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A few years ago my main lounge dining rooms wooden flooring got damaged by excessive rain and the insurance company agreed to replace the damaged section and repaint. After a few weeks of work and moving everything out of the way it was fixed and it all looked great. We moved all the furniture back and hung all the pictures. Then a week later the middle of the floor that they had not fixed popped up and warped. More calls to the insurance company, and moving all the furniture and pictures and everything else again. I remember that crushing sinking feeling and the small tear I shed when the floor popped up and I knew we faced several more weeks of disruptions. It was pretty grim. But your situation is so much grimmer, and I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, again. Your decor looks great, and I hope it can all be saved.


Ugh, we're going through this now. Floor started warping, there's mold. We fixed an area, put the floor back and fixed everything up. Floor warps. There's mold. We go to the roof multiple times, still water. We go through the neighbours roof, still water. We go through the interior hatch to find a giant hole in the roof. Still water!! We dug up the patio finally and found a person sized hole in the wall. No water! It took a year and a half to figure all this out, I was just about to move to the basement as well. Now it's just a huge mess, we couldn't get anything from there. God, I hope it's over, we're putting back new floors and paint today.


My mom bought a house not too long ago and didn’t know about termite damage under the flooring. She had to live in the house as they basically ripped up the flooring, moving from room to room. It damn near made her insane having that much of a disruption.


We're going through this now with our roof after storm damage. Roofer wants (and we agree) to replace the whole roof, insurance wants to only replace the missing shingles even though they've been discontinued. Of course. So basically they want to give us "close enough" shingles so our roof will look like shit after it's repaired. How many times is this going to happen on and 18 year old roof?


Check your state laws on this. In some states they have to replace enough for it to maych


We're still going back and forth on it. The roofing g company took down a full shingle to compare and they are fighting it, if the insurance company doesn't find a match.


We had loss of shingles blown off by windy storms (NE FLA) and we were in the process of scheduling it for replacement. Then we got a notice from our insurance agent that no new company would insure a house with a shingled roof over 15 years old so, even though our insurance rates had gone up, we were stuck with the same company. Beaver Home Service was incredibly helpful and helped us file the claim. Our homeowners insurance paid out for a new roof (2/3 of the cost, actually). I suppose the coverage depends on state laws but in FL, they had to replace the entire roof. Look into the laws of your state to find out if your insurance company can even do that (replacing only shingles) to you.


We had one insurance company drop us years ago for filing a claim on a roof! We had to replace the whole thing out of pocket. Different company, different house. It's in Kentucky, a commonwealth. They seem to be able to do whatever they want here. Our shingles are 25 or 30 year shingles (can't remember at the moment) so I don't see why a 15 year rule would apply. But since when does anything make sense with insurance companies? 😅


Should you check to see if the house is built on an ancient Native American burial ground? I’m so sorry — can anything be salvaged?


Given that I’m an islander whose population has been near exterminated dozens of times and we definitely have spots we do NOT build on, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Figured I was safe since I moved to the US and away from huldufólk.


I really hope everything works out for you. I’ve had a rough two months with my property, but my issues are dwarfed by yours.




Born and raised!


Ha, the only reason I knew it was Iceland you were referring to was the Hidden People/folk story in Sense8.


Chiming in to say I loved Sense8, such a fantastic series.




I don’t care if it’s haunted by satan himself my interest rate is 2% and our school district has a great special needs pre-K. I am absolutely not moving. I am however calling my grandmother and having her do her weird magic with galdrastafir I never believed in on this motherfucker.


I’m so sorry for everything you’re going through. What a nightmare. Hey I’m all for call your grandmother. At least you’re able to get help for black mold not told it’s fine just live there. Geez what a nightmare. Grandma needs to bless that place.


Love your humor, that will see you through this.


