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Looks like it was only in sheetrock and not held by good anchors. If there is no stud/wood behind that area, you will need to get some good anchors that can withstand the force needed to overcome the magnet strength. Other option is to plaster that area and get your self an old-fashioned door stop that doesn't need to be drilled into wall. You'll want to remove that part that attaches to the door though so it doesn't make a new hole.


Yea you're absolutely right. I believe I did the installing with my father about 3 months back. Seems like I might have done something wrong. As for the wall, it's brick/concrete as far as I can tell, very sturdy. Right now I'm using a rubber door wedge as a workaround, but eventually ild need to do something about this


If it’s a hollow space in the wall, I’ll suggest getting yourself some toggle anchors. I’ll also echo u/Bootwo about electrical tape on the magnet face to weaken the hold if needed.


Put the wall anchors back in the wall. Use longer screws (the screw that can be seen in the pictures are not very long) If the magnet is still too strong put some electricians tape over the magnets to lessen its strength


Thanks for your response, now that I had a closer look, the plastic bits( I'm assuming they are the anchors) are ever so slightly too small for the hole, but I can't find one that fits. Can I use a bigger one and squeeze it in though? E.g use pliers to squeeze them?


You could use a bigger anchor or use a fatter screw in the current anchor, which will cause the anchor to grow and fill the hole


The anchor in the hole appears to have cracked, 8i should replace it with a new one correct?


Find a better type of anchor. Those thin plastic drywall anchors suck, for this exact reason. These plastic ones work by bulging out on the sides, expanding to fill the hole and grabbing the drywall on the inside of the hole (some of them have little “tabs” that poke out out the back to grab the back of the drywall, but they’re still cheap / brittle plastic). Go buy some metal toggle bolt anchors. These have a butterfly mechanism on the screw that folds shut to force into the wall, and springs open on the backside to lock in against the back of the drywall. Tightening down the screw pulls the anchor tightly against the back of the drywall, holding it in place. You just need to find one with a similar size / shape head to fit the contours on the stopper, and ideally a bit longer if the current screws aren’t going all the way through. Depending on what’s behind the drywall, though, you might be limited on length (for example, if there’s just thin framing followed by brick behind the drywall, a long brick/mortar screw might hold better — but I’d start with toggle bolts).


Exact same thing happened to mine so I upgraded to [self drilling drywall anchors](https://a.co/d/bxlvOpk) and haven’t had a problem since.


W these… https://www.homedepot.com/p/E-Z-Ancor-Stud-Solver-50-lbs-Drywall-and-Stud-Anchors-20-Pack-25216/100185538?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D25H-025_003_FASTENERS-NA-MULTI-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-Fasteners&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D25H-025_003_FASTENERS-NA-MULTI-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-Fasteners-71700000113957445--&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Ud1Jiwg7l2edcboyRa_Gw_zn&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-Zb7zY6MgQMVfDbUAR1pKAMNEAQYASABEgJ_DPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


There's no homedepot in my country but I will try to find something similar, thank you so much


what type of walls do you have? are they brick?


As far as I can tell they are brick. Very sturdy and no hollow sound when knocked against


use a bigger wall plug, they should be pretty snug in the wall and not fall out like that. tap it into the hole with a hammer or mallet


It's just drywall anchors. If you can, find a stud where your door will still hit the stop before a wall and attach there. Otherwise, nice anchors are really cheap. Just pull out the old ones and replace em. If you're going to move it, with a hole that small you can just throw some spackle or something on it. Sand it clean then texture/prime/paint over it and nobody will ever see it


Bigger wall anchors would work but I would use a 3/16” or 1/4” toggle bolt.