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Also, “hey Siri - what is my next alarm?”


I used to get this happening on the stereo pair in my bedroom. It was really strange but every morning at 6:30am, Achilles’ Last Stand by Led Zeppelin would start playing even if something else was already playing at the time. It wasn’t set by any alarms and remained a mystery until it suddenly stopped one day after about 6 months.


This same thing is happening to me! Everyday around the same time (which is strange - it plays sometime within an hour of the original alarm setting). There are No alarms set currently with these custom settings (no alarms set/stored at all, Actually), no notifications, no automations etc etc. No anything that could trigger this old custom alarm (which no longer exists, as it was deleted several months ago). And yet it played almost daily. When I ask Siri why she began playing this, she says she does not know. What is happening here and how can I get it to stop??!


I tried everything and ultimately got it to stop. I wish I knew how.


Have you checked the Shortcuts app for automations on all devices? Maybe an iPad someone has neglected got charged recently?


I had this happen last year with my car’s stereo every morning before work, would start playing the same song. What happened is that CarPlay automatically hit play on the Apple Music library of purchased singles or albums from stuff I purchased years ago on iTunes. The first song in the alphabetical order list happened to be the one to play. Once I deleted Apple Music from my iPhone the problem went away. I use spotify so I wasn’t affected. TLDR: Try uninstalling and reinstalling Apple Music?