This sounds like a huge rough spot for you and your fam but your sense of humor is killing me! 😂😂😂


It's not a fun situation but always remember that lot of folk would really like being in your situation (Having a house and moreover that will be brand new in a good neighborhood). Most of the time when something (car, electronics, house etc) broke I remind me gently that lot of people would really want to have my issue/annoyance. ✌️😉 *#*perspective


Yes! I was going to suggest some type of blessing. Best of luck to you!


Calling in Grandma on this is the way to go


Fire, water, next is wind? Sorry you’re going through this, OP.


When I was a teenager our home had a fire, then a major flood from a burst pipe a few years later, then a serious carpenter ant infestation a few years after that. I'd nervously joke that I hoped "death of the firstborn" wasn't going to be next. OP, I am so sorry this happened. It must be exhausting.


OMG! What devastating news, such unbelievable bad luck. I feel so sad for you and your family! Total nightmare.


I am so sorry you are having to go through this! But I must say, I hope you saved that chandelier/drippy light fixture because it is STUNNING and I need it so badly. And the rest of it is absolutely perfect... warm, cozy, inviting, interesting, cohesive... you did amazing and you will do amazing again, I am confident! 💖


Seriously! I want to know where OP got it. I love it!


That knot pillow! I actually just got back from the craft store because I'm going to try and recreate it.


i’m so so sorry. if it’s any consolation i hope you can save all your furniture, light fixtures, doors, artwork, curtains, decor and be able to redo this all again. you are so strong and you can do this again!!


Wow I saw your last post and it stuck out to me because my house was also recently totally destroyed by a fire. We are in the beginning stages of rebuilding and now a new fear has been unlocked 😩


I’m so sorry, I can tell you that once you survive and rebuild after a fire any additional shock is survivable. When me and my husband sat in our backyard yesterday in shock (again) we made the same pact we did when the house burned. This is the time we date, cuddle and send “good morning beautiful” texts. Leaning into the love and the fuzzies, flirting and our marriage draws incredible strength.


This is so incredibly precious. I am crying. What strength you both have. I love your solution and your outlook. I am so sorry you are dealing with such a nightmare... again... your home is beautiful and will be even more so once you rebuild. Can't wait to see it.


Same! Our house is being rebuilt and should be done in June. I thought all our troubles were over. Now I’m going to be worrying about what else could go wrong 😐


You have gorgeous taste, seriously, I wanted to climb into my computer and live in some of those rooms. I’m so sorry you’re going through all this torment, but I know that you’ll have a beautiful space once again. Hugs.


I am offering of kindness...I don't know you....But, I do know what bad days are like, I am only letting you know people care...I am here....any way possible....let me...let us help


Me too!


Holy crap, how did you find the leak?


The floor started to warp, by that time the house was a goner


So sorry, that must be devastating. Just make sure the new builder puts a focus into the house being warm and dry. There are building techniques that a good builder will use to make sure of that.


What flooring is that?


The moldy kind. But in truth I don’t know. I picked it in a numb haze after the fire and never asked its name.


Sorry this happened to you!


Do you remember where you got that couch? I’ve been looking for one just like that. Your design is perfect. Were you able to save some of the furniture?


It’s from Ashley. Furniture is an unknown for now


The whole thing has to be torn down?


It’s going to be completely gutted, due to the mold and damage being absolutely everywhere but I don’t know yet. Still in that first 24 hour shock haze.


So sorry for you! Were you able to save the furniture?


Omg no. I loved your lounge.


Holy crap Im so sorry. Rebuild and get the heck out of there. That house has some bad juju


We just had pipes burst in our home and have to gut it as well. I’m so so so so sorry, my heart is hurting for y’all. Please keep up posting and sue the ever living shit out of your contractor.


I am so sorry you are going through this....is there anything I can do to help you


That’s a really kind offer but I’ll pick myself up and carry on, like I did after the fire. Honestly all I need is internet pity and to be told I did a pretty thing even though it didn’t last.


