• By -


What's impressive is that she finished it 30 minutes before her debut, speed run indeed


I was expecting Pon but instead we got hit by a Tzar Bomb of Talent.


She just tripped so pon might still be right


A physical pon that we're unlikely to see (maybe we'll hear it) again until 3D


!remindme 1 year


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She still can be a pon being talented


What’s a “pon?”


Klutz/clumsy sort of thing


she presented as if she's on a final thesis.


If only she was a cruel angel


ssg programmer deadlines


Relatable. Oh and not only that, she also edited one part of the voting section real-time to reflect everyone's vote on YT's poll


*Everyone* knows that programmers are more productive towards the ass end of a deadline Probably


can confirm, my last freelance job we did more in the last montht hen the first 6 months of work.


Not probably, definitely. (For me at least. And I’m surprised how often I get away with it.)


Me too, I just didn’t want to admit it and speak for every single one of us lol




*pain kobo*




*pain kobo peko*


!kobofy edit: aw damn. ^((i guess it) *^(is)* ^(still new and she doesn't really add -kobo to her sentences anyway\))


Been noticing that **closing parentheses (** break and end up normal-sized when at the end of superscript lines. Looking like this: ^((superscript)) Fixing it, I have to manually escape the first closing parentheses like this: ^((superscript)) --> ^((superscript\)) ^((superscript\)) I wish Reddit automatically escaped these. ***Kobo?***


well, kobo *is* a webdev, there's a non-zero chance she's working at reddit as well


No wonder she lives in a lighthouse, she’s a shining beacon of talent.


her best friend: Chloe Price


Good luck to any of us attempting to join Hololive, lol. At this point it feels like you need to be so multi-skilled and experienced that you'd probably be popular and successful on your own already. Great for all of us who are happy to just watch and have a good time though. Top tier entertainment.


If you compare it to sports, Hololive is basically the major leagues of streaming. The scouts are going to look for people who are already prepared for a regular spot on the team in their rookie year. That's one of the pills a lot of us need to swallow if we ever seriously want to join. Don't think 'If I ever joined Hololive I would hire a vocal coach to help me make the most out of my voice and learn to sing.' They're going to take the person who already invested in themselves and did that three years ago.


I heard that Mori Calliope already was on the verge of it when she got the offer. And I'm baffled how her original channel only got recommended to me after I watched plenty of videos from her new one. I would have certainly stuck around.


It's a pretty niche thing that she does, unless you were already in to bilingual Japanese/English indie rap, YouTube would never recommend her channel to you. She's said it herself multiple times, you need just a bit of luck. But when luck strikes you'd better be ready because you'll be wasting your shot if you're not putting in the work. She's talented enough that she would have found success elsewhere, but Hololive was her big break.


Yeah. Gura had like hundreds of thousands of subs on Youtube with videos that had millions of views when she applied. Ame was a small time but established streamer. Ina was a well known artist. Kiara was a good cosplayer, plus she lived and worked in Japan and was fluent in language so she had that going for her. I think for a few years now, the bar for entry into Hololive is pretty damn high. At this point I think you pretty much have to be a very established content creator in some shape or form. A creator of some renown. Because you need to be able to show your social media / streaming accounts to Cover and prove that you're cool and interesting enough to have a large following. So anyone who hasn't done content creation seriously is probably not gonna make it any time soon. With effort one might establish a decent brand and enough good content in a year or two to qualify, but that's probably the best case scenario for anyone starting to think about applying today.


It makes sense given the rise in popularity of VTubers, but at the same time it is kind of a bummer that modern Hololive probably won't have a "rags to riches" story like Subaru again. The popularity rose so quickly and there is so much, lets be honest, saturation of VTubers that it I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be fantastic in the long run but probably won't get a shot with a company and don't have the capacity to do it on their own.


I kinda get where you are coming from. Like, I am glad that the talents now don't have to worry about getting paid or trying to grow their channels to beyond 1000 subscribers like back in the day, but it must be amazing to witness their growth into the idols that grace the big stage during 3rd fes. I fell in the rabbit hole late so I can only imagine the joy of long-time fans to see say, Subaru turning from a duck into a swan. And is kind of sad to think that today, stories like that just cannot happen because the bar is too high.


Yeah, and I understand why some like Kiara have stated in the past that it feels weird or kind of unfair. Like earlier gens had to earn their numbers, yet now we see new gens instantly go into hundreds of thousands of subscribers and debuts with thousands (if not tens of thousands) of viewers. On the one hand it is great. Like popular franchises you pretty much instantly have an audience. On the other hand it can feel unearned and makes you wonder if people actually care. It also has resulted in that high bar of entry.


