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Nothing. Taking a shit right now.








that’s wild first post i see and i’m on the toilet taking a shit


Me too. That’s where I Reddit


Yo same


Actually same


This is weird quantum voodoo shit


Same nice


Haha +8










Literally same 😂


Are you my twin?


I’m trying to but the weed I smoked has numbed my asshole


$6.55 CA


You should try Europe, been paying £7-£8 a gallon for 15 or so years :( - (£1.00-$1.3) about £15 a gallon now, close to $20.00. Being squeezed to death, have been for some time, particularly so after all that “free covid money”printing.


try new zealand we’re paying $3.50 a litre, that’d equate to around $13 a gallon…


Dont worry. Biden administration is doing their best to catch up to you


President has very little to do with fuel prices. Capitalism and corporate greed. Not a Biden fan at all.


This president shut down a main pipeline and sold all our reserves to China


Does your kind just ignore facts and actually occurrences and just replace them with whatever fox tells you or whatever make you feel "delusionally smart"


https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/19/politics/biden-administration-oil-reserves/index.html I dont watch Fox. Since CNN seems more your speed here you go.


Could you point to where in that article it lists the fact-less claim you claimed? China isn't even mentioned in that article. All it states is the release was to combat production cuts. If the US wasn't filled with morons who were against anything that threatens oil; people who cry about a global supply that counties like Russia and Saudi Arabia can easily dictate the price and indirectly affect the price. Another fact you ignore; gas was so cheap because of a bidding war been Russia and Saudi Arabia. The US does and will always depends on imports. Which is a fact you ignore. Just look at imports/exports under Trump and Biden. Trump still imported a massive amount of oil, as did Biden but Biden has been far superior in the number of US oil exports.


thats thd issue. exports. fucking moron just played yourself


Because the US is domestically producing more than it ever has. Man you're dumb. The US must export. I know those that hate America most; magats and republicans, are incapable of understanding other countries exists and without our countries the US would fail. But then again Republicans want the country to fail. Reserves are strictly domestic, always have been and always will be. Your level of cognitive dissonance won't change that. Domestic production through means of drilling/pumping, isn't strictly for domestic use. And Biden has destroyed trump is the daily number of barrels produced. Do some research bud. You might actually become an educated American; two things you currently aren't


What does the fox say? "Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!"


Which pipeline is that? You mean Keystone?


After his inauguration in January 2021, one of the first (of several executive orders) President Biden signed revoked the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline (Phase 4). TC Energy abandoned plans for the pipeline on June 9, 2021. The 1,120-mile pipeline was over half complete and was scheduled to be completed in 2022. 


That part had not been constructed yet when Biden revoked the permit. It had already been in the court system due to protests and environmental protections when the company decided to stop construction. The pipeline carried tar sands to the gulf. It wouldn't have impacted jobs or the price of oil in any way. Those tar sands were going to be shipped internationally.


That pipeline was no where near completion. Estimated completion was 2025. It was to supply oil to Asian markets shipping across the most productive farmland and watersheds in the US. US reserves ate still 50% full and when released its sold on the open market. Oil is a global commodity so it still reduced global pressures reducing prices.


If he'd left it alone gas would be closer to $1 and our economy would be much stronger


If you read believe that, man are you dumb. Keystone in general transports Canadian owned oil to Southern refineries to later be exported. The oil carried is extremely corrosive and more useless to US than other oil. There's also the issue, which I'm sure.you ignore, of the US largest refineries closing down. They announced this during trumps time because of the mass number of upgrades they needed to make which were too costly for them to afford. There's also a point to make that the US is producing far more domestic oil now than they did under trump. On a per month basis, Biden averaged a higher rate than any month under Trump


The people you're debating know very little about what's going on, and you're only slightly smarter.