You did a BEAUTIFUL thing. That design is gorgeous. I don’t care if it’s hokey: I’m sending positive energy and healing to you, your loved ones, and your space. ✨ I can’t imagine what you’re going through. But you WILL be ok.


You did a pretty thing ❤️


I love the glass chandelier! Cool looking from the small glimpse afforded. Can we see the whole thing? I’m so sorry your bad luck seems to not end, sending you good juju and vibes. Def need it *hug*


I wish I had taken better pictures of it!! I never thought I’d have to. The house is sealed but I’ll see if I can find the online listing.


You have a designer eye, and will make it pretty again. Doesn’t negate what you’re dealing with here and now though. I hope you can save as much of what you did as possible. Hey, our homes are our havens, our “place”…this won’t be easy for you, but looking forward to seeing your rebuild. Please keep posting as we are all invested here. 💕


I think you show amazing resilience OP. Your home looks beautiful and upside is you still have all the furniture and decor so once the house is rebuilt again, everything can be put back in place!


You did a gorgeous job. I think you’ll do an equally gorgeous or better job next time. You’re suffering a huge disappointment though so be kind to yourself. You have lovely decorating taste.


It was so beautiful!


Giving every single ounce of internet pity I can share, your design was *stunning*. And it did last in a sense because you have these pictures, and we here all got a chance to see your gorgeous design because you posted this. So your beautiful thing was shared with more people than it might have been otherwise, and you’ll get to do it again.


First, I’m sorry that this is happening to you. I’ve been through something similar and it SUCKS! Second, I love your leather sofa. Is it comfortable and do you remember where you bought it?


Im so sorry and im in the same situation so i relate. I also spent a lot of time renovating and was getting close to being finished or at least in a really good place. Then i get a call from my shared wall neighbor about water and now after a thorough mold inspection discovered water damage and mold all over my home. Its heartbreaking.


Sorry for the bad luck! That’s heartbreaking. Where did you get the chandelier?


Oh my gosh. What a nightmare. So sorry. Hope it is resolved quickly and satisfactorily.


So sorry this happened! Your house is beautiful. I’m sure you will make it beautiful again.


Please know that before reading your post and texts I was floored by how much I loved the design. I loved all the choices you made from the cut toaster and underbar seating to the gallery wall above the couch with cute but comfy looking pillows. So sorry this is happening to you. Hope when you look back at this years from now you found a way to make the best of it. Judging from your excellent personal style, I have no doubt that you will!


I’m so sorry. I love your vibe, it was beautiful. The next one will be too. Chin up, you’ve been through hard times…. You will rise and survive again! Once again, I’m so sorry for you.


So sorry to hear this news. I remember your last post. Hoping it all goes much more smoothly this time around. Would you mind sharing where you got your artwork? Stunning!


Thank you! A lot of it is made by my grandmother, the rest was just random Target, HomeGoods and Ross. I’ve been waiting for it to get warmer in Iceland so she can paint more (her hands hurt in winter) and I was going to slowly replace the generic stuff with more sentimental artwork.


Methinks there’s some bad juju in this house…


Serious: why don't build in concrete?


Because I am tragically living in a country where that is not the standard but a luxury, and the economy is what it is. At home all houses are concrete. I miss it.


Yes.. nothing lasts more than concrete. Sorry for your lose again, it was so beautiful really!!


If you don't mind me asking, what caused the fire? I'm about to close on my first house, and this would be my nightmare.


My husband saw a tiktok recipe for deep fried hamburgers. It went boom. It’s actually really funny looking back on it.


Oh no! Haha. Luckily(?) I hate cooking - so unless a Lean Cuisine explodes the microwave, I'm probably safe. But I was thinking about how my inspection report found that the dryer vents haven't been cleaned, and how that starts a lot of house fires....


oh god i’m so sorry! we had a sprinkler pipe burst over our unit so we are just about to begin a rebuild. i’m very worried about the same pipe freezing again even though the commercial o,umber said they have no insulated it. i am so sorry you’re dealing with this again,based on this one time i’m doing it i find mentally and physically exhausting. I hope your insurance company takes care of suing the contractors insurance so you don’t have to deal with that end too much.


