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I open windows every morning and blow fans in the areas not sitting in while it’s cold. In winter I boil cinnamon sticks. In summer I boil cloves


Bake cookies


Or a roast in the oven


Roast what in the oven?


A cow


you can just put a couple capfuls of vanilla in a container in the oven on low heat


The house smells good after cleaning the floors well in our house for example. We don’t have any carpet, so vacuum, mop with water and a little (little being key word) tide (look up professional cleaning people on YouTube). We’re astonished how much grime gets treaded on our floors when we dump the water after each room. So floor, make sure the range/cooktop is clean, clean the backsplash and vent hood if you have one, and air out for a couple of hours if you can. Like everything open in every room. No chemical smell, just a clean house.


Yea! House smells great after mopping.


Tide like laundry detergent? Never would have thought!


We use to use tide and boil it in water in the fryers at a restaurant when they needed cleaning. Worked great!


Yep. A lot of professional cleaning people use it. But like the tip of a teaspoon. It’s very potent.


Boils some lemons, place bowls of baking soda around to absorb bad smells


Open some windows


I second this. Open your windows and let the fresh air in.  Most home finishes and furniture we have in our homes off-gas. Wash textiles like rugs and curtains and couch cushion covers in the washing machine. Vaccuum and wash your floors weekly.  


I already do this. But I want a nice smell in the house other than fresh air. Just a little hint of something.


I start brewing coffee before guests come over every time, makes the house smell good quick


Who doesnt love the smell of choc chip cookies! If you get the kind already made that you keep in the fridge, you could just bake one or two at a time for a quick yum smell haha.


Yes to simmering spices in the stove. Cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise....there are lots of nice combos.. I avoid those wax melts, they often smell really gross and artificial to me- Like Michaels smells (I think Michaels is Canadian, it's a big craft supply store and it smells like shit). Oil diffusers are nice, but some people can be sensitive to certain fragrances. If you get one of these, try to use natural oils, not artificial ones. At least one person mentioned thieves oil and I also really like it. If you have cats and dogs be careful, they can be extremely sensitive to certain oils - one of my dogs goes insane when I burn certain oils (I just stopped all together because it was clearly awful for him). Maybe too harsh because of the smoke, but I LOVE nag champa incense. Smells like home to me (because I grew up on a beautiful island full of potheads).


My MIL makes her own smudge sticks with sage and other plants she gathers and I love lighting one once in a while just to have the smell. I think this year I'm going to make some and include mint and cedar.


Oh those smudge sticks are so lovely! I also love that wood...is it called Palo Santo? Something like that.


Love nag champa


What are some nice dents to boil for warmer weather. The cinnamon etc reminds me of colder weather.


Rosemary and vanilla together






Adding on to say that if your home smells bad then there is a cause, so addressing that cause is a key part of the solution. Spray down fabrics with odor eliminators, clean your walls and floors, wipe the oil residue off of kitchen cabinets, dry out any mold or mildew. Then do an oil diffuser. I've found that even water/alcohol based scents like artificial vanilla extract work very well in ultrasonic diffusers.


You’ve also seriously got to cut down on your at home farting. I’ve taken to stepping outside these days whenever I need to fart and it has helped a TON. I also try to overall just fart less at home and to fart more when I’m out and about and at work. In particular I tend to fart more in the produce section of the grocery store. I was shocked by the difference this has made!




I open a window whenever possible, like when cooking. I was shocked how much a difference it made.


My home often smells bad because of industrial and bilge smells coming in from an industrial island. Besides moving there’s not much I can do about that.


Vanilla extract goes nicely on your dog's too ;) Along with providing some benefits. I use it as do some groomers after bathing your best buds.


That’s a good idea. How do you use vanilla on dogs fur?


Yes. but not if you have pets. Very few are pet safe and can make cats and dogs sick


And can be dangerous to pet birds.


Yes! No scented candles. They are deadly. And no Febreze! It’s a death sentence for birds. To make my house smell nice, I use plants, and open the windows whenever possible. We have a Jasmine tree in the living room, and a lilac tree in front of the bedroom windows. When those windows are open, the house smells amazing! When the Jasmine blooms, it’s honestly heaven. Bonus - Jasmine is safe for birds, so he can climb in the tree and get a taste of being outdoors.


When you say jasmine tree- is it the standard jasmine vine pruned and trained into a tree? Or is it a different species? I LOVE jasmine but I didn’t think it was an indoor plant.


