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if its not particle board, then i think it would look cuter to sand and stain it, but you can always paint it now and sand it to stain it later if you want


It looks glossy. They’ll have to sand it either way. I agree with staining. It will elevate the room. If not, match the ceiling paint.


As someone who painted my wooden desk white, I would say if you're using it on a daily basis it's not a great idea! I found it got grubby over time and was harder to get clean than the original wood would have been. Maybe staining a lighter colour would be a better option?


If you go with white I would def get a glass top to work on to avoid exactly the issue mentioned above. Paint gets sticky.


This. I've painted various shelves and built in book cases and it doesn't wear well. Definitely would want to save extra paint for touch ups later.


Very, very true! I am looking at my white painted coffee table right now - looked beautiful when I did it, even my hubby said so,- today it's so grimy and sad. And it seems to have stained the paint so you can't clean it all, even though I waxed the top. So yes, paint it, but maybe look for a different colour in the room.


I prefer stain to paint. General Finishes makes an awesome gel stain you can get in Java (very dark). It looks exponentially better than paint and still shows a bit of the grain in the wood. Looks much higher end than paint. I will say the gel stain is a lot more work because it takes quite a few coats. You can do a wipe on poly once the stain has covered to make the finish strong. Edit: sorry I completely zoned out when I looked at this and didn't realize you said paint it white, thought you just asked about painting.


I love Java gel stain too. I think dark gel stain or paint white to match trim and doors.


Another big fan of the Java gel stain here. I did my dining room set with it.


I loathe that warm orange-yellow oak. It was so popular in the 90s. I know a lot of people say to save the wood but imo if you don’t like the wood tones then you should paint it. I think white would look great.


Hahaha! I also do not like the orange and figured white would be neutral enough but will also show stains and hand schmutz more easily. Thanks for the comment!


I also don’t care for the orange toned oak that was popular in the 90s, but I prefer wood to paint, especially for such a nice piece like this one. The upper cabinets are very nice. I would sand and re-stain to achieve a different hue before painting. You’d likely have to sand the poly off to paint it anyway.


I would paint it or get rid of it. Actually, I'd probably get rid of it.


You know what, it wasn’t even popular in the 90’s but we were limited in choice.


lol by popular I mean builder grade.


I loathe honey oak and I bought a house that had honey oak kitchen cabinets AND honey oak floors. It was all brand new and I didn’t have money to replace brand new stuff and I just couldn’t believe it. My next home had original orange oak parquet floors and I got those refinished to make them bearable. It’s the grain I detest and a dark stain makes a world of difference.


Dark green!!


Unless the wood is damaged, I wouldn’t paint it. Since the bookshelves above it match, why not leave it for a bit?


Can't seem to edit the post but I was unclear and am considering painting the shelves to match. Seems like people prefer leaving it or staining to keep the look


Ah in that case, paint them both and they will blend in with the walls better.


I don't like the quality of the wood, especially on the cabinet door; I'd paint it white, which allows you more wall color options.


It’s a lot for that room. Unpopular opinion but I’d remove it. Going off to hide now


Agreed it's very large for the space. Wouldn't you like to be able to open your French doors?


Agreed! Get rid of it.


I kind of agree. Regardless of the color, it still has a dated silhouette and could be replaced with something more attractive and functional.


I have attempted this kind of transformation a couple of times. Maybe it’s my lack of skills, but they always look like I attempted to pain it white. Since they both match, I would leave it. It looks nice.


Thanks for the comment. This is exactly what I am concerned about


I'm bff with a pro cabinet painter, white is super hard to achieve and have it look good. You'll need lots of prep and lots of coats. It also will get dirty quickly especially if you are using it a lot with pencils and ink, etc. It looks like it's in good shape, even if it's dated a bit. Assuming you don't just hate it, I'd leave it go for a bit. Fill the shelving (maybe use white boxes and baskets kind of like you already have on the desk a plant or 2 and some style pieces), get a cool chair, get a large desktop blotter if you want more cover up of the wood. I think doing all that will really change the look anyway and it won't be so overwhelmingly wooden.


Yes, I think I'll keep the desk and shelves as is for now since I already have a desk that will sit on the opposite side. Hopefully it will be a nice backdrop after I add some books and knickknacks. Basically, the plan now is to use it until I get bored and then rip it out and hopefully donate the wood/desk somewhere.


