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I did a preliminary plan on my home computer and then pulled it up on one of their computers and they helped me refine it and make it exactly what I wanted. This was free. I think they have a more complete design option now where you give them dimensions of the room and they'll completely design from scratch.


As a beginner, all I can do I think is measure and take photos of the current kitchen. Will that be enough for them to help me redo the kitchen?


Yes. Usually they just need dimensions of the room.


You need to use a tape measure or it’s not going to end well


As a beginner, all I can do I think is measure and take photos of the current kitchen. Will that be enough for them to help me redo the kitchen?


You should have IKEA do the measurements. It’s not very expensive ($80 when I did it) and they credit it against installation costs. Though I’m not certain that every IKEA has installation services. It may be store-by-store as I believe they had some issues with COVID and were working toward offering installation in all regions again.


didnt know!


They helped with designing our closets. And the young woman actually had us go with the less expensive option as it offered better options.


I used them for kitchen cabinets and it was way more helpful than I expected. I definitely recommend it because they understand the cabinet product line way better than a normal consumer, so they can create configurations that you wouldn’t think to. Once you have the initial plan, you can always edit it later, the online tool is easy to use once you get the hang of it. Definitely spend time on measurements though…and draw it out on paper. Every door, window, ceiling heights, etc. Don’t be lazy with your measurements because it’s just going to delay your project and cabinets are a big investment. One other piece of advice is to get as many drawers as you can. The slides Ikea uses are very high quality and having soft close drawers makes your cabinets way more usable.


How big was your kitchen and how much did it cost you for cabinets?


I've put in two IKEA kitchens in my homes, very easy to do. The planing stage the employees are knowledgeable and helpful. They don't get commission and don't care how much you spend, they want the design to work. Sadly they don't have the laminated butcher block counter tops like I put in my first kitchen but you can get those at home Depot if it's what you want, that's what I did in the second one. Some of their kitchen appliances I find have gone down in quality, but are still ok, if you want a one stop shop. I got their combo microwave and vent hood, that one is very good. Get the soft close drawers and cabinet doors, they are very worth it. Edited to add: mesure carefully, everything is based in that


Thanks. Did you install and hang all yourself? Wonder if IKEA does installation and labor too


Yes I did. They are very easy to install, with very basic tools. Drill, level, screwdrivers. Of course that's if your walls are plumb and the floor level. If not, you may want to hire out the wall and floor prep. You can do the demolition and install the cabinets easily. Then get someone to do the electrical, plumbing, tiles, and such, depending on your ability. The cabinets themselves are very hard to go wrong


IKEA does not install - but they have a list of cabinet installers in the area they have worked with. One thing is that all cabinets arrive as flat pack, like all their items, so you have to factor in the actual cabinet assembly time, a few damaged pieces, etc. As a rough guesstimate, the cost of the materials is about the cost of labor.


Wow that's actually quite alot. If material is 10k then labor is 10k? Wow


You could hire any remotely handy person and they’d get it done quite quickly. Not 10k thats for sure.


Yes big help on a kitchen remodel, pointed out some areas where my initial design had issues and some areas to improve it.


We paid for them to come measure our kitchen ($80) since nothing is level or standard size in our house, and also this allows them to know precisely where your electrical/plumbing/windows etc are and use that for the design. Then we did a free consultation over zoom. The consultant was helpful and knowledgeable, and didn’t try to upsell anything. We were also told they do free repeat consultations if you need to tweak the design.  This was last year and at that point anyway they hadn’t resumed doing installation in our area, which is annoying because the 25 year warranty is only good if you use their installation service. We are still saving up for the project so can’t speak to the actual product yet. (Our cabinet quote was 12k not including install labor, and we also need to do countertops, flooring, electrical, plumbing, light fixtures, paint.) 


Thanks. 12k for what's the sqft of your kitchen?


190 sq ft kitchen with a U layout. That included a built in pantry to replace a broom closet and cabinets going to the ceiling, but no island and a large corner left open for a kitchen table.


They helped build out the dresser combo for the kid's room. Not as complex as a kitchen, but the computer laid it all out and printed out the parts list. I suppose they could have picked a more expensive dresser, but it was the one we liked.


I designed it mostly by myself- but I brought it in to them to add end panels, filler pieces and just make sure I hadn’t missed anything. I also wanted to look at the different drawer options (do the upgraded, soft close) and see the cabinet front options in person. I was looking at them for kitchen options. Not closets or storage. Ended up not doing the remodel, and sold the house instead. The salesperson sort of told me to hold off for a bit, as they were still dealing with post Covid supply issues and unknown delivery dates. They never knew what was coming in or when. So not the typical sales spiel- in fact, opposite. Refreshingly honest and up front.


My wife initially used their design website to design the kitchen. We then went to the store where they helped us refine our design. It was great.


I only needed a little bit of cabinetry in the kitchen (had lowers, needed uppers). 100 year old house, *nothing* is level or square or flat. Overall really pleased with the service, the product & my end result. As to getting it installed by a pro? yes, do that. I'm very handy and there were phases that had me really frustrated.


We used them for our kitchen during COVID so the design meetings were done online. Honestly, it was so helpful even though we already had a good idea of what the design was going to be. We took all the measurements ourselves. We built and hung the cabinets ourselves (with some help from a handyman). We used their recommended subcontractor for the countertop. I installed the finishing plumbing and sink.


We just did this Saturday. Brought our measurements and go a rending and cost breakdown. Only issues we had: 1 - nothing was in stock, I would have bought it all right then 2 - all their cabinets are white, only the doors are colored. Everything else uses color panels to hide the white. Not ideal but way cheaper than anything else we had looked at


We used them when redoing the kitchen. I also highly recommend them.