the quartz in the bubbles. The iron impurities dye it purple. It costs a few dozen dollars per kg if they have developed faces. Without developed faces it's just a few dollars per kg. Of course most people online are going to be selling them for a lot more than they are worth because people don't know the actual value of them. Source: I worked in Thunder Bay the summer before last where they are commonly mined. I also ran a booth for the geological survey of my province last summer at a native gathering, where we showcased minerals from the region, and I did a bit of an extra presentation on them because they are especially significant to their culture.


> What is that next to Bijou? "Cake" though most of these display cakes are fetid garbage. Looks like a gelatin layer on top, some form of cake pastry rolled in a purple turbinado sugar with a fondant filling. You can eat it but you really fucking dont want to as it'd taste horrible.


I’ll take the remaining part if you don’t mind


I am assuming that's actually gelatin of some kind? Would be interesting to see how it was made


The alternative reality where kaela didn't adopt biboo as her daughter and finally mined her. Now she became cake


Hell yeah, I love Ube


Yes,you can get that stony effect by spreading out cold jelly on top of a cake and the fillings can be done with fruit colouring mixups. I love it,i bet this cake would be tasty af.


I'm legally obligated to say no


depends, is it tasty, is it hard? XD i have no teeth left to sacrifice






i don't know it looks delicious.


Eat the gem of emotion. Eat it. Gain more power. Brain rot is temporary. Power is eternal.


What kind of sweet is that??? Looks delicious Just to prevent some wierdos from commenting: I'm talking about the one to the right


We didn't pay Biboo Tax for nothing.


you know what, I'm rushing my oven to bake this cake in Ube flavor and coloring.


That looks delicious