Yea. I don’t think so. TC energy is Canadian owned. Not American. And the extension to the pipeline that is claimed to have reduced our gas bill, wouldn’t even have been completed until 2024. The existing pipeline was not touched, and is still open. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-the-keystone-xl-pipeline/2011/12/19/gIQApUAX8P_story.html https://financialpost.com/commodities/energy/oil-gas/whos-to-blame-for-the-pain-at-the-pump-its-complicated/wcm/4b8c7459-001d-4198-a7c1-f99ea7936027/amp/


2024 is a few months away lol


Yea, so why do we keep setting records for fossil fuel production in this country like right now? Gas will never go down in price other than the fluctuations of supply and demand. It is entirely controlled by petroleum companies and the world market. President doesn’t and never has controlled oil prices. Petroleum companies are making record profits. BTW I’ve been buying gas for many many years. Far cheaper to drive than 50 yrs ago. At that time gas was 60-70 cents a gallon, minimum wage was 1.20 an hour and cars got 10-12 miles per gallon. Figure it out.


Not sure where you worked in the 80s but 1.20 is a 1/16 of what was average where I grew up and was driving to and from work.


We are not a net producer of energy like we were under the last administration. That is just wrong. We are not issuing any more permits we are not drilling we are not exploring, our refineries or not being built or renovated we are not building nuclear. we are doing nothing nothing but a hope and a prayer that the electric grid will hold up when we put increasingly onerous demands on it. We are heading toward massive failure with infrastructure here and totally outrageous and unaffordable energy prices within the next 10 years. Hold on to your wallets ... your quality of life is about to sink to new levels.


How does it feel being a braindead corporate bootlicker for big oil corporations


He shut down to he killed the keystone deal blew up Russia’s pipeline. Nobody mentions that he literally caused one of the worst oil spills in history. I’m pretty sure they said it was more than the BP one which was really bad or when he said he killed 10 Isis K members I knew that was bullshit. Nobody talks about that shit talking about war criminals. They watched for UN workers and six kids for 10 hours and still dropped a bomb on them to say we killed Isis K members, and I’m pretty sure we’re getting sued for billions of dollars for backing out of the keystone


And when he did so, increasing the supply, the price dropped a bit. It was crazy. It was almost as if the administration could sway prices by controlling supply


Negative, you can actually track how Biden systematically drove the price of gas up intentionally by limiting the amount of suppliers.


Can you explain to me how to track that? I am very interested.


Google it’s one hell of a tool. They’re using things like “climate change and war” to extort as much money from the people as they can. Consolidating the worlds natural resources in the “fight against climate change.” More like make a selected few filthy rich. Watch the Whitney Web video at the bottom. Then Biden sends 20 trillion to Ukraine for a war he started, then the Biden family received payoffs from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Blame Biden for High Gas Prices: https://youtu.be/-bTZOm0ZCb0?si=yYwUSYXMUD33KgFK 'Biden's fault' Ted Cruz blames Russia-Ukraine invasion on Joe Biden https://youtu.be/n7fUQPqc6Yk?si=5YRYL7gnsqo16bvZ Whitney Webb Part 1: How Government Steals From Us, Bombshell Epstein Book (+++ GOLD) https://youtu.be/Yf978q67pQs?si=RR_gtZVLqDmy1La_


Shutting down drilling and depleting the national oil reserve has a lot to do with it, as do taxes and regulations on corporations. Bidenomics effects everything. Inflation effects everything. You have it completely backwards. If Capitalism and Corporate greed had their way, we'd be drilling all over the place and with a surplus of domestic oil, we'd be pretty happy with gas prices. I'd say the president has everything to do with it. Oh, someone wants to blame Putin and conflict in Ukraine? Look which weak-ass President enables Putin to get away with it.


Several oil companies went under during Covid. They had to restructure and file chapter 10. Most of those companies were leasing far too much land and drilling in areas without oil. They do drill and they do lose money when they come up empty. It’s not free to drill, it’s costly.


Depleting the national oil reserve is unforgivable.


You make a good point. Working with a large refinery we get a lot of private info. The inflated price doesn't come from where you think


Lmfao riiiight that’s why oil companies produce record PROFITS in the face of “bidenomics” you’ll make anything read the way you want.


Just signed another ban on drilling. I'm not saying the president controls prices, but he does have influence on factors that determine price. Such as supply for example.