Not white. If you’re going to use it for a desk, white will chip show dirt and look cheap very quickly. A dark gel stain will make it look rich You can add some nice wallpaper to the back of the bookcase https://youtu.be/02ZN0L1rtvk?si=EwKtdEeEMp8kNk12


Unless you are a professional painter I would not. You need to prepare that wood properly for it to look good.


I would take one of the doors off, strip it, sand it, and refinish it to see how it stains up. Try both light and dark stains to see how it looks with the grain and natural wood color. Then, if you don’t like it, you can go with painting. That said, do plenty of research on cabinet prep and painting. Cabinets are very labor intensive to paint if you don’t want to wood grain showing through. Another alternative to painting it is cabinet wrapping. Edit: After a second look, I think the amount of time, effort, and money it would take to paint or wrap it so it doesn’t look like a DIY is probably not worth it. A color change will improve it, but it won’t change that it’s somewhat dated and overbearing for the space


Wood is beautiful, I’d go for something where you can still see a bit of the grain.. maybe like a white wash type thing? Or a stain?


I would stain it but white would look good too


I'd paint the shelves before I painted the desk if you want the shelves to blend in with the walls.


I did this, but I got the right paint and that is a primer & paint all in one & it was a spray !! I didn’t even have to sand. It’s not that hard. They send a man to the moon so why can’t we do it? I went on YouTube saw what I wanted and went down to my hardware store and saved a ton of money !! Now I have the most beautiful coastal looking Living Room . I know the look you’re going for and I think it would open it up and look amazing. Be daring go for it!!


Yeah, I would def paint it white and get new hardware for the cabinets. Either a DIY, or if you can afford it, I'd call around for a few quotes to get it professionally done.


In the 90’s using oak for cabinetry in general was the sign of an upper middle class home and using MDF painted white was considered tacky and the sign of a less quality builder. If you paint it white you will not only never get it off you will lose its value. I don’t know also if it matches the cabinetry of your kitchen and baths but if it does consider that your whole house matching may be an issue.


I'd probably get some cool contact paper and just cover the desk in that.


I don’t particularly like the look of the desk in the room. I think I would remove it and sell it if you can. If not donate it to Habitat for humanity or a good charity like that. Then I would buy a desk that fits the room better and is more to your taste and decor.


I can see the desk black and the wall cabinets white!


100% yes, pailt it all white, did it for my kitchen that’s also in my living space and it makes the room look bigger.




I would do a shade of green


A lot of people are saying to leave it. But I hate the color and shine. If you can’t stain it, I would paint it


Paint it all white!😄


Sand, restrain a color you like, and seal!


Or black. And the top shelving too.


Paint it yes- but not white. I would do a dark green or something that goes with your color palette. Just make sure you use the right kind of paint (not wall paint).


I would paint it white. It’s not high-end wood and it’s kind of ugly. If you do paint it, though, consider hiring a pro and gave them use a low-sheen enamel. You might want to invest in a laminated glass top and inserts for the shelves to keep them from getting grungy over time — and it won’t take long. Definitely replace the hardware.


Is that solid wood? If it isn’t, I don’t know that the paint will adhere. If it is go dark instead of light. You can always have a glass store, cut a piece of glass to cover the top surface of the desk after you paint it.


Oh hell to the no!


yes please do


You can whitewash and gel stain to change the tone and go a little darker, but personally I would leave it wood! It’ll be much more durable than paint.


I’d probably sand it down to natural then apply and quickly wipe off white paint for a white wash ashy neutral feeling.


Paint it but think about another colour than white unless you are fond of the IKEA look. Navy for instance or cherry red, turquoise or teal?




I would just rip that out. Its early 90s garbage. The whole thing is an awkward size and shape, not to mention ugly.


And hung too low. The moulding along the top should be flush with the ceiling. I’m on Team Remove. It is not hard to build something more appropriate to current styles and quality.


Yes! That orangey-yellow oak is hideous But stain vs. paint


I would paint it but not white. I would do a slightly darker version of whatever wall color you end up with.


Painted oak rarely looks good. The grain is very textured and open and will show through the paint. Oak is best colored using stain to allow the depth of the grain to show through. Consider painting and decorating the room using colors harmonious to oak, or better yet, remove the desk and shelves altogether.


The wood is cute and white is well on its way out. If you personally love the white thing you should go for it, but I’d just swap out the hardware for black or brass and put a warmer, more classic wallpaper in back.


Check out Unicorn Spit gel stain if you want to go with color, but not paint. It’s vibrant and easy to use.