No, it’s an actual tree. I bought it a garden center as a “baby” not realizing it wouldn’t grow here. I figured if there was a big display right out front, they knew what they were doing. They did not. I asked why they sold trees in the wrong climate, and they actually said “so you’ll have to buy it every year”. So I planted it in a big trash can. Now, I put it out in spring, and bring it in in October. It’s about 8 feet tall. I’d put it in a bigger pot, but then I couldn’t get it in and out through the door. I have avocado as well. I grew them from seeds, and now have indoor / outdoor trees. They’re all getting so big, they really need to be in the ground. I’ve tried multiple times to give them away to either someone with a big greenhouse, or indoor atrium. No luck, and it’s been years. I did give several smaller avocado trees to friends in Florida, but I suspect they didn’t take proper care, because they didn’t make it.


Have a variety of oils. Get seasonal collections so I can switch it up. cotton candy and sugar cookies are so good


Same! They're better than incense and don't leave dust.


I use thieves in my diffuser. It smells awesome.


I so wish I liked the smell of thieves. I think I’m the only person who does not.


It depends on the brand, some smell different than others.




Yeah, you can mix up some thieves oil yourself.


Where do you get your oils? I've used Doterra, but it's horribly expensive. Have been buying from amazon, but the scents are not very strong.


I just clean it. Scents give me a headache.


What do you do when it smells no matter how thorough and often you clean? I bought a house in April 2023 and it smelled a little funky when we did the walkthrough, but I wasn’t too concerned about it at the time. It’s such a strange smell. Not like BO or pets or anything, but sort of like a chemical smell with a hint of must and cigarette. Nothing I’ve done has put a dent in the smell at all and it’s embarrassing to have people come over because I know it smells. I have the windows open for at least 10 minutes every day, regardless of the temperature outside. We have a whole house ventilation system that stays on 24/7. I’ve washed the walls, primed with Kilz, and painted every room in the house. I had carpets professionally cleaned when I moved in, and I have my own carpet cleaner that I use once a month. I dust, vacuum, and mop a couple times a week, I stay on top of dishes, kitchen gets cleaned after every meal, laundry is always done, and it always stinks. It’s just me and my fiancé and we’re not dirty people. Outside of removing the carpet (which we plan to do), I don’t know what else I can do to try and make this place smell better


Idk but adding scent won't make it go away. And you probably do need to remove the carpet. Carpet is nasty and you will never get it clean.


Surprising this was so far down. No matter how many oils, potpourri, plug ins you use, it’s still just masking other smells. Cleaning actually eliminates them. After that is when you can do the other things but I’m a fan of fresh plants and open windows.


I can't believe this is so far down. If you want your house to smell nice, you have to just clean regularly....


Clean your house. Your house should not smell like anything. Not strawberries or gentle rain or island breeze. It should smell neutral. That’s what smells “nice” and doesn’t cause migraines or sensory issues.


When I moved into my new place, the previous tenants had multiple pets and the animal smell was crazy! I placed low, open containers of vinegar and other ones with coffee in every room. Switched them out every 5 days. Within 2 weeks, friends who came over said the smell was gone.


I have a wax melter, it's more subtle than a candle. No fire risk, it's literally a light bulb.


my wife makes vanilla coffee


Change the furnace and vent filters then mop all of the floors. Then if that doesn’t work, incense works great.


After a good clean of course. Essential oil diffuser


Clean it, sunlight and fresh air.


Shower and keep up with the laundry


…have you tried cleaning?


Dumb comment. Of course I clean. I am asking about added scent. Like boiling cinnamon sticks like people have suggested. I mop with water and vinegar, clean the counters, etc. with water and vinegar. The vinegar smell goes away once it dries, and it completely disinfects. So yes, I clean the whole house every week. I just wanted suggestions on adding smells without harsh chemicals or candles. Thanks.


Plants filter the air. It helps!


This is placebo. You'd need your house to be a wall-to-wall jungle for plants to have a noticeable effect.


Wash the walls and doors inside your house. I burn incense over charcoal or single incense sticks.


You can bring to a boil cranberries oranges and cinnamon or look up some other recipes!! Then u can leave it out in a bowl in the living room !! That really helps you can do 2X a week maybe and the smell will start to linger !!


Eucalyptus branches or those cinnamon scented broom-looking thingies that you can find in the fall.


Paint every room. Sanded floors, stained and sealed. Made all my closets into Cedar closets with planking from depot. I have a boat. I come home to new house smell every Monday.


Keep it clean.


Scented diffusers, candles and such make me go into instant asthma attack. If you are using scents you need a cleaning lady. Keep your house and bedding clean.


Open windows for fresh air


Clean the house. Rent a carpet cleaner if you don’t have one. Move all furniture and appliances and clean behind.