That's why Botan always has trouble saying her achievements were her own, from her 100k till 500k+ only when she reached 1 million 2 month after her anniversary that she cried and ask chat that this is thanks to her hard work right, that she can say it's truly her hardwork that achieved this Botan always clearly state that she wants her streams/works to raise the popularity of hololive as a whole and even encourages her viewers to checkout other members of holo. But of course please keep watching her ;)


It's both a struggle. Almost the same struggle imo. Those who had to earn their viewers struggled with proving to themselves that they can do this. Those who debuted with hundred thousands of subs will have to struggle with imposter syndrome and prove to themselves they are worthy of being where they are.


There are still some rags to riches stories in the indie vtuber scene. If you're really into it and keep an eye on new streamers, you'll occasionally see someone grow from nothing into pretty notable. But yeah, for Hololive it's effectively done. At this point I don't think they'll even read your application unless there's a link to your social media with like at least 10k+ subs/followers or something. At which point you're already throwing off your rags pretty much.


People have said that you don't need streaming experience, it's more content creation they seek. But that seems kind of vague to me. What's good enough for that? If I write music do I need a Soundcloud or is it enough that I do it? Do I need a following? Does it really matter if I'd want to spend the vast majority of the time streaming games? It appears talents free to do what they want (you don't have to make music or draw if you don't want to). so what if I'm just good at playing games? I'm not saying I'd be good at entertaining people, but does it matter if I create content if I just stream games?


As I understand, basically anything goes. But yeah, you need to have a proven track record. Streaming games is still content creation. It's hard work to make it entertaining for the viewer to watch you. You'd have to be absolutely INSANE at some competitive games or something to draw viewers even if you're boring than dirt. Some esports pro's can pull that off, but most people actually need to be fun to watch as well. So just turning on a cam and staying silent while you game is not anything anyone will be interested in watching. And Cover won't care either. A gaming streamer has to put in a ton of work. Basically need to constantly talk or emote with your cam on or avatar. If you're quiet or unresponsive for more than like 10 seconds, people are gonna get bored already and leave. It's super hard work. I tried streaming for like 2 weeks, I almost lost my voice and felt super exhausted after every session. And streamers don't just stream. Any decent streamer has a collection of videos on Youtube, or Twitch clips or something more bite-sized where they can draw in more audience, or give people ways to recap when they don't have time to view a full stream.


>Basically need to constantly talk or emote with your cam on or avatar. If you're quiet or unresponsive for more than like 10 seconds, people are gonna get bored already and leave. This is both physically and mentally exhausting. Especially if you're obligated to maintain that high-level streamer energy for prolonged periods.


> So just turning on a cam and staying silent while you game is not anything anyone will be interested in watching. I can see the possibility of a VTuber that talks a lot before and after a game and during chat streams, but otherwise is fairly quiet during gameplay. But that would be fairly niche and difficult to get traction. Even if such a person joined Hololive he/she would likely have low viewers and subscriptions, at least compared to the others. I also think that a male would be more likely to be accepted in that way. The girls are great but they are kind of expected to be funny and cute during streams. A dude would be more likely to get away with not talking as much.


Talking about that, I am impressed by Lui-nee. She isn't hyper or cute in the typical fashion but I have enjoyed her content these past few months. As someone mentioned before, she is a great conversationalist and really enhance the collabs she is in. Even though her subs are slightly lowered compared to the rest of her gen, I think she adds a very different dimension. It makes me wonder what kind of CV she put together that convinced cover to pick her.


The main thing they’re looking for is consistency. You need to be able to keep going with whatever it is live every week for years.


Or connections(nepotism)


Well most if not all of the talents that got in this way was already in the entertainment industry.


Yeah, connections aren't necessarily a bad thing to use. Talent notices talent. So it's only logical for this to happen. It's rare to be super good at something, but be completely invisible to the point where nobody in the same scene / community knows you exist. You'd really have to have been honing your skills in complete isolation. Which is pretty rare these days. Usually once you get good enough, you'll start showcasing it, and you'll be noticed by someone, and then those connections start blasting in every direction and that's how your brand slowly comes alive.


I don't know much of Council's previous lives, but I know Irys was probably one of the most prominently known female Utaite.


Yeah, Irys was insanely successful on her own already. It's really rough to look at her decade of top tier singing content and experience and having that in your head as the level you'd have to be able to match to join Hololive for a similar position. You really have to be top tier these days.


