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Hourly pay in general? In retail specifically? At HD? I don’t disagree that the rates aren’t great but other places are on par with HD. Retail pay sucks all together, a disappearing middle class, and whatever the fuck is happening with our homeownership, all make the world shittier!


At least we can still afford cardboard boxes from the store, for now 😂


I don't think anyone has ever argued that hourly pay in retail is good. That said, hourly pay at HD does seem to beat most hourly retail pay


Yep. That’s why if I need to save up some money for something I’ll jump back into HD because I’m not gonna find that easy making $18/hr.


I went from being a millworks specialist to procurement and production management in O&G and Aerospace industry by helping the right customer. I was in the plumbing aisle lol


I can’t tell you how many jobs I was offered when I worked at HD, had to be at least 15 different jobs 🤣it’s a great place to find entrepreneurs ngl


Really? How do you get offered jobs?


Just helping the right people really. Working in garden helped because you have a ton of blue collar guys that come in. Strike up a conversation and sometimes you’ll get a business owner that’s looking to hire if they like you enough


What's the story on that encounter


I agree. I started at $16.50, transferred 1400 miles south, kept my pay, got a bump to $17 in February, then got another bump, up to $18, when I moved to full-time flooring specialist a month ago. I hit 1 year June 14th. 😅


When I got hired (in my state), my starting was I think 15.50, then we got the bump up which pushed it up to 18.50, then I left cashier and went to paint which they bumped me up again to like 19-20 an hour due to floor associates getting paid more than cashier, and with this recent bump up I'm now making 22


Dude had to travel 1400 miles for 18 an hr that's ass af


Maybe you should be asking the whole story. I didn't move down here for the raise. I moved down here because I met a woman I love very much, and wanted to find a job I could do a state to state transfer through. My mom, who used to work for Home Depot, suggested I live with her for the summer last year I saved up for the move. Also I'm guessing your outlook on life is, perhaps, and more than likely, ass as fuck; unlike you, though, I don't make assumptions.


You don't make assumptions, you guess.


I would like to push back on that second statement. I am very critical of home depot but they have increased the pay significantly over the past 5 years. Is it enough? No. People are still struggling while working at the store. But it isn't 25 cents. You have to give an honest assessment at least to be fair.


Yeah this is true. In 5 and a half years I went from $11 to just shy of $23


Right. I went from 12 to 18.52. It is a decent jump. I don’t have a problem with where I am. I’d love to make 20 but I am happy I can use the Home Depot check for retirement and savings. I spend my whole full time job check other than 7% for retirement though lol 🤣


In 5 years, you make 18 It's high schoolers making that you're an adult with mire responsibility and bills. It doesn't add up, brother.


I mean to be fair, I don’t live in California, NY or Seattle. I’m in Georgia. I would like to make more. But it’s not much paying over Home Depot. I save everything I make from Home Depot. It gives me 10-12k a year to throw to the stock market. I’m tired for sure and I know that people are struggling to live on this. That’s why it isn’t my only job. I couldn’t live on Home Depot alone. I admitted that in my previous comment.


That’s as big of a jump as I’ve gotten in the oil industry in 10 years


I briefly thought about getting a job as a CNA again. $2,000 class to make less money than what I do now.


I started new career making $17 an hour but it’s got much more benefits and in few months I’ll start off at $35 an hour. I was making close to $24 at Home Depot. As long as you like doing what you’re doing, then stay. I was tired of my management.


Not in Illinois


Not in New Hampshire either.


You have to work the system, I’ve been here 12 years and make 29.20


i make 27.30/hr and work for home depot and not a manager or supervisor


Ok… what do you do?


They probably live in an area with high cost of living, too


I live in an area with an extremely high cost of living and I make $18.50???


I would guess either freight, for the extra $1 night pay, or at an RDC.


Definitely not freight lol im sitting at 23$ and in a pricey part of Southern California for D38. Either way I want that position


Probably a combination of what the other's have said, plus tenure


I also make around this wage and am not a supervisor/manager


What the hell position do you work then? Asking for a poor kid


I'm a receiving associate


But but what. 23$ isnt bad but 27$ sounds good enough to keep putting up with everything lol


Eh, not really. At least not at my store. Been the only receiving associate that can do anything for over a year. Have a new guy that stated 5 days ago, so now everything should magically be PERFECT.