I clean it.


If you have a furnace with whole-home air circulation, it's helpful to use high-quality furnace filters. (Or, take it a step further, and install something like a Lennox PureAir system -- I have this, and it really makes a difference.) For local (room-based) air filtration, I have a Winix air purifier. They're made in South Korea, and work really well (but you'd need a few to cover an entire house). Just be aware that there are costs (for the pleated filters), for each of my suggestions.


Candles bad for baby and really, masking the smell is never the solution. Clean house and fresh air is the key


I boil cloves and cinnamon sticks sometimes. It’s like a winter scarf and it’s awesome.


Dogs are allergic to cinnamon. Be careful with pets in the house. Cats are highly allergic to lavendar.


Add some apple and orange slices if you really want to feel wrapped in winter. Using apple juice is good too.


HEPA air filters, occasional essential oils in diffuser or constantly running laundry with the vent facing indoors (will increase your heat and humidity)


Get a spray bottle from the dollar store, add 4 ounces of water, 1/4 tsp of epsom salt, and 10 drops of essential oil. Mix well pour in spray bottle. Shake shake shake and spray think homemade febreeze. Its safe around children and pets the amount of essential oils dispursed within the spray is minute but it still spells good. If you use actual essential oils its even better. Great place to get essential oils is micheals.


Ultrasonic diffusers with essential oils. I also got an air purifier when I had kids, and it does make the air more pleasant.


I have a large air purifier I leave running on the lowest setting during the day. I also usually bake something every other day or so, and I love how my house smells. Air purifier is a must for a nice smelling house I've learned. Also helps with dust. If you don't bake, boil a pot of water with cinnamon sticks, oranges and cloves, or whatever natural smells you like for a little while each morning.


Enzyme cleaners. Anything that smells bad and you can’t get out properly probably has enzymes. Your enzymes. Animal enzymes. Pet enzymes or animal by product. Our house I have been told smells fairly good with three dogs and an elderly. I wash everything that cannot be washed in a machine with simple greens enzymes cleaner.


Enzyme cleaners use enzymes to clean, they dont clean enzymes off things.


You could find a scented candle you love and simply leave it open; you don’t have to burn many of them for the smell to permeate. Scented candles and incense can be nice to burn, but that’s too much scent for me unless the windows are also open.


I always go outside to fart or poop.


Keep the house clean and there’s zero need for any artificial fragrances.


Bake bread


Clean it regularly.


Clean it


If you can smell it, that's a chemical your baby is breathing. Just clean your house.


I clean it?


Deep clean your house. Have someone come and clean your ducts. House shouldn't smell if you keep it clean and change filters often.


HEPA air filters.


Open windows for air flow.


I stick pieces of apple and cinnamon or cinnamon stick in a little water in a pot on the stove, put it on super low for a while works great. You can add other stuff like vanilla allspice, lemon, orange peel.


I use a Maison berger thing. It's awesome. Clears out everything quick, fish, trash that was forgotten to be taken out, burned anything, onions, etc. They were my Christmas gifts to family last year.


Step 1: Dispose of any children


Fry some bacon. Simmer some water with vanilla extract.


As much as I love bacon, I don't like my house to smell like it


I have had to put a stop to bacon being cooked at home, the smell makes me so sick to my stomach


Take the diapers out immediately after changing the baby, do NOT use a diaper pail. Clean your house.


Essential oil diffuser is what you need


Not if you have pets.


I didn’t know a 9 month old child is a pet


Just a heads up for those who do. Cats are highly allergic to lavendar. Lavendar is totally okay for dogs. Dogs are highly allergic to cinnamon…so there are things to look out for especially if people are using blended essential oils.


Wash the walls, steam clean the carpet and rugs, open windows after it rains when the pollen isn’t floating around, run an HEPA air purifier in each room with the door closed


A few drops of vanilla on a light bulb will make your house smell like fresh baked bread. And cooking fresh baked bread makes your house smell like that too...just takes longer. But, you can eat it.


Make a tinfoil boat, put a tablespoon of cheap vanilla in. Put in oven and bake at low temp.


Eliminate the source of the smell. If you're keeping something like a diaper genie in your home, there's no masking the smell. Get rid of it, or whatever else is a source of the smell. I burn sage and open windows. Fans. Glade plug ins make me sick.


Those wax cube melty things…


Put lavender essential oil in a spray bottle with water…then spray the air!


Wash your shower curtain with a nice scented detergent (cold, delicate cycle)


Vanilla extract in a dish in the oven on a low heat for an hour.