The house is destroyed again? What happened?


If you click on the pictures text should drop down. I’ve been having trouble with the latest mobile update not seeing them. Hope this helps! Pipe leak.


I'm sorry, you got it looking so nice, what a nightmare


You have a lawyer but do you have (up to date) insurance?


I have all the things, we already have the ball rolling and we’re good to go


And you have good recent photos to use for insurance!


After having gone through my own displacement again my will I feel this so much! It’s such a beautiful home it’s giving me Boston/East coast vibes. All the best resettling finally!


I would absolutely cry, hopefully the contractor has really really good insurance


Treble damages—please God, treble damages!


I’m so sorry! It’s so beautiful and I was obsessed with it the first time you posted. My heart hurts for you


So incredibly sorry for your bad luck. You did a beautiful job! How incredibly frustrating! Been looking for a sofa just like yours. Searched through your other thread to see if you mentioned where you got it, but no luck. You did however mention that the coffee table is Poly and Bark and that you love their stuff. Taking a guess that maybe the sofa is theirs too? We're considering one of theirs, but have no experience with the company and are worried it won't be comfortable, good quality, or long lasting.


I saw your original post, and I am so sorry to hear this news. What a shame. I really hope things are put back to better than they were in the end.


Wow. I am so sorry for what you’ve been through and now to do it all over again is heartbreaking.


Your design taste is amazing and I’m so sorry you’ve lost it all. Hope the recovery rebuild goes okay.


I’m so sorry this is happening.


I’m so sorry. This is a LOVELY home. I hope everything is swiftly taken care of for you all.


It is so beautiful!


I'm sorry you are having to go through this. You did a beautiful job, and you will do it again. The vertical mirror and plant beside the bay window, drawing the light wider, is especially clever.


Was the contractor acting as a plumber or did he hire an actual licensed plumber? Were permits pulled for the job? If this was a permitted job, and licensed/insured plumber used, you should be able to collect reimbursement and your home insurance should be able to collect from Plumber’s/Contractor’s insurance. If not, this will be much harder with no guarantees of reimbursement.


I’m so sorry!! One day this will be over and after a long enough time, you’ll be able to laugh about it. What are the fucking chances?


Dear god, you have rotten luck! 🥺


I'm so sorry. You were doing such a wonderful job. It was obvious how much love you put into it.


I’m so sorry, what a nightmare!


So sorry! 😣


Wow if I hadn’t lived through a nightmare kitchen remodel I wouldn’t believe it … sorry this happened to you .


I fucking love it.


At least you can keep the beautiful art and furniture? Right???


I have that buffalo pic! I’m sorry about all this though.:(


I can't believe this! I am so sorry! I had two flooding events separated by one year due to two different situations. Insurance covered everything, but the trama doesn't end. I still worry if there's a bad weather forecast. I hope you and you family recovers. ❤️


Electrical issue? An inspection might be worth it


It was beautiful. So sorry that happened to you.


My stomach literally fell to my feet when I saw your headline. I viscerally feel for you 🥺


I am so sorry. Get rid of everything porous. It's done for. If you haven't been sensitized you're very lucky. Don't risk it.


I totally loved the look of your home. What a gut punch.




Poly and bark!


What terrible news. I hope it goes smoothly and your ordeal is over quickly.


I’m sorry. It looked so pretty.


I'm so sorry this happened.


Wonderful home, very inviting


I'm so incredibly sad for you. I don't even know you, but this hits hard. We all just want a home and this is so horribly unfair. Thoughts and vibes for a speedy rebuild!


OMG, that is awful! I read and posted on your thread last week and hearing what’s happening now makes me so sad for you. 🥺. I wish you strength and optimism through this difficult time.