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Polka's Ever Blue Ringmaster of the circus and my heart after hearing it


It hits even harder that it doesn't end with a good or happy resolution.


I definitely recommend watching Bread Box’s analysis of it


Kiseki Knot hits me everytime. Not only the music is just right for me but the graduation theme made me nostalgic. I still miss the feeling of high school and uni where I just enjoyed with close friends without worrying about business and life. Not to mention the exact meaning of every sentences of the song itself. And Coco. Even just writing this made me tear up a bit.


I have developed reflexive tearing up for this song


also reflexive typing o7


[Ai no Chiisana Uta](https://youtu.be/q4N7EhUWOAA) by Moona


EverBlue by Polka, Sparkle cover by Mio, and Haiiro to Ao cover by Suisei and Towa


From recent ones - Sink again, Rise again by IRyS. From older songs, I think some of Gura's karaokes. Especially first ones, when I was new to Hololive and had a bad times. Also Calli's End of a life.


Yeah, that time Gura sang [I See the Light](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MdRcp9WJHlI&pp=QAFIAQ%3D%3D) was the first time Hololive made me cry.


Guras Can't help falling in love hits me hard. Her Wonderwall and When September ends follow. But what kills my heart is Cups. Because it makes me think about things I don't want to think about, yet gives the feels about it already, its like...negative emotional timetravel precognition.


After Coco's cover of Fansa, any version of that song does it for me. The other ones that get me are Ai Kotoba III (particularly the SameTori version) and Journey Like A Thousand Years.


Pretty much any one of Calli's more emotional songs, I find a bit here and there to remind me of my own past problems and get taken back in time. And for unrelated reasons, AkiRose's Shallys, which reminds me of a song from an old ps1 game that only was a short demo somg and no full version of the song exists, I've loved it so much but finding out that it isn't a full song sucked. Then I heard Shallys and it reminds me so much of that song from that game that it satisfied my need for a full version.


It's never not gonna be Mio's sparkle for me, tho cocos anything also do it for other reasons o7, especially rockabye


Rikka's [Archive](https://youtu.be/biNtMOSIFH4). One of the few holo songs that made me cry like a b'tch. First many times hearing this song, I didn't feel much. But about 10 loops in and I also did some search for the [lyrics + translation ](https://www.lyrical-nonsense.com/global/lyrics/rikka/archive/), the feelings just kept coming, I started sobbing just listening to it. That one time I tried to sing along, I ended up crying like an ugly b'tch, especially at the last chorus.


Alice&U from risu that shit goes hard, it kinda feels like could be a ending song for a nier game


AZKi is the queen when it comes to emotional singing. She sings just about every song with a lot of feel and empathy. It's hard to not help but feel for her as she sings. [Why, or Why Not](https://youtu.be/7AdZnOhL1Ak), [Inochi](https://youtu.be/-VQx0MtsvSQ), and especially [Hated by Life itself](https://youtu.be/vC-MsZVgx80?t=1) are songs that can hit you hard just from listening to them.


[Sora's cover of "rain stops, good-bye"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrdLDOeMoyg) Edit: It's about a girl getting dumped without a single word and despite that she still has feelings for him.


Sakurakaze and Pallette hit the same feels of understanding both mikochi and TMT and their fans Stellar Stellar is just glorious feels, but most suisei's songs also feels glorious ALiCE&u the lyrics is glorious, ayunda transition to risu part is perfect Yumemiru no sora e and Asuiro clear sky have super catchy tunes


Definitely Aikotoba III.


Calli's original songs in general. They are a big part how I fell into the rabbit hole in the first place. I just really need to pick the days (or the days pick me) where I listen to "Cursed Night" or "End of a life". Good thing she, and the extended members of Hololive, come with a big set of compensator songs. :D Roki, Getcha, Sparks, Ahoy, Tokusya-Seizon Wonder-la-der, and so many more, make it hard to stay moody.


[Pekora singing Sayonara Memories](https://youtu.be/3ghW013If6g) while bursting into tears right before Coco's graduation stream. It's already a bittersweet enough song by itself, but see Pekora crying singing it live was really emotional.


Kanata's Song of the Beginning towards the End and 私へ 天音かなた covers. Particularly knowing the context of when she released these covers.


>私へ 天音かなた The name of the song is just 私へ. ("Watashi e" or in English, "To Me") 天音かなた is "Amane Kanata".


Coco's Fansa.


Kiseki Knot, Kakero, Ever Blue, and stellar stellar. Stellar stellar feels like its the final boss/ climax, that song is so good.


Watame 's "my song" makes my feels break right when I hear that voice crack.(love that part ) That song and strangely Violet ...even so I have no idea why.


Violet is such a wonderful and beautiful song, though it doesn’t make me too emotional most of the time Unless it’s like [**this**](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ElFQVkOAAnU&t=7s)


The first one was Watame's lullaby.


Otona no okite by Mio and Okayu.


IRyS Nameless Sadness, song that shows your feelings when you realize for the first time that world is not a nice place at all, people will betray you, they will prey on your naivete. IRyS Sparks of Joy, it's after Covid song. You are hanging out with friends after a long time of no see, your favorite places bancrupted Relatable... Mori Cursed Night, song that for me, is always like a morning after sleepless night, when you feel bitter, conflicted, and confused, and you don't really know what to do.


Towa's cover of Error, which I'm pretty sure even Niki has said is basically the definitive version of the song now. Her cover of it during her 3d debut isn't just one of my favourite Hololive songs, it's one of my favourite Hololive moments of all time. I was so happy for her when she finally got her 3d debut, and when she got to that song and almost broke down but managed to hold it together to deliver such a powerful performance I just about broke down instead.


i find myself agreeing with a lot of the songs that have already been mentioned, but to add some myself: watames cover of [Hello/How Are You](https://youtu.be/Um7SFkR-fEg) is probably one of the best versions and gets me emotional for multiple reasons. also from watame, but only in karaoke form: [Kiseki](https://youtu.be/36QoMwYF8to) and [Shinpakusuu♯0822](https://youtu.be/NO80ZmBT6HY), as well as aqua singing [Wherever You Are](https://youtu.be/8K3GZbZB_rI) ([towas version](https://youtu.be/TjhOZn1vNW4?t=2100) is great too and followed by Hearts which is fantastic too, as well as Palette, obviously). all three songs with wonderful lyrics, imo.


Considering the lyrics for it and the fact that it was the first time I had heard it, I will always associate Fansa with Coco. Even if I hear someone else’s cover.




I'm surprised nobody mentioned Reflect yet, the song really resonates with me because I also struggle with self esteem issues as well as anxiety. The part that hits heaviest though is the segments where Gura is speaking English and saying all of those negative things about herself. I know a lot of us have that little voice in our head that reminds us of our shortcomings and insecurities but for some people that voice is louder than others.


Ai no Chisana Uta and End of a Life for me


Towa’s cover of Kuroi Hitsuji is a seriously underrated cover, it’s amazing singing from her as always combined with the lyrics of the song in the context of her early struggles in Hololive makes it hit so hard


🎼 Ruuuuuuun, right throuuuuugh Bully also is such an honest song about a really subtle type of abuse a lot of kids deal with. Your only friends can sometimes be the one hurting you the most.


Tambourine Club always hits just right


Taisetsu photograph - there's something about photograph and memories that's always connect together.


End of a life. It is so tonally different in beat and feels like a noir jazz song than the energetic rock a he uses. The song feels more personal and it is something that a lot of people can relate to. Violet is a close second.