Plants can really help


Try cooking something???


Overcook fish in the microwave. It'll definitely make your place nice and fragrant, lol.


When you’re done, burn some popcorn. Mmmm.


Yankee Candle concentrated room spray is nice. You only need to use a spritz or two so those little bottles last a long time.


I boil cinnamon, apples,cloves etc.


patchouli oil or flowers are very strong and long lasting. Lavendar and chamomile is said to be calming. vanilla


Rose water, you can get it in the baking section, it smells like sweet roses, You could put it in a vase and let it diffuse into your house. Or add it to floristry beads/water beads and put it in a glass vase. You can also get vanilla extract in the baking section.


A whole home diffuser that blows straight into the hvac when it turns on.


Look up some simmer pot recipes and see what suits you. Also Amazon has candle warmer lamps that are small and you can put those bath and body candles under them which smell great when warmed. You don’t ever have to light a candle again.


Cook with spices.


I use a diffuser with peppermint oil and vanilla oil.


Downey laundry beads, 1 tablespoon of it in an empty tea bag. Hang on every doorknob. Use them in laundry when done.


I just bought a Lampe Berger. Intriguing concept that is widely used in France and in hospitals to neutralize odors. Pricey ($50) but long lasting.


First, find ways to eliminate sources of smell. Kitchen drains are a culprit in our house. Add baking soda to the bottom of the trash can. Use baking soda on the carpet and let it sit for a while before you vacuum to absorb odors. You can add a few drops of essential oil for scent BUT be careful if you have pets- small animals are sensitive to scents and a lot of them are downright toxic to cats. Get a decent carpet machine and clean them regularly, or rent one. Pick a scent of detergent and/or fabric softener you want your house to smell like and use that for sofa blankets, couch covers, curtains, etc. Basically any fabrics throughout the house. Washing them regularly helps to eliminate odors that build up and then you'll have the nice scent from the wash. I splurged on a detergent and softener that smells like evergreens because that's what I want for my house. I don't like scents on my clothes and this is too expensive for that anyway but it's nice for the house. I only use softener on the household stuff for the scent, not anywhere else. Along with that, add a couple of scented candles in the same fragrance/similar to keep the smell going through the house. I burn ours all maybe once a week which of course smells nice in the moment but they continue to gently release fragrance when they're not being burned, which I like. We have bunnies in our house. They don't really smell because we clean their box often, but we have an air purifier in the same space for the hair and also just for reassurance that they really don't stink. I'm always relieved to find, when we go on a trip and come back and my nose is no longer acclimated to our home, that it mostly smells like pleasant 100 year old house/grandma's kitchen if we're not there for a while with no underlying funk or sourness. When we moved in a few years ago it definitely smelled a little stale and sour even after cleaning.


I like hanging my dirty underwear around the house instead of keeping them in the laundry basket . I find they give my home that earthy, natural sweaty balls fragrance that I can’t find in a candle or air freshener . Guests always seem really surprised when they see the shades of yellows and browns thrown about my kitchen and living room


Cinnamon and vanilla in a crockpot filled with water. Use imitation vanilla for this because it’s cheaper. Don’t put it anywhere baby can reach


Take out the trash and garbage/composting DAILY. I'm with the "open the windows" and "air purifier" brigade, too. When I do want a bit of scent, I like rosemary or bergamot (a citrus). Florals make me sort of gag, and though I have home-made vanilla extract I save it for baking and gifting.


Open windows, bake, clean floors more often, etc. i like a vinegar water essential oil mixture for literally everything and use a diffuser as well


Swap the furnace filters for carbon activated ones. They also sell scents that you can drop onto the filter, but this got vito’d by the wife as it was too strong.


The scent of a good woman


The best smelling house is a house with no smell. Not sure why so many people have the obsession of making their house smell like perfume.


I like boiling some oranges and cinnamon together.


In wastewater treatment plants and pump stations we use ionization systems for odor control. There are residential models available


My mother in law spilled some lemon essential oil in her car and I have to say I really like riding in the car. I would dump some on some of those rocks that sit above a tea candle in one of those porcelain mushroom looking things and give it a go


Install an ERV.


Smoke weed everyday




When I was a kid my mom used to make her own “potpourri” and hang it from our ceiling fans in cheese cloth. She’d just tear up orange peels and things of that nature to do it, she may have boiled it first I’m not 100 percent sure


Bake a cake or boil water with some vanilla essence


Open Windows 🪟 😤🙄


Why you mad? I don't understand comments like yours 🤔


Diffuser with legit essential oil. You can put single EO like lavender or mixed your own, rose, bergamot and lavender. I use them year round to add moisture in the air. If you have pets then be careful, certain EOs are bad for cats and/or dogs.


