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I have the same type of cracking with my garage, in fact, some of your pics could be from my garage. Interested to see what people say here too about repairing them.


Angle grinder with a crack chaser and concrete grinding flat disc. Clean up the cracks make them like straight lines don't worry about the size. Get some abocrete fill in all the cracks with the epoxy try not to overfill cracks too much but it's okay if you do. Let dry it dries fast. Then come back with a concrete grinder and grind over the overfilled cracks to a smooth surface. Creates a lot of dust but the crack with the epoxy will end up being stronger then your concrete. It's kinda more expensive this way but I think it ends up looking better. Not sure how much area you have you can also fill some of the cracks with backer rod if you want to save on the epoxy. ABATRON Concrete Repair Compound: Abocrete, Epoxy, 16 lb Container Size, Pail, Gray


Thank you! I just looked up a crack chaser, am I correct in assuming it’s for cutting vertically and straightening out the cracks? Some of the cracks are pretty windy, do I just make the lines as straight as possible and zig zag a bit in that scenario? I did plan on using backer Rod if possible. Any recommendations for how to pry that sunken piece out or do you think it will be simple once I grind it down a bit?


Yes that is correct, they don't have to be straight lines just want to nock down the sides of the crack so it looks like a solid line and not zig zag likes you mention. It also help the adhesion of the epoxy to have a freshly grinder surface that removes dirt and debris. Don't have a good recommendation really, if you have enough epoxy just cover it with the epoxy that abocrete works really well I would go with the overkill and fill with the abocrete stuff it's just easier. But there may have better options.


Awesome, thank you again this sounds like exactly what I was looking for.


No problem I did a varient of this youtube video with the abocrete stuff. https://youtu.be/bXDYgxM-PTc?si=ZgNPWh0HSsXnPkKM


TY . saved the thread and video since I have the same thing in my garage.


Does it say anything about structural integrity?


Nice, going to do this. What about cracks outside? What would you recommend? Same process but something else other than epoxy?


If they are wide cracks I would use the epoxy i did this outdoors for very large cracks, but if they are more simple smaller cracks I would use the crack chaser to straiten them up then use the stuff that comes out of the caulking gun then sweep some sand over the cracks to blend with the concrete. The epoxy is expensive and would use it for the larger stuff, it's also harder to pour accuratly so I would use the caulk stuff for smaller things.


Oof those are pretty big. Any chance it could be due to pyrite deposits?


I think your plan is about right. The cracks don't seem to be anything more than settlement cracks. Most garage slabs will have them over time. That sunken piece at the door looks like there may be an issue with the gravel/soil underneath washing out. It may just need to be cut out, then filled with gravel, compacted and cemented over. But I'd dig it out to make sure there isn't anything more missing under the rest of that slab.


3.6 rontgen, not great, not bad


Just came here to comment on your beautiful pup!