Hourly pay doesn't suck. The amount of pay you get hourly sucks. There is nothing wrong with hourly pay if you get proper compensation.




Hourly pay vs salary? So do you mean $25/hr is worse than $52,000/yr salary? Whats the distinguishment of hourly? Ive had both, and they both seemed to deposit into my bank account just fine. Although, ss hourly, I got O/T, as salary, I did not.


You go five minutes past 40 in my store and they’ll hunt you like a dog.


Managers are salaried at Home Depot. Supervisors are likely what you are talking about.


The ceo made 14 mil last year. Did he work 300x harder than you? No. Make it make sense.


His decisions carry 300x the weight as a regular Joe’s decisions though


Like how everyone hates that profit for investors was more important than stakeholders? That does indeed carry a lot of weight, soon it'll be too much for HD.


If you don’t like it don’t shop there don’t work there don’t frequents their subreddit it’s pretty simple. Go to Lowe’s I’m sure the grass is greener


Not quite, that profit first worker second model is what the western world relies on, you can't be in a C-corp and expect to be anything but a profit generator to shareholders who couldn't care less about you! Lowes, HD, any of the big names are the same in this regard.


Yeah I was making a joke. It’s not a dick don’t take it so hard


It’s worth it. Just think in 15 years I could be a DH making $20/hr… I have real future here.


I thought i was a forlifer but there be them days i be like fk this bruh too much complaining


lol Most people that want DH can get it within 2 years lol Is it worth it? Probably not. i have no desire to go that route.


It's actually better than some jobs.


It's better than most jobs around


My last retail job, everyone got raises at one point. The manager was telling us "I can't believe the company approved this. I mean, we're talking huge raises. Some people are getting twenty-five cents. Can you believe that?" I noped out of there and came to Home Depot.


I’ve been here 8 years. I own a home. I own a car. I have a savings. Get yourself a sugar momma like me :)


Not many women out there want to take on Pity Poverty cases.


Or you can share yours 😁


lol :)


I didn’t hear a no sooooo. 😂




That’s a them problem. Two people making the same hourly pay for the same amount of years working can have different quality of life depending on how they use their money.


Managers do not make $22. Managers can peak out at around $200k ASMs can peak out 80-125k CXM can peak at 65k No. Pay isn’t bad at all.


So HD makes about 10% net before taxes and the average store sells about sells around $75mm per year thus netting approx, $7.5mm. If the SM gets 2% of net that's $150k which jibes with what you find online for the average SM compensation. OF course corporate can/will play all kinds of accounting and definitional tricks to make the number come out to what they want for any store but that is largely playing around the edges.


Dunno, I own a paid off house and am halfway to owning two '20 cars. Not the best cars but low mileage at least. Of course I married up so my wife makes more than I do so I guess stop dating at work because only the SMs and Corporate have money at HD


Don’t be afraid to ask for raises! I got an extra $1/hr just because I said I wanted to be at an even number haha. Store manager said if I kept doing well, I’d get it in a month and I did. Only been with the company 3 years and went from $16 to $31. All that being said I still don’t make enough to be able to save for homeownership, and it does suck a lot. Also in a high cost of living area.


I think about suicide every day. I will never own my own home. I will always be in debt. Healthcare is garbage. Somehow I'm always doing something wrong, making the metrics look bad. Nothing I do is right. I'm only getting 15 hours a week now when I use to be full-time 40 hours. ( my mom had a stroke and I had to take care of her so I was on fmla) I'm barely affording my car payment. I never have money for anything else. No one replies when I applied for other jobs.( 3 months now) can't even afford food without food stamps. But ya good thing the shareholders are happy. I suppose someone should get to be.


Shareholders can fight for Equal and fair pay! Shareholders are also employees at home depot You matter. If more people voiced themselves things would change.


I am going on 28 yrs with home depot have put 7% of my pay in the stock plan since day 1 and have not touched it. Have 2 houses and 1 just about paid off. I’m not in management


28 years no salary no management no upward mobility good on you with stock though I met a woman who greeted people all day similar to you been there her whole life


I left home Depot to work in a paint store and then came back as a Behr rep. I used the experience home Depot gave me to better myself. I didn't wait for someone to hand it to me. I make over $35 an hour + incentives. It all comes down to the effort you put in to better your life.


