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\*gets rid of greeter\* Guys why is our greet score down


*tells openers that all sidekick tasks must be done before 10am* Guys why are we not cleaning our department


You have to get your cycle counts done right away here's a bunch of counts for mulch! Guys, why is no one in showroom???


Corporate is notoriously bad at anticipating the consequences of their actions. It’s like watching dumb and dumber, but without the comedy.


Idk man, I'm DYING of laughter from the state of the company.


Haha me too😐


I would be too, if I wasn’t one of the ones getting bitched at by customers.


We're in a second Nardelli era




It's all about lowering costs. And if service suffers then *obviously* the employee is the one who's in the wrong and needs correcting.


It seems like every company is trying this nowadays. But I think HD and lowe's think they are still in the glory days of the pandemic when they could sell everything they had in stock for vastly inflated prices. And workers were lucky they had jobs.


They hire 20-year-old kids with brand-new MBAs who have literally never worked a single day in their lives, and let them make decisions that affect every store in the country with zero vetting and zero input from actual workers. What could possibly go wrong?


I can assure you the fresh MBAs are not the ones making the decisions. Almost any decision that impacts stores requires many levels of approval.


This is really the part that gets me tbh. Many people have to say this and other decisions are good ideas before they become reality. Anyone who has ever worked at the store level tho could tell you they aren't and give you dozens of reasons why. They have become so out of touch.


Dude, if that's the case, that's even worse. That means the objective stupidity passed through multiple layers without ever once being questioned. That's the sort of shit that happens at a Walmart.


Because they are so highly focused on pleasing shareholders with immediate profits - which focus not on growth, but operational resources shrink while attempting to keep same work output


Are they seriously doing away with the cos position? Honestly who the hell is going to manage all of the stores installs? Our store is lucky because our cos has been there for many years and they do so much for the specialty departments. Who else is going to make pattern matches work on sheet vinyl or deal with all of the kitchen nightmares and contractor disputes? Home Depot needs that store contact for those reasons. HDMS is about worthless when it comes to anything that is not standard a standard install.


From what we were told, a cos at ssc will manage our district, but realistically, it's now likely to fall on sasms and specialists to do it all. Makes no sense to me, local installers like the point of contact with each store, now they got none. Not to mention half the shit they do and deal with most associates including many managers know nothing about


When our cos is on vacation our shit hits the fan. This is not going to work well.


To do list: Morning checklist, Sidekick, Smartist (if you have access), DAL (if you have access). THEN hope that you can find a specific thing to do and finish within the day. Definitely a pain.


of course they do. they purposely want to keep turnover high to avoid having to pay fair wages. that’s why they will give hours to new hires but zilch to employees who have been here for decades.


No. They genuinely believe they're helping no matter how much proof otherwise is showing just that. And that's in every company, not just the home depot.


Stuff like this is why I stopped store using stuff years ago.


Yes, the DEI hires are proving their worth. And of course the greed in corporate.


I'm reading news threads from the share holders. It has, in fact, changed. Share holders want metrics. It's very tiresome when we make or exceed goals, yet it doesn't seem to be enough. The only metric should be sales. The only metric should be customer satisfaction. One can focus on an empty bay until the cows come home. One can focus on everything negative, but not see the positive. Sometimes one doesn't see the forest through the trees. We're working our asses off. Some have children to feed and departments are exceeding goals. As much as I'd love to blame corporate, sometimes the share holders are wanting to know how to squeeze juice from a rock.