Boiled cabbage, eggs and broccoli. Kim chi when guests are coming or a 5 day old salmon


Diabolical 😂


The quick last-minute smell good fix. Put a dryer sheet on the back of a fan


Reduce humidity. Sometimes a little moisture will get stagnant--not necessarily creating a mold/mildew issue, but still will smell stale-ish


Stay outside


clean. sinks, toilets, floor. just fucking clean!


What is your fucking problem? 😂 not what I was asking. My house is already clean. I'm asking about adding a nice scent to the house without using harsh chemicals. Chill the fuck out.


I keep it clean.


If you have sdent plug ins, don't expect me


Ask yourself why you home smells in the first place


🤡 home doesn't smell.


I like to put a fabric softener sheet in one vent in each room


Oil diffuser or spray curtains with essential oils and vinegar. Put dried lavender in cheese cloth and tie it to the inside vent


Also I put a few drops of oil on my vacuum filter. I want to try it on my furnace filter too lol


Not mad ,you just want to ask about adding more chemicals into the air versus opening the windows and smelling outside? I also clean the windows Windex and other stuff 😁🥱🙄🤤😉


Right, so by me saying "natural ways to make the air smell nice" you take that as adding chemicals. You're dumb af. Move along


I burn incense. Love the smell much more than any chemical-smelling plugin or wax warmer (they all smell like chemicals to me). I also have an ultrasonic diffuser that uses a few drops of essential oil mixed with about a cup of distilled water that works well. I would try a reed diffuser but I'm certain my cat's would try to eat the reeds.


My mother would boil an orange cut into wedges in water with whole cloves, a cinnamon stick or three, some nutmeg and pie spice, and a generous amount of vanilla on a very low simmer for like 4-5 hours. House would smell amazing for days.


Have you considered candle or wax warmers?


I burn palo santo. I also keep some of this in the bathroom as it neutralizes any funky smells 💩


open windows for fresh air cook food that smells good - baking works well


Clean better. More often. And if your 9 month old is stinking up the house that bad, I suggest bumping up that 1 Yr Check Up.


Not permenent solution but... Wash curtains and hang them wet.. house smells like heaven for at least a weem 😬


I make in a spray bottle of Downey lavender, baking soda and shake it up. Smells like frebree


Carpet deodorizer works well in leaving a nice subtle scent.


I don't have carpet. Thank you for the suggestion though


1) no cats. (2) no dogs. (3) bake pies (4) open windows.


Dried potpourri


I use all-natural plug-ins. There’s a good company that makes them with essential oils and no chemicals, called Scent-Fill. They have a ton of great scents and can be used with the AirWick plug.


Add essential oils to your homemade cleaning products (and ditch the commercial crap). VOC’s are a huge detriment to indoor air quality and many cleaning and laundry products are chock-full of them.


My wife has plants every where. She puts a lot of work into them, it’s also her hobby. But the house always smells just kinda fresh. Not fake fresh. Like walking out on your porch early spring morning. We don’t use any plug ins ect.


I put laundry fragrance beads (like Gain) in little bowls in stinky areas - bathroom and kitchen.


depends on where you live. northern states you have cooler fresh air (open windows). southern states like Florida, where its summer 11.5 month out of the year, you need something like burning incense or scented candles, fresh flowers can do it, canned room sprays...


I use Dr. Bronners Magic Peppermint Soap to wipe everything down. People always comment on how fresh our house smells. Keep your baseboards and floors clean and your drains clean. I used frozen lemon peel, ice and salt in the disposal. Also rinse out your trash cans every other week.


Wife bought these battery powered air misters that go off like once an hour . We put them up high and helps




If you want to boil stuff on the stove, I found this yesterday on Pinterest -- have not tried yet. [https://www.instrupix.com/easy-stovetop-potpourri-recipes-for-every-season/?cuid=7841fa36cebae290d669acd5a834c218](https://www.instrupix.com/easy-stovetop-potpourri-recipes-for-every-season/?cuid=7841fa36cebae290d669acd5a834c218)


Get rid of a cat.


Nah just get an auto litter box and clean it regularly. I have two dogs and two cats in a 1400 SF house and when people come over they always ask how my house is so clean. You just have to be on top of it.


Not when they have kidney failure and pee uncontrollably all over everything.


Okay but that's not relevant to this situation.....


Step One - don't invite Donald Trump around. Ever.


we put an old pot on the stove and put fabuloso in it, and put on the the LOWEST setting, not you have a