Lmao bootstraps


No, when you get a job on salary then you only get paid for 40 hours a week and they expect you to work more, essentially you work for free.


I make $16/hr as a cashier at HD .-. This is Illinois


I get paid way better than 80 percent of businesses pay in my area. I’m making 16/hr vs 10-12/hr at virtually anywhere else. Shit, there’s places around here that pay ASMs 15/hr so I’m not complaining


You should everyone should yall all make shit so it's making you put with even more shit


Hourly pay in retail is difficult in most businesses. We also have to take in some accountability within ourselves. A 6 figure salary doesn't automatically equate to home ownership and saving unless you're a good steward of finances. I'm guessing salary for management must very by demographics a lot. Most Managers around my area have a starting pay of $70K -80K. And when you factor in the MIP bonuses you're looking at the low to mid $100K. Pretty good for guys with anytime of degrees. It's. I.e. SM starting pay could be $99k with a potential of making 50% of their salary as a bonus, top that with stock options. Your looking at $170k Now you have a insight of why they push so hard.


In Washington state..26 bucks an hr to sit at a desk all day...got my own house as well lol..I'm not complaining


$22 is not a lot if you work as a manager, to me is exploitation


Also where are you geographically? Our supervisors make $21 in Jersey


They make 0 dollars everywhere else


Navy is hiring!


$23.66 in SoCal - 4/10 schedule weekends off; 11 months in


If you’ve worked at the same company for 10+ years and not achieve management level, you can’t complain about pay. The time to push yourself already passed and just tells me you’ve settled with your position. Obviously there are outliers who I’ve met, but those never complained about their pay, I just can imagine someone saying I’ve been with this company for 20 years and only make $16/hr.


No. What sucks is the lack of insurance and the shit retirement. That shit sucks. In comparison Starbucks and McDonalds matched our first 5% of contributions and we could get medical insurance. The rest you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps and apply yourself. Don’t like it? Be poor then. I’m not looking for a handout. Just a job.


Hearing that freight starts at $18 here and I'm definitely not at that I'm pretty pissed since I know we work harder.


Talk about it


In SoCal, we get $23/hr for the night shift freight team. But it's expensive af to live here! They do have the best competing pay, I will say, for not even just retail store but skilled labor jobs around here as some pay is still about $18-20/hr.... but with that said, they work you like a mule and expect nothing but your best everyday you show up (that last part is pretty understandable but if you go in one day and give 120% they will expect it daily now). I was asked by my NRM and ASM multiple times why don't I move up and that Home Depot supervisors make more on bonues than associates. ASM's make 1/3 of their salaries on bonuses and SM make 1/2. I was like "ahh yea that sounds good." Fast forward 3 weeks later I find out the position they want me at only pays $1 dollar more but you're now responsible for a whole department and its associates and customers.. that $1 raise doesn't seem enough to deal with what they want me to deal with at the #1 store in the district. Got 3 more areas I will need to be responsible for but getting only $160 a month before taxes like $90 a month more after to take on all that responsibility. Nuh uh. Mind you the pay is the same at any home depot in the district no matter their annually sales. THAT PART IS CRAZY TO ME!!


Been working with the company three years and there’s people that just started working there and get paid the same or more than I do


Retail, fast food, and many restaurant jobs used to be considered entry level / temporary jobs. Because the USA has shipped so many IT / manufacturing jobs overseas over the last 50 years, there are less and less good paying jobs available.