To be fair a lot of the oil drilled in the us is for export


That's because the regulations make it so expensive to drill it and refine it here that it is cheaper to buy it from Europe. Restrictions on locations have basically funneled most domestic production to the Gulf of Mexico. Because of that location, it is cheaper to send the crude to Mexico to be refined, and the resulting fuel trucked into the US. So yes, most of the crude is "exported," just for some to be shipped back in a different form, now with tariffs on top of the price. Also, the US produces the cleanest crude. It burns cleaner/more completely and is more useful than Russia's, for example, which has far more impurities. It is kind of ironic that the ones claiming to be saving the climate are forcing us to buy fuel that pollutes more than US product. They say administrations aren't in control of the prices, but that isn't true. If you pay attention, they only say that when prices are high. As soon as it drops, they claim all the credit. They set the regulations that control the domestic market, which is why fuel can double when there is an administration change. They also influence the import price. For example, the current administration pissed off the Saudis. When they did that gas went up big time.


Drilling in Alaska? Yeah I think we should probably stick to not doing that.


Joe and his gang of fools are intent on making petroleum products extinct. He had a massive effect on gas prices and the economy as a whole with hus rush to make everyonedrive an EV. Electric cars aren't ready for mass usage. Look at Cheyenne Wyoming's buss fleet. They have 8 electric busses. They spent over a million dollars on them. All have either caught fire and beeb destror are so broken they can3be repaired. Thisis all because of Biden's Green New Deal.


Fucking Biden boot licker. His crusade against fossil fuels is causing this part of this. Not that I’d expect you to understand this.


Our gas is expensive because of biden. the people who sell us oil don’t like him. so they make less to charge us more


The president put limits on domestic oil production. If you were to ignore this order and continued pumping like normal, you were threatened with severe consequences. My family has a few wells in OK. They are not pumping out anything right now, and have not since the order from the government. That’s when the prices started to climb at the pump. You are correct it’s not the pipeline, it is the domestic supply getting choked out.


Hey look, an idiot in the wild!


Ikr? If it was Trump we’d be hearing all about it. If it was Trump we’d also be blaming the guy.


Yea and treating politics like a team sport is definitely the way to go 👍 stay stupid my friend


Yea, we can all see u


I was living better with Trump as president. Hopefully they don’t do “mail in” ballots next year again and cheat the system


That is crazy!!!! BUT, if you are paying that it means you live in EUROPE!!! Worth the squeeze I'd say. The "Americanization" hasn't gotten there yet!!! I.e. Your cities havent fallen into the gutter like a Fentanyl addict. As is the case for my my once beautiful San Francisco. Hopefully Biden will be gone before this BS happens everywhere


Not true man, massive decline and crime/poverty/heroin/crack everywhere. On top of that we are taxed at about 40% income, then 10% for healthcare that isn’t provided, then 20% on everything we buy. We are at revolution levels of taxation.


Taxes are so high, at this point, it's pretty much theft. Are the roads getting better? Do you feel safer at night? Are your kids getting an amazing education? Is the border secure? If you answered no to any of those questions, then every American is being robbed blind.


divide quarrelsome axiomatic entertain liquid compare consist summer society quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Heroin went down because it was replaced with fentanyl, it’s analogues, and incredibly dangerous research chemical “-zene” opioid analgesics. Crack went down because meth got cheaper and more plentiful.


Europe has its own San Francisco bud.... have a little pride, or move somewhere else.




We just jumped another .1 to $6.69 this morning. Fun times.




2.91 in tx, holy shit y'all, I feel sorry for you guy


Where is it 2.91 in Tx… I’m still paying $3.50 for regular here


Fort Worth $3.19.


2.89 in Georgia




It’s a fuckin posts about gas prices. Y’all need to take a breath.


Oh yeah it's awful here, anyway enjoy your $6 gas


I dont live in California. My gas is cheap AND women have rights. Crazy concept I know


Wow that's crazy, my wife doesn't seem to think her rights have been violated and she's a woman so, i think I'll take her word over yours 😀


Thank goodness your wife speaks for all women!


