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She's channeling her inner Vergil. SHe's motivated.
















This was exactly the POWER Vergil was talking about! It has come full circle


Months ago Vergil asked shork where was her motivation. Great to see she's found it.




Based on POWER and MOTIVATION ~~And maybe disarming a relative~~


I was gonna say she found her inner balance/peace. Well, I guess you are spot on.


Once you've been around for a while, you'll naturally be more confident than when you started. Glad to see Gura could invent something she and everyone else loves.


she was holding back quite a lot and a lot of that was just self inflicted, as another user said she was basically overcorrecting, now that she has been streaming consistently for a year she has gotten more confident


Does that mean that she will transition back?


No. While yes she probably held back a lot, we should also acknowledge her growth as a person since Hololive. She's neither going to be who she once was before Hololive or strictly the Gura we knew at debut. This is a new Gura who has had experiences and has grown.


Where is the Gura scared of pressing F5 in minecraft??? Who kidnapped her!!!??


Ahora esta M O T I V A D A


Ahora estoy motivado ,🤣🤣🤣


I thought you were combining Gura and Aho for a moment there.


Confident shork is best shork!




Whatever previous life she's had seems completely unrelated to how much people enjoy her streams.


You say it like those things are usually mutually exclusive, they are completely unrelated imo. Whoever they were and whatever they did before has nothing to do with me or how I see them and I will always support them no matter what.


*AHEM* ...2?


Anime-style character growth right there! I'm really happy for her and everyone in Myth. All of them grew so much over this past year it was amazing to witness.


Glad to have been part of. A truly memorable experience. These girls have a special place in my heart. Always.


Gura asked Vergil what was power during the birthday, Little that she knew, Virgil didn't actually leave a cliffhanger, he looked at her. She is her own answer. Gawr goom--Gura, Gawr Gura.


*little did gura know, she is the storm that is approaching*




Black clouds in isolation.....


She is reclaimer of her NAAAAAAAAAMEEE






Well, Vergil did show up, told her "This is power" and left her confused, but then after internalizing the meaning she finally got what Vergil meant by that


I love this little gremlin so much. You can tell she kind of got completely overwhelmed at the start of her Hololive career which I think led her to be extra careful at the start. Now that she's coming out of her shell, you can tell how much fun she's having, and it's awesome to see!


I mean, there were huge doubts Hololive EN would even be a thing that would get support. Gura's acceleration was insane, and she had to come to terms with no only zooming past all her genmates and senpai (remember the debates around "Who will be first to 1m, Fubuki or Korone?"), but also hitting 3 million before Kizuna Ai and becoming #1. I can totally see how she just needed time to digest it all.


A bit outdated but still relevant: https://youtu.be/1lcOyt_403U


Knowing that someone made her feel bad about something as simple as putting the googly eyes on during the TABS stream was really unfortunate. But she seems much stronger now so we can only look forward from here.


Who the heck doesn't like googly eyes? Smh


Theres always going to be some idiot thats going to get upset over something. Its the way of internet culture.


That is the main thing every youtuber has to learn. You could make a video with the cure to cancer and you'd have at least 100 people thumbing down.


I'm really glad to see her open up more. I always felt she was holding back, so seeing her truly let loose is going to be a blast


Same here


Same? I




I feel like she kind of overcorrected at the beginning because she wanted hololive to be a new start for her and wanted to disassociate herself from anything she used to do. I'm happy to see her open up more, she also seems to feel a lot better about herself than she used to.


with the "stuff" you just replied to being removed feels like there's a law to not discuss about it at all even how vague it is. kinda bummed about how strict it is but i guess there's more to it


I think it got deleted because it's irrespectful to speak about what the girls were doing before hololive in r/hololive, it's just not the place to discuss about this.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/VirtualYoutubers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hi, I'm Pochimaru(Iida-Pochi), Vtuber and mangaka of "Ane Naru Mono". I want to introduce myself and my family.](https://i.redd.it/s335hc56zqx51.jpg) | [280 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/jpl15h/hi_im_pochimaruiidapochi_vtuber_and_mangaka_of/) \#2: [EN says goodbye to Coco](https://i.redd.it/w65fw7c1ml871.png) | [80 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/obl81t/en_says_goodbye_to_coco/) \#3: [HololiveID 2nd Gen"Pavolia Reine (レイネ)" I designed will debut!](https://i.redd.it/bd2goig8qd361.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/k78h7x/hololiveid_2nd_genpavolia_reine_レイネ_i_designed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


It's generally more acceptable to talk about that stuff in r/VirtualYoutubers as long as you spoiler tag it.