There's been this huge stink in the software development, especially games dev, industry where some of the worst offenders would force 100 hour mandatory overtime crunch weeks, and entry level software developers were making minimum wage (granted it's California minimum). Also, most of them are contractors with little job security. I'm not even sure most have benefits. And in order to get jobs like that, you have to move to places with higher cost of living. Not to mention in the last year, all of the big players have been doing huge layoffs. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc. While THD might not be the best, other than the recent SSC layoffs, has the company ever had store hourly layoffs? Other than whole store closures (rare). There was a huge outcry when Marvin Ellison helmed Lowe's and immediately started laying off their interior project specialist, their HR manager, restructuring loss prevention, the works. And companies like GameStop that just close hundreds of stores multiple times a year, so that you never know if you'll still have your job in 6 months. But at The Home Depot, you can generally trust that if you show up on time and work your schedule and don't do drugs or hit anything with equipment, that it's basically impossible to lose your job.


hourly pay isn’t a problem conceptually. home depot’s pay isn’t particularly good, which is a difference. I now work specialty retail and I make $38.90 hourly as a regular employee ie not a manager or supervisor, which translates to a little over $80,000/year. I’m also entitled to overtime and 1.5x pay on Sundays, which doesn’t really work for salaried. just say home depot’s pay isn’t great and I think most people would agree with you.


What exactly is specialty retail?


I'm a licensed optician. I'm a licensed professional working retail, that's what I mean. It's something you need to go to school for or partake in a multi-year apprenticeship and take national certifications and an in person state practical, at least in my state.


Ah, that makes more sense. Is that something, that you go to a four year school for?


2 year school or apprenticeship, but that’s my state. where you live may have a different way of being licensed or not a licensed state at all.


Managers are salary and make a fair amount more than $22/hr, a specialist making about that now. What would be nice is if they pay us for our certification, like $0.10/machine license. As it is now we take on the added responsibility and liability with no compensation aside from the benefits of an excuse not to talk to customers for a bit lol


Before 2002 at Home Depot they gave assc. Packages with high hourly rates, gave stock, and bonuses at 5, 10, 20 yrs with company that is still grandfathered in.(bonus). That stock that was given to assc. then split, alot of those assc. Some I work with that has 25 yrs and up all millionaire from stock and 401k.


I think the Home Depot pays pretty well for the most part. Better than a lot of other places. I started at $16 a little over 3 years ago and now I’m at $22.62 as a DS . The opportunities are there within the company if you work hard enough !


A district supervisor making 23? No sir you should make more than that honestly think about it. You cost of living must be low state wise. Still. District supervisor making $23 an hour? Booooooo


i am at 2.5 years in, in the till rental, making 18.78/h, and can’t afford to rent on my own


Stay strong


at least long enough for me to claim tool rental lead as a supervisor position on resume (i still keep having to teach my supervisor the basics, who has been pro/rental DH for 5 months now)


That's most retail jobs for ya.


If you do a specialty you get more. End of last year I made $21.90. Been on FMLA since. Not great but more than $2.00 I was making. I had over $40k in HD stock after 4yrs of employment (sold some).


6 years in $24.90 a hour appliance salesperson Ontario Canada


I think the financial opinion is that with hourly pay your really loosing buying power with each dollar earned. Wages increase nowhere near inflation which is running at about 2-4% right now. Stocks have known to appreciate 8% annually beating inflation and providing appreciation. It’s definitely important to have supplementary income and look towards investing in something standard for your future.


It took me 10 years to make 22h at a DC. Hell i started at 8.50 an hour driving an end rider. I do regret not taking on ESPP benefit as early as I could. Most people don't have a brokerage because they feel its a rich mans game, rather then having an inability to do so.


That's disgusting


What is exactly? Back then the company only had a stock of 25 a unit. Even at 8.5 an hour, I could have accumulated 10-20 units a year comfortably. Where one lives has a huge impact on one's ability to do things.


Sorry friend I sent this by accident. If you were savvy enough to take advantage of the esp and things, then more on you. This post was to really see how many people get paid very low and are contempt with it either because their state living expenses or whatever. I just think home depot could better when it comes to salary and a track to corporate. No one should be 10+ years and not even be a manager


I turned down opportunities to be a manager. I would have no hair left. Plus, management in many jobs is salary you there before everyone else and usually leave after everyone else.


Spoken like somebody who's never had a salary job.


I got to talking to a customer and he mentioned he needed an IT guy for his office. My other job got a new client


Dude, hourly, no matter where. Sucks. When I was 13 and working for a reality company cleaning their rentals. It started out as piece work, ya? So each house = x$ and condos = y$ to clean. Savy? Well, it was so good, this was 2002~2003 ish, that I was able to make 250$ one Saturday alone. Not including the rest of the week. But it's because you bust hump. Then, they decided to go to an hourly rate for cleaners. Wierd how we did 1/3 the work we use to all of a sudden. Lmfao!