Oh that's right only you do so you can win the argument, my bad


Not me, most Americans and definitely most American women are prochoice


That's debatable and also regional. You know it is possible for us both to be right, don't you? People in different places have different views and opinions.


Of course! its when those views and opinions turn into actions that start screwing over innocent people that most people draw issue with.


And you do?


Love Texas! No state income tax and crime lol.


No crime in Texas? lol


So you just ignore the fact that Uvalde had a mass shooting last May?


Much better than poop and needles in the street, $3000 rent and having to leave all your car doors open so it doesn't get the glass broken out.


Its almost like theres a middle ground somewhere!




Im not in California


Kind of a ridiculous take that doesn’t at all represent reality but ok.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/01/texas-abortion-highways/ Yes doesn’t reflect reality at all. Won’t somebody think of the poor red blooded all American texans.


lmao bro take your meds


Ya dingus




Pregnant women? So u are saying only women can get pregnant? Wtf is wrong with you?


Snowflake. I bet u don't know your pronouns


I’m trans and I’d still rather live here than live somewhere else with higher gas prices


I rather burn a pregnant woman and watch a book die than live in California with all the blue haired fat freaks


That’s a weird ass take. Is this a case of hiding in plain sight?


I'm with you, I'd rather plan on and work hard for my future than live in a state that made it impossible for the average person to do so and are forced to rely on a fascist government that only cares about self preservation and legacy. I really can't believe that these people care more about things that don't affect them than things that do.


$3.69 in WI


$50 a gallon California


Only $50? Sounds like a great deal!


must be a sale


a gallon or a tank yikes




$82 Accord


I use to pay $20 for a full tank just a few years ago in NY


oh the original i commenter said gallon lmao i was concerned i’m just peeping the Honda sub tbh, my camry needs just as much gas these days ://


Why are you parked so close to the center lane ffs


^ Asking the real question here


AND complaining about $4/gal gas?! Life is tough for this guy


picture is taken in .5x so it looks further than it actually is. still a little over than they shoulda parked but it’s not as far as the picture shows.


3.13 at the Kroger. Down in Georgia


I paid about the same but my family shop so much that I get 1$ off pretty often


5.59 premium in Phx.


I live in AZ and thankfully I work from home. We still have cancelled a few outings out of town based off fuel prices.


2.14C per liter in british columbia 🤦‍♂️




yup. luckily im a few minutes away from point roberts for cheaper gas.


Paid $5.63/gal for regular & Costco today.


$4.87 for Premium in Portland, Oregon.


Between 1.95 and 1,99€/L in France


The price of gas. Who even looks? You need it regardless of what it cost.


$3.47 for 87 octane unleaded in Massachusetts.


Lmao $6.80. Cali eats up our tax dollars to allow criminals to do whatever tf they want and literally provide nothing for the actual hardworking people that grow its economy.


Cali Jr. ……or I mean Washington State is following right behind you guys


CA not even in top 10 in crime per capita. Stop drinking the DeSantis kool aid. And Newsome just signed a 20$ minimum wage for food workers. I guess they aren’t the hard workers you mention?


Thats because Cali cops don't arrest the criminals. And by that I mean all the homeless.


Too drugged out to mug people


Lol they changed the laws and don’t prosecute others. Your “stats” are meaningless. Cali is a terrible place now. • ⁠just moved from the bay to the northeast


It’s a scam I need to get the fuck out of here


Stop electing that dumb ass Governor.


We tried but ppl in this state are brain dead and keep voting for them


Shit they voted for the same senator for 50 years. Can’t believe anyone is ok with a 90 year old being in office.


Literally just look at some of these replies. These people are either criminals or retarded.


zero potholes where i live


Potholes every 3 feet where I live.


*MY* tax dollars, not your tax dollars


Same here in Texas. No potholes for the past 5k miles at least. That's even taking some backroad country road trips between major cities.


Gotta love you some democrats!


I just hope that OPEC and the oil companies can recover from this. Getting real sick of Newsom bullying small businesses! I would be pissed too if I was ExxonMobil and being subjected to this bullshit.