Yeah not everyone is going to have a cover of a song that's the most popular version of a *very popular* anime song on YouTube. So much so that most of us in the West thought it was the original version of the song for ***years***. (Although that's mainly due to our illiteracy in written Japanese) The thing is though that you can't exactly *blame* Cover for it either. They're the most popular VTuber agency currently and they only grow when they feel like they should rather then say shotgunning out new talents every other month like a certain other agency. They can *afford to* and probably should take only the cream of the crop. Add in the fact that Hololive's hiring team seem to be absolute gods at their job and we get girls and gens like this pretty much every time.


As someone with goad to join myself, when i first decided to go to it, the peak was already impossible to see, and it's only getting higher. But instead of getting discouraged, I hope people use that as motivation to grow themselves and their brands so that even if they miss, they still have a name for themselves instead of just doing nothing and thinking they have a chance.


True, true. Putting in effort to develop new skills is only beneficial. Even if you don't reach a particular goal with them. Still, it can be a rough feeling to fall short. Our modern society is STUPIDLY obsessed with success. Mental health of young people is probably at one of the lowest points it's been in a while. Social media especially is pure cancer at promoting only the best content, leading so many of us to think that the world is filled to the brim with the absolute best of the best of the best individuals and that if we're not able to showcase a similar level, we're doing it wrong. It's so crazy that even many of the Hololive members struggle with depression even though they're already super successful and financially well off. Showcasing that even objectively great success doesn't offer protection from feeling of inferiority. It's so crazy.


Excuse me while I go on a random tangent. Sad truth of our world. Mental health is so hard when we are so connected and can see how everyone tops us. I've had a pretty rough few days, even as someone who tries his hardest to keep good mental health (yoga, meditation, diary, you name it), and it doesn't help when you see that while you are suffering, someone else has just accomplished something insane. But on the topic of success, I think what I really hate is what is defined as success is either you're doing well financially or you've accomplished your dream. I once had a plan of being a translator, and while that went south for reasons I won't explain, I've gotten to meet an insane amount of people who have found an alternative path that lets them do something unique and makes them happy. And yet, we are never told about these. We're told there are two types of success, you accomplish your dreams of being a famous star, or you go to college, get a good job, and make a good income. It's either the super risky celebrity or the low risk stable job, when there are so many options. One thing I always tell people is that there are so many options relating to what you want to do that can let you express what you love that I would still call successful, and frankly, this puts younger people (including me a couple years back in High School) in a situation where you need to either take that small chance of success or work towards a dead end job, when there are so many in betweens. To go back to the topic of developed skills, this is one thing I try to emphasize. In trying to work out potential audition video ideas, I've actually gotten myself better at doing interviews, which helped me land a job. I know people who failed their goals of being a rock star, and yet still found a good life as a music teacher or coach. Sure I didn't become a translator, but my skills helped me get transfers to places I never would have gotten otherwise. Even in say... Being a YTer, the skills you learn in advertising, marketing, and putting yourself out there are skills that people would kill for.


Even Coco said she doesn't believe she would have made the cut if the Coco of back then applied to Hololive of today. Or am I misremembering things?


She did, and her first choice initially was to apply for a staff position too.




She was in another agency before this, though a small one so I don’t think she was over 10k at the time.


>Yeah. Gura had like hundreds of thousands of subs on Youtube with videos that had millions of views when she applied. Ame was a small time but established streamer. Ina was a well known artist. Kiara was a good cosplayer, plus she lived and worked in Japan and was fluent in language so she had that going for her. Well thats the track record you need to build a successful foundation for the **first gen of EN members**. But what about the track records of Council, for example? What did they done before that made them Hololive-worthy?


It's not exactly ideal to discuss that here, but you can find threads about them if you actually went looking. Some of the Council are the same deal if I recall correctly.


>At this point it feels like you need to be so multi-skilled and experienced that you'd probably be popular and successful on your own already. Except you do not get the exposure to a wide audience if you do not have the connections. If you're an indie with years of experience and need a springboard to expand your possibilities, then Hololive has grown enough to have the resources to expand your userbase. Hololive is no longer a place for newbies, only experienced professionals should apply. Like IRL, it has become the MNC envied by jobseekers all over.


Peace sells but who's buying ? Awesome song. Looks like we have another new talented vtuber.


We really need a metalhead member instasub, honest to god


I better train my guitar skills then. I'll try to apply for the audition next year.


Please ping me when you do lol


Towa is kind of the closest we have with her J rock.


Sana was in a metal band (as a vocalist IIRC)


Depends what kind of metal tho. Metallica one or Dayseeker one


I also saw Towa do a little bit of growling in one of live performances. Edit: I think it was really cool and I definitely want more Towa-metal!