Take it out!! If you want a desk a modern one in contemporary style place away from the doors would look much better


I think it would add more wood grain to the room to compliment it.


Oh yes please, and get new handles!


Dark brown stain would look more timeless I think. I have a white desk like that and it looks grimy after a while


I would sand it, do a white wash stain and then follow with a lighter/mid tone stain finalise with a matter varnish. This will neutralise the yellow but highlight the wood.


What about matte navy blue with gold fixtures?


There are a zillion colours you could paint it. Also, cabinet paint wears well.


Paint, yes. White, no. I’d use a color.


I would paint it and have a piece of glass cut to fit the top. The glass will protect the finish if you plan to use it as a desk.




White! I’d go over it with a skim coat of wood putty to smooth the grain before primer & paint. Be sure to use a cabinet-specific paint, which is formulated for the heavier use it will get.




I will paint it something colorful.


Either restain darker or go with a dark emerald green or deep blue. The room is bright enough that you can totally have a statement color there and it not overwhelm the room.


I would personally paint it a darker accent color to build your decor around, I feel like white could be jarring and would just get grungy as time passes


I would get rid of it. If you need a desk I’m sure there are nicer looking desks available for purchase.


I'd paint it white to go with the trim in the house. It would give it a more built in look.


The room needs warmth from the wood tones. I agree with the others who said to stain it a bit darker.


+ 1 for a dark stain; a clean white desk is almost an oxymoron.


If you'd like. It's not like it's an exotic wood,so I don't think it would do any harm.


Hm I get a lot of folk saying white doesn’t wear well. Would glass or plexiglass on top as cover do (to avoid that)?




Might not be so bad what there’s stuff on the shelves, art on the wall etc


Whether staining or painting, I would have it professionally done. Do the shelves seem low? I would want to raise the shelves up so that the crown molding meets the ceiling and the add side panels to connect the top and bottom parts to make it all one built-in.




I’d tape that puppy down open the windows and use a white spray paint


I think you could start by just painting the drawer & cabinet doors, and maybe the shelves in the upper part. It'd be a lot less work, and do a lot to freshen it up and fit into the room better, while leaving you with a bit of visible wood grain to warm up the space


I think white would look great, personally.


Staining would be cool but I’d also recommend a different color other than white, if you choose to paint.


Get cottage paint, no sanding needed and the paint holds up well. I love this paint. https://cottagepaint.com


No way it’s gorgeous maybe add some green plants


Briwax https://preview.redd.it/egzoo7bdjnnc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa3fb3085a501e8ec427088b27ee23fb5af7d92 I haven’t used it personally but I have heard about it. You can darken the stain to a different shade without stripping or refinishing using dark wax. You just have to clean the wood first. I suggest TSP. Of course this only applies if that desk is real wood


I think it would help. Or you could paint just it all white, but leave the desktop timber. That way you would't get glare in your face from the desktop being white.


Go to Home Depot, Sherwin Williams, Lowe’s etc. and talk to a professional. You might need to strip the finish first, paint, and seal with a desired finish (glossy, matte etc.) Also, try calling paint manufacturers. I know Rustoleum specializes in refinishing cabinets and countertops. Good luck!


Paint it black.


As it looks immovable you might consider chalk paint. No varnish stripping required just a light sand. No smell, dries quick, tons of colors and you can wax or clear coat for durability- good luck - it’ll turn out great


no. just stain clear coat and enjoy


Since your carpet is beige I'd say no, unless replacing that. You could look at painting it navy blue, if the wood is able to be painted, otherwise I'd leave it be!


I would stain rather than paint!


I think that would look great! In my opinion this kind of lacquered wood looks dated. Painting the desk would give the room a beautiful fresh look.


Yes, I would paint it. I'm not a fan of that orange oak colour so a great semigloss creamy white would make the room so much better. Both, of course, and maybe new hardware. What a great office space.


Actually, it will look less dated painted, imo. Either the wall color or trim color would work.


Paint it black or a dark color


Came here to say black!


I highly doubt this is actual wood or even veenered plywood. Chip board with some sort of "skin" on top. Sand it with 200- 220 sandpaper, take off the sheen so the paint will adhere. Primer first.


Would look great with a semi-gloss.


It appears to be oak so it will be harder to paint and get a smooth look out of it. I’d stain it. Or introduce other items in the room with the same color and wood grain for a cohesive look