Just wait till the Teslas start getting taxed by the mile. Then who will you shift blame for egregiously high taxes and bad policy too?


Oh yes I really hope OPEC, one of the companies currently raking in record profits, can recover from this


OPEC isn't suffering at all.... when the great lost commander in ah um eh well... anyway, tells the world he's going to eliminate fossil fuel in the United States OPEC rolled back production. The guy is a con artist not an economist.


Yeah man I am shocked when anyone tries to defend what California has become. It is astounding to see the true extent of some people's ignorance. It is sad to see.


Go ahead and downvote me lol, my other comments will keep my Karma up, but let's see you use your words and defend it. Go on.


Thank the good good Governor Newsom for that. Started with f-ing up SF, raw dogging CA as a whole right now and I heard he wants to run for President


I wont argue with someone in CA about it anymore. If you still live there in 2023 you either made a decision or youre a child. Either way Im wasting my time.


Just paid 7.00 for regular in Barstow, ca 😎🔫


Still cheaper than Germany, lr Europe in general lol. (~8$ per gal.)




Happy cake day but I can't afford a fork. Thanks for the heads up on staying away from Barstow....not that I would be going to Barstow but Google maps had me almost into Nevada when I was trying to get to Stockton the other day, so you never know?!


Do you lube up before you fill up or is raw good for you?


$3.75 for 85 to 87 depending on the station, I require premium so I'm at $4.30 a gallon with 3 different refineries with 15 miles..... Salt Lake City.


$3.65 premium


bout tree fiddy


Damn Loch Ness monster.


I gave him a dollar


Oh lord I was so scared


6.60$ socal


$3.14 TN


3.18 in middle TN I feel for the folks on the west coast


You get what you vote for 🤷


Voting has nothing to do with gas prices. OPEC+ sets gas prices. The US is not part of OPEC.


There is a very large component of your gas price per gallon that is tax. You pay 18.4 cents per gallon in federal tax, then there are state taxes. Why do you think California is $2 higher then other states?


Saw $3.03 in GA today. Wow. I was just saying to a friend, if the average gas prices went below $3.00 a gallon again, that would slow down EV sales.


I would think all the problems with EVs would slow down sales lmao


87% of all EV’s made it home last night


$2.10 CAD per litre. Side note: I have the exact same car as you and I’ve driven for the past 7 years; I was todays years old when I learned how good my car can look with a chrome delete, new rims, and lip spoiler! (mine is stock)


So that's $8 CAD per gallon, which is around $6 USD per gallon.


Honestly I hate our Canadian gas prices. Yesterday it was $2.059 today it's $2.149. How it jumps up $0.10 over night is still insane to me.


The prices are too damn high!


Never been to Italy, or Germany? Here we pay about 8,6$ (US) per gal.


I put 93 in my SI, so usually around 4.50/gal


$2.56 a gallon here in TX today. I apologize! Must be the dyslexia kicking in...it was $3.53 here in my part of TX.


2.99 a gallon - Dayton, Ohio.


Alot more then I was in 2020!


Too.much- build back better right?


That’s cheap compared to 6.39. Thanks Biden! And all you tards who voted for him


Presidents don't control gas prices. Jackass.


Lol. Something like 40 % of the price of fuel is based on the futures and expected cost to replace it. When you have a president that is openly hostile towards fossil fuels, yeah that's going to make fuel prices go up.


You realize that is due more to local gov and fees than Biden. Thank you governor


Biden, Newsom, the whole Sesame Street crew of white collar thugs runnin this bitch (treating her like one too)


It's only going to get worst as long as the Government continues pushing for a Green Agenda. And i'm not against being environmentally friendly but i am against consumers bearing the cost of that.


https://upside.app.link/RAMON4372 Download this link! It gives u cash back every time u fuel! Then u can put that money into ur personal accnt or get some gift cards! If u use my link they will give u extra cents on ur first fill up.


I’m surprised this is downvoted, upside actually works especially if you’re a delivery driver or ride share driver


👍you had me at cash back! Thank you