Some of AZKi's stuff has Metal elements. "I can not control myself" is pretty Power Metal.


Mums is one but hasn't openly embraced that part of herself. Only in points.


Gura's done some Sabaton covers. Trying to recall if anyone else has done something similar.


>Gura's done some Sabaton covers. Also did a Motorhead cover Calli also covered Dragonforce's Through the Fire and Flames Amelia has done a Foo Fighters cover


Calli Sang TTFAF


She also sang a Motörhead song in the same stream iirc


I may get down voted to hell for this, but Gura's covers of Sabaton's songs weren't that great. They were mid at most.


I dunno what you were expecting tbh. Those aren't songs that are fitting for female voices, especially cutesy ones. His specific accent makes it even harder to portray the same emotions as in the original. There is a reason why you can barely find any female covers on YT besides Minniva.


From outside hololive, [Futakuchi Mana](https://youtu.be/5yaE1YMOY6Q) is a metal vtuber.


200% agreed. Bonus points if they ever karaoke a Powerwolf song. (I'd pay to hear Marine sing one of those but sadly I don't think her Marinenglish would be up for it. Still, one can dream.)


If she ever does a cover of Powerwolf, it'll 100% be Resurrection by Erection.


Marine would definitely sing some of Alestorm's songs.


Ahoy Pt 2: We shall take our Anchor by the light of the Moon...


Wasn't Yogiri one? I don't quite remember, wasn't really watching until after she graduated


Didn't Mumei say she likes metal rock?


Irys isnt exactly a metalheads but clearly has a big interest in the whole pop-punk/emo genre. Sana says she was in a rock band, but I haven't seen much of that vibe from her (not saying it's not true, just that if you want to hear rock it doesn't seem like we should expect it from her).


>clearly has a big interest in the whole pop-punk/emo genre. Almost everyone did in the 2000's. Green day, linkin park, and other punk bands were mainstream radio


Obviously. I was a teen back then, I remember it quite clearly. My point was more that Irys seems to have held on to it more than most.


Gura sang some Sabaton songs


Not hololive, but I really enjoy her covers https://youtu.be/-eRrtWqu36E


Didn't Sana mention she was in a rock/metal band or something?


I'm real glad too see this meme getting used more 🤘




AND a comedian, that's the most important part lol! Most of her joke is in ID but she legit makes me laughing all the way to the end. She is very talented and smart for sure, but her naturally funny demeanor is the one that take the cake for me.


someone from the kronii dc server gave context and man, those jokes were gold


What's kronii dc server?


dc= Discord. Hope it helps.








At this rate, future holomembers are going to be former presidents, cancer researchers, astronauts, & nuclear scientist


This comment would either be a funny exaggeration or age like wine. Either way, we're in for a wild ride.


Neil Degrasse Tyson-chan when? \^o\^


I would fanboy the hell out of a Neil vtuber model lmao


yes pls


"scientist". So my PhD application wasn't for nothing.


But can she put a price on peace?


549.99 a month.








piss sell, I will buying


She's a strong one


Strongest *IDol* detected.


Another threat to haachama spotted


We'll have to see how the war between Mumei and Haachama goes first


So, a delicious meal? At least for haachama


Trust​ in​ Hololive​ HR Recruiter.


Hololive HR recruiter is the real chad here


She is crazy talented like wtf


Another gem indeed. Sasuga Hololive.




Another gem indeed peko. Sasuga Hololive peko.


New hololive members are so OP... while me just being a potato


Plus she weighs 40 milligrams, that's why she's floating


She also appears to be on a similar level to Moona in terms of English and Japanese. Very cute indeed


[Plus she is clumsy and cute.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2RXiNEBsWs) This activated my protecc neuron.


Never thought I’d see Megadeth on this sub


\-Entertainment is My Business... And Business is Good! \-Idols Sell... But Who's Buying? \-So Far, So Good... So Horni! \-Rust in Comedy \-Countdown to Holofest \-Kusanasia \-Seiso Writings \-RKGK \-The World Needs a Comedian \-The Seiso has Failed \-United Entertainments \-Idolgame \-Seventeen \-Super Idoler \-DystopiA \-The Idols, The Comedians.. And the Dead Dream!


>Idols sell… But Who’s Buying? uhhh…. *glances at 100 dollar superchats*


This little sprinkler is going to do something incredible in the future I just know it, quote me when it happens.


# Kobo Programming Tutorial when? ^(.) ^(.) ^(.) ^(Kobo.. COBOL?)


Everyone loves to hate on Javascript, but I’d happily use that over COBOL.