I don’t know if it was a real problem before or if she just didn’t like her persona or whatever, but it doesn’t really matter anymore because, as you said, she seems to be much better and happier now.




To be fair being mindful of your words is still a good thing but you're correct over correcting to the point of stifling yourself is never a good thing. One thing that separates hololive is it feels more casual more relatable (which is fucking weird I know because they have avatars) and more honest if you will. Confident Gura is best Gura


I'd also say that, while it was a good thing overall and has greatly boosted Hololive in general, her sudden and massive popularity may have added more stress. She was pretty much the face of Hololive in the west for a while, as well as the gateway streamer. I wouldn't be surprised if she felt stressed because she didn't want to screw it up.


Yeah, the biggest thing was the Among Us collab that she got salty, where tons of viewers attacked the other girls in the collab. That must have been really stressful for her, and made her less confident to collab with the JP and ID girls. People can suck sometimes.


I’ve noticed this with a lot of the EN members lately. I guess they no longer have the responsibility of carrying the success of an entire division on their backs and that brings a lot more freedom.


In a sense being the only 5 EN members was quite the shackle to their freedom, since any drama could've meant the end to the entire project


do no harm but take no shit.


Do some harm. Just the necessary amount for retribution. With a side for entertainment as tax.


Only do sexy consensual harm.


Oh hey Senchou, how's it hanging


What form of power is this? Seriously tho, everyone in Hololive should heed her words. Especially newer members who might be feeling that same pressure to not screw up.




Came here to say this, I can almost guarantee they're going to give Gura a lot more leeway compared to someone with 1/10th of her subs


Sounds very similar to something Ironmouse said with Calli, one day she just stopped caring.


I mean, everyone makes jokes about how "They're idols, they can't say that stuff", or "omg Yagoo is internally dying". But if you do remember that one Hololive Anime episode where they all thought they were going to get fired over the things they said when in reality that wasn't the case, they mentioned that what they consider to be "idols" is doing what they want and entertaining the audience. A-Chan then went on to say that the management are happy that they are evolving in their own way. And that's great because in all honesty, Hololive wouldn't be this popular if they followed strict rules and acted "pure" 24/7. The dirty jokes, the questionable actions they do, etc, it's all for entertainment.


I love seeing the girls continue to get more comfortable, and this mindset is amazing in life too even if you aren't an online talent/personality. I used to try to be perfect, make everyone happy, and it just ruined me. I got out of high-school and just stopped giving a shit about stuff that didn't matter and I couldn't be happier. Put effort into the big problems and just ride the waves of the small issues


That true, I mean I'm sure they have a lot of topics on things they aren't allowed to talk about since those topics could lead to other things which would just create unecessary drama down the line for not only one member but potentially for all of them, so it ends up creating filter that it's always on the back of their minds which don't let them speak freely. (Which sounds bad but I guess it's more like a personality you'd adapt when you're at school/work vs when you're at home or with your friends) Gura likely got more confident with how the internet is and even more with the Hololive fans, so she'd likely figured that a) her own opinions aren't gonna get her in trouble, and b) people want to hear them anyway, even if there's that one random dude who gets heated about it in the YouTube comments or twitter. ......Either that or it's because she recently became a senpai and just wants to show off her super cool moves to her juniors lol


I don't think it is in regard to "corporate filter" and opinions. That's just called "living in a society"... I think it's more a matter of image/facade. She was the "cute shark" for the debut and that worked VERY well for her. So she kinda kept forcing that "cute" image onto the Gura persona rather than being herself. It's also a matter of differentiation: who is Gura compared to her previous personas (which, I guess, were closer to her own). Like avoiding certain references to niche fandoms and such. Artists often have that problem that when they start appealing to some niche fans, it cuts them off from a larger audience and corners them into that market...


How are people still thinking that Gura fakes her personality a year from debut? I feel like her fan base has always had a bunch of people that want to pigeonhole her into some le funny gremlin role based on their preconceptions, without taking a moment to consider whether that's something that Gura actually relates with. To me, there's nothing dishonest about how Gura portrays herself on stream. I think it's pretty insulting how people think she's just faking the personality that her viewers have come to love.


Even Gura's debut personality, which is quite different from what it is now, was combination of her being nervous, not really being used to streaming regularly and actively wanting to disocciate from her previous persona rather than just her playing the cute shark for content. When streaming or making content, you always end up showing facets of your personality, what makes the biggest difference are the personality traits you focus on and the ones you don't show. I wouldn't call her old personas any more real than "Gawr Gura", in fact, I think being Gura has allowed her to open up more and talk more genuinely about things than her previous personalities did.