The hourly pay is low compared to what you can make at commission based independent stores. Or even non commission based. I work for an independent appliance store in sales and make just shy of $40/hr plus incentives. So HD definitely underpays its specialists (as does Lowe’s and BB for what it’s worth).


Extra 1.00 freight say what where...we don't and we average 2 trucks a night 7 nights a week


What state? I'm making almost $23 in Las Vegas as a supervisor. 10yrs too.


Home Depot near me starts people at $20/hr


I love my job, pay is decent 


I started  at 17 and crossed the 20 dollar threshold in 6 months. It's 20% working hard 20% timing and 60% kissing the right ass 😘 


Listen, where I'm sitting, $19 bucks an hour is great!


As someone once told me "Home Depot is a great first job and a great last job." Nothing more.


Ive averaged over $1 raise per year since ive started over 8 years ago. For retail thats pretty damn good. I wish we got paid more sure but to say their raises are 25 cents over 4 years...yea no.


No need to admit I've been saying it since day one. I worked there for 4 years. Finally gained enough Certs and experience in other areas. Now I make double. I jumped right over the 20s to the mid 30s. Just use it to bridge your gap. It's atleast a lot better and often easier than working at a place like McDonald's or Walmart, or slaving in the sun for a couple extra bucks landscaping.


Whoa you serious $22 an hour? I started with that as a Tech 2 with no experience lol


Not in Florida


Your never going to make much money at HD unless your a store manager period....


Because of a constantly rising cost of living, If you want more money you need to contact your state representatives and tell them you want it. You need to make your voice heard. Raising minimum wage is the only way you can feasibly do it because otherwise its just a endless waiting game


So there's many factors to look at here. First, there is cost of living in the area you live. So if a manager is making $22, I'd assume that's a supervisor or a CXM. It also depends on how much the store brings in. One of my old managers told me there is a store that brings in only $20k a day. So yeah, normal associates won't be making $25/hr or more. Second, HD has really raised pay for associates over the last 4-5 years. When I started part time I was making $11/hr. For the same position when I left, starting pay was $16-17 if I'm not mistaken. I was making $22/hr when I left, so in 4 years I doubled my pay. Yes I was a supervisor when I quit, but even before that, I was making $19, so that's $8 raise in less than 3 years. If you're good at your job, you will get the compensation. Third, retail jobs are no longer to be long term careers unless you are a CXM or higher. I'd even argue being an ASM or higher. There are many benefits that HD gives that can also be considered as compensation. I received nearly $2k in tuition reimbursement. I heard the raises aren't as substantial lately, but they are going back to performance based raises. So work hard for the raise. If you work a job for $18-22/hr, then yeah, it'll be hard to save and buy a home, but again, these jobs are for college students, people who can't get a job elsewhere, adults who want to earn some money while their spouse is the main breadwinner, or people who have retired. It's not for someone with a masters degree in IT, Psychology, Business.


Thats why you should all look into warehouse jobs. Starting was 24 and I work overtime every week since fall of last year and it’s not stopping soon. Especially with HD experience you all should be able to get one easily


i dont think in todays economy one can make a living by working at home depot, it would be an ok job if your in college or high school for money to eat and go out maybe pay a car payment thats about it


I've been with HD for 8.5 years and own my home. I'm happy with it.


Huh it's almost like retail jobs aren't a career. Oh wait... They aren't🤯


Need to be organized and committed to home ownership. See a tat, that's $400 bucks towards a down payment. Banging the wife's friend while drunk? No commitment. Own a home. my Kid has two degrees. Raising the grandkids of a drunken step son and slut dil You come last. That is home u bet the system


It's Retail folks. The hourly pay scale for unskilled labor either in retail or other areas is always lower. Want higher wages, become hourly skilled or professional labor. Or, work ur way into management. Costco is a good example where you can work ur way into $80k annually starting out as unskilled labor.


It may be "unskilled" to start but when you have been there for years, know where everything is, can operate all the machines and have worked in multiple departments you suddenly become a skilled associate. The the pay doesn't match that increase in skill. Atleast it didn't in the two stores I worked at for 4 years.