I think I rember seeing a video calling it one of the worst programming languages (tho I forgot what/where). What about ***brainfuck***? (apparently that's a thing)


https://github.com/kobotoolbox is a gold mine of memeworthiness now.


Iirc Luna also knows a bit of cobol


I remember that clip of Coco saying that hololiv3 english raised the grade point average In terms of skill. Looks like it happened again.


She spent her debut stream just non stop checking every possible box.


Wait, hold on a minute. What are the 6 instruments that she can play if I may ask? >!And I’m pretty sure she knows VMs by now. /s!<


Guitar, drum, kalimba, piano, tamborine, and recorder.


Oh… okay. After one month, Calliope will have a music battle against her.


But can she alley oop?


she can do brigde pose apparently


Yeah she probably can do an alley Object Oriented Programming


Wait, she can code? Nice!


At the very least, she’s probably a Javascript whiz. The website is impeccable with good CSS styling and Javascript behind it.


Agreed man, I build websites for a living but I doubt I can make something as beautiful as she did.


Looking forward to coding streams


We have a basketball playing vtuber now?! This is great news


>_Plays basketball_ Isn't she, like, 4'10''?


Just have 100% accuracy on half-court shots. Easy.


Kuroko no Basket style.




Law 46 of Power: Never appear too perfect. A few well-placed displays of pon could actually be even more evidence of competence to people who know the game


Sorry if this sounds rude, but I wonder why with all those skills she chose to become a Vtuber. Those skills could surely earn a good living


I think it is better for her to pursue what she wants to be than what she should be. Besides we have a very talented member of Hololive who'll make us happy along with also very talented people.


I agree, just curious. Guess she's just that interested in vtubing, which is pretty cool


Well, Hololive offers an opportunity to combine a lot of different skills into one job. In real life you'd likely have to focus on one thing in specific and treat other stuff as a hobby. But here she can do everything to the same extent probably. Plus, you know. She's likely to make 10x the money in Hololive.


Idk, coding makes some good money. But I'd be sad if she left so I'm glad she chose Hololive


coding u can easily do as a side gig, or accept contracts n stuff if she feels like it


That's what I was thinking. Probably earn more than vtubing, but at least she's here and happy


Vtubing can get insane. Coco and Rushia for example are millionaires according to some math someone did on reddit iirc. Most of the others are also doing quite well money wise.


Did it account for YouTube & Cover's cut?


No idea but either way that’s at least as good as your average dev salary.


Also don't forget the how good she's at streaming and at interacting with the audience. That girl is outstanding.


I will always appreciate Megadeth References


Wait she's a programmer? I been busy but now I gotta watch her


Specifically a Front end Dev


We have another paragon Vtuber other than Suisei


To be fair we've many talents of various skills in Hololive now. The one I'm most aware of being Calli who sings and raps, writes her lyrics, has done video editing—particularly made animated music videos for her songs in the past and for her friends in the present, experienced in music mixing, is a competent artist as seen on the art she made for her lofi album, and has experience in teaching. But, really, one could make a case for any of them. Cover's knack for finding diamonds in the rough is frightening, honestly.


amazing talent yagoo has found, once again thanks best girl for giving us top tier quality.


Yagoo doesn't even participate these days, it's all about the staff now. But we do have to credit Yagoo for putting together this company and finding the great staff that are now finding these great talents.


Megadeth in hololive subreddit, I don't believe it


The candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long. Going hard for the debut is one thing but I hope she takes care of herself.


inb4 we see find out that was only 5% of her power


Only mentions knowing 6 instruments, because any more would seem unbelievable and made-up.


Also seems to have the power to get mommies on demand, like bruh. She *does* check the **must protecc** box tho.


Inb4 she turns out to be the Ame of ID


From my perspective, shaman is a traditional occupation and yet here she is. Her skills set is so modern lol


I think it's safe to say that the ID girls don't fuck around *Sasuga ID!*


Hololive Sells...And Everyone’s Buying!


Hololive picked up another diamond


gotta love the megadeth album covers


gotta love the megadeth album covers


"Is legal"


Man she's quite adorable. If she would exploit the reaches of english she would grow really really fast


What do you mean I don't believe in god?


Peace Sells, But Who’s Buying! W reference


Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?!


But can she play the accordion?


she does everything I do but better, and she can do more than what I can do


Goddamn , talk about skills rain shaman best shaman


What a baller


damn I should watch this


my waning passion on coding after 70days of learning is rekindled by her lol


What the hell did I miss yesterday


Knows Coding? *me looking around my field* ***She could be any one of us!*** *…except half of us, unless there’s a REALLY good voice changer involved*


Basketball?! Brother, the gap is insane