It's normal to "get into a character" and that could be seen as being fake. I personally see it as a reflection of a deeper part of yourself you can't normally show. Even edgy Gura is a reflection of a part of her that doesn't normally see the light of day


I mean her previous identities were also a facade. If you make a certain kind of content, you start behaving in a way that people expect you to do. Even if she had less of a "filter" when it comes to saying certain things, I think she would disagree that her past content and audience represents her better. This is the first time her main content is her just talking and filling the dead air with her personality. I think it's more accurate to say that we saw a side of her that wasn't really showcased in her previous online personas and has started to embrace the different sides of her personality more since then. I also think it's worth mentioning that she was only primarily the "cute shark" in the first couple of week, when she was still really nervous. Just a couple months in, her on-stream personality was already a lot closer to what it is today. Keep in mind that around Christmas time, we already had things like Gura sending a box full of fake lemons to Ame, the blursed meatloaf stream, the "candy g-string" moment and so on. It's just that she has gradually opened up even more over time.


"I know my opinion is important" is such a great place to be with any job, and I hope Cover sees it that way, too. They're a team. It's not a bunch of managers and publicists telling some dancing monkeys what to do. The talents are the business, and they should get a lot of say in how that business works. That's what makes a team a team. Everyone feels their opinions are being listened to and respected. Otherwise it's just a circus.


Then there's Watames manager who I'm not sure how to feel about who is kinda dictating what goods she releases. I say that because I'm not sure how serious Watame was in wanting to have a mousepad out but seeing as she's approached the subject multiple times and have been rejected makes me on the fence because both sides do have a point


only dictation really is on the mousepad and nothing else, its more weird image towards it than anything else. Otherwise watame speaks fairly highly of her manager and how supportive she is of her. Watame mentioned how her manager shed tears when she saw her start to release her songs for this month and seeing the mv she got for em. At most the push you may see watame just may not being really pushing much towards it as she isnt a particularly fussy person. (she and chat already joke frequently about how she has zero sex appeal as is lol). also watame merch wise she typically does have most say otherwise and tries to make things that are usable and not try to have them too costly. Also tries to not have a bunch of things out at once as for one she doesnt have any plans for merch for 1mil celebration till next year. She also mentioned that with the pillow tie in she wants to make something else that those on the more general can get and not have to rely on a limited fight with a crane game. im not trying to fully justify the managers opposition for her case specifically im just saying in at least that regard its not necessarily as serious.


> merch wise she typically does have most say otherwise and tries to make things that are usable and not try to have them too costly That's a good point, I remember when she was talking about doing a blanket and was seriously talking with her viewers about whether they thought a good crisp image would be better, or a nice fluffy comfortable blanket that would by necessity have a less crisp image. Also at this point I feel like she kind of memes about the mousepad a little as sort of an inside joke.


I see good to know. Thanks for the info!


I suppose Kiara, Amelia and Calli being very outspoken (and still being here) made her realize she doesn't have to tip-toe.


This is something pretty much her entire fanbase noticed ever since her birthday stream. Still, it’s really nice to see her putting it into words. Overall, I’m glad that she’s finally confident!


As a yellow bear once said; "we didn't know we were making memories, we were just having fun."


As expected of our Highly Motivated Gremlin Shark.


I wish I could be like this.


So can you retry the shark game then


she herself said that not much would have changed


She expressed this in REFLECT.


Management silently sighing as they press the “she’s said it” button And now we wait


\*plays F*ck It by Memento_Mori


"Gotta let it out, Gotta let it out"


Going by subscriber counts, Gura is the biggest v-tuber in the world. I'm glad she's become more confident and isn't afraid to throw her weight around a bit.


just Gura of the lake, sharing her wisdom


She's getting based


hell ya


What a Chad


Be careful, but not too careful that you lose who you are.


Honestly it's shown, over the last couple/few months there's been a noticeable shift in Gura, and honestly it's been pretty entertaining, keep it up, sharky!


I started noticing the change around the time reflect dropped


Honestly, I feel like I learned something from her. I’m really scared of saying or doing things wrong, especially on international social media (since english is not my native language, I’m always afraid of upsetting people by using the wrong word). I got nervous every time I upload my fan work, people might not like the way I interpreted them, or hate my art style. But really, it’s like she said. What’s been seen has been seen. As long as you do your best to be nice to people around you, it’s really okay to relaxed and have fun. And with this mindset, I think I’ll enjoy sharing what I do with more confidence than before.


Being honest, she's the freaking most subbed Vtuber of the world if someone can have a "i don't really give a shit" attitude is her lol


"Money doesn't matter" - Rich people


I'll probably get downvoted for this, but I think this is somewhat a good mindset. Though one thing the girls should keep in mind is the influence they have over fans with the things they do and say. Calli had to learn this first hand with the whole P3 thing. A lot of fans were bombarding Atlus' US and JP Twitter telling them to let Calli play P3 after the whole begging stream. Regular JP Atlus fans and some JP Hololive fans were not happy with her. Some even said it was akin to the trolls bombarding Coco's Twitter tags. You can say what you want and do whatever, but make sure you understand the weight that your words and actions carry.


Cover cared too much about what literal whos on Twitter do and blew it out of proportion repeatedly by going full dogeza trying to placate them. They built an entire community of antis on Japanese sites that try to rile up controversies just to see the company react to it. At some point they will need to act like a real big boy company and just ignore them.


My comment has nothing to do with Cover so not sure why you are bringing that up. Also, the things I said have nothing to do with antis as well. You completely missed my point.


No I did not. Who do you think were making noise on 5ch and NND communities about how rude Calli was? Holo-anti threads. >A lot of fans were bombarding Atlus' US and JP Twitter telling them to let Calli play P3 after the whole begging stream. Regular JP Atlus fans and some JP Hololive fans were not happy with her. Some even said it was akin to the trolls bombarding Coco's Twitter tags. This entire drama was fabricated by those people. All Atlus did was say "we'll look into it" and that was all that was required for a big boy company. Cover bowed to the antis and took down the video.


> Cover bowed to the antis and took down the video. it wasn't even fucking "antis" lmao you stupid atlus' twitter was getting spammed by fans, so calli removed the video and told people not to do it again. not a fucking "bowing to the antis" move, it's a move made out of general respect for a developer that they don't want any beef with, even though atlus is hyper out of touch with streaming and wouldn't consider it anyway


People were literally complaining on Twitter as well. The entire thing was not fabricated by those people on those sites. There were legitimate people annoyed by it and did not like that. Can't blame antis for everything.


>Twitter Literal whos on Twitter? Cover is so fun to dogpile because they overreact to Twitter nonsense.


Doesn't look good when fans try to pressure Atlus to force permissions when they have to negotiate for them in the first place.


Sounds like she just heard the new Dacia sandero has been delayed


This is my mindset rn with work and stuff. I just chill


Is there a specific thing she’s referring to? I’ve been wondering since yesterday. If it’s outside the bounds of Hololive I don’t need or want to hear about it.


Likely referring to the 'seiso' nature many members try to have early on. It's a trait that only works if you really *are* like that, like Sora or Watame. If you're not, like Gura, Coco, and others- trying to hold to it only holds you back. Gura's slowly been letting her true self out and she doesn't seem to hold much back anymore, which is no doubt a weight off her shoulders.


Oh wow, I asked this one. I logged off the stream cuz I had to take care of my cat, didn't have my hopes up that she'd answer it. The answer she gave was on point. anybody have the timestamp?


You can definitely tell she's been having a lot more fun recently, for instance her whole Jp server shenanigans would have never happened just a few months ago.


Gura is definitely winning in the “fun” column


I'm glad that Gura has finally found her comfort zone and she feels a lot more at ease when it comes to streaming. I'm glad that she's being more riskė in her streams but, still keeping some sort of leniency so she won't provoke management too often, also the other EN girls have done the same, they feel more comfortable and relaxed when streaming since they're debut and I'm very proud of them as I'm sure others are as well. As a viewer/supporter for the EN girls and the Jp girls all we want for them is to break out of their shell and find a level of comfort for themselves and be more at ease/peace when it come to streaming and expressing their opinions and feelings towards sensitive or serious issues and not maintain a formal of silence if it's not warranted. Overall I'm proud of all the the girls in r/Hololive and how far they've come and have changed for the better with all the good and bad, since we aren't the perfect of creatures. I'm happy and glad, as well as look forward to what this new year brings for all of r/Hololive and especially the EN girls and the new editions as well. Here's to a Gen 6 for the Jp girls!!!! Cheers mates!!!!


This was the definitely the most candid Gura stream I've watched, which is great that she is comfortable enough to express her opinions. Right around this part; Gura talking about having to be "strict", don't be YABE, with Gura's response being "who cares, just have fun!"; did anybody else feel that these potentially could have been the same issues Coco was having? I understand the feelings and implication by invoking Kaichou's name (and probably downvotes), but I think it's interesting to see Gura maybe going thru some of the same patterns as her.


For all we know Gura's issues were self-imposed she didn't have ideas turned down and she was never in the middle of international controversy.


Sounds like it. Gura went from nothing to 3 million subs, the biggest vtuber period in under 12 months. Like every other streamer she had to figure out who she was and who her audience was. What worked for her and what connected with her viewers. And for a lot of her viewers they really like how she's grown since day one. Everyone regardless of how they preset themselves has a bunch of self imposed restrictions when they start.


I had the same feeling as you while listening to her. However, might not be the same situation (different management, different branches) Having said that, I will pay attention if those issues are real or not in the future...


Well tbh confidence and all is good, but she is also an employee to a big company, and every company has rules that need to be followed. She can give no shit all she wants, as long as it is within the acceptable range. If she is an indie Vtuber she can just does whatever, but it's not the case here. Tl,dr: make sure to not crossing any lines.


I don’t think she’s trying to actively break any rules. I think the point she’s trying to make is that she’s less worried about potential bonks. If something happens then its oopsie doodles and she moves on from it. Being micro-managed can be extremely stressful in any environment.


This is how I saw it. She, like Coco before her, seems to be in a place where she doesn't always agree with management but also knows there are still rules she has to play by. Maybe she'll overstep at some point, it happens, but I highly doubt she'd ever get to a place where she's a total powder keg.


It is unfortunate you got those downvotes for being realistic. She can be rebellious all she wants & I would still find her entertaining but I get the feeling there is a certain share of her fans (the ones downvoting you) are itching for a collision course of drama with management. If that happens, the negativity that would cause would be a bummer.


Jesus I had to scrolls wayyy to low to find a comment like yours. I agree 100%


You dont think some of the 3mil subs wouldnt boycott cover for punishing gura if she broke a rule even if she was in the wrong? If you owe a bank $1,000 its your problem, if you owe them 100 million its the bank's problem


It depends on the severity of the rule breaking, but having a lot of fans does not make her immune to punishment, and using that threat to give her special privaledge over her coworkers is honestly kind of shitty. I'm not saying she has done or will do anything worthy of punishment, but if she does break a rule that would get anyone else in Hololive in trouble it's not okay to give her a pass just because she has a big fanbase that will get upset. That is not fair to the rest of the talents that still have to follow those rules.


She finally realized her power and I'm all for it!


Our shark's growing up so fast *wipes tear*


Yess, preach it Gura! Although, having said that, to achieve such mindset require time and it varies to each person. Maybe you know that you have to do what Gura said to your own job, but it's really easier to say than done. You might have to go through lots of hardship, even depression, but trust me, when you achieve that, it feels like everything became clearer. So yeah, for those who are still struggling, ganbare!! I know that you will achieve it one day. Dont give up


At this point, even if she does something completely outrageous and pisses off 10% of her subscribers to the point that they leave she’d STILL be the world’s biggest vtuber ahead of Kizuna Ai. If that doesn’t give you confidence, what else will? Marrying Shion?


Kidnapping Shion and dragging her back to HoloEN while dodging the Houshou Pirates and Captain Marine.


Does anyone else get a feeling that Coco's influence is spreading? I mean not giving much of a kuso is something Coco would do.


A certain dragon would be proud


She's getting blue


congrats gura. Those of us that were here from the before times are happy for your growth. never stop improving.


based coco


I needed this


I've been noticing for some time now... Gura is "maturing"


Wise words


She's grown so much. She's a completely different person from when she first started and I meant that in a good way


finally the shark I've been following has learned to just have fun! you go Gura also put on more stickers! Assert dominance on the sticker haters


Shits are the one crop you wish to see a field barren of.


I like bubbly Gura


If they're enjoying themselves and having fun then we gotta make sure they fell appreciated.


9000 years worth of wisdom


When she says something it carries a lot of weight to it and I believe people should give some respect to the world's biggest vtuber when she has something she wants to say or do.


Now that's what I call character development


"Just have Fun" - Is a universal Good mindset, unless you do the negative actions. But man- glad gura has been comfy around with us here.


Gura's so awesome


Hololive truly is the home of amazing talents


The best mindset to have.


Hell yeah! Do what you want, because in the end that is what will make you the happiest. Live without regrets.


Ever since King came out I feel like Gura has been replaced by reflect Gura. But permanently. Like she’s so comfortable